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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:01 pm 
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MortenN wrote:
I would strongly advice against separating the site between us and them...

yep!! can u imagine the "clique" talk THEN??? OH LORD!


Last edited by Crystal on Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:12 pm 
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i don't honestly think it would be a us and them cause many don't always sub songs for critique, many use both.

can i also add, that all along i have said hopefully when the new changes take place things will begin to feel a little better for myself...they are now there and hopefully the extreme i mention above won't be needed...time will tell.

And i would assume phil would put it out for people to vote or acknowledge their interest in the idea...THAT IS if it could actually be done..hopefully though these changes will at least keep the wannabe vocal coaches and simon cowells from upsetting those that are here purely for fun :-)

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:25 pm 
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MortenN wrote:

- COOL: critique is good when performed in a constructive manner with a goal to help not hurt.

- COOL: encouragement and kind words expressing appreciation of work and effort even if result is less than perfect is good.

- NOT COOL: Rude, hurtfull comments designed to bring people down are no good.

- NOT COOL: Completely ridicolous high ratings and comments that do not reflect the quality of the submission. Shows that the listener either is afraid to speak her mind or completely deaf.

So I think if we can just avoid these two extremes the rest is cool.

So, let's keep it real!!!!!!!!!!!!

I so totally agree with you --- but IMHO an addition to the "NOT COOL" is when someone does speak their mind & gives an "Average" rating or even a "Very Good" rating, don't chew them out & tell them not to stop by your subs anymore because they are ruining your rating.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:29 pm 
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It may be doable (is that really a word?) However, I don't think I would want to seperate the Singer's Showcase into two areas. Basically that has been done already with the changes.

You can ask to be critiqued or not.
You can allow ranks or not.
You can allow comments or not.

Note: To all members who leave comments. If the member states that the song is just for fun do not provide a critique of their performance. However, if they request a rank they are allowing for you to state why they received a rank.

Hmmm... maybe I should reconfigure that. If you want to receive a rank you are then asking to be critiqued.

Does that make any sense?


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:38 pm 
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And with this new rating system, I would argue the highest rated users and song lists should done away with.

If people are only getting one of 5 different rankings and with the few comments most songs receive the overall ranking becomes very arbitrary.

Furthermore if the highest ranked users list are kept it should be based on cummulative ranking over a significant period of time (3 months?), so that subs cannot just be deleted to improve the ranking. A a minimum of ranked songs to be ellible.


Last edited by MortenN on Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:41 pm 
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MissyGG wrote:
THAT IS if it could actually be done..hopefully though these changes will at least keep the wannabe vocal coaches and simon cowells from upsetting those that are here purely for fun :-)

Grrrrrrrrr I think I may be crabby today ...so be warned......

But GEEEEEZ is that comment TRULY necessary? You don't want to be considered someone who stirs the pot...but all this comment does is categorize and seriously annoy people. C'mon...I KNOW most of the people are adults on this site...Can't someone who likes to give honest comments..be just that?! Someone who LIKES TO GIVE HONEST COMMENTS?!! You don't have to say they're voice coach wannabes or Simon Cowells....gawd.

If you DON'T want critique...specify and DON'T BE RANKED. If ya DO want honest comments...then simply ASK for it and check that little box asking to be Ranked... It's honestly just not that difficult.

Phill is doing his best here on the site to appease everyone....one of these days I hope he'll see that not everyone is gonna be happy all the time. He'll run the site as he see's fit without trying to appease everyone's whims....

Yes..i'm officially crabby now....Image


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:46 pm 
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webguru wrote:
My thoughts:

A scale of 1 - 5
    5 - Excellent (Perfect)
    4 - Very Good (Above Average)
    3 - Good (Average)
    2 - Less thanaverage
    1 - Poor
What do you think?

Why do we have to have "stars" or #'s or anything? Why can't there just be the words "Excellent, Very Good, Good, Not so good, etc." Because there are still going to be people complaining that they don't have 5 stars, etc. You could do so many ranks equal another disky thingy beside your name when you sub on SS, kinda like the Forums does.

5 Excellants = 1 disk
10 Very Goods = 1 disk

Or not do anything at all other than the words?

Just my thoughts (rambling - at work should be working but not :?

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:51 pm 
Amen Butterfly... people now have the options to tweak the site to their likings... if they want comments- GREAT... if they want fluff- GREAT... if they want Critique- GREAT... if they want ranked- GREAT... and several combinations of each... if you don't want those things you can have the OPTION not to do some or all of them... I know this is rocket science but this covers 99% of the possibilities that phill can create to fill any holes... for people who want it to be like the old days- it is still the same for you... you don't have to utilize ANY of the options that have been created... go about your normal routines like you used to... phill has not taken away anyone's ability to fluff/non fluff, rate/not rate, comment/not comment, listen/not listen... the changes are in effect and with a little tweaking here and there I am sure it is going to be just fine... good work phill... - tig

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:53 pm 
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JazzyBaggz wrote:
Since the terminology is hanging people up.. How about...

Nearly Perfect (10) or if using star system (5 stars)

Above Average (9) or (4 stars)

Average (8) or (3 stars)

Below Average (7) or (2 stars)

Needs Much Work (6) or (1 star)

See, MY problem.. is that having the nearly perfect ABOVE above average is annoyingly REDUNDANT!!! Hello?! ANYTHING above ABOVE average.. is OBVIOUSLY STILL above AVERAGE! You can't use those words, and then, put something below and above them! Needs much work IS BELOW AVERAGE.. why bother putting it there!? Below average already INCLUDED that.... same with nearly perfect... that IS ABOVE average..

ARGH< I AM living in a word HELL!

Now, wanna hear my husbands Idea?

How about. you drop the the ratings altogether, and have a drop down list of problems...
Like, when I go the ipod service repair page, and it says "choose what is wrong with your ipod, or a symptom that best represents your issue"
Have a drop down box, with all of the most common musical, or vocals errors, etc... then, tally them up, etc, and you can see, what everyone, altogether thinks you need to work on, like "lacks emotion" "out of tune" " freaking irritating voice, makes me cringe,where the hell is the mute button on this damn thing"... Mind ya, that is a lot of work.,.. and, obviously, i don't give two hoots about the ranking, as I have never done it..

Ok, i promise to finish packing, and stop getting so freaking irritated:)

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:54 pm 
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Now we just also need to find a way to get rid of the rating police as well as the comment police (you know the ones that post at length about how others were rated) 8)

Just like we only have five ratings perhaps we should also have a limited set of topics that we are allowed to discuss on the forum??? And if we remove all trees and put concrete and asphalt on the ground we are certain no one well find themselves in trouble in the nature. I think we also need a singers showcase constitution. :wink:


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:59 pm 
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Gosh! - AW SHUX! :oops:

All these compliments!

Really it is all you folks that make the ideas. I just try to implement them.

So Kudos go to you! All of You!

Thanks for being active & contributing members of the site!

Oh and BTW - I took away the ability to modify the rank ability when you edit your song... When you submit it is either rank or not! No changing your mind later!

Yikes! Okay, stop throwing things at me!

:) :D :lol:


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 1:13 pm 
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then throw back the thong.....sheesh!! LOL

Thanx Phil....you do wonders!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 1:28 pm 
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In answer to Gilly, HEATHER deserves 10's in my opinion!! Why she was hardly at the top, I dunno.

And about the lowest rating score, however it is worded: why are we even pondering it? We all know no one, NO ONE can utilize it without being attacked by the singer or others....come on, ya know it's true. It will not be used.

And then we have logic presented (very usefully) that hardly anyone is perfect....so there we have the middle left!!!! And if all anyone gets is the middle, why do we need it at all?????

The mice and squirrels on their treadmills in ma head are making smoke come out of me ears.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 3:41 pm 
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a butterfly that turns into a crab...ahh well i am used to worse lolol

and yes that comment was necessary, because its those people that have made sure some have left the site or those not wanting to comment , sub, enjoy the site as they once did...and believe me those people are the ones who have said far worse than i would ever feel able to post in a forum and on the showcase.

as for phil trying to please everyone...if you read what ive put of course i know he's doing his best..and yes it is very much appreciated.

stir the pot...well matt will rate you 10 for agreeing with him :-)

as it stands at the moment, fingers crossed it will all work out well with the new options...and as for the ratings...i really don't give a stuff about those...the only thing i wanted to see was simple...this song is for fun, and as phil said they are not to be critiqued...so yes i can now go back to my fluffyness and put my horns away :-)

and phil...yes i accept what your saying about not wanting to split the showcases...as i said it was just an idea...thanks for replying with your answer.

ok time to put ma jammies on and ma pink fluffies and chill out and watch a mushy movie...have a good xmas all :-)

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 3:56 pm 
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MissyGG wrote:
a butterfly that turns into a crab...ahh well i am used to worse lolol

and yes that comment was necessary, because its those people that have made sure some have left the site or those not wanting to comment , sub, enjoy the site as they once did...and believe me those people are the ones who have said far worse than i would ever feel able to post in a forum and on the showcase.

as for phil trying to please everyone...if you read what ive put of course i know he's doing his best..and yes it is very much appreciated.

stir the pot...well matt will rate you 10 for agreeing with him :-)

as it stands at the moment, fingers crossed it will all work out well with the new options...and as for the ratings...i really don't give a stuff about those...the only thing i wanted to see was simple...this song is for fun, and as phil said they are not to be critiqued...so yes i can now go back to my fluffyness and put my horns away :-)

and phil...yes i accept what your saying about not wanting to split the showcases...as i said it was just an idea...thanks for replying with your answer.

ok time to put ma jammies on and ma pink fluffies and chill out and watch a mushy movie...have a good xmas all :-)

*sigh* Those same people...tho they may have gone about it wrong initially (and can we say *holding a grudge*) have made the site so much more fun and interesting for many others tho. I personally look forward to my comments MUCH more now that people are actually being honest! As much as I appreciate the people who are there just to give kind words and compliments....I really love what people really thought of my work. And I strongly believe that no one here intentionally tried to get another member to leave. We all need to remember..this is the INTERNET..not real life and the drama just is ridiculous.

I at NO point think they're being Simon Cowells or Voice Coach wannabe's....just someone taking THEIR time to listen to something I put work into and actually listen enough times to find something I can improve on. It really doesn't take much thought to say "Great sub! Love your voice".....it shows me more when someone can be detailed and descriptive.

It's then up to me to use it or toss whatever info they're willing to give. But to simply put them in a category because in the past they went about things the wrong way (and have since rectified)...give it a break. They're not bad people and I'm sure we'd all appreciate the insinuations that they are to stop.



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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 4:06 pm 
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oooh ooh oooh... how bout this??

How about if there were just 4 things to choose from


that's all you see in your dropdown box.. (no numbers), and all you have to deal with

to calculate an average, whatever you choose will award that person a certain amount of points..

If you choose excellent, it awards them 3 points, good, 2 points, fair, 1 point, and poor 0 pts.

To get an average, all of the points are added up and averaged by the number of people who voted.

So if on a particular song I submit Syber gives me an "excellent" and morten and atomic give me a "good" and missy gives me a "fair" .. that averages out to two points which = good

ummm am i rambling again? hehe


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 4:21 pm 
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butterfly wrote: They're not bad people and I'm sure we'd all appreciate the insinuations that they are to stop.

i never said they were bad people...now who is insinuating what...don't put words into my mouth ...i much prefer crab meat :-)

butterfly your entitled to say what you feel ...have a good xmas...i really got nothing else to add.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 4:32 pm 
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Didn't say you did hon...just said the insinuations are there.....and I for one would love to see the name calling come to an end....



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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 4:38 pm 
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AND.. to add to what i suggested above and to make it even more random and nice to use:

what if it was made so that the MEDIAN was what was taken into account.. that way if something was way low or high than what most people think, it would be discounted

How about if in association with the above system I mentioned with a dropdown box that consisted of:

Excellent (which awards 3pts)
Good (2pts)
Fair (1pt)
Poor (0pts)

we add to it some rules in the calculation....

I think as it is now, we have a system which doesn't start calculating until a certain amount of votes have been given.. I think that's good

So, let's say that there needs to be at least 5 rates for a score to be registered

What if we make it so the FIRST 5 votes to be registered are the ones that are used

Than the points are gotten by adding up the 3 MIDDLE scores. Therby making the highest score possible, a 9 AND making it easier for people to want to register their opinion as the highest and lowest of the 2 scores are discounted..

AND since only the first 5 are counted AND there has to be 5 scores for the point total to be viewed, you also will not have the problem of people knowing who gave what because the total score will not be visible until those first five scores and than is fixed... so none of this, my score changed after you commented so you must have given me the low score buisiness...

so here's an example

on a sumbission the first 5 rates recieved are:


which equates to 3 3 2 2 1 ... the three MIDDLE points are counted (3 2 2) and the high and low dropped (3 and 1) to get the point total of 7 out of 9

another example

3 2 2 1 0 (the 3 and 0 are dropped) total point score of 5 out of 9

get it?? I think that 5 opinions is a pretty good enough spread and people should feel very comfortable giving the person what they truly think it deserves with this type of system..

does this make any sense at all??


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 5:09 pm 
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So Jazzy, now we just need to force five people to rate each submission. If I am not wrong many subs don't see much more than that number of comments let alone ratings.

Can we btw. get a promise that witch hunts won't be started if we award a "poor"? Or are we only allowed to use "good" and "excellent". Even "fair" might hurt someones feelings or reduce their average and we can't have that now can we???? 8)

Perhaps we should just have one rating: approve and you would be forced to select it. A little bit like elections in the former Soviet Union :wink:

Now I better stop with the needles and pins before I get too unpopular... :D


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