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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 1:27 pm 
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A NEW DAY wrote:
Im not afriad to sub...or of lower scores..i would WELCOME some critiquing..no one hardly ever critiques me :(...even though I know I have really improved in the last couple years..surely there is more I can do...even if its mainly mixin suggestions..I welcome them...t hats why I leave my subs to be rated...

Hey I would be happy to critique some of yours! I HAVE heard some of your subs... but they were just really good. lol :)

I'll listen to some more though and see if I can hear anything what needs work! heheh :) I'm good at hearing 'glaringly obvious' stuff that could be fixed, but when people are really good it all gets down to taste and whether or not you like a person's style. Sometimes there are little things like 'breath control' or whatever that even good singers can improve on, but so far I just haven't heard anything (that I can recall) I would think needs improving on.

Who knows, maybe try a completely different style of music and then something might show up?? LOL!

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 2:03 pm 
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lol ok hip hop here i come..


i know my singin has really come down alot to taste or minor issues..cuz of critiques!!!! :) ...not that im sayin im perfect...i know my limitations too..which to me is kinda smart lol thts why u wont hear much disney outa me unless they come up with a country cartoon.:) ...so..any of you out there expert mixers...:) feel free to tell me how to make it sound better...

and syber..ya know your welcome..i got lotsa layers of skin...:)

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 2:18 pm 
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Layers, like an onion?

"Ogres are like onions, they got layers" - Shrek

Are you saying that you're like an Ogre?

he, he - couldn't resist! :twisted:


File comment: Shrek - Are you an Ogre?
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 2:22 pm 
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i think what has been the problem with me is all this honest critique is sooo in your face, syber it's not just you, i am not having a dig at anyone i really ain't...its just how the site has changed for me, when i first arrived of course people wanted improvement and requested improvement and that was fine ...but people were a lot more caring, understanding, and you could have fun....i am speaking purely for myself, the fun has gone...i don't feel able to leave silly comments any more on peoples subs, its all got so clinical where you feel obliged to comment on someones vocals and mix...whereas before people were a lot of the time happy just to know you had listened.

i am not completely against honest critique, yes granted ive always had a problem understanding it till i subbed one of my own songs for honest critique to try and make myself more open minded, and i have become that...but its to what level.

as ive said before to many people i believe the more you sing the more you sub the stronger your vocals get...and i stick by what i said earlier....you cannot coach someone vocally over this thing....there are too many cooks in the kitchen wanting to do that in my opinion, and their time would be best spent improving their own vocals before they are qualified to coach another (my opinion)...and no a few words will not make the slightest bit of difference to anyones voice...that comes over time, dedication and proper training. (also my opinion)

at the moment i just don't feel at ease here. This is why i am taking time away...who knows when i will feel like subbing again it might be a few weeks it might be a few months it might be that i choose not to return...i honestly dont know...all i know is that its changed for me...its not what it used to be.

i really have no more to add...i think it will improve however the site once the new system is in place, but i do think even with that...peoples amount of comments will go down even more, because there are people who will only listen to subs that want critique, and others who will only listen to those that ask for no critique...then to add more on...it will divide the comments even more...then other people will be unhappy...its such a vicious circle really...i feel quite sorry as much as i give him grief sometimes for phil trying to keep everyone happy lolol

anyways...thats all folks hehehe...another missy waffle over hehehe :-)

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 2:26 pm 
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webguru wrote:
Are you saying that you're like an Ogre?

he, he - couldn't resist! :twisted:


Doh!!! lol

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 2:50 pm 
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lol smartie...

my grandbaby SWEARSSSS her daddy is an ogre ..lol shes always tellin him he looks like shrek! lol

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 3:16 pm 
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LOL Ya'll can claim it..but *I* can prove it....


That's my family and I on Halloween....My fiancee John was Shrek...Kayla (4) was Princess Fiona...Becca (7) was a Vampiress and i was her victim (original...I know!)


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 9:56 pm 
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well Missy m'dear...... I don't feel the same as you at all. I think it's fabulous that there's so much variety here now. I love that ppl are giving critiques..... (when ASKED to) but I also LOVE all the silliness and goofin' around that's here..I find that this site is "well-rounded" now.

You can leave stupid silly comments on my subs ALL YA WANT!!! :lol:
EVEN if it says "critique me".... That goes for everyone else....I'm always open to a good nut-ball comment!!! just don't lie... and all is FINE AND DANDY (ohh it's like a... hard candy christmas....... WAY TO GO GIRLS! I'VE BEEN SINGIN THAT ALL NIGHT)


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 10:45 pm 
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Waffles?!?... have a parfay. Parfays have layers... everyone likes parfays. Ok..in the mornin, I'm makin' waffles. [

This site has definitely gotten more diverse in the 8 short months I've been coming around. Some areas/members have a real hard edge, others a softer, more welcoming presence.

As for a competition, I guess I don't see that too much ... but here and there for sure. Its all good, tho, so long as we can remember we are here to interact with (i.e., enjoy) each other.

Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays All

Flattery (and criticism are) like chewing gum, enjoyable or not, don't swallow it!!!  adapted from Hank Ketchum

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 4:02 am 
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simply removing my rambling :(

Last edited by Trex on Fri Dec 24, 2004 10:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 4:56 am 
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good god dreamer lmaoooo welllll your honesty has given me quite a chuckle i can tell ya lolol...hats off to ya :-) and yes i know since i started this thread quite a number have made contact to tell me they feel the same.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 8:02 am 
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Can i contact you to tell you that i like pie? Maybe you feel the same?


If you want, I can pm you to tell you too.

HEck, I just ate pumpkin pie for breakfast... yes, can we say.. LOW CARB?! Oh, yeah, off topic... blah blah blah;)

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 8:14 am 
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I have been pretty amazed with the "diversity" on this site. I've been able to listen to many many of you! ..... Some of you are "studio quality" ... BLESSED ... with wonderful instruments. Some of you are just plain having a blast.... singing whatever YOU like!! And given the number of subs at this "calibre", I'd say enjoying the exchanges you have with everyone. I've enjoyed both ... and have tried to keep my comments consistent with whatever it seems you are here for.

I don't kid myself at all ... I'm strictly an AVERAGE "karaoke singer" ... but I have sprofessional background in voice therapy, and a boyfriend who is one of the best in his craft (production, sound reinforcement, radio broadcast). I think my ear is pretty good and my background with vocalists pretty extensive ... so for those who have asked.... I've tried to give Constructive Critiques. Otherwise.... I've just listened and ENJOYED the sub for what it was ... A Karaoke singer's submission of a favorite song that they gave time and effort to prepare and share.

I'm new, so I'm not sure what SS was like "before" ..... but I've made it what I want it to be for ME and so far, its been a lot of fun and enjoyment.

I really enjoy reading and posting in the forums too. There are fun threads, debate threads (yes, I read everything.... whewwwww some of those debates have been HOT.. hehe) .... and advice threads. Again, I've found the ones that I feel I've had something to contribute to.... and posted.

I guess what I am trying to say is, when I'm a member of a large group like this... I try to take time to see what each active member is looking for... and if I can contribute... I go for it! I also try to take from it what I came looking for. So far, I think the site is good. I've been able to spend quite a bit of time here lately.....I've learned a lot from reading and & met some nice folks. (I'm on break from teaching for a month..whooohooo) :o

But, I do think Missy makes a good point.

MOST of us haven't "made it" nor do we have any aspirations or illusions that we might (regardless of the fact that some are amazingly talented..... lots of frustrated Karaoke singers in the world, huh??? :wink: )

Some ARE hopeful, and if they want help, I say lets give it to THEM. Who knows, someday we may be saying "I knew her/him back when.....)

With the changes Phill mentioned... I think some of the "stress" in submitting will be relieved and maybe then some the "fun" that Missy feels is gone may return for those who are here to simply share a passion, relax and enjoy a favorite pastime.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 11:06 am 
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Just out of curiousity Dreamr...

Are you saying anyone who leaves honest feedback are the trouble makers here? That's kinda how it came acrossed to me.

I think it's a very unfair statement to make...that the "troublemakers" are negative, inconsiderate, immature and can't sing. I personally prefer to get honest critique as opposed to getting "smoke blown up my bum". To say that those who prefer honest critique can't sing anyways...please go refer to your own comments on my subs.

Tho there are many here who don't prefer honest critique...that doesn't make them wrong. There are many here who DO prefer honest critique...that doesn't make them wrong either. No one here is really a "bad" person and that's how the above post really sounds. It's just a matter of opinion. And as much as you all think that these "honest" people have ruined the site....for many here, they have made the site that much more fun and interesting to be at.

Everyone has their own opinions..but I do feel it's unfair to categorize these people as they have been. They're just different than you...




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PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 1:09 pm 
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MissyGG - I have to apologize - maybe it's partly my fault that you & others feel the site is beginning to be a competition. :?

When I started subbing songs a few months ago, my intent was to get some input on which songs I should try to do at a contest in a few months. I wanted honest info on what people thought when they heard me sing these songs (first impression). I knew there were "karaoke die hards" here and also those here just for fun. I need opinions from both types of people because the judges are a mish-mash of both types of people.

I guess I 'swing both ways' -- when someone asks me to give honest feedback then I tell them my first impression of what I hear - just me as a regular person. I've had 'musical training' throughout gradeschool, highschool, and part of college but I'm not going to throw around terms because a regular 'joe' type person just wants to sound good & doesn't care from timbre to tonality to pitch, etc. Just use layman's terms like at a Dr.'s office.

If the person doesn't say that they want honest feedback or critique then I give positive or neutral feedback, whether it's fluff or true - doesn't matter. I still like to hear their stuff.

There are a lot of people that will actually comment that they don't feel comfortable giving critiques - fine - just tell me what your first impression was if you were sitting in a karaoke bar & listening to me. That's all I want to know. I'm not looking to be famous - I think I have an average sounding voice & would just like to be a worthy contender at this hokey little contest and have a chance to win the $500 grand prize (or even 2nd or 3rd). There isn't anyone that is *professional* level at my contest.

This is just my point of view on this I guess - everyone will be different. I hope I haven't made people feel like it's a competition but reading some of my comments I've made to others I can see where you may feel that you wouldn't want me to comment on subs that are just for fun. But like I said - if you don't ask for honest feedback or critiqueing then you wouldn't get 'what I didn't like or where you can improve' type comments from me & I think most people (from what I've seen) are following that stance.

Of course there are always one or two people that won't follow that but it seems like most are. Even the toughest critics, Syber & DJ_Sunspinner, have seemed to be following that rule of thumb. :wink:

No hard feelin's from me I hope - I have too soft of a heart & it is hard for me to comment with total honesty for those that want it. But because I sincerely want that honesty too I feel that I owe it to those that ask for it and hope I'll get it in return. (oh my - my dirty mind just read that last sentence -- don't ya hate that when that happens -- Sorry :oops: )

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 1:49 pm 
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you have nothing to apologise to me for fox, it's not 1 person or even persons...it's just how the trend has gone over the last few weeks, i am not totally against honest critique i really am not...in many ways if its done correctly and with thought especially with tips on mixing etc yes it can be valuable....but what it wont do as ive said is change someones voice...and those that think it does are gonna be let down....the problem i have had though is basically how in your face it is....and people who as i have said above getting obsessed with how they sound....because certain people think they have the qualifications to vocally coach someone online...nah nah nah anyone who knows music who genuinely knows about vocal coaching or experienced it will know its not possible.

so everywhere you turn..its screaming at you critique me...no bloody fluff wanted, and these are people who were a couple of months ago saying how much of an encouragement it was the fact your listening...this is what i find difficult, and its everywhere, in the showcase in the forum everywhere you turn...i actually do think it might be a good idea to perhaps seperate the critique section...and when i saw that happen on another site i thought how shocking it was...but seeing how this site is working i can now fully understand why.

i also feel that i dont want to comment because people are so aware that i wont knock someone in the showcase i will listen and always find something no matter how small it is positive to say ... but because of whats been said time and time again in the forum its made me think...well why should i comment, these people aint gonna believe what i say anyways they will think i am just a liar and dishonest...as ive been called quite a lot on here....so my comments mean jack (@$%&#!) to people...which in itself is pretty unfair as i did spend a lot of time listening and genuinely enjoying it...so if you feel your time is wasted and people don't give a toss your commenting then you begin to think why am i bothering.

perhaps it is a trend and will calm down when the new changes phil is making takes place.

all the above has taken the fun out of it for me....i am not saying people are wrong to ask for honest critique ...of course they are not...what i am really saying is that it was just done so differently before and change sometimes i do have problems dealing with, especially as i liked how it was.

so for a while i just want to sit back...and don't feel that i have to listen or comment, and not sub till i feel i want to sub..that's all :-)

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 1:58 pm 
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MissyGG wrote:
but because of whats been said time and time again in the forum its made me think...well why should i comment, these people aint gonna believe what i say anyways they will think i am just a liar and dishonest...

This is exactly what I feel like. There are so many comments here about people who only fluff, and they are lying, and it does not make me want to listen or comment anymore for that very reason....am I lying if I don't tell you what is bad with your song, and say it is only great?

I hope that this new critique section gives people what they want...for the ones who want to learn. That way, we know who wants to just have fun, and who are serious (although I to as well agree with Missy that if you really want to learn, you need a vocal coach, plain and simple).

But whatever. That is only my two cents.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 2:11 pm 
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 2:19 pm 
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MissyGG wrote:
so everywhere you turn..its screaming at you critique me...no bloody fluff wanted,

...well why should i comment, these people aint gonna believe what i say anyways they will think i am just a liar and dishonest...as ive been called quite a lot on here....so my comments mean jack <span style=font-size:10px><i>(@$%&#!)</i></span> to people...which in itself is pretty unfair as i did spend a lot of time listening and genuinely enjoying it...so if you feel your time is wasted and people don't give a toss your commenting then you begin to think why am i bothering.

all the above has taken the fun out of it for me....i am not saying people are wrong to ask for honest critique ...of course they are not...what i am really saying is that it was just done so differently before and change sometimes i do have problems dealing with, especially as i liked how it was.

so for a while i just want to sit back...and don't feel that i have to listen or comment, and not sub till i feel i want to sub..that's all :-)

I can understand your feeling this way & I hope you will still listen and comment -- I need the good comments even if they are "fluff" along with the completely honest comments because a couple of the completely honest ones have been brutal -- so a nice balance of good comments or fluff and honesty helps not beat my self esteem to bits if ya know what I mean! :wink:

Plus I think people need to realize that we all listen to music in different ways with different goals. I listen to be entertained. I'm not sitting down to pick out bad pitch or not enough reverb, etc. I just want to listen to the song I like & escape from reality for a few minutes. What I think is good may not sound good to someone else. So this is my goal for someone listening to me - I want them to be entertained.

THere are a lot of songs on the radio that I think are great and my hubby can't stand and vice versa. That's what makes life great, that we are all so diverse!

But then there are times too that I want to just do something for fun and not get the bad comments necessarily. So yes, I think that's what is trying to be accomplished here - we can all have the 'best' of both worlds.

Have a nice Xmas!

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 2:22 pm 
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Missy and ritisroo...you two have said it so much better than I ever could. maybe now Buttrfligyrl knows where Im coming from on this issue :D

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