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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 10:53 am 
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Gilly wrote:
I don't HATE kids or anything... honestly!!

I do, honestly.

hehe... well, everyone ELSES kids.... mine is alright, sometimes... handy though... she fetches better than the dog (wait, we don't have a dog... that is the husband.. darn i have EVERYTHING confused today...)

:P :ggof:

Oh Gilly - I just love your sense of humor! You are such a comedian! ROFLMAO!

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 10:56 am 
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Debauchery wrote:
syberchick70 wrote:
but I swear they're little walking petrie dishes.

Are they multiplying? :wink:

It sure seems that way... every time I turn around there's another little kid running by and I'm like... 'who was that??' lol

I think kids from the neighborhood just walk in and make themselves welcome or something. I've sort of managed to make a name for myself among them as being 'crazy' though... so they mostly leave me alone. I do stuff like start barking and growling at them or whatever. heheheh There are a few who run from me on sight. lol

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:03 am 
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syberchick70 wrote:
I've sort of managed to make a name for myself among them as being 'crazy' though... so they mostly leave me alone. I do stuff like start barking and growling at them or whatever. heheheh There are a few who run from me on sight. lol

Geez, Syb -- you seem to make friends wherever ya go huh????
:twisted: :wink:

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:07 am 
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FoxeRoxy wrote:
I know not all kids are this way -- thank God! I would never have been allowed to throw some of the tantrums and act the way some of the kids I see now a days. My parents weren't strict by any means but certain behaviors were just not allowed and bawling to get my way was one of them.

Tell me about it... geez!! Now, my niece is ok most of the time, but she gets into these little hissy fits and it really drives me nuts.

Ya see... I'm a dog trainer, been doing it for years, and strangely enough the same techniques (with a little modification of course) work on kids that work on dogs. If we manage to have a kid, it WILL be well behaved (or it won't survive lol). I'm not terribly disciplined myself, but no way can I tolerate kids who throw tantrums and get all nasty when they're asked to do something reasonable. Like, I hear the parents around here talking "My little Shelly just refuses to go to bed when I tell her to! I just don't know what to do!" And I'm thinking to myself "um, duct tape works..." (lol - ok, that's a little extreme, but you get my point).

I agree with Gilly too... I know I would love my own kid, but I'm just not one of those people who falls apart over little kids & babies. Yeah ok, so we hijacked our own thread... I don't care. I'm sick & grumpy. lol

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:28 am 
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syberchick70 wrote:
FoxeRoxy wrote:
I know not all kids are this way -- thank God! I would never have been allowed to throw some of the tantrums and act the way some of the kids I see now a days. My parents weren't strict by any means but certain behaviors were just not allowed and bawling to get my way was one of them.

I'm not terribly disciplined myself, but no way can I tolerate kids who throw tantrums and get all nasty when they're asked to do something reasonable. Like, I hear the parents around here talking "My little Shelly just refuses to go to bed when I tell her to! I just don't know what to do!" And I'm thinking to myself "um, duct tape works..." (lol - ok, that's a little extreme, but you get my point).

I agree with Gilly too... I know I would love my own kid, but I'm just not one of those people who falls apart over little kids & babies. Yeah ok, so we hijacked our own thread... I don't care. I'm sick & grumpy. lol

Y'know, it's rather funny we're having this discussion because I had this EXACT same conversation on New Year's Eve with someone. We were in a lounge doing what adults normally do in such an environment when in walked a young woman with a baby attached to her hip. Um, HELLLOOO?
Since when do people bring very small babies into bars? I was appalled. Seeing that brought on the conversation between me and my date. He made sure I didn't have any kids, and I asked him the same. We then took it one step further and confirmed that neither of us is too interested in having any, either. And no, I don't dislike kids either. I just like having the ability to give them back when I can no longer handle it.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:33 am 
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I had ONE and STOPPED!! Tell ya anything???

He's wonderful! (who am I kidding, he's an obnoxious 21 yr. old) :lol: .. and of course ya love your own.. but between surviving raising him on my own (the aliens abducted him at 15 and left a pod.... it LOOKED like him.... but it sure didn't ACT like him) and being a speech therapist in elementary schools (and now at a univerisity), I think Syber and Roxy are definately on the right thought wave. If ya think the little ones are bad... ya outta be around some of these older ones. Geeeeeeshhhhh.

Feel better Syber!

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:44 am 
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Shotgun CC wrote:
If ya think the little ones are bad... ya outta be around some of these older ones. Geeeeeeshhhhh.

Heh... I AM one of the older ones ;)

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:46 am 
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i wouldnt trade my three demons for nothin
lol :) i know bout those alien pods :( happened to the 20 and 21 year old..gosh they were so cute before the.."change" lol i have a 14 year old ..bless her heart..i tell her..repeatedly...(after learnin valuable lessons) you have no life..no rights;..no opinions..just be pretty and pass in school and i MITE let you make it to grown hehe :)

now..that grandbaby...lawd..it put a spell on me and it gets to do anything it wants lol and generally does!

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:52 am 
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Here's the best form of birth control: watch an episode of Nanny 911. Good grief!! That'll make you appreciate your own kids no matter how obnoxious they get!


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:54 am 
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Here's the best form of birth control: watch an episode of Nanny 911. Good grief!! That'll make you appreciate your own kids no matter how obnoxious they get!


Hope everyone starts to feel better soon...I was sick last week for a few days but I'm feeling pretty good right now. (keeping fingers crossed) :)

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:02 pm 
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Heh... I AM one of the older ones

Okay... ya caught me speaking in generalities!! LOL

I am sure you are lovely.... and have manners... and create sentences that don't always include profanity...

Get my ****ing drift?????? ROTFLMAO ..... oops... sorry!! :newlol:

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:03 pm 
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A NEW DAY wrote:
now..that grandbaby...lawd..it put a spell on me and it gets to do anything it wants lol and generally does!

That's so funny that you should bring that up! My hubby and I were just talkin the other day about how our parents treat their grandkids (from our siblings of course, but even the "Granddogs" I guess). It's like all the rules that we had growing up just totally got thrown out of the window when grandkids came along. Our parents let those grandkids (& granddogs - yes) do things that they'd never have let their own kids do! LOL! :D

Why do the rules change for the 3rd generation?

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:08 pm 
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Yes, My alien pod is KING of the HILL .. at grandma's.

Funny ... I couldn't say and do the things that are sooooo funny ~~ now that he's doing them. :roll:

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:17 pm 
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FoxeRoxy wrote:
Geez, Syb -- you seem to make friends wherever ya go huh????
:twisted: :wink:

You know you love me!!! ;) LOLOL

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:25 pm 
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You guys are so right... one of the biggest culprits of 'spoiling' kids here is MY MOM!!! lol Well, she's not TOO bad I guess, but holy smoke, some of the things my 6yr old niece does and says would'a got my jaw slapped into next week when I was growing up. heheheh

Of course one big problem we have, is that the kid is downright beautiful and she has an ego the size of manhattan. She was actually doing the 'beauty pagent' thing for a while, and is now conviced she's a 'beauty queen' because she won 1st place a couple of times. I love her to death, but I dread to see her at 15 when the aliens arrive... Ack!!

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:29 pm 
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A NEW DAY wrote:
i wouldnt trade my three demons for nothin
lol :) i know bout those alien pods :( happened to the 20 and 21 year old..gosh they were so cute before the.."change" lol i have a 14 year old ..bless her heart..i tell her..repeatedly...(after learnin valuable lessons) you have no life..no rights;..no opinions..just be pretty and pass in school and i MITE let you make it to grown hehe :)

now..that grandbaby...lawd..it put a spell on me and it gets to do anything it wants lol and generally does!

HAHAH :D Well, they are pretty... no denying that. :) Your 14yr old looks a lot like a little singer gal I knew in Oregon. Nice voice on that girl... we wanted to work with her but we had to move away. :(

Anyway, too cute family.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:30 pm 
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I can relate to so much of this....I'm 39 and still ambivalent about having kids, and so is my 34 yr old boyfriend (could it be cuz of our own childhoods, uh yeah).

And I SWEAR why can't I go into any freaking Walmart or Target or Kmart without hearing screaming kids....other than that I love kids dearly. They can spot me (a kid in an adult "suit") a mile away. They just sit and stare at me in fascination.

AND I moved from San Jose/Bay Area 2 yrs ago, Syberchickie to Sacramento, allergy capital of the world!! (HAte that Bay Area, hate it, hate it, hate it......)

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:35 pm 
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tigger wrote:
And I SWEAR why can't I go into any freaking Walmart or Target or Kmart without hearing screaming kids....other than that I love kids dearly. They can spot me (a kid in an adult "suit") a mile away. They just sit and stare at me in fascination.

I think we should be able to arm ourselves with pea-shooters... ;) lol

tigger wrote:
AND I moved from San Jose/Bay Area 2 yrs ago, Syberchickie to Sacramento, allergy capital of the world!! (HAte that Bay Area, hate it, hate it, hate it......)

Yikes!!! and we just had an offer to go to Sacramento... :p I dunno... we kind of like it out here right now. My hubby just had is first 'fall', and his first 'spring' is coming up! :D (of course, I don't know about allergy capitals, but there is something out here I am allergic to in the fall, not much of it in CA apparently cause my allergies mostly went away when I moved out there) *sigh*

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:36 pm 
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Oh and spoiling and discipline...whenever I'm in a store and happen upon some rare mom who has her kidlets in control and is saying no to them, I usually tell them how great I think they are...thank God they're out there (not counting granny-spoiling here of course).

And Kathy, love your pic of your "demons".....they're cute! It's like they're trying to look all cool and tough but I see huggly snuggly in 'em (I'm sure they'd love to hear that!).

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:39 pm 
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Oh Chickie you're fortunate to be in the Southeast....we want to be there if we could afford to move. Housing is impossible to afford here. I've been watching California's quality of life slowly crumble for years now and I'm sick of witnessing its slow death. Sacramento is way better than Bay Area but so many BA's are moving here now to get away from BA's suckiness, that now Sac's getting violated.

My family's in Southeast..anyone there, stay there!!!! You don't know how lucky you are!!!!!!!

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