ok, so just for anyone who may even be slightly curious I thought I would post the email that I sent to William after I attendended the original seminar. After his initital response, I did get a really interesting second email, I will let people know more if anything comes of it.
"Sounds good. I will be intouch in the next day or two as I have an idea
just need to run it by someone
William Beasley
National Karaoke Association
On Wed, 15 Jan 2014 13:42:15 -0700 (MST), James Davis-Claydon
Just for reference, I was the participant from Canada. My name is James
> I want to thank you for taking the time to try to address some of my
> concerns. I have to say I am considerably less skeptical than I was
> before hand.
> As to joining, if there are legal concerns, perhaps you could open
> just the singer membership or create some kind of another tier that
> would allow access to the information that your organization has for
> international users.If a person wanted to submit to a voluntary third
> party audit of their karaoke music, then that could be noted in their
> membership info. There shouldn't be any legal rafification to simply
> noting that a person has gone thrue a voluntary audit and passed,
> those people don't have to be listed as 'accredited members'
> I am not interested in any future things like discounts, insurance or
> any issues of that nature, I just want to see the industry improve as
> a whole. This industry is not going to improve until things in the US
> *and therefore by natural association Canada* get better. Everyone
> has to start somewhere, I would say the US is a good of a place as
> any..

> On a side note i would be interested in being able to participate and
> learn skills that might allow me to re-enter the business as a host.
> You don't need to be concerned with laws when you are trying to learn
> such skills as how to approach a venue, how to inspire your singers
> to keep coming back, and how to get butts in the seats in the first
> place.
> As a long term goal, if the laws get changed in the US or at least
> improved upon in the US then things will automatically improve here
> in Canada. thank you for your time
> -James
edit : i forgot about the rules posting personal info so i edited that part out