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Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 5:16 pm |
Joined: Thu Nov 07, 2002 2:40 am Posts: 7468 Location: Kansas City, MO Been Liked: 1 time
MissyGG wrote: well i take offence to the term stiring the pot.... That's your problem. Because you've been the one to keep bringing this back up. THAT MEANS "stirring the pot". Deal with it. I'm DONE walking on eggshells to you. You're the ONLY one that is complaining about the "in your face" critiqing going on. AND we were the ones doing that waiting on PHILL to finish his coding. NOW that's done, so you won't see in CAPITAL letters "CRITIQUE ME PLEASE". For someone that wants "to take a break" on this site, you sure are STILL spending a lot of time arguing and complaining about the site! MissyGG wrote: but sorry matt was you one of those that called me a liar, and dishonest... and when i gave you a critical comment about your voice...YOU were the person that also took offence to it...no matter which way i chose to do it. Which yes agreed i chose to say things on the forum and not your sub, wrong of me, but even so you took offence to the critique. First of all Missy, I NEVER said anybody was a liar. I said that they were being TOO KIND and giving out tens and "fluff". AND I've NEVER ONCE taken offense to the critiqing by ANYBODY. What I DID say, and I'll enunciate this for the slow people, is that I take ALL criticism and THINK about WHO is giving it to. I then LISTEN to how they sing and act, and put it in PERSPECTIVE. If I feel that someone isn't a very good singer, then their opinion of me means VERY little to me in the greater scheme of things. MissyGG wrote: you also mention above about you getting a 7.8 and others who were awful getting a 9 or 10...everyones ear is different, what makes you believe they were worse?? Um, the screeching of the speakers, the wincing of not only myself, but others in my house and anothers that heard them. I'm not talking about someone that RIGHTFULLY deserved a 9 or 10, but someone that was GIVEN that inappropriately. AND it happens a LOT on this site. Even now. MissyGG wrote: i know where i stand with you...you do not want me to give you any critique about your voice, at the same time you don't want me to fluff you, i cannot think of an inbetween, because even my critique of your voice wasn't harsh. You have NO clue where you stand with me. Don't presume to speak out of my mouth for me on ANY issues. That's good advice for anybody, and smacks of a huge ego when you can sit there and say "I know where I stand with you." You might THINK you do, but you can't know, unless I've flat out told you, and believe me, I haven't. MissyGG wrote: personally since i arrived here i believe we have never saw eye to eye on anything....but we do agree on 1 thing above and i did mention it in the thread.
and that is to take the honest critique and keep it seperate from the rest! I did like you initially, until you started attacking people. and then sit there and laugh it off later. and the only reason I felt it necessary to say "have a second room" was because YOU were losing your mind on the critiqing that's going on!
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Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 5:24 pm |
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Joined: Mon Jul 14, 2003 12:52 am Posts: 305 Been Liked: 0 time
Quote: So Jazzy, now we just need to force five people to rate each submission. If I am not wrong many subs don't see much more than that number of comments let alone ratings. lol.. well i would hope we could get that many.. but think about this.. As I said, as the rating system stands now, the numbers DON"T register until a certain amount of people give them.. so this is no different than it is now in that respect. and I think perhaps this system would be easier for more people to do without feeling bad or being afraid of getting beaten down for giving what they think it deserves!Quote: Can we btw. get a promise that witch hunts won't be started if we award a "poor"? Or are we only allowed to use "good" and "excellent". Even "fair" might hurt someones feelings or reduce their average and we can't have that now can we????
If you look at the system I suggested, no one will KNOW what you gave them.. so it makes it easier to give what you truly think withOUT fearing the "witchhunts" .. the score will not show up UNTIL the 5 votes are in.. so no one will be able to tell who gave what and since the lowest and highest is dropped of the 5 that are taken, it gives a good median of what people are giving and eliminates the extremes.. (and also makes it impossible to tell who gave what because you won't know who gave the ones that were dropped) This helps free people up to put what they think without fear of being singled out...
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Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 5:39 pm |
Joined: Thu Nov 07, 2002 2:40 am Posts: 7468 Location: Kansas City, MO Been Liked: 1 time
I personally thought the current ranking system was about as fair as can be. The fact that TEN numbers is too much for people to understand is just awful, and a bit sad.
I was PROUD of my 7.8... until I saw a few others that had some tens! ! then I wondered why they even HAD a ranking system.
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Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 5:59 pm |
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Joined: Sun Jul 13, 2003 12:06 pm Posts: 242 Location: Ocean, NJ, USA Been Liked: 0 time
I understand your suggestion and appreciate your desire to find a happy compromise for a rating system. I just think we are in the process of destroying it.
What I see developing is a rating system castrated by people who would prefer the rating system ride into the sunset never to be seen again.
With all these rules, with so little of a graduation (I am in line with Knightshow on that (not attempting to speak for you )) what is really the meaningfulness of the rating??? What is the purpose?? I still argue that many songs will go unrated because they won't get the necessary number of ratings. At least the other site has panelists and you see the ratings even if you only receive theirs.
Before we go any further: the ones of us who do like a rating system should ask ourselves what is it we want out of the ratings?? (I still submit that the ones that do not intend to let themselves be rated should have the decency to abstain from decissions related to any new rating system.)
- as a fun competition against ourselves and others?
- to better understand what to work on?
- etc.
If we really wanted a rating system I think songs should be rated in ex. six categories:
Vocal clarity/quality
Each category should be given from 0-10 points. The total number of points tallied perhaps with some weighting since ex. pitch is more important than recording quality.
But again: before we decide on a solution let's first ask ourselves what problem we are trying to solve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 6:15 pm |
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Joined: Sun Jul 13, 2003 12:06 pm Posts: 242 Location: Ocean, NJ, USA Been Liked: 0 time
We are past 100 posts and BeattlesTribute still only has two comments on his crtique post.
Do we have the right priorities????
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Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 10:03 pm |
Joined: Thu Nov 07, 2002 2:40 am Posts: 7468 Location: Kansas City, MO Been Liked: 1 time
I haven't made the time yet, due to the impending holidays... but more than that, I have to be "in the mood" to listen to a niche like "The Beatles"... I've spoke with BT about this in the past. I was so burned out on it from my folks and growing up with the beatles as near gods... talk about burned out! !
Nothing against BT... not at all. I have been a commenter on his prev. subs... when I can make the time. I'll make certain to do this as soon as I can.
Matt (still wrappin' presents, cleaning house for folks visiting, etc.)
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Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 10:25 pm |
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You are absolutely right Morten.. and thank you for seeing that is exactly what I am trying to do. It's not that I particularly personally feel that the system is bad as it stands. It's just me trying to find a way that will make the maximum amount of people happy.. nothing more, nothing less. Yes, I agree that is seems such a small scale to break it down into 4 measly ranks.. You can get sooo much more a specific and detailed analysis of how people think you did with a broader spectrum of a scale.... IF and only IF people are using that scale.. therein lies the problem. IF people weren't so danged afraid to use the big scale, it would be the better thing!! i agree most definitely.. but the reason that so many who LIKE ratings are dissatisfied, is beacause people are not using the scale as it was intended. That's how we end up with Knightshows (just using you for an example) getting a well earned and appreciated 7.8 whilst someone else may get what seems an unbalanced 10 for something.
With a smaller scale, you may not get as detailed and varied (scale wise) a response as you would like BUT what I was thinking and hoping, is that you would get at least a more honest picture across the board because people may be more willing to use the system i proposed. Also, you have a valid point of being afraid of never getting your rating b/c of needing 5 rates.. BUT like I said before, even now you need a certain amount of votes before your rating will register. At least this way, it is locked in at the 5th one and perhaps someone stopping in who wants to do some rating may move on to another song that hasn't gotten all its rates yet, therby helping to even out the amount of comments people recieve..
Do you understand what i'm sayin? I'm alll for the 1 - 10 if it's working.. I still believe it's the most reliable scale and gives for more diversity, but if noone is ever gonna use the total scale.. and it seems they won't. You may get one or two who come in and try, but they will soon be "assimilated" to the the fear and only use a couple numbers after a while as well.
Soo As the membership that wants to be rated, you also have to ask yourself if you want a rating system that is ideal but unused and abused, or one that is perhaps not as colorful, but which is more likely to be used and used completely? That's all i'm getting at...
I'm always just trying to think of ways to make this place more enjoyable for everyone.. I'm just trying to hash things out and think logically is all..
oh, and i know you don't like these rambling posts, but I've not been well for these past couple weeks, so i've been holding off singing and critiquing until I am better. This is still, after all, contributing to the site.. even if it isn't the ideal contribution (as listening and commenting is) it's what I have to offer for right now...
signing off...
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Phill Cross
Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 4:55 am |
Joined: Sun Jul 01, 2001 4:00 am Posts: 2807 Images: 36 Location: Anaheim, Orange County, CA Been Liked: 122 times
Okay I'm confused (again)
Can someone provide a brief synopsis of this topic?
I am working on a new 5 star rating system. You will have the option of 5 stars, 4 stars, 3 stars, 2 stars, & 1 star that will be it. No explaination - no details. That will be it!
However, I am also working on a more complex rating system which I plan to preview sometime in the near future. You willl have the option to allow others to use that. (similar to MortenN's - but with 1 to 5 scale) But that is in the works...
I really appreciate everyone feedback & input. Whether you agree or not with each other it provides info to me so that I can improve the site.
Buttrfligyrl wrote: (snip) ...and I for one would love to see the name calling come to an end... I agree!
However, if I decide to call you a name, deal with it!
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Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 5:39 am |
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Joined: Mon Sep 27, 2004 6:22 am Posts: 534 Location: USA Been Liked: 25 times
Sorry phil...i'll hush now...this was it for me on this subject, I promise wow buddy ...I dont see how you can stand all this stuff. your a much bigger person than i could ever be...for sure.
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Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 6:57 am |
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Joined: Sun Jul 13, 2003 12:06 pm Posts: 242 Location: Ocean, NJ, USA Been Liked: 0 time
I know how you feel, I had a cold a week back and I still can't sing. With the activity on this board and the new guitar that is however not a big deal.
I understand you completely and also consider you one of the more sane people here!
Let's make one New Years resolution: if you want to write a long rambling post, please (pretty please) use paragraphs!!! Some of these posts spanning almost a full page with endless word are very hard to read without falling asleep.
Phill, I really like this idea of yours a five star system as well as an optional much more detailed system, cool!!!
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Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 10:45 am |
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Joined: Mon Jul 14, 2003 12:52 am Posts: 305 Been Liked: 0 time
me?.. SANE?! Not possible.. jjk Actually, I'm a fairly grounded and logical person. I'm a big ol' goof, don't get me wrong, but thank you for considering me among the "sane" here , oh and I hope you don't mean me about the paragraphs because I think in just about all of my rambling posts I try to paragraph things out because I know how daunting it can be to see one HUGE block of text with no separation of ideas. I hope you feel better and get your voice back soon!
webguru.. There are about 20 different conversations going on in here, so that is probably why you were a little bit confused and rightfully so. If you read back about 2 posts of mine, I think I explain in depth what the heck I am talking about.
I was just suggesting a system that is NOT based on an average but rather a median. People get so afraid to rate sometimes b/c they feel like they are hurting someone. If you are taking an average (counting up the points and dividing by all who rated) then they probably are, but if it is done the way I suggested, you are getting a rating that is middle of the way and leaves out the extremes both high and low (dropping the high and low of 5 rates). I thought it might make more people comfortable rating what they feel (because if they are in waaay left or right field of what most people thought, it will most likely not count) AND it would make it so that know one can guestimate what others are rating them because once it has it's 5 scores is when it displays the rating and then it is locked in so no changing and none of the "you came in and my rating lowered so you musta given me an 8 stuff. This could be implemented with the star system too. I just suggested words (Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor) because people were having hangups about "numbers" being attatched or the lingo that was being used such as "perfect."
I don't even know if any of that is possible to script, but I was just racking my brain as people were discussing/arguing about the rating system. I thought about what made it fallable in most people's eyes and what people afraid to use it and tried to come up with something that addressed that. I know you may think it sucks .. but I had to put it out there just to see if it was even a possibility.. Thanks again for all the hard work you do on this site!
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Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 1:16 pm |
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Joined: Fri Mar 14, 2003 11:48 am Posts: 1596 Been Liked: 0 time
Aww.. dreamer... ya didn't have to edit your post... I read it and thought ya made a good point. We all have a different perspective of this place and how can we know what others are feeling if they don't speak up? I think many of us feel that... even though this is "just a web site" .. the people we meet here are very real! And I know the friends we make here are the very reason we keep returning! I have a great life with a lot of friends (in the "real world") but that doesn't make this place any less important to me. I have met some people here that I think I know better than some of my friends I've known for over 10+ years... sooo... anywhooo... none of this will make sense to those who unfortunately didn't read your post... so.... please don't feel you have to edit yourself... if people don't want to read it... they won't! I liked what you said and understand you a bit better... so thank you for sharing!
Jazzy.... YOU? A GOOF? Hard to picture that heheh..... but I always make me a sandwich or get me a drink when I see ya post cause I know I'll be a while heheheheh.... you know I love your posts .... which is why I camp out when I see ya! We need an "ASK JAZZY" forum... so we can all pick yer brain heheh!
MortenN.... you should see dumbdrums long winded posts.... they don't even have any punctuation hehe! We all have different ways of communicating... it's all good right?
Phill....... do you ever take a break? Merry Christmas Mr. Webman!!
I've been absent from the Showcase for a while... just plain busy! But hope to return soon!
Merry Christmas to all of ya's!!!!!
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Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 1:28 pm |
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Joined: Sun Jul 13, 2003 12:06 pm Posts: 242 Location: Ocean, NJ, USA Been Liked: 0 time
Believe me I have seen some of Mikey's long winded posts. I once even tried reading one. Had to go to therapy for a month afterwards...
In all seriousness I like drums, he is always very positive. His posts are meant to make people feel better.
However, in the New Year I might have to flag him for multiple punctuation violations.
Merry Christmas Sheree.
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Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 1:51 pm |
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Joined: Fri Mar 14, 2003 11:48 am Posts: 1596 Been Liked: 0 time
Well... I guess it's pointless now to comment on it since it's gone.
As for Mikey.... lemme flag him heheheh!
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Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 2:30 pm |
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i have read what you put, and i could sit here and just ramble back but i dont think either of us wish to get into any more crap, i think we are both aware of what our feelings are towards each other.
as ive said all along now the new changes are there things i have no doubt everything will get better.
it's time now for both of us to calm it down, a new year will be with us soon, and a fresh start, so i am asking for us both to bury the hatchet, call a truce and as much as we disagree with each other...i will try and hold my tongue to avoid further confrontations.
is that ok?
all the best, have a great xmas
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Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 3:28 pm |
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No truce is needed, because I was NEVER upset, Missy. But I will call attention to the fact that when I'm attacked or singled out, I will respond in kind.
I'll add that I'm ALWAYS open to any discussion about ANYTHING in PM. If you have a problem with me, then we can address it there. Steven and I did that as well, and I realized where we had some miscommunication. MOST arguements on a site like this, where there are decent people of similar interests (i.e. karaoke and singing), most of those arguements result in IMPROPER communication. You can't hear sarcasm dripping off my words any more than I can hear the lightness of yor voice, and vice-versa.
so if you have something to discuss, please, reach out to me. You'll find I'm not a bad guy. Just highly opinionated... like you!
I wish you, and everyone else here a very merry christmas, and a safe and happy new year!
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Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 4:01 pm |
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Joined: Mon May 24, 2004 8:07 pm Posts: 337 Location: Roseville, CA Been Liked: 0 time
Matt, I've told ya I love you, haven't I? Have I told cha I wish I could be more like ya? (sigh)
Oh Nicole, my sweet Nicole....I'm starting to REALLY love you too!!! I think we even live not that far from each other. I'm in Rocklin, not far from Highway 50. Well right now I'm in Arnold, visitin'. I brought my karaoke machine too.
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Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 4:09 pm |
Joined: Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:38 pm Posts: 1676 Images: 3 Location: Beckley, WV Been Liked: 25 times
FoxeRoxy wrote: IMHO an addition to the "NOT COOL" is when someone does speak their mind & gives an "Average" rating or even a "Very Good" rating, don't chew them out & tell them not to stop by your subs anymore because they are ruining your rating.
Amen, Foxe!
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Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 4:11 pm |
Joined: Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:38 pm Posts: 1676 Images: 3 Location: Beckley, WV Been Liked: 25 times
webguru wrote: Hmmm... maybe I should reconfigure that. If you want to receive a rank you are then asking to be critiqued.
Does that make any sense?
Absolutely Phill!!!
That's what I've been saying all along!!
Not really fair for folks to say 'rank & no critique'.
Hope you implement that!! Really!
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