chrisavis wrote:
c. staley wrote:
99% of your post is drivel....
chrisavis wrote:
I have seen your posts on the Sound Choice forums......
And exactly what are the dates of those posts?.... was it 7 or perhaps 8 years ago?
Which is exactly my point. You have dedicated an amazing amount of time to beating up Sound Choice and what has it gotten you?
Why do you care at all? You spent such an amazing amount of time with your "Schlap Yeti" thread that you even took the time to post it on other forums where it resides today.... for fun? And then immediately turn around and offer to birdofsong to purchase our 8125's? Really?
chrisavis wrote:
So by your own admission, ignoring a crime somehow improves the industry. By your own admission, allowing someone to continue stealing is better than, helping someone stop stealing and in fact, pay for materials they stole.
"helping someone stop stealing?" Is that what you're calling it now? C'mon... be serious because your flip-flopping is creating whiplash..... On one hand, you claim you "report pirates" and on the other you "help someone stop stealing?"
Is this your justification for reporting pirates that won't buy anything from you? You're only "helping the lost souls" that do?
If I ignore a pirate... I'm not "helping them" am I?
Apparently you don't (or refuse) to see a distinction.
chrisavis wrote:
By your own admission, allowing, if not encouraging someone to steal karaoke music is somehow better for the industry than me working with someone to pay for music they stole and pay for new music they acquire.
I'm not encouraging anyone to steal anything... that's the point.. and I'm not re-labeling something it isn't just to make it more palatable to the rest of the world.
If you really wanted to "help fight piracy" you'd only be reporting these same people you are "helping and working with" so that legal KJ's could have some decent work. But you'd rather profit from it while diluting the market with even more competition....
How exactly is that "helping" any legal KJ? It doesn't in my opinion.
chrisavis wrote:
Okay - lets bury the flowers, I profited by approximately $300 by selling discs that I owned to people that wanted to buy them. You have done exactly the same thing. What exactly have I done that you have not?
You have admitted that you help, assist or even "work with" KJ's
that you know are pirates to keep their jobs while selling them materials so they can keep their current gigs and continue to compete. At the same time, you claim to "report piracy".....
I think even you are confused on which way you're going.
chrisavis wrote:
You know about criminals commiting a crime. You allow them to continue to commit that crime. You intentionally keep the affected parties in the dark. One can easily conclude that you are actually intentionally inflicting harm on the industry.
Isn't this EXACTLY the same people you are "working with?"
(a) They are not legal, and even you call them "illegal hosts" instead of pirates.
(b) You allow them to continue to commit that crime... while you're "helping and working with them."
(c) You intentionally keep the "affected parties" (i.e. Sound Choice) in the dark (by not reporting them).
(d) One CAN conclude that you are actually inflicting harm on the industry.
Isn't that what is happening with you in a nutshell?
chrisavis wrote:
c. staley wrote:
chrisavis wrote:
I am glad you are growing weary. Nothing would please me more than for you to just stop.
Your definition of insanity is “Expecting a different outcome from the same action”
YOU “explain the same thing over and over again” (which meets your insanity definition) because…..
the CHEERLEADERS “ask the same question a hundred different ways” (which does not meet your definition because there are a hundred different actions)
You have that backwards.... Asking the same question a hundred different ways IS the "same action" because you're asking THE SAME question....
Providing the same answer is "consistency."
Hold on, don't twist. I quoted on purpose. You aren't "answering", you are "explaining".
I'm not twisting anything and I didn't think you were quoting on accident. You just can't have it both ways. You can't insist that I fit the definition of "insane" for answering the same way time after time... I KNOW it's the same way.... every time. I'm not expecting a different answer each time. The cheerleaders are though.. so they simply rephrase the same questions over and over again hoping someday they'll get a different answer....
chrisavis wrote:
c. staley wrote:
And if you don't like reading the same answer over and over again then by all means.... DON'T. No one here is forcing to read my posts.... click the "ignore button" and make yourself happy.... Remember your avatar: "Feel Good!" So, go for it! Don't let me stop you....
Chip - the only reason I continue to engage with you is to help ensure that new people that come to the forums don't succumb to your FUD. I am pretty sure the long time watchers here have you figured out. The new people here should be exposed to more than your incessant vitriol.
Then you must feel you have a worthwhile purpose, great. Explain it to the "new people" you're here to "help." No need to go 'round and 'round with me is there?
chrisavis wrote:
chrisavis wrote:
And since my word commands such respect......
c. staley wrote:
Perhaps only from the pirates you're helping.....
Hold on again. You were the one that elevated my words to the point that I have the power to "confirm" things and thus be held up as proof to your own arguments. You can't have it both ways. You just proven beyond a showdow of a doubt that you will take only the piece you need to fit your mission while ignoring the rest.
Where did you get the idea that I've "elevated" anything you say to any level whatsoever? You're a relative newbie.... I know you're all excited about this business and believe you have the solution to everything.....
If you drop your day job(s) and tried to survive only on your karaoke business, I think you'd have a different outlook.
Carry on.....