As far as singing Haddaway- Guilty

. I have sung most of the ones I mentioned as well.
As for as more suggestions-REM-Its The End Of The World As We Know It
The Lion Sleeps Tonight is always a fun one.
Blue Moon-The MArcels...I wouldn't even call this cheese, except it's got that great bass vocal line going "bom ba ba bom ba ding a dong ding bluuuueeee moooooon" and so much fun that , well, you just gotta!
Gary Wright-Dreamweaver .(Another so good I hesitate to call it cheese and even do an acoustic version of it, but done in the right spirit, it's beautifully cheese-tastic, and it makes people smile)
The Shangri-Las-Leader of The Pack (can really ham it up , and there's cheddarriffic motorcycle revving sound effects going on in the backing track.This song is truly a thing of beauty!)