As you all know, I am not a fan of singing contests, but I am a fan of activities that get staff, singers and non-singers involved with karaoke in general. To that end, I am experimenting with a different kind of contest.
I have a gig at a super cool, nerd, gamers, geek, tech themed bar where they give me a LOT of freedom to express myself. At the bar I currently use the Shure Special Edition S55 (the red and black one) as the main stage mic. I use the GTD wireless mics (4) as additional mics. I also have a bunch of the Blue and Silver Shure S55's and I am going to add one to the main stage.
I happen to be a gamer as well, so I came up with an idea to get everyone, singers and non-singers alike, involved with karaoke.
Stick with me.....
I am a long time World of Warcraft player (Started when Wrath of the Lich King released), and in the game there are two competing factions: The Alliance and The Horde. Just so happens that the blue and silver Shure S55 matches up with common color themes for The Alliance faction and the red and black Shure SE S55 matches up with color themes for The Horde faction.
We are going to have a contest to name the mics after characters or objects in the game. We are going to have a couple weeks of display nights where everyone will be invited to come in and check out the mics. Then a couple of weeks of submissions. Finally name one mic one week and the last mic the following week. Probably 6 weeks all-together.
Obviously stringing it out a little as a means of getting more people into the venue. But we will also allow online submissions via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram due to the tech heavy nature of the venue.
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