Brian A wrote:
johnny reverb wrote:
Could put an eye out.....or end up in a martini, or a gibson(gibsin, gibsen...????)
In martini gibson in lieu of cocktail onions?

Doctor & his assistant are working on a guys testicles, when an accidental bump by his assistant causes one testicle to be severed, and it pops out onto the floor. The doctor goes to pick it up, and accidentley steps on it, and smashes it as flat as a pancake. They both look at each other, with fears of mal-practice, and various other lawsuits all over their faces, when the doctor says....hey, this guy's going to be out for a few hours, so let's go next door and have a drink, while we think about what we're going to do.
They get to the bar, doctor order's a martini, and the assistant orders a gibson. The assistant starts staring at the small bar onion on the end of the tooth pick, and exclaims to the doctor....hey, look at's about the same size, same shape, same texture....what's say we sew this back up in his scrotum, and he'll never know the difference. So they go back and sew the bar onion in the guy, wake him up and send him home.
Several weeks go by, and the doctor tries like he!! to avoid this patient, but one day he sees the guy on the street, and slips into the alley to avoid him, but the guy sees him, and follows him into the alley. Guy confronts the doctor and ya doing doc, where ya been hiding. Doctor says...I've been really busy lately, so how are you recovering, after your operation. Guy says, well you know....I'm doing pretty good, as a matter of fact, I can't remember a time when I've felt better.
With a look of relief on his face, the doctor exclaims, why that's wonderful, just woderful, and I'm so glad to here that...
Guy says....I got one question though. Doctor asks, well what's that? Guys says.......
How come every time I pass a McDonalds....I get an erection.......