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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 1:37 pm 
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I am wondering why People are posting their song titles here in the forum,...when plainly they belong in SingerShowcase ,on thecomment page of the submitter? I mean..hey..if we are going to do this..then why do we even have a critique comment area in the Showcase? If one or a few can do that in the forum...then we ALL can...right Phil? :roll:
umm..in which case...there will be ALOT more posting in the forum. Wow..with all the members SS has...we sure will fill up the forum fast with individual critiques.:wink:

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 1:51 pm 
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Tammy wrote:
I am wondering why People are posting their song titles here in the forum,...when plainly they belong in SingerShowcase ,on thecomment page of the submitter?

I'm doing it (and others are on certain songs) because we want detailed critiques of our subs (or at least some of them) and there isn't enough space in the comment boxes to do that really.

This is the forum for Singers Showcase, that's why I'm posting here (instead of 'Discussion' or wherever). If Phill wants us to stop doing this, I'm sure we will.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 1:58 pm 
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Maybe we can get Phil to give more area for comments in SS..I mean really...I dont think text takes up much space.Id love to see the comment box allowed to recieve more text,I agree,there really isnt enough room for a proper critique.. :D What do ya say Phil?

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 2:01 pm 
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Tammy wrote:
Maybe we can get Phil to give more area for comments in SS..I mean really...I dont think text takes up much space.Id love to see the comment box allowed to recieve more text,I agree,there really isnt enough room for a proper critique.. :D What do ya say Phil?

That's true Tammy... text is not very memory intensive. Maybe we can put a larger comment box in our wishlist for Phill. :)

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 2:06 pm 
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I have to say, I totally agree with u both... there's a definate need to have more space in the sub comment boxes... I think that would lead to better subbing and a more "communicative" feeling...

Great ideas guys!!

Ps... I have to give props to PHILL, he's has been working his behind off... NICE WORK PHILL! :wink:


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 2:38 pm 
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Okay I will see what I can do on increasing the amount of comment & reply space...

BTW - I have noticed that some people are placing in the song title that they welcome comments or other information. This isn't necessary with the updated code.

Currently, I am allowing members to edit their ranking selection if they mistakenly allowed ranking when they didn't mean too.

Also, please list the Song Title Only! No other characters ( ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < > , . / ? ) or information should be included in that section. This prevents the song search from working properly.

If you would like to inform people of something, do that in the description area. In the past I have gone through and edited this information, however I have been too busy lately to do so.



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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 4:16 pm 
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I also think we should cut down on the advertisement of our songs in this forum. Especially if Phill implements the larger comment area.

I think everyone would like people to visit, listen, and comment. However, if everyone were to list their songs in the forum this would be a mess! If there really is a need for a lot of back and forth on specific songs, then I think Phill should set up a separate forum for detailed feedback and discussions of submitted songs.


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 4:39 pm 
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Nah, I don't think I'd create another forum.

I do think, that you should not discuss SS submissions here though.

I think if you wish to converse with the person about their submission or the comments that someone made on yours, you can PM or email them...

Too many forums as there are. It will get way to confusing for some people.


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 5:03 pm 
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webguru wrote:
Nah, I don't think I'd create another forum.

I do think, that you should not discuss SS submissions here though.

I think if you wish to converse with the person about their submission or the comments that someone made on yours, you can PM or email them...

Too many forums as there are. It will get way to confusing for some people.


Loud and clear Phill... until the larger comment boxes are implemented, I'll ask folks to PM me if they want to comment more. :)

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 5:10 pm 
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Comments have been changed from limit of 400 characters to 1000!

Replies have been changed from limit of 255 characters to 500!

That should be more than plenty of space. One would hope. ;) :D


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 5:13 pm 
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webguru wrote:
Comments have been changed from limit of 400 characters to 1000!

Replies have been changed from limit of 255 characters to 500!

That should be more than plenty of space. One would hope. ;) :D


LOLOL!!! Well I dunno... for SOME of us... ;) :oops: :oops:

Thanks Phill!!!

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 5:17 pm 
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Just wanted to say THANK YOU for working your butt off these last weeks....The site changes are amazing I think..and will all be for the best of SS and KS I believe!!

So hats off to you...kudos...great job!!! Thank you for all your hard work!!

Now go spend some time with your family!!!



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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 5:52 pm 
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:oops: Aw Shux! :oops:

I again appreciate your compliments. But like I always say -

It's really all you folks that deserve the praise, especially with all the wonderful contributions & ideas that our terrific members provide.

I only implement what I can...

So hats off to you all! Bravo!

And keep them ideas coming.

BTW - Family has been out of town for three days (Yeah! - I got a break.) They return later tonight! So you won't see much of me probably for the next few days!


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 9:31 pm 
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thanks again for all your hard work! It IS appreciated!

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 10:00 pm 
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Absolutely!!! with all these new features (and my new equipment) This is getting SOOO much more exciting!! I could spend ALL freakin day here now......

yah......right...... as if I don't allready! LOL! :roll:
you're not making my addiction any easier!! LOL!

Thanks Phill! Excellent work m'dear.
Since Christmas is over now..... perhaps someone can make a crown fer yer avatar instead of the scrooge look... LOL!


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 6:50 am 
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i agree! phill is the hardest working guru ever !!! he never backs down from a challenge like the time he posted "hello again" by neil diamond....first he starts of with the haunting "hello again....hello", then as if a man posessed he invites us into the mind of diamond himself...when phill sings about how he "cannot sleep" , i feel sorry for his tortured soul...later in the song when he says "i think about you every night" i feel as if hes singin to me and then i realize that we are hetero guys in a world of cynacism and i listen on.....every chorus when he sings "hello again hello" i find myself whispering hello back...this is the mark of a dedicated singer...his storyline draws me in and wont let me go until the last line of "i know its late but i couldnt wait............hello"....although at 1min:30 on the song it sounds like phill is eating something during the instrumental lead break failing to swallow it before the final stanza (the crunch sounds hauntingly familiar...im guessin pringles or spongebob squarepants cheeze its)... i do believe he could improve on that...also in verse 2 line 2 word 3 "called", i do believe i hear the sound of espn sportscenter in the background.....could just be a "ghost in the machine".....phill truley possesses the power of a neil diamond and yet the soul and frailty of a tori amos or jewel....i think that in any computerhackers journeyman life , he or she must decide if its time to give up the bits and bytes for amps and lights...phills vibrato is that which legends such as aaron neville was carved on...his perfect pitch and flawless execution rivals that of elvis or wu tang clans "ol dirty bastard"
no doubt phils singin is da bomb and if my breast was any bigger i would have him sign it because phill is a star going places and

Nah, I don't think I'd create another forum.

I do think, that you should not discuss SS submissions here though.

I think if you wish to converse with the person about their submission or the comments that someone made on yours, you can PM or email them...

Too many forums as there are. It will get way to confusing for some people.



Gladly helping Kappy to become cyber immortal !!

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 2:10 pm 
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falls about laughing....dumb ya class lolol

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 Post subject: More comment space
PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 4:49 pm 
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Thanks Phil for adding extra comment space. Eventually when we get our allowance, Syber and I will join officially.

There are no accidents in a perfect world   - Blondie

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 5:37 pm 
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in answer to the original posting, well this IS a singer's forum... what else are we going to talk about other than our singing, other people's singing, people not liking my singing (thanks foxeyroxy! LOL!)...

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 5:49 pm 
OH NO you did NOT just say what I think you just said matt!!!! let it go man... she still likes you as a person and I know you are a swell guy... I could come over and throw a few kicks in the general direction the problem is... anything higher than your waist and we will have to get the step stool out... breathe in... breathe out... DAMMIT man!!! I'm a DJ not a doctor!!! It's worse than that, he's sober, Jim...

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