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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 6:49 pm 
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I purchased a Mackie DFX-12 for my wife so she and her friends can all sing on their own microphone. Yes...I know overkill...but I have been continuously upgrading and wanted to get something she would not outgrow. Besides...I had to justify the money spent on my poker table :) Anyway...I need powered speakers and just need something that works. UNLESS...it's not worth wasting my money and I should invest in quality speakers.

Please help fast! She knows she has the board for Xmas and has already scheduled her friends to come over. The local music shop told me speakers would only be $150...what he didn't tell me was powered speakers are much more! I need to get something ASAP or I will be in the doghouse!

Any thoughts/advice is appreciated!

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 7:00 pm 
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The Peavey Pro lite powered speakers are inexpensive. If memory serves me correctly they were available with 10", 12" or 15" versions. I would go for the 12" for home use. I also recommend stands with PA speakers, but you can get those later. My favorite small pa speaker is the Mackie SRM450, but it is by no means cheap. The lowest price you will probably find is $640.00/each.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 8:17 pm 
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the DFX-12 (I have one too) supports unpowered speakers... 1/4" connections

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 9:03 pm 
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My mistaake, the Peavey Pro Lite series are not powered speakers. I was focusing on the "cheap or inexpensive concept. The cheapest powered PA/DJ speaker I know of are American Audio. They sound okay (by no means top of the line), but they should do fine for home use. Gem Sound also makes inexpensive powered PA speakers. I have never seen or heard the Gem Sounds so I cannot comment on quality.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 2:54 am 
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stevieb wrote:
My mistaake, the Peavey Pro Lite series are not powered speakers. I was focusing on the "cheap or inexpensive concept. The cheapest powered PA/DJ speaker I know of are American Audio. They sound okay (by no means top of the line), but they should do fine for home use. Gem Sound also makes inexpensive powered PA speakers. I have never seen or heard the Gem Sounds so I cannot comment on quality.

The Peavey Pro-Lite's come in a powered series & they are cheaper than most others - still by no means the best sounding, but they would "work" in his situation. The Gems are Gemini (if I recall) & shouldn't be even considered.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 2:41 pm 
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Carvin has anything from 10" and up. I have the 1584's which I use at home. Apart from an issue with the horns (I bought the used) that I need to fix they are great.


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PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 6:21 pm 
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Another issue of mine is the size. Are there smaller speakers? I'm in a townhouse and these speakers all seem to be 24 inches are taller? Stereo speakers can be quite small and still have nice sound. Does this not transfer to powered speakers?

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 6:22 pm 
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Another issue of mine is the size. Are there smaller speakers? I'm in a townhouse and these speakers all seem to be 24 inches are taller? Stereo speakers can be quite small and still have nice sound. Does this not transfer to powered speakers?

Also...these speakers seem to run $300 to $600 each! $250 for a board is one thing. $600 to $1200 for speakers for my wife's home use is a lot. Is there a good place on the web to buy used speakers?

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 8:09 pm 
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Did you look at Carvin?? Buy a set of 10" speakers and a little amp or a powered head, I don't think it is that expensive.


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 12:54 pm 
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eBay baby! You can get some nice Gem powered speakers for well under $500. Good for home.

I'll toss this out. My home is small (1,450 SQFT) so in my living room I have the connections off of my home theater amp to tie into the sound system when I want. I have a Sony Tuner/Amp/Pre-amp with Dolby 5.1 blah blah blah blah. For Karaoke I'll set it to the "Game" 3D audio preset. This way all six speakers (the sixth being the sub) are engaged with near equal power. My center channel becomes a perfect monitor speaker to hear yourself and the rear surround speakers help enhance delay, making the room sound much larger. So my suggestion is if space is an issue, and it's for home use, and you have a half-way decent home theater system, even if you have some small speakers (I have small JBL's) it should meet your needs fine.

Despite the internet rumor, Karaoke is not Japanese for "drunk buffoon with microphone."  However, "rotation," is Japanese for wait your damn turn!

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 1:08 pm 
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If you like your home theater speakers I am not sure I would use them for live sound especially without a compressor. I would get a pair of PA speakers instead. That would probably also be a lot cheaper than replacing your home theater speakers.


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 1:27 pm 
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If your use of the karaoke player is minimal, then it should be okay to use your home speakers. However, you increase the possibility of feedback when you use surround modes. A good quality mic will reduce the chances of feeback. I once used my home theater towers for karaoke, but it quickly became apparent that I needed to get a stand alone system. I had an old pioneer stereo amp and some older 8" speakers (pre surround sound) that seemed to do quite well with karaoke. It was a big improvement over my expensive Onkyo receiver and AR surround towers. It's not that my surround system is sub-par, it just was not designed to reproduce live vocals. When I put in a DVD or tune into an HD movie, it really rocks. I have my upgraded my karaoke set up over time and I am happy for now with my Mackie gear.


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 1:28 pm 
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MortenN wrote:
If you like your home theater speakers I am not sure I would use them for live sound especially without a compressor. I would get a pair of PA speakers instead. That would probably also be a lot cheaper than replacing your home theater speakers.


I would normally agree with you - but the room is small and the issue of power needed to get appropriate sound versus clipping or pushing the speakers is not an issue due to the size of the room. I mean I guess if someone grabbed a hot mike and just screamed into it as loud as they could bad things could happen - but I keep the gains turned down. Honestly, the room this is in is so small that for me, because I can project, I'll sometimes just sing without the benefit of amplification.

But for a larger setting, or if you plan to turn it up I'd agree. The poster mentioned they were in a townhome so I would think respect for the neighbors would be an issue, hence the need for dynamic support, durability, range, and power is probably not high on the list. Then again, it could be a 10,000 SQFT townhome...

Despite the internet rumor, Karaoke is not Japanese for "drunk buffoon with microphone."  However, "rotation," is Japanese for wait your damn turn!

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 2:06 pm 
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mackey makes 350 now they are small but still sound great kink of expensive but mightbe worth a look

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 12:25 am 
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Are you guys nuts, he's talking about his HOUSE. Do I personally have a pair of powered JBL EONs sitting in my living room? Yes, I do. But I also don't have a wife (at home anyway)!!! 12" powered speaks in a house? TOO BIG for those where WAF (wife acceptance factor) or a common sense for decor is a concern.

You need to get a pair of studio monitors for home use. Go to one of the big music store websites and search for studio monitors, you'll find lots of em. There's this upstart company called Alto that is out of Italy, they're making what looks to be a nice powered studio monitor with twin 3" woofers, tweeter and 45 watts for $129, can't beat that. Just search for Alto M3A and you'll find 'em. (Not affiliated with Alto or any music vendor in any way shape or form).

If that doesn't strike you look through the large selection of studio monitors out there, they go anywhere from $70 for little cheapies on up way higher.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 5:05 am 
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I agree speakers, especially professional ones in a house or apartment is overkill. Personally I throw a disc into my machine turn up the tv a bit and sing.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 8:56 am 
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wgfinley116 wrote:
You need to get a pair of studio monitors for home use. Go to one of the big music store websites and search for studio monitors, you'll find lots of em.

Studio monitors are not designed to be PA speakers.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 9:47 am 
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OK, I feel better now, I've been biting my lip as a newbie here but I have to agree with Lonman's last post and wgfinley116 (although not the nuts parts). I'm looking at the recommendations here for home speakers and my head is spinning. This guys home is not a medium sized bar, it's like, a house. I can understand poo poo'ing on the small 10" Gemini's for professional use, but gads, even I thought that was overkill but tossed it out there because of all of the other recommendations.

I understand that the speakers, cones and coils on just a regular home stereo are no where near the quality of even Chinese got it on eBay from Bubba's House of Sound speakers, but lets keep things in perspective. I can go to Wal-Mart right now and buy a CDG player with RCA A/V outs for $27.95. I can get a CDG player with a screen built in for under $60. Now I won't argue with anyone that outside of being for a kid - JUNK. But $2,000 in powered speakers for some home entertainment from time to time? Are you kidding me?

OK - I feel better now and putting on my cast iron underwear...

Despite the internet rumor, Karaoke is not Japanese for "drunk buffoon with microphone."  However, "rotation," is Japanese for wait your damn turn!

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:35 am 
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Lonman wrote:
wgfinley116 wrote:
You need to get a pair of studio monitors for home use. Go to one of the big music store websites and search for studio monitors, you'll find lots of em.

Studio monitors are not designed to be PA speakers.

Lonman, as always I respect your knowledge but he doesn't need PA speakers, he's looking at something for his house. Could you use PA speakers in your house or your car, sure ya could but it's overkill. A nice pair of powered studio monitors for use in home should be perfect.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 5:02 pm 
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Pick up a Fender PD-150 for about $600. The speakers are designed by Bose and you can run the mixer into the unit or use the onboard mixer. The speakers are small and the entire unit can be put away in a closet or carried to a friends house if you choose.

The sound from this would satisfy nearly any home karaoke party and many pool side parties. The bass is lacking but you're using it for singing, not a dance party. The lack of bass will also keep the complaints down from the neighbors.

There are lots of other ways to go - but using either a small PA system or small powered PA speakers will be your best bet.

Some other things to look at:
Yamaha MSR100 8" Powered Speaker
Mackie SRM350
Behringer B300

Most of the above are about $300-$350 or so each.

You could even consider a powered monitor like the Fender P1270 that goes for about $250 each.

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