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Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 11:34 am |
Joined: Thu Nov 07, 2002 2:40 am Posts: 7468 Location: Kansas City, MO Been Liked: 1 time
check Lonman's website, or my own, for pdf files of our songbooks! That's the way my books are printed out.
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Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 12:21 pm |
Joined: Sun Aug 01, 2004 6:56 am Posts: 1373 Location: Pensacola, Florida Been Liked: 0 time
As for quoting - I typically quote the part that I'm referring to - especially if it's a long thread that carries over a couple pages. Sometimes I quote part of the post and <snip> the rest (to show that there is more to the post that they can go back and read if necessary) and sometimes I quote multiple times if there are a number of unrelated points being discussed. This way my response appears to be point on point replies so that if it's been a couple days since the original post or if it's on another page they missed they will know what's going on.
As for my take on books...
I take great pride in my books by listing by artist in one half of the book and by song in the other (I'll sepereate eventually when the book gets too large). All my discs use the 'standard' notation using manufacturer and disc number as the identifier for the disc. I check my books to insure the artist is ALWAYS spelled the same and song duplicates are spelled the same as well. I alphabatize on artist/song and then song/artist so that if you look up an artist you'll see all the songs by that artist in alphabetical order. If you look up a song you'll see all the artist that did the song in alphabetical order. The 'sorted' column is always the leftmost column in my books to make it easier to look up the song you want. If you want a copy of my excel spreadsheet let me know...
I do have a question about font size. In order to fit the entire artist/song/disc/track on a single line I'm having to use Arial Narrow font and even though I can read it without any problem my fiance says it's too small for a dimly lit club. So basically:
1. What font size do most people use for their books?
2. Do you list the entire artist/song or do you clip it to fit the space alloted?
3. Has anyone printed in landscape to fit the information on the page?
I'm concerned with using a large font because it both increases printing costs and might make it look like I'm padding my list by using a large font. FYI - I currently fit about 3700 tracks on about 50 pages.
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Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 1:28 am |
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Joined: Sat Nov 20, 2004 7:36 pm Posts: 21 Location: Pennsylvania Been Liked: 0 time
Well I did a gig today for $75. I had a mixup in the schedule at work and was suppose to be done waiting tables at 9:00p.m. Luckily my bro could help me out and started setting up things at the gig because by the time I was out of work it was around 9:25p.m. The reason I was out this early was because I paid someone to do my sidework for me so I could get out of there.
Of course, you know how this happens, then this somehow upsets the boss at work and so on and so forth. I don't know why. To me it looked like everybody wins.
It's been tough trying to schedule around work. Usually I try to book a two weeks to a month in advance. This gig just came up and it was right down the road from where I'm set up so I couldn't turn it down.
Well anyways I drove down to the bar and finished getting things running. The night actually started off better then it finished tonight. I only got $75 for three hours. That doesn't sound so bad but when you figure I tossed my bro $35 for helping me out, I really didn't make much at all. Oh well though I had fun.
As for an investment this Karaoke thing isn't looking so hot from my stand point. I did have one private party gig where I made $200. That's as good as I've gotten. That was for a seven hour gig though. This market where I'm at is extremtly tight.
The one KJ that works in this area told me not to go below $125 so we don't bring down the market value. I only wish I could afford to do that. I'm sorry but when desperation is calling my value becomes $75 because that's what these cheap people are willing to pay.
By the way I do have around $5000 in the KJ business. Now I know that's not nearly what some others have been putting in, but it gives you an idea that I'm not running some cheap system. KJ is a tough business. I'd be tough to make a living off it. For me it's been hard to sustain it.
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Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 6:56 am |
Joined: Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:38 pm Posts: 1676 Images: 3 Location: Beckley, WV Been Liked: 25 times
jbrobison wrote: Good question about the books... Thanks  jrobison wrote: Some KJ's make out their original list (book) then add pages to it, thats ok to add a few updates. This becomes a problem when they have been adding pages forever without reprinting the main book. If you want to look up a certain song where do you look? So you sit there all evening flipping through the book. I recently looked at a book where typed and hand written pages had been added as well as copies of the CDG cover. All put into plastic sleeves and stuck in the book in no particular order. There comes a point when the books need to be reprinted, what good is having the songs if you can't find them. Yes, I HAVE seen that! It's really annoying too. There was one I saw where the 'new songs' were just pages in the front of the book and as you say, it took a long time to go through it. This was particularly annoying since the guy only had one book to pass around and everyone else had to wait. jrobison wrote: 3) Duplicates... Listing all of the songs including duplicates has been debated on all of the karaoke boards since there were karaoke boards.
Right again... In putting together my own karaoke book, when I ran across duplicates I took the time to listen to them and keep the best version. Sometimes I would find one version without backup vocals, and would put a note *no backing vocals* and use that one in addition to the one with backing vocals. But I never list more than 2 versions of a song.
Anyway, thanks for the answers 
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Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 6:56 am |
Joined: Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:38 pm Posts: 1676 Images: 3 Location: Beckley, WV Been Liked: 25 times
knightshow wrote: check Lonman's website, or my own, for pdf files of our songbooks! That's the way my books are printed out.
Ooooh cool! Thanks!!
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Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 7:14 pm |
Joined: Sun Dec 19, 2004 2:55 am Posts: 3885 Images: 0 Been Liked: 397 times
I just started running a show, in replacement of the old KJ. I'm working in a small local bar, here in Venice Florida. I do the Saturday show, and a friend of mine does Wednesday. The owner of the place likes us better than the old guy, and fired him. We take home $225 per night. The show runs from 9:30 pm to 2:00am. Not a bad take for those hours. The bar is thinking about adding a 3rd night, which will be mine. The bar owner owns the equiptment, we run the show.....all is well. I figure, that if he adds 2 nights, one being Karaoke, one being DJ, I can quit my day job. No more working for $10 per hour, as a plumbr's helper.
_________________ I am the ONLY SANE 1 HERE
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Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 4:15 am |
Smoothedge : Sounds like you have a great deal going ..However I wouldnt quit that Plumbers job. That is expierence that can come in handy later on in life and just maybe you'll be be Plumber that has a helper some day. Relax and enjoy your two incomes. a good Plumber with his own Bussness makes way more than $225.00 a day. Good Luck and Have Fun.
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Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 6:21 pm |
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Joined: Sat Jan 10, 2004 10:41 am Posts: 61 Location: bass lake indiana Been Liked: 0 time
i work 1 night a week sometimes 2 but i do it for fun . some weeks not at all it pays for all the toys i have in my basement when guest come over we end up sing . lots of fun to do it for a living i would get burned out but to each there one if you love and can make it go four it and good luck
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Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 6:50 pm |
Joined: Mon Dec 10, 2001 3:57 pm Posts: 22978 Songs: 35 Images: 3 Location: Tacoma, WA Been Liked: 2126 times
karaokemeister wrote: I do have a question about font size. In order to fit the entire artist/song/disc/track on a single line I'm having to use Arial Narrow font and even though I can read it without any problem my fiance says it's too small for a dimly lit club. So basically:
1. What font size do most people use for their books?
2. Do you list the entire artist/song or do you clip it to fit the space alloted?
3. Has anyone printed in landscape to fit the information on the page?
I'm concerned with using a large font because it both increases printing costs and might make it look like I'm padding my list by using a large font. FYI - I currently fit about 3700 tracks on about 50 pages.
I use an 11 point Arial font in a tight cell (big enough to print all the letters upper & lower case without clipping them) for mine.
List the entire name of the song & artist. The report I run will expand the space for that title if need be.
Never used landscape
My first books used to use 12 point in larger cells (they were NICE & easy to read), however as they grew, so did the pages & width of the book - this was when I first deleted duplicate listings which helped quite a bit, but not enough. I did a 10 point font in a tight cell, but was very hard to read in dimmer light - good book size though. Tried the 11 & found that most people could read it with no major problems. I don't do columns for the song titles, these are full page. My artist section is a 2 column format. Total single side pages 601. Aprox. 2100 songs in 50 pages.
You can view them on my website, first you have to get to the club, then click online book. Once you get there go down about halfway & click on the .pdf file under See books as you would in the club.
_________________ LIKE Lonman on Facebook - Lonman Productions Karaoke & my main site via my profile!
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Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 10:29 am |
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Joined: Fri Jul 04, 2003 2:14 pm Posts: 25 Location: Terra Alta, WV Been Liked: 0 time
Ok. First of all I think its pretty funny most in this room think I havent thought things through before I made this move. Ive been a successful manager for 15 years, and I love my family.
My purpose for the post was to maybe help others with a "plan" to follow their dream. I hated my job and found a financial way to escape my living Hell. Sorry if that irratates some of you.My plan, while not fail proof, is rock solid. But very few here need my advice since most have "arrived".
The two gigs in my home town are not my only shows. I was trying to prove a point about what can be done with so little.
I probably know alot more about entertaining people than most of the experts in this forum, since ive played in bands most of my adult life.The difference is Karaoke includes the crowd and most bands alienate the crowd.This was the reason I made the move I did. I understand people, Im a salesman and I know people love themselves and will pay good money If its "about them".
I am making slightly less now than i did running that ignorant furniture store. Can anyone argue with that?
It just amazes me how arrogant some of you are. Entertainment is a huge business and I am making a good run at it. Most of you wouldnt put the time I do in to this. You dont have nor would you set up the PA system that I offer, Most of you think lights are a waste ,while I see people dancing because of the awesome light show I have, and I doubt anyone would take time to set up a 100" projection video system like I do.
I was trying to be humble in my original post, but this Karaoke thing isnt the huge obstacle some of you wanna make it.I have been fortunate enough to be able to think outside the box, There is a huge market for this and Im lovin life. Boy dont you hate that.
There are about 10 other Karaoke crews in my county which population wise is very small. Im smokin them because of my effort and experience in sound, lighting and hosting events.Karaoke is far easier than running a live band, and tons more fun.
Thanks to my fellow mountaineer from Beckley for your incouragment.
The rest of you just keep worring about the guy that is gonna charge $75.00 and get your business because they probably wont miss you.
_________________ Happy Sound Entertainment
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Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 1:19 pm |
Joined: Thu Nov 07, 2002 2:40 am Posts: 7468 Location: Kansas City, MO Been Liked: 1 time
well, if you want to get the facts straight, you should have posted ALL that in the first place.
You came into this with the initial post that sounded like you were giving up a lucritive career to go UNEXPERIENCED into the karaoke field.
This post changes things quite a lot.
ANd I don't remember ANYBODY saying anything about lights. This is something you've brought up.
Jeez, give half the story and then when we respond ACCORDINGLY to those facts, you jump us.
Try giving us the whole story. If I'd seen a post with the facts like you've just given, no way would I have said "boo" to you.
I do think you're "experience" in bands and such is funny, cause NOW who's being arrogant? I've got tons of bartending and managerial experience, yet you don't see me flouting that here.
Sheesh! whatever. Seems everyone wants to be in a bad mood with the new year. What a shame.
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Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 1:35 pm |
Joined: Sun Sep 19, 2004 5:43 am Posts: 304 Location: Payette Been Liked: 0 time
I'm happy as can beeeeeeee.e.e.e.e.e.e.e...e.e.e.e.e..e.e.
Go for it dude. Have fun and good luck.
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Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 1:37 pm |
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Joined: Fri May 07, 2004 7:05 am Posts: 1383 Been Liked: 2 times
drummin22nwv, I have to agree fully with KnighShow. I won't quote you on anything, but I do think you're full of crap.
What your last statement said compared to the first, boy, where do you come from???
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Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 2:10 pm |
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Joined: Wed Feb 25, 2004 8:13 pm Posts: 344 Been Liked: 0 time
drummin22nwv wrote: I hated my job and found a financial way to escape my living Hell. Sorry if that irratates some of you.My plan, while not fail proof, is rock solid. But very few here need my advice since most have "arrived". First, I think that you are being a little rude. I don't think people are irritated by you becuase you want to do karaoke for a living. I know a lady that does it for a living too. She makes probably not as much as she should, seeing as she treats her regulars better than I have seen any KJ treat people....most bar owners have said that she "spoils" her regulars too much.....put it this way, when she lost one of her shows to a bar changing management, all the regulars created a petition to get her back, and boycotted the bar....and this is a bar that needs its customers.....but we will get to her in a second. I think you did not make your first post very clear, and you can't fault any of these people for offering their advice and simply being concerned for you. drummin22nwv wrote: I probably know alot more about entertaining people than most of the experts in this forum, since ive played in bands most of my adult life.The difference is Karaoke includes the crowd and most bands alienate the crowd. Just because you played in a band, does not mean you are "better" than any KJ. The lady I know who does karaoke has done it for years. Probably a good 20 or 30. She has a big following of people, and a good circle of regulars that are always at her shows, just like every KJ. Plus, I don't think they are as oblivious as you think....I am sure they know bands alienate the crowd....but karaoke only includes the crowd to a certain exent....clapping after a singer....what part does the crowd play when a singer is up there singing? Same as watching a band, as far as I am concnered. drummin22nwv wrote: I am making slightly less now than i did running that ignorant furniture store. Can anyone argue with that? Maybe you are lucky. Maybe you may be making just a little less than before....but, what happens when the bigger, better, cheaper competition comes a long? What happens if someone moves into your town that has all the stuff you do, but better, and bigger? More songs....cheaper rates...then what do you do? What happens if someone gets really pissed of at you, and manages to get you fired (and trust me, it has happened to the lady I know....and a few other good KJs of mine. One day they are there....the next day...boom....fired). I do part time work sometimes for the lady I mentioned above, and when I do, she tells me I have to make sure that I say I am subbing only for her.....as her regulars get a little peeved when they think that someone new is taking over the show. She has lost shows becasue regulars don't like the replacement, and complain and lie to the bar owner. Not fun. drummin22nwv wrote: It just amazes me how arrogant some of you are. Entertainment is a huge business and I am making a good run at it. Most of you wouldnt put the time I do in to this. You dont have nor would you set up the PA system that I offer, Most of you think lights are a waste ,while I see people dancing because of the awesome light show I have, and I doubt anyone would take time to set up a 100" projection video system like I do. I was trying to be humble in my original post, but this Karaoke thing isnt the huge obstacle some of you wanna make it.
Okay, back to my main point......I sure hope that you do have a back up plan....becasue karaoke can work....but it can also work against you.....
The lady I know who does karaoke for a living is single, around 45 or so (maybe older) and has basically nothing but her equipment. She rents, drives an old beater...and getting old is finally catching up to her.
Now, she just hurt her back...and has no one to help her carry her equipment....move her stuff....and she is looking at giong into surgery soon...so who is going to cover her shows? How many people would you trust with $50,000 of your equipment?
What would you do if you all of a sudden could not stand for long periods of time? What about if you had a family emergency 10 minutes before a show, and you had to go to the hospital or something...do you have a back up plan for that kind of stuff? Anything can happen....and all they were doing is making sure that you checked all your options before you did something like this...
From what I have seen, karaoke is nice to make some money off of....even I considered my options, basing on my friend making about 200/night (or 250, can't quite remember) where she worked.....but she was renting the equipment so that is about $75.00 out of that (at least you have your own stuff)......and then taxes, and insurance, and everything else....it is risky....and I would never leave a secure job to do karaoke.....there are always other jobs!
sorry for the ramble...if you succeed, good for you! Anyone can, but remember, the entertainment business is a backstabbing business....and anything can happen, so be prepared 
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Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 5:35 pm |
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Joined: Fri Nov 01, 2002 10:19 pm Posts: 84 Location: Grove, OK Been Liked: 0 time
Wow, from a very humble beginning to Entertainer of the Year in one thread.
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Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 7:09 pm |
Joined: Sun Sep 19, 2004 5:43 am Posts: 304 Location: Payette Been Liked: 0 time
jbrobison wrote: Wow, from a very humble beginning to Entertainer of the Year in one thread.
 Fall down laughing. Hit head  Now I got and headache..
Now that was funny 
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Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 2:36 am |
Joined: Sun Aug 01, 2004 6:56 am Posts: 1373 Location: Pensacola, Florida Been Liked: 0 time
Original post: I'm leaving stable job to try my hand at karoake and hope my family doesn't starve to death in the process.
New post: I walk on water, can recreate the miracle of the loaves and fishes at will and oh, yea, I also do karaoke. The Rollings Stones, Aerosmith, Britney Spears, and Jessica Simpson open for me on a regular basis. Bow to my what-a-entertainerness (apologies to 'The Birdcage' and the what-a-manliness).
You discribed a situation, we offered some advice on this including some major concerns and then you say we should be glad you're hear because you have more experience than us.
Perhaps we should be glad, I'm relatively new to karaoke and hosting in paricular. People enjoyed me doing karaoke so much (and my entertaining the crowd, etc) they asked me to start hosting shows for them which over the course of the coming year will pay off my equipment, pay for my upcoming wedding and to double the number of tracks I have. Not bad for only working 4-5 months out of the year IMO. But even with your 'vast' years of experience I wouldn't take your advice if you begged me to - not when people like tiggr27, Knightshow, Lonman, and the like are around (if I didn't mention you I'm sorry, but there are other talented people here I didn't mention). This is a board for SHARING information, knowledge, and open discussion - of which your attitude and arrogance are starting to remind of a certain person that is no longer here... and who shall remain nameless....
Entertainer of the year indeed....
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DJ Lou
Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 4:05 pm |
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Joined: Thu Mar 04, 2004 9:07 pm Posts: 31 Location: From Here To Eternity Been Liked: 0 time
Well I have to say that working for a club is not where the money is. I use to charge $150-$200 a night for 4 hr. but there was always someone who would come in and offerd their service for less that really upset me. so I do Partys, Weddings ect. they pay $500. to $600. for 4hr. and $50. an 1hr for overtime. I stop working for now casuse am disable and hope to DJ again just cause I love doing it. Best of Luck to you.
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Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 7:45 am |
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Joined: Thu Jan 29, 2004 6:11 am Posts: 30 Location: Ocoee, Florida Been Liked: 0 time
Man ...You gotz the gutz...
I am new around here as well but value all the wisdom...Thanks to all for the wise words...I know how you feel...The job thing gets tired after oh 30 years of the 9-5 and doing shows is ...well to use some oldeeeerrr school...a gas. But the facts are the facts the bus is the bus and I hope you prepare well for your future. I have a client that took over another friends bar and will be running KJ's 5 nights I will be doing FRI and SAT nights only...(Ihave a wife and a 2 year old with one on the way) I do not want to give up to much of my time with my family. I also run a computer business...so I keep busy... We will be running a LIVE Video Feed on the internet of the KJ shows which is kinda exciting...Anyone know if this is against the law! I will let everyone know when that happens...But first and formost Keep your head up, take care of your money and if the S___ hits the fan have a plan B!!!
Good Luck!
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Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 1:56 pm |
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Joined: Fri Jul 04, 2003 2:14 pm Posts: 25 Location: Terra Alta, WV Been Liked: 0 time
Sorry. I reacted in my last post a bit crass.
My original post was intended to help others. Not to prove anything.
I will continue to sift through the advice in here.
Thanks to everyone.
ALL STAR didnt you retire from this forum a month ago?
_________________ Happy Sound Entertainment
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