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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:24 am 
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To be fairer to Jim and PEP as far as licensing goes, they are pretty much starting from square one. So yes, it is likely to be more difficult for them

However, after several years of promises and the like, I still believe they should have been able to make more progress

Also, I find it difficult to believe that the back catalog that KSF obtained from pocketsongs and re-branded is not being used both in the US and Overseas, even if they got completely separate licences for each company/country

just my two cents, for what it is worth.. If I am wrong, I am sure Michael will correct me



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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:53 am 
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"We are in the final stages of integrating our new streaming service featuring HD versions with complete off-line capability into Kjams and PCDJ and hope to add others which will allow a new host or venue the ability to run a show using the latest technology. "

Does this mean that your tracks from karaoke.net will be available in the store feature of Karaoki *which belongs to the PCDJ family* at some point?

would be awesome to be able to buy your songs on the fly/as requested


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:40 pm 
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jclaydon wrote:
"We are in the final stages of integrating our new streaming service featuring HD versions with complete off-line capability into Kjams and PCDJ and hope to add others which will allow a new host or venue the ability to run a show using the latest technology. "

Does this mean that your tracks from karaoke.net will be available in the store feature of Karaoki *which belongs to the PCDJ family* at some point?

would be awesome to be able to buy your songs on the fly/as requested

karaoke.net is incorporated into Hoster now, as soon as you buy a song, it automatically updates the database and everything for immediate use. I'm willing to wager they would like to get that feature into all the programs if they can.

LIKE Lonman on Facebook - Lonman Productions Karaoke & my main site via my profile!

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:46 pm 
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JimHarrington wrote:
But are you saying that the European operation does not supply you with any sound recordings? After all, production costs are generally higher than royalty advances for any individual track, and being able to use recordings from the European operation to any extent would be a savings that a purely domestic company would be unable to enjoy.

uh... excuse me.....
Wasn't it SC/PEP that shipped their "U.S. sound recordings" to the U.K. only to magically declare them as "recordings from the European operation" for licensing to make the gem series product?

Yeah, I thought so...

It amazes me that Harrington can't possibly think that someone else could do this business right and make money.... without cheating the way SC did.

Which is probably why we haven't seen a single track out of PEP... no publisher wants to get near them after being burned repeatedly...

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:57 pm 
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Well I guess the theory of not making a profit selling karaoke tracks has been de-bunked.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 2:19 pm 
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Given that Mr. Staley has again become active on this board (apparently), it seems that now is an appropriate time to note, once again, that I no longer read or respond to his posts.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 2:49 pm 
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JimHarrington wrote:
Given that Mr. Staley has again become active on this board (apparently), it seems that now is an appropriate time to note, once again, that I no longer read or respond to his posts.

That fact that you even have to go there means hes not totally out of your head... now if you left it alone, I might agree.

But honestly, my comment wasn't directed at him, but rather that the notion that a business such as PEP can't make money in selling karaoke tracks is just not true. Seems that karaoke.net is doing just fine according to them. I have fully pledged my (considerable) coin to them, and other companies who make and distribute tracks.

My policy is to NOT buy from dead labels unless it doesn't exist otherwise.

I am sure PEP would probably do fairly well if they were anywhere near their prime. But we will never know until they actually do. I guess "The Band" is riding back to the studio via an old turtle.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 2:57 pm 
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JimHarrington wrote:
KSF US which runs karaoke.net is an American company and is completely separate from and receives no support from operations in Europe. I have stated this for the record on more than one occasion. We rely strictly on US licensing and US sales and have enjoyed increases every single month since we launched.

First, let me say that I am pleased that you're doing well, and I meant no disrespect in my comments.

However, I would appreciate some clarification on your statement above, that you "receive no support from operations in Europe." I do not question that your US sales are licensed in the US. But are you saying that the European operation does not supply you with any sound recordings? After all, production costs are generally higher than royalty advances for any individual track, and being able to use recordings from the European operation to any extent would be a savings that a purely domestic company would be unable to enjoy. If you don't use the European recordings, then I am happy to withdraw my comment as to your company.

I can emphatically say that. My statement was definitive.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:05 pm 
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jclaydon wrote:
To be fairer to Jim and PEP as far as licensing goes, they are pretty much starting from square one. So yes, it is likely to be more difficult for them

However, after several years of promises and the like, I still believe they should have been able to make more progress

Also, I find it difficult to believe that the back catalog that KSF obtained from pocketsongs and re-branded is not being used both in the US and Overseas, even if they got completely separate licences for each company/country

just my two cents, for what it is worth.. If I am wrong, I am sure Michael will correct me



KSF did not obtain the Pocketsongs catalog, Sybersound did. I wouldn't expect you to grasp the time, effort and money required to clear a song. It is formidable, yet we add new content and back catalog every month and we fill customer requests along the way where possible.

We already offer our download service into Kjams..PCDJ is working on the same. Both are integrating the streaming service into their programs as well. I think PCDJ is integrating into their latest version of DEX.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:26 pm 
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jclaydon wrote:
To be fairer to Jim and PEP as far as licensing goes, they are pretty much starting from square one. So yes, it is likely to be more difficult for them

However, after several years of promises and the like, I still believe they should have been able to make more progress

Also, I find it difficult to believe that the back catalog that KSF obtained from pocketsongs and re-branded is not being used both in the US and Overseas, even if they got completely separate licences for each company/country

just my two cents, for what it is worth.. If I am wrong, I am sure Michael will correct me



KSF did not obtain the Pocketsongs catalog, Sybersound did. I wouldn't expect you to grasp the time, effort and money required to clear a song. It is formidable, yet we add new content and back catalog every month and we fill customer requests along the way where possible.

We already offer our download service into Kjams..PCDJ is working on the same. Both are integrating the streaming service into their programs as well. I think PCDJ is integrating into their latest version of DEX.

Thank you for your prompt reply. I stand corrected. I will admit, I don't know the full extent of the effort involved to license a song in the US, just that is infinitiely more a pain in the butt than licensing overseas. There may be one or two I keep forgetting but I know it requires at least 5 separate licenses *sync being the most difficult from what I have been told*

I'm glad that you are starting to integrate with other software. I am in the market for a new program since my friend stopped developing his.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 4:55 am 
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"Find a need and fill it".

More than 50 years have passed since Corning Inc. launched CorningWare in 1958, its most important consumer product since the 1915 introduction of Pyrex brand bakeware. With pre-World War I homemakers marveling at the concept of baking their cakes in clear glass, Corning believed that 1960s housewives were sure to spark to its newest ceramic advance. Imagine being able to fry in a beautiful opaque dish placed directly on an open flame. Made of space-age Pyroceram, CorningWare astonished saucer-eyed housewives with its ability to move directly from freezer to flame without cracking because of extreme temperature changes. At the end of this shocking journey, CorningWare could be conveniently brought, in all its appealing whiteness, directly to any formal table setting.

Corning’s veteran marketing director assigned me, a newly arrived Wharton MBA, to accompany him on the test-marketing phase. Left on my own, I immediately set off to prepare all the materials. I checked off dozens of items—audio-visuals, easels, fact sheets—everything needed for our introductory meetings with department-store buyers and housewares distributors. With only one week remaining before our departure for the New England test area, I sat him down for a run-through and tightened my buttocks while awaiting his response.

His appraisal of my efforts came as a surprise.

“For years, my father has been deeply supportive of the Boy Scouts of America,” he began. “Every Christmas he sends the same card. It features a Boy Scout on the cover.”

Where he was he headed, I had no idea.

“The words inside never change,” he continued.
“They say, ‘Find a need and fill it.’ ” I relaxed when he added, “That’s exactly what you’ve done here. You’ve filled our need for organization.”

I’ve carried those words with me for a lifetime and have tried to instill them in my children and co-workers. They originated with Ruth Stafford Peale, wife of the Rev. Norman Vincent Peale, author of The Power of Positive Thinking. Whether in the form of an acronym—FANAFI!—or in their unassailable six-word counsel, they clearly demand positive action. First, find! Next, fill!
Ruth Stafford Peale, wife of the Rev. Norman Vincent Peale, who coined the phrase, "Find a need and fill it."

Of the two commands, finding the unfilled need may offer the harder challenge for Wharton entrepreneurs. After Corning, I started using a technique called “problem detection,” a marketing research method developed to uncover consumer needs for General Electric, my ad agency’s client. Identify a problem, the theory went, and you’ve taken the first step toward finding a need.

Sometimes the problem we discovered was tangible—dials too large for a woman’s hand. Sometimes the problem was intangible—difficulty in cleaning. Other times the problem was latent—consumers didn’t know they had the problem until they were offered a solution.

It was a latent problem that brought out the need for the GE smoke detector. Research showed that people had a serious fear of a home fire breaking out at night. But the problem lay hidden until they saw a solution in the form of an affordable smoke- detecting device.

Discovering a problem that leads to a consumer need is a sure way for an entrepreneur to start a business. When, like the smoke detector, the problem is serious and frequent, the chances for success increase substantially. And if another marketer isn’t currently filling the need, well, Wharton entrepreneurs have a business on their hands.

Sounds like they have a good idea, eh?

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 5:41 am 
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JimHarrington wrote:
Given that Mr. Staley has again become active on this board (apparently), it seems that now is an appropriate time to note, once again, that I no longer read or respond to his posts.

Maybe you should...
you might learn a thing or two :roll:

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 8:35 am 
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Toastedmuffin wrote:

That fact that you even have to go there means hes not totally out of your head... now if you left it alone, I might agree.

The only reason I make that statement periodically is to avoid the impression--among others here--that I am tacitly admitting that anything he says is true by not responding. I don't even read his posts, but if I respond to someone else in the thread after he posts, some people might get the impression that I somehow can't counter what he says.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 8:36 am 
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johnreynolds wrote:
JimHarrington wrote:
Given that Mr. Staley has again become active on this board (apparently), it seems that now is an appropriate time to note, once again, that I no longer read or respond to his posts.

Maybe you should...
you might learn a thing or two :roll:

When he decides to join the real world instead of his fantasy world, maybe I will. He's shown no signs of it in the several years I've been here.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 12:02 pm 
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JimHarrington wrote:
KSF US which runs karaoke.net is an American company and is completely separate from and receives no support from operations in Europe. I have stated this for the record on more than one occasion. We rely strictly on US licensing and US sales and have enjoyed increases every single month since we launched.

First, let me say that I am pleased that you're doing well, and I meant no disrespect in my comments.

However, I would appreciate some clarification on your statement above, that you "receive no support from operations in Europe." I do not question that your US sales are licensed in the US. But are you saying that the European operation does not supply you with any sound recordings? After all, production costs are generally higher than royalty advances for any individual track, and being able to use recordings from the European operation to any extent would be a savings that a purely domestic company would be unable to enjoy. If you don't use the European recordings, then I am happy to withdraw my comment as to your company.

I can emphatically say that. My statement was definitive.

Well alrighty then!

LIKE Lonman on Facebook - Lonman Productions Karaoke & my main site via my profile!

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 12:06 pm 
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 12:16 pm 
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We just did a few requested tracks...will check on Spin Doctors

Alan Parsons Project "I wouldn't want to be like you" (Uploading to the site in next 24 hours)
sample https://www.facebook.com/karaokenetonline/videos/834861053341140/

Styx "Crystal Ball" (already on the site)
sample https://www.facebook.com/karaokenetonline/videos/825376384289607/

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 1:13 pm 
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Lonman wrote:
JimHarrington wrote:
KSF US which runs karaoke.net is an American company and is completely separate from and receives no support from operations in Europe. I have stated this for the record on more than one occasion. We rely strictly on US licensing and US sales and have enjoyed increases every single month since we launched.

First, let me say that I am pleased that you're doing well, and I meant no disrespect in my comments.

However, I would appreciate some clarification on your statement above, that you "receive no support from operations in Europe." I do not question that your US sales are licensed in the US. But are you saying that the European operation does not supply you with any sound recordings? After all, production costs are generally higher than royalty advances for any individual track, and being able to use recordings from the European operation to any extent would be a savings that a purely domestic company would be unable to enjoy. If you don't use the European recordings, then I am happy to withdraw my comment as to your company.

I can emphatically say that. My statement was definitive.

Well alrighty then!

So much for that I guess... :roll:

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 9:32 pm 
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We just did a few requested tracks...will check on Spin Doctors

Alan Parsons Project "I wouldn't want to be like you" (Uploading to the site in next 24 hours)
sample https://www.facebook.com/karaokenetonline/videos/834861053341140/

Styx "Crystal Ball" (already on the site)
sample https://www.facebook.com/karaokenetonline/videos/825376384289607/

along this same line....
REO SPeedwagon - Time For Me To Fly

Paradigm Karaoke, The New Standard.......Shift Happens

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 10:17 am 
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Toastedmuffin wrote:
JimHarrington wrote:
Given that Mr. Staley has again become active on this board (apparently), it seems that now is an appropriate time to note, once again, that I no longer read or respond to his posts.

That fact that you even have to go there means hes not totally out of your head... now if you left it alone, I might agree.

If Mr. Harrington was truly "not reading or responding" to my posts, why oh why would he have to say anything that included my name? Simple: He's lying (again). He reads my posts and he'd love to respond to them and he's chomping at the bit to do so... but he has to remind himself (as well as others) that he's already stated he doesn't read them or respond to them...

Yep... rent free .... in his head....

Toastedmuffin wrote:
But honestly, my comment wasn't directed at him, but rather that the notion that a business such as PEP can't make money in selling karaoke tracks is just not true. Seems that karaoke.net is doing just fine according to them. I have fully pledged my (considerable) coin to them, and other companies who make and distribute tracks.

My policy is to NOT buy from dead labels unless it doesn't exist otherwise.

I am sure PEP would probably do fairly well if they were anywhere near their prime. But we will never know until they actually do. I guess "The Band" is riding back to the studio via an old turtle.

I think you have a great policy regarding dead labels.

I look at it this way: Harrington has repeatedly promised to come out with music over the last 7 years.... he hasn't produced squat (I don't count dumpster-diving at digitrax as production) even though has has stated that PEP has the money to produce tracks tomorrow, he still hasn't.

He repeatedly claims he has "contracts on the table" at several large publishers.... but can't name a single one, nor has he provided any update on that progress.

He claimed in the past that he would not use legal pressure to push his fledgling "entertainment business" and we see now that was also a lie. His option to hire his entertainment competitor is stated in the lawsuit warning letter he now mails to venues he will sue.

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