mrmarog wrote:
My singers show up more than an hour before official start. I start entering names and songs immediately and almost always have at least 15-20 songs and singers in cue 1/2 hour before start. There have been many times that I have 40 songs in cue, silence trimmed, and ready to go at the push of a button. Try that with a cd player. To top that I run all music through Breakaway Audio processor which normalizes every song so you don't get the surprise volume burst.
I use Breakaway as well on all my karaoke music - there is no comparison with discs in that respect, all the music is processed to be normalized on the fly (the multiband eq is very good too), where when I was disc based I had separate compressor/limiters on each player to help keep the volumes in line & I still had to adjust the processors or mixer to blend the volumes to stay in the same levels.
I still play customer cd's and I have a compressor/limiter inline for that reason. My A/B switch sits right on top of it.