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 Post subject: CDC announcement
PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2021 6:09 am 
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I don't need to tell you how great the CDC's announcement yesterday was for our entire industry. No masks for vaccinated adults.

Every KJ and every venue should breathe a little sigh of relief right now and enjoy the moment.


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 Post subject: Re: CDC announcement
PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2021 6:18 am 
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...and now I will turn this thread over to The Lone Ranger, who will guide you through all the details about how you still need to be safe, even though you've been hearing the same information repeating out of your TV for over a year now ;)

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 Post subject: Re: CDC announcement
PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2021 6:34 am 
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Bob Latshaw wrote:
...and now I will turn this thread over to The Lone Ranger, who will guide you through all the details about how you still need to be safe, even though you've been hearing the same information repeating out of your TV for over a year now ;)

Just one question Bob what about those who want to participate, and won't get their shots. Is there going to be security at the door checking to make sure everyone has the CDC card with the boxes checked that they have been vaccinated, and then check the card against a driver's license? How are you going to separate the wheat from the chaff? All this really doesn't effect you, because like me you don't have to host in public do you?

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 Post subject: Re: CDC announcement
PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2021 7:21 am 
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The Lone Ranger wrote:
Just one question Bob what about those who want to participate, and won't get their shots. Is there going to be security at the door checking to make sure everyone has the CDC card with the boxes checked that they have been vaccinated, and then check the card against a driver's license? How are you going to separate the wheat from the chaff?

You don't. Some will lie and get in. Some may infect others who also lied. Liars infecting liars. Yeah, I'm totally ok with that. Apparently the CDC is also. You said that is your only question, so I guess we are done here, but my gut instinct knows you don't ever shut up, so please continue to prove me right...

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 Post subject: Re: CDC announcement
PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2021 8:04 am 
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Just because they say that doesn't mean that Kjs should relax their sanitizing mics and how they get their requests. It's good policy for dealing with new pandemics that are airborne and touch based.

The Line Array Experiment is over. Nothing to see here. Move along.

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 Post subject: Re: CDC announcement
PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2021 10:02 am 
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At the bar I have been hosting at for some time now, masks have been absent for several months. I have been sanitizing like a mad man though (hand sanitizer, wipes, no more than two on stage, no mic stands, etc.) We have had zero issues with any spread of the virus at all since the very beginning of the "plandemic". Even when the people who actually did get infected, they stayed away (me included, and one bartender as well).

We have returned to as close to "normal" as allowed for the last several months.... but does this new announcement mean that we can go back to "real" normal? Can I put the mic stands back out? Can I stop using hand sanitizer? How about group singing? Vaccinated or not? My personal feelings aside from how the last 15 months have been handled (mishandled), I think it's time to return to life as we know it should be.

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 Post subject: Re: CDC announcement
PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2021 2:28 pm 
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As of May 13th, only 36% of the U.S. population have been vaccinated... which is pathetic.

Researchers have estimated that around 70% to 85% of the country needs to be fully vaccinated in order to stop the spread of Covid19 and bring it to an end.

Yes, you're going to have a greater percentage of non-vaccinated people going to bars and restaurants and lying about having the shots. These are the same people who refuse to wear a mask and follow the CDC guidelines. In other words, the people who don't give a sh*t.

Bars are not going to enforce or check anything. Therefore, the cycle continues.

By removing the mask mandate for vaccinated people, President Biden hopes that it will encourage others who have been reluctant to get the shot... to get it! But the reality is, all it's doing is encouraging people who won't get it to lie.

Electro-Voice Evolve 50... Taking Sound To The Next Level.

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 Post subject: Re: CDC announcement
PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2021 4:04 am 
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mrscott wrote:
At the bar I have been hosting at for some time now, masks have been absent for several months. I have been sanitizing like a mad man though (hand sanitizer, wipes, no more than two on stage, no mic stands, etc.) We have had zero issues with any spread of the virus at all since the very beginning of the "plandemic". Even when the people who actually did get infected, they stayed away (me included, and one bartender as well).

We have returned to as close to "normal" as allowed for the last several months.... but does this new announcement mean that we can go back to "real" normal? Can I put the mic stands back out? Can I stop using hand sanitizer? How about group singing? Vaccinated or not? My personal feelings aside from how the last 15 months have been handled (mishandled), I think it's time to return to life as we know it should be.

Getting back to a "real normal", will take everyone doing their part. That means getting their shots and having 70% of the population vaccinated or more. You have to remember that if you don't get your shot ,yeah maybe it won't hurt those who did, but there is also the chance the virus could mutate inside of you to a strain that the vaccine won't work on. If that were to happen then even those that were vaccinated will be put a risk once again. Like it or not everyone needs their shot no exceptions, if we are really ever to stop this pandemic for good.

P.S. Just went to a restaurant yesterday in Long Beach Ca. We had a party of eight, six could sit at the main table, two had to sit at a separate table. All of the staff wore masks, we had to wear ours until seated, if we got up from the table, we had to put them on again. All of our party were vaccinated. So you can see California still takes this whole matter very seriously, by the way we all had outside tables. The hotel we stayed at overnight required guests to wear masks inside the hotel.

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 Post subject: Re: CDC announcement
PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2021 5:08 am 
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mrscott wrote:
At the bar I have been hosting at for some time now, masks have been absent for several months.

And isn't that wonderful! Something to be proud of! A bunch of a$$holes that don't care about doing the right thing. How wonderful is that?

Your sanitizing the microphones is really bullsh*t. It's just for show. If someone is going to get Covid19 it's going to be from being in the bar among people.

I will no longer sanitize my microphones. It's a waste of time.

Tell me something....

People haven't followed the CDC guidelines such as getting vaccinated, social distancing, and wearing a mask. But, all of a sudden these same people now care about handling a microphone shared by others? I think not. But if they do... isn't that hypocritical? I mean here they are sitting shoulder to shoulder at the bar, maskless, spreading their covid droplets into the air when they talk for everyone to ingest them.

That's where the spread is going to come from... not from your microphones.

You are a fake and a phony. And it seems that you are very proud of the fact that for the past 4 months, your bar went maskless.

But I guess that's alright since, after all, you DO sanitize your microphones. What a maroon!

Electro-Voice Evolve 50... Taking Sound To The Next Level.

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 Post subject: Re: CDC announcement
PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2021 3:10 pm 
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Alan B wrote:
What a maroon!

I thought he was more of a purple shade myself.

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 Post subject: Re: CDC announcement
PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2021 4:54 am 
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Bob Latshaw wrote:
Alan B wrote:
What a maroon!

I thought he was more of a purple shade myself.

No, but I certainly do look good in darker shades.

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 Post subject: Re: CDC announcement
PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2021 5:02 am 
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I think the goal here is to get back to some kind of normalcy. Where we are along that road varies depending on which metric we are using to measure things. It seems the gold standard is herd immunity, which will only be reached when at least 70% of the population or more is vaccinated. Until then it is up to each person to act in a responsible way. If that means not going out as much so be it. I'm not saying you have to be a monk, on the other hand use some common sense. If you are outdoors you can take your mask off, if you are indoors where all have been vaccinated, you probably can take your mask off, unless you have some other underlying health issues.

I'm sure that in light of the latest CDC announcement you will see a relaxing of some rules. How that plays out is, how responsible we all are. If we see spikes in infection then we may need to tighten again. It has been a long time since the last pandemic, and I hope we are getting smarter, not dumber in handling the situation.

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 Post subject: Re: CDC announcement
PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2021 5:48 pm 
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The Lone Ranger wrote:
It has been a long time since the last pandemic, and I hope we are getting smarter, not dumber in handling the situation.

No, my friend... people are not getting smarter. Please understand that the human being is the most stupidest specie on the planet.

Electro-Voice Evolve 50... Taking Sound To The Next Level.

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 Post subject: Re: CDC announcement
PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2021 6:00 pm 
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A sign of hope the local elk's lodge lifted the mask ban, as per CDC advice. So even in California the ice is beginning to melt. let us hope we are not jumping the gun, but so far so good. It has been a long cruel winter!

P.S. Seems like New York State is lifting most of it's tight restrictions today, only in a few cases are procedures going to be maintained.

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