I am just getting back into karaoke after about 25 years. I used to have a panasonic machine with huge laser discs. Lots of vietnamese, filipino, chinese, korean, japanese, thai, and english songs. I bought a machine for a few hundred dollars 2 years ago from ACE Karaoke that came with a DVD. It has a few thousand english (midi) songs, chinese, japanese and filipino, and vietnamese. They told me the DVD with the songs will only work on that machine. I'm having problems with the machine now (it was pretty flimsy and lots of static and electrical problems. Before i blow money on another machine, I want to get some advice. I bring it to parties every few months. Lots of asians so need international music. Like the quality of the DVDs that have videos with multi track voice in background. But seems like most of what you get now is midi sounds with generic backgrounds. My goal is to have a lot of international music, but not to have to take up a lot of space with disks. I am willing to spend 500 to 2000 USD total. I don't know what is the most common format nowadays for international music. Can you download digital karaoke? Is it video CDs, DVDs? A dedicated laptop with an amp and speakers? Price is less of a factor than is minimal labor for me. Also nice to have to not carry too much equipment since the setup has to be kind of portable...plug into a TV and attach amp and speakers and machine or laptop.
Any advice would be appreciated. Important for me to be able to get a large variety and quantity of international music and a system that would somehow store it and make retrieval of songs not too difficult. I know I'm asking a lot and I really don't know much about it so please be patient with me.
Thanks in advance. Philip