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PostPosted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 12:49 pm 
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Hey all- I have been pretty quiet over here lately- Still love all of you to itty bitty peices, my belly is getting pretty large- can you believe I am having this baby in about 8 weeks? I CANT! ANyhoo my computer is in my basement, and getting up and down those stairs is becoming a bit trying so, I have not been on the computer as much as I usually am- I miss you guys, and suspect after the baby is born I will have many late nights to contribute to fun conversation with some of my favorite people ;)

Hope everyone is doing well! Elisha late congrats on your wedding doll!

I think I might have to find something to sub today since I am down here with no interruptions today... hmmmmmmmmm..........



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PostPosted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 1:04 pm 
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Heeeey Pippi!!! Great to see ya! I was wondering if maybe you had delivered yet..... wow it's close! Watch out goin' down those basement stairs! :shock: You should be proppin' those feet up and relaxing... the days of sleep are gonna be a luxury soon! Of course ya can't relax too much cause ya got a little one already! Great to see ya here!!! :D

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 1:06 pm 
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Heather? Pippi? big belly? baby? Doesn't ring any bells here...sorry dear, you're going to have to give us a little more info than that!! :roll:

heh heh Those 8 weeks are gonna go soooooooooooo slowwwwwwwwwwww...... :P

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 1:32 pm 
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awwwww!! *whine*

so if you can't even get up the stairs, how are we gonna play tag??



*runs away screaming*


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 1:57 pm 
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Bryce is at gramma and granpas til later tonight with the hubby- *ahhhh* I may have to go take a bath and nap and another nap and another bath just because I CAN lol.

Thannnnnkkkks for reminding me JEANNE. Stinker. Dont make too much fun or I will make you hold my hand when I go into labor LMAO.

Crystal dammit. Now I'm it FOREVER.
Just wait til I can run again. I'll get you ;)


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 2:12 pm 
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good luck on your delivery.....
bye the way i would be honored if you named the child after me
hehehe has a great ring to it dont you think.. :wink:

Gladly helping Kappy to become cyber immortal !!

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 2:40 pm 
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Nice to meet ya Heather :) I read your whole 'American Idol' thing and I was sooo mad!!

Well, you've got other things on your mind now, eh? :) Hope to get the chance to talk to ya more, you seem fun.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 3:23 pm 
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well Mikey that would be a helluva stag name- how bout we NICKNAME the kid that?

We actually have picked his FIRST name- it will be Riley- middle name to be determined between cooper and brandt.

Maybe we should have a poll lol.

Syberchick I have been reading your posts too- and you know what? I AM FUN!!! lol ;)

I am a one woman party on heels lol.

I look forward to sparring with ya online- we'll have mikey bring the jello.....


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 6:10 am 
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HeatherDavis wrote:
well Mikey that would be a helluva stag name- how bout we NICKNAME the kid that?

We actually have picked his FIRST name- it will be Riley- middle name to be determined between cooper and brandt.

Oooh.. Cooper! Like the guy in Twin Peaks.

HeatherDavis wrote:
Syberchick I have been reading your posts too- and you know what? I AM FUN!!! lol ;)

I am a one woman party on heels lol.

I look forward to sparring with ya online- we'll have mikey bring the jello.....

Mmmm jello-shots... :oops: errr I mean Jello... :twisted: lol :) You'll have to let everyone know when you get baby pics up! 8 more weeks eh? I bet it seems like forever.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 8:21 am 
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The American idol things sucks. They are beyond plastic. I know for a fact they pick some finalists towards the end who are bad on purpose to make it more entertaining when Simon rips them up.

You have a good voice, and as for the age thing, in the model world when you are 15, you are old.

Just saying hello. I am Jean in JeanValjean which Syber belongs to.

There are no accidents in a perfect world   - Blondie

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 4:24 pm 
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HEATHERRRRRR :) are ya KIDDIN' me?? How could I forget you... my fellow American Idol reject lol.. Are you dreading the start of the season as much as me?? I dunno if I can bear to watch the episode for New Orleans, as I don't want to see me making a fool of myself and relive the bad memories.. well... i guess i'll just try to remember the good stuff, cuz it was quite an experience other than the whole 2nd round rejection thing LOL..

Anyways, THANK YOU for the well wishes on my wedding :) We are very happy... and I am SO happy and excited for you! God bless ya hun, and I wish for you to have a complication free and as easy as can be delivery.. I bet you can't wait for your little angel to arrive, and I can't wait to see pictures :) hehe... Miss ya and Luv ya much hun!


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 10:28 pm 
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Aww I am loved by those I havent even met yet lol. I feel so popular omg ;)


Syberchick? Jelloshots? what are THOSE *looks around sheepishly* I'm a pure and innocent waif and NEVER do naughty stuff like THAT! ;)

Yah ok ok, when the kid comes out, so do the shots, after the whole bre%^% feeding thing (dont want to offend any prudes with the B word lol), and we shall chink a few together just for the sake of the chinking sound.

Jean quite nice to meet ya, and I am not at all worried about the AI thing- I had an amazing time, and felt very vindicated that producers in the biz felt like I could SING, it was the first time in my life that I had ever done anything like that and I feel blessed that I had enough support to even go- no worries here- and yah those sucky people lol- I have to admit they are my favorite thing to watch personally- my mouth and eyes agape at the horror of it all lol.

Jazzy we can mentally hold hands while we watch OUR city shows- WE know we rule lol! Nigel just couldnt handle our bodaciousness ;)

Time for me to waddle off to bed now kids- have a groovy evening and keep missing me- makes me feel all squishy. :)



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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 10:24 am 
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HeatherDavis wrote:
Syberchick? Jelloshots? what are THOSE *looks around sheepishly* I'm a pure and innocent waif and NEVER do naughty stuff like THAT! ;)

Yah ok ok, when the kid comes out, so do the shots, after the whole bre%^% feeding thing (dont want to offend any prudes with the B word lol), and we shall chink a few together just for the sake of the chinking sound.

LOL!!! (the 'b'-word heheh) I'm with ya!! :D

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 10:45 am 
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Well, Heather and Elisha... you just gotta come on over to stay with me for the X Factor auditions.... theres NO age limit, and it seems much better set out....

3 groups... under 24, 25 and over, groups and bands....

This year it was won by a 40-something balding guy who liked a bit worse for wear, imo.... :shock:

Get you butts (and pippi's big belly!!) over here asap!!!!

You can even lodge with me for free till you get the million pund contract!!!
(Well, I just know ONE of you two would win ;) )


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 11:06 am 
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Forgotten you? I never stop thinking about you.........


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 12:53 pm 
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GIlly you cant stop thinking about me cause of the restraining order I issued against you is taped to your frontside so you dont forget to stop sending me pictures of you with my head attached. *rolls eyes*

LOL!!! I crack myself up.

Jacqui are you going to audition? Keep us posted if you do!!!!!! When is it?


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:35 pm 
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Well, they're taking applications now....

As for whether I'm gonna go for it... I don't really know.... haven't decided yet...

I'm not that bothered about trying to "make it big"... I'm happy doing my gigs and having fun... :D


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 9:58 pm 
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Silly Rabbit, it has nothing to do with making it big....

It has more to do with making a crapload of money and ferrying me around England LOL!

Now go make momma proud baby ;)


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