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PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 7:54 am 
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Okie folks. Based on the email, phone conversations and face-to-face meetings that I have had with Kurt Slep, I know he is skeptical about the cost of the audits being one of the main reasons that KJ’s won’t come forward to get certified. I have seen much belly-aching about the cost on this forum myself, but even I am skeptical of the cost being the major roadblock.

I personally believe (and I know Kurt does too) that cost is being used as a scapegoat. I believe hosts hold up cost as a roadblock when in fact if were free to audit, they still wouldn’t because they actually don’t have the discs. So I suggested to Kurt that he might try removing the cost barrier to see just how many people would come forward.

Here is your opportunity to prove me and more importantly, Kurt Slep himself, wrong!

Contact Sound Choice and ask for the “Chris Avis Special” (that was Kurt’s idea…not mine) and you can request a FREE audit of your Sound Choice discs. There are some limitations though –

-Must have at least 150 Sound Choice discs
-Will not include the Banner and T-shirt that is included with a standard paid audit
-[If you want those items you will need to pay cost of goods ($30) + shipping (variable)]
-Limited Time Offer - Kurt said he would try a 30 day window and if they didn't get any takers (especially those from this site who are vocal about not paying) he wouldn't continue to offer it; if he did, he might advertise it on a wider basis if they were able to handle it. Please ask when you contact Sound Choice.

Other benefits:

Sound Choice has stated that when/if they go back into production, new releases will only be available to certified hosts and GEM licensees. Kurt confirmed that with me again. This is your opportunity to have access to those releases if they ever come to be.

You get listed as certified on the site. You may not think this means much, but I have picked up several gigs because of it. It certainly won’t take gigs away from you by being certified. For those of you that don’t believe audits/certification do anything, get audited and keep it to yourself. You can even ask them to leave you off the list on the Sound Choice site.

If you are a few discs short of the 150 break point, contact Sound Choice and they can put you in touch with dealers that have old stock available. Even some of the older, out of print discs.

If you are short of 150 but still want to get a free audit, send me a PM. No guarantees but I will go to bat for you.



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PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 8:04 am 
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Thanks, Chris. This will be interesting.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 8:38 am 
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As I've told Kurt, I've only got 30 Sound Choice discs, and over half of those songs are in my GEMS set, what's the point. I think they'll still sell to us GEMS Only folks, how else will they get new customers? Of course that begs the question if I wanted to upgrade my Sound Choice catalog what "pak" should I get?

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 2:50 pm 
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Well that still keeps me from getting an audit. I have 38 discs of theirs. I am STILL not going to pay $150 for 38 discs.


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PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 2:55 pm 
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And similar to frede and Smoothedge69, I've only got 55 SC discs in my library... not to mention the fact that I am a DB (Disc Based) KJ. Even tho I am not running a show via a Computer, I still wouldn't mind be given the same opportunity of being listed/noticed on a site (where SC is telling potential Venues to look for (what SC is defining as) Legitimate KJs).

I also would like to be given the chance to purchase new SC material (if and when they start producing new stuff again), which (according to past posts by James Harrington, (and now Chris Avis)) will not be offered to KJs unless they are Certified (which I am not) or have purchased the GEM series (of which I have no need of).

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 3:54 pm 
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I'm disc with I think 84-88 SC discs.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 4:17 pm 
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I have the Foundation 1 & 2 plus an additional 19 discs for a total of 79.

It seems a lot of us have nowhere near the 150 discs.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 6:51 pm 
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In our store, we have Sound Choice

Pop hits 1-194
Foundation 7501-7570
70s-80s 1-70


What's the benefitial of getting an audit?

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 6:53 pm 
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cueball wrote:
... being listed/noticed on a site (where SC is telling potential Venues to look for (what SC is defining as) Legitimate KJs).

how many hosts not on this forum, let alone venues know about that list?
how many venue owners even know the name Sound Choice to go looking for it?

cueball wrote:
I've only got 55 SC discs in my library... I also would like to be given the chance to purchase new SC material (if and when they start producing new stuff again), which (according to past posts by James Harrington, (and now Chris Avis)) will not be offered to KJs unless they are Certified (which I am not) or have purchased the GEM series (of which I have no need of).

100% agreement, and if you just go buy 95 more SC discs you get a free audit.
though how dare you call yourself a professional KJ without your entire core being based on SC? :lol:

great job going to bat for everyone, that was a wonderful thing to do for this community here.
what better way to show you that you are wrong than to change the game? sure, it's free but now you have to have at least 150 discs.
so here are the people who were looking at it except for the cost (the ones you went to bat for) and he turns around and says "everyone but them". you are right, he is stacking the deck to make you look wrong and i think that is pissing me off more than anything else he has done so far. Granted, now Jim and Insane will come on and accuse me of whining "don't want to pay, we give you that and now it's a different excuse. never happy", but it seems obvious that Chris IS correct about the cost being the big issue.

Paradigm Karaoke, The New Standard.......Shift Happens

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 9:59 pm 
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The point of this is to see how many would come forward if the audits were free. Well, as you can see from the responses on this forum, not many, since we don't qualify. But we don't want SC and Chris looking at it as "See, even when it was free no one came forward for an audit. All talk".

Well, get rid of the stipulations. Offer a free audit without limitations. Free Is Free. Then you'll see people come forward. Right now, you're stopping us from doing that.

Electro-Voice Evolve 50... Taking Sound To The Next Level.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 10:46 pm 
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Ask birdofsong if she will take you up on it Chris.

I'm pretty sure her and her husband have at least 150 collecting dust somewhere.

-- Mark

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 12:03 am 
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Paradigm Karaoke wrote:
cueball wrote:
... being listed/noticed on a site (where SC is telling potential Venues to look for (what SC is defining as) Legitimate KJs).

how many hosts not on this forum, let alone venues know about that list?
how many venue owners even know the name Sound Choice to go looking for it?

Probably a whole lot. Don't forget... when all of this stuff hit the fan about SC suing KJs and Venues, there was also mention that SC had sent mailings out to Venues (which ones and where, I haven't a clue... but nevertheless, they did), warning them about Piracy and the repercussions of a Venue hiring a known (to SC) Pirate or Media Shifter (one who did not obtain SC's permission to do so). Their (SC's) mailings also included that tidbit about how a Venue could look up on their site to find "Legitimate" KJs.

So YES!, Paradigm, if a Venue is looking to hire a KJ in my area, I would very much like for my name to been seen... After all, that is how Chris Avis obtained at least 2 of his gigs (without ever approaching the Venue or even knowing to approach them beforehand). Maybe it hasn't worked for you, but I want a piece of that Silver Platter too. It's just a shame that Kurt's offer (relayed through Chris Avis) has restrictions on it that I do not meet.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 12:17 am 
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Alan B wrote:
The point of this is to see how many would come forward if the audits were free. Well, as you can see from the responses on this forum, not many, since we don't qualify. But we don't want SC and Chris looking at it as "See, even when it was free no one came forward for an audit. All talk".

And I would also like to thank Chris for his attempts to go to bat for the few of us here that have posted our objections about SC charging for an Audit.
chrisavis wrote:
Here is your opportunity to prove me and more importantly, Kurt Slep himself, wrong!
Based on those restrictions tho, I know that I can't take advantage of that offer. 30 days from now, I hope you don't come back here with any "I Told You So."

Alan B wrote:
Well, get rid of the stipulations. Offer a free audit without limitations. Free Is Free. Then you'll see people come forward. Right now, Kurt is stopping us from doing that.
There... I fixed it for you (in RED).

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 12:32 am 
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frede wrote:
As I've told Kurt, I've only got 30 Sound Choice discs, and over half of those songs are in my GEMS set, what's the point.

HUH? Are GEMS being sold as singles now? Thought there were like 200 in the set, and it had to be purchased complete. What did I miss?

As for offering a "free" audit.....not quite. What is offered is an audit for which the KJ does not have to pay money. However, time- which is also one of a KJ's products for which he/she is paid- is money. If a KJ is not compensated for his/her time ( not an opinion- this is business FACT) then there is a cost to the KJ involved. Hours are billable.

To the KJ: Simply take your minimum private event fee for the time taken.

As I have stated in the past, KJs should be paid for the time of the audit. THEN, if nothing is found amiss, they will have been compensated for the waste of their time. If there ARE indescrepancies, then SC can add the cost of an audit to the suit or "settlement". I simply do not see how this is unfair to ANYONE.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 3:07 am 
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JoeChartreuse wrote:
frede wrote:
As I've told Kurt, I've only got 30 Sound Choice discs, and over half of those songs are in my GEMS set, what's the point.

HUH? Are GEMS being sold as singles now? Thought there were like 200 in the set, and it had to be purchased complete. What did I miss?
I think frede is saying that not only does he have the GEM series, but he also has 30 SC CDGs (of which more than half of those song tracks are repeated within his Gem set).

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 3:17 am 
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JoeChartreuse wrote:
frede wrote:
As I've told Kurt, I've only got 30 Sound Choice discs, and over half of those songs are in my GEMS set, what's the point.

HUH? Are GEMS being sold as singles now? Thought there were like 200 in the set, and it had to be purchased complete. What did I miss?...

I have 30 SC disc, 450 songs, over half of those songs, 277, are (duplicated) in my GEMS set, 6000 songs, which leaves me with 173 "media shifted" Sound Choice songs, 38% and 5992 legal Sound Choice songs (more duplicates)

They come to me for the sound, not the Sound Choice.

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Last edited by frede on Sun Oct 20, 2013 5:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 3:50 am 
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"They come to me for the sound, not the Sound Choice."
the hell you say...

Paradigm Karaoke, The New Standard.......Shift Happens

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 4:34 am 
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8) This offer is rather puzzling to me. You have to have at least 150 discs to merit an audit, does that mean anything less than that number is too small for SC to worry about? Yet when it comes to suing a host for library content of his or her show the bar is much lower than that. If they can in theory sue you for fewer discs, I think the limit for an audit should reflect the point at which they can haul you in to court for. Just my opinion of course.

P.S. I don't think this is much of a chance to prove anything Chris. By setting the bar so high Kurt knows there will be few takers of his offer. It would be better to go for the low amount of disc hosts and get them certified, since it would take less time and cost less to perform these audits. Also it would take off the list potential hosts that might be sued in error. After 30 days any added SC materials would need rechecking under the 2% variance rule, right? SC could then charge for these variance checks.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 6:42 am 
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Insane KJ wrote:
Ask birdofsong if she will take you up on it Chris.

I'm pretty sure her and her husband have at least 150 collecting dust somewhere.

8) If they are just sitting gathering dust Insane, birdofsong and her husband must have found a way to run their business without SC. Just like I have been doing for the last 5 years. I guess SC isn't that vital after all.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 7:45 am 
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I have 150+, but that's spread over 2 libraries. Do they have to all be in one library?

Also, I think it's funny that they think they'll only be selling to certified hosts. Yeah, right. Like a karaoke manu can afford the process of manufacturing a song, with all the licensing and what not, and then only make it available to a tiny fraction of the market.

Chris, were your pants down when you talked to Kurt? Because I see a lot of blowing smoke.

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