Smoothedge69 wrote:
birdman123 wrote:
I've been using the CB HD for about 6 months now and I like it. Don't really care for the Compuhost software but it's a necessary evil to unlock the songs. I use it to unlock them then use my other karaoke software to play and run my shows.
I didn't know you could do that.
Yep...if you don't have Compuhost - which I didn't - you have to buy it in order to unlock the songs with the HD. At the time I was using Karma which I LOVED, but it kept crashing on me. (I went round and round with Latshaw about this) So I thought I might as well use Compuhost and it was ok but I wasn't entirely happy with it. When the 2012 version of Karma was released I went back to that so I only use CH to unlock the song then I import it into Karma. With the 2012 version of Karma apparantly they changed the software engine (?) or something or other and since I've been using this version - I haven't had one crash...not one. And now that it plays video it's even better.