djdon wrote:
With the 'auto remove silence' feature, is it auto only, or can you manually adjust where the music starts? Example, in some cases, the lyrics start before the music. Does the program cut out those lyrics because it only detects where the actual music starts?
it is auto only. the one thing i wish was added would be editing that point, but i add a "blip" in the songs in Audacity where i want it to start. thankfully those songs are not too prevalent.
djdon wrote:
Does the time guideline calculate the actual track time, or does it base the time on, say, 4 minutes per song? If bases it on 4 minutes per song, can that time be adjusted?
actual time rounding to the nearest minute. if the song is 3:14 it will call it 3:00...if it's 6:48 it will call it 7:00
djdon wrote:
What does automatic mode do? Does it work well?
if you set it to say 10 seconds, it will wait 10 seconds after going to the filler music then automatically start the next karaoke song. it works as it sounds it should, i don't use it myself, but others do use that.
djdon wrote:
The fill-in playlist: Can I generate a playlist within Siglos based on music tracks already on my computer, or do I have to somehow 'load' the fill-in music into Siglos somehow? Can I add/change/delete fill-in music on the fly? Can I add several fill-in music songs during the show?
add any tracks or videos on your computer into the list. videos will play under the announcement screen or in place of if you wish. add and change on the fly, absolutely. i do it all the time.
djdon wrote:
Can I tell Siglos what sound device I want to use? (Other programs, such as KARMA, only use the 'default sound device'. Huge fail.)
yes, it can use any audio device on your computer including multi output. i use the Audio2DJ and it has 2 stereo outs and i have output two mapped to Siglos the output one to the rest of my comp. this way i can run a second karaoke program to let people preview a song if we are not positive it is the song they think it is.
djdon wrote:
Will it read and play mp4 (video) files? How about m4a (alac lossless)?
yes and yes. it will play most file formats including other karaoke formats like KMA, etc.
djdon wrote:
Can you add a customized automatic introduction screen for each singer?
i did just that. font, position, etc can all be customized on a per singer basis and loads automatically. if non is attached to that singer it will go to whatever you set for a default screen setup.
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