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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 3:24 pm 
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Hi anybody :)

The problems I've got with cool edit is as following: When I have recorded my song track, I want to put on some effects. In this particular case I've put a quickverb, a full reverb, a plain reverb and some chorus on my track. Now I come to the problem. When I want to create a mixdown on my backing track and my song track. The program just freezes in the progress???? :?
Why does it do that??? :?
Could it be something about my processor being to small (AMD Athlon processor)???? :?
If it is something about the processor....then what kind of processor do you guys have???
'Cause I know lots of you also use cool edit, and you don't seem to have that kind of problems! I can hear that you too is using lots of effects!!!

I really hope you guys can help me out here, so that I can sub some more songs :D

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 4:23 pm 
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Well the only thing i can think of its taking too much memory or whatever when it mixes it therefore it freezess......My suggestion is to put effects on the track separate meaning not in ´´Real Time´´ just select the track then go to the single track thingy.....and select the part and add the effects necessary....this will take a lot of stress from your CPU....the only thign that it takes a little more time u just have to do each track....and if you are using a lot of tracks it can be a pain in the Booootayyy.....anyways im not too good with words...but i think i know what im talking about....maybe someone else can explain it in a more technical and accurate manner???.......hope i can help somehow....

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 4:37 pm 
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I have had that same thing happen....Shamran. When mine does that,
I do what jose said.....i don't do FX in the multi track window anymore....

In the multi track
I do music on one....voice on the other....then mixdown
In The single window i add my FX......for the last couple months mine has been freezing up.....

Works for me anyway.


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 5:12 pm 
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I have same problem with my pc before. Just increaseing the RAM will do a lots of good. How much of ram do you have?

I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 11:18 pm 
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Thats a load of FX on there, especially if you have a number of vocal tracks too...

Make sure you disable everything thats running in the background that you don't actually need at that time to free up as many resources as you can, that might help...

Don't forget to turn 'em back on again (or just reboot your pc) when you're done tho...

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 5:35 am 
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Shamran, when your PC is on, press Ctrl-Alt-Del, and select Task Manager. Click on the tab Processes or Performance, and you will be able to see you memory usage while CEP is working. A so-called small CPU (low processing speed) will only slow the system down, very unusual that it will freeze the machine. My first guess is that you (or the PC actually) has a shortage of memory. Investing in some additional ram is always worth it. Buy yourself a XMas gift, and upgrade to 1024MB. You'll be very pleased with the results.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 11:55 am 
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Hi you guys!

Thanks for answering my questions.

"Badsinger"....I've got 512 MB RAM

"xjose9x"....I don't quite understand the part about 'Real Time'??? How can add effects, without doing it in 'Real Time'???
This is how I do it. I put the backingfile in track 1. Then I do my singing in track 2 (maybe I'll take a part from track 2 and drag it to track3 If there's some loudness adjustments).
When I'm pretty satisfied (who's ever 100% satisfied with oneself :D ), I go to the effects area and added the above mentioned effects. To track 2 and 3. And yes I noticed that there came a box up saying something about 'RealTime'....but I needed those effects :? How can I do it in another way and not in 'RealTime'???? It's that part I don't understand :?
Can you please explain it to me??? And maybe in danish LOL :D

"Allstar" .....I've got this friend who has the Cubase program wich is much bigger than cep, and he only got 256 MB RAM and a pentium 4 processor and another soundcard than me. He can easily make a mixdown of 10-12 tracks without any problems???? Could it possibly be my soundcard that simply is too small???? I've got Soundblaster 4.1....!
I'm considering to buy a Delta 44 or Delta 66 soundcard, or something like that, so that I can plugin a mixer and my stereo amplifier so that I can get a better sound than my small pc-loudspeakers can make!!!

I hope you guys come back in here again and reply to my questions

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 12:16 pm 
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OK, before I make any more guesses, you have subbed before, sounded great and it was all working (obviously)
Now you have a problem :roll: Something has changed, and I want you you tell me what has changed! Have you installed additional or new software? Have you upgraded your version of Windows? Have you installed new hardware? Any hint or clue will help us in helping you Shamran.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 12:47 pm 
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AllStar wrote:
OK, before I make any more guesses, you have subbed before, sounded great and it was all working (obviously)
Now you have a problem :roll: Something has changed, and I want you you tell me what has changed! Have you installed additional or new software? Have you upgraded your version of Windows? Have you installed new hardware? Any hint or clue will help us in helping you Shamran.

Okay Tony :D

The other subs I've made....I only used two or tree different effects on them! The only thing that has changed since my last sub is that I have upgraded the speed of my download from 512 to 1024 (not that I can feel the changes....I know it can be much faster, but it's to expensive :( )

That's all I can think of Tony!!! 2 or 3 effects on the other subs...that's all :?

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 1:28 pm 
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My computer does the same thing. I have Dell's second best computer....and it has always done that..

I am not sure of my Ram and such.....but I know that if I have more than three tracks with vocals, it is very hard for me to put in a lot of effects and do the mixdown.

I can get away with track 2 having vocals, track 3 having vocals, track 1 the music....and then add Full Reverb and Reverb. Anymore tracks with those same effects...well, my mixdown crashes it completely! I can go with one track recording the whole song...and adding lots of effects...and it does nothing...just when there seems to be multiple tracks for me.

Another thing you could do is once you are done recording....just change your soundcard settings to record the whole song on a different track (i.e. in my case above, it would be track 4). Then, you can save your track 4 as an .mp3, and it creates a mixdown.

I have found that successfull when I want to use a lot of effects, rather than creating a final mixdown by save as mixdown...do you understand (I know I can be confusing sometimes LOL)!

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 8:02 am 
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Shamran.....its kinda hard to explain for me....specially through here...lol...but illl try..well first of all the Real Time means its adding the actual effect as you play the song...so if you have 4 or 5 tracks it takes a big load off of your computer...so lets see....ok lets say you put you music on track 1.....then recordings.....on track 2.....track 3.....and track 4....so you did 3 tracks of vocals....my computer is kinda old so it cant take much of the high tech stuff....so waht i do id imagine you want to put Reverb on track 2.....what you do is you double click on the tracks itself.....so it goes out of the multi-track screen and goes to that track alone......then on the left there are 3 tabs.....FILES.....EFFECTS.....and FAVORITES.....select the EFFECTS tab.....click on Delay efects...then Reverb...or Echo...or whatever it is needed....understand a little better?...then you have to do the same with track 3 and 4...so what i do is i put the actual Effect on REAL TIME.....how you were putting it....to see which one sounds good with that recording.....and then take it offf....and do it the other way...because when you do the Mix it takes a lot less memory because all the effects have been already mixed in....the only thing is that it takes more time....i.e: if you have 12 tracks....lol...you woudl have to do them all individually......im pretty sure more Ram will help but if not just try out what i said.....works for me.....hope you understand this one.....

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 Post subject: To xjose9x
PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 2:51 pm 
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Thank you Jose :D

I understood what you said, and went for a go....and it worked :D Thanks a lot mate! I don't care if it takes just a little longer. The recording itself takes quite some time :) So what does 5-10 or 15 minutes means in the end!
Glad you came in and solved the problem for me :wink:

Allow me to be the first to wish you a merry christmas...."MERRY CHRISTMAS JOSE" :)

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 3:07 pm 
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haha aweome....im glad it worked....and that my explanation was somehow understandable....15 mins more is not much at all.....and merry christmas to you too.....:)

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 3:58 pm 
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xjose9x wrote:
haha aweome....im glad it worked....and that my explanation was somehow understandable....15 mins more is not much at all.....and merry christmas to you too.....:)

Thank you very much....I'm really grateful!!! :wink:

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