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PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 3:18 pm 
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Shotgun CC wrote:
He's not in business anymore. To be honest with ya, Lonman ... (and Im not trying to be smug or anything) ... But.. when we first started.. there were 11 Karaoke shows in our "area" .... about a 20-30 mile radius. There are now.... TWO. Right now... we are only running 1 show a week (college, tourist area) ... but during the summers... we do 4 ... and get calls for more that we just can't humanly do.

I Don't have all the details as to why those folks aren't doing shows anymore ... but the folks who used to run them now come to ours most weeks. And often tell us we are the fairest and best show they've attended. So ... that's why I was so curious why the duet/group issue was such a problem for some of you (collectively, not personally). Thats all. I honestly wasn't trying to cause a "ruckus".

Ok, not to diminish your victory over the 'other' shows... but here's a story that you might find interesting.

As a teenager I went to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico where we hiked over 120 miles. When we came into one camp we were told we didn't have to follow the rules for hanging a 'bear bag' (A bear bag contains food and all smellables that might attract a bear). When we asked why we were told that the bears were lazy and you just had to get it higher than the next camp because they would go for the lowest bag. Of course we hung ours plenty high (15' off the ground, 10' from the tree trunks 5' down from any limb) to keep the bears at bay.

To put a show out of business you don't have to be the 'best' just better. I hope that makes sense.

That aside. The double singing at the show was a multi-faceted problem. They were back to back (major issue) and singing twice per rotation. Rotation was 25 or so deep. I occasionally allow a group to sing together and not have it count - especially if it's only once a night for 'happy birthday' or some other song dedicated to a person celebrating. Usually it's so many people you can't keep track of it and they don't all get a mic (I have 4). Most of them won't sing again during the night either so it's rarely an issue. It's also a 'highlighted' group we discuss who the song is for, etc.

I just don't have singers who will tolerate watching someone duet with 3 other people in addition to a solo ticket in a single rotation. As a singer I can see a single 'occurance' to 'help' a first timer, but not more than once. Each person gets 4 minutes of fame or so per rotation. Of course I watch one or 2 people get ticked at me when I do a 7+ minute song - even though I do it quite well and the crowd sometimes gets up to dance during it most of the time. They just feel like I'm getting an 'unfair' amount of the spotlight or they want the rotation to go more quickly. These same people don't mind when I turn in 'Find the cost of Freedom' though (about 2 minutes with only 20 seconds of singing).

It's about sharing the time in the spotlight equally across all of those that want to sing. I try to be as fair as possible to EVERYONE - the best sound, the fairest rotation, the best quality songs, the best equipment I can afford, the best across the board. I'm not trying to be better than the next guy, I'm trying to be the BEST in every venue I play. I don't have a dozen companies competing for mobile shows and most venues that have karaoke hire someone to the payroll to do them and provide all the equipment and discs.

I'm not trying to slight your way of doing things, it's what works for you and your venue. They like it and keep coming back which keeps you in business. It's not right, it's not wrong, it's just different.

As for the music, it all depends on the venue. I've been to venues that are a C&W bar that does karaoke after the line dancing class which is almost 100% C&W (and 70% George Strait). I used to frequent a restaurant that did karaoke 1 night a week which had a LARGE variation in the music. The place I frequent most often now has a dance club downstairs Wed-Sun so the songs vary greatly. Everything from Tennessee Ernie Ford to Sublime to AC/DC to Sinatra. I've been to other places that almost never do country music. It all depends on the people in the club that particular night and on a regular basis.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 3:48 pm 
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karaokemeister wrote:

Ok, not to diminish your victory over the 'other' shows... but here's a story that you might find interesting.
As a teenager I went to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico where we hiked over 120 miles. When we came into one camp we were told we didn't have to follow the rules for hanging a 'bear bag' (A bear bag contains food and all smellables that might attract a bear). When we asked why we were told that the bears were lazy and you just had to get it higher than the next camp because they would go for the lowest bag. Of course we hung ours plenty high (15' off the ground, 10' from the tree trunks 5' down from any limb) to keep the bears at bay.

To put a show out of business you don't have to be the 'best' just better. I hope that makes sense.

I'm not trying to slight your way of doing things, it's what works for you and your venue. They like it and keep coming back which keeps you in business. It's not right, it's not wrong, it's just different.

As for the music, it all depends on the venue. I've been to venues that are a C&W bar that does karaoke after the line dancing class which is almost 100% C&W (and 70% George Strait). I used to frequent a restaurant that did karaoke 1 night a week which had a LARGE variation in the music. The place I frequent most often now has a dance club downstairs Wed-Sun so the songs vary greatly. Everything from Tennessee Ernie Ford to Sublime to AC/DC to Sinatra. I've been to other places that almost never do country music. It all depends on the people in the club that particular night and on a regular basis.

Hi KM ~~ :)

I honestly didn't take offense at anything anyone said.... and I do understand how many think of the duet/group singing issue... and in many ways.. the points made are very valid. All I was saying.. is that we haven't had ANY issues with it the way we've done .. and we've done it that way for many years, and I was just curious WHY so many seemed to have "issues" with that particular part of their shows. And I agree with you .. there is no right or wrong way .. its whatever works for each show/KJ.

Also.... just to clarify ... WE didn't put anyone out of business. As I said ... I don't KNOW the details regarding why they aren't doing their shows anymore. I simply said.. we are still standing and in demand. Many of them are now regular singers at our show... and we are friends with them. In no way did we wish to see them go out of business...or have anything to do with it. There is a very strong bond amongst KJ's around here. We don't try to take each other's gigs.. and we try real hard not to undercut one another.

Thanks for reply regarding music selections. We are just really amazed at how things have changed.... even at places we've been at for years.

Hope all is going well for you .... are you cold? Its been below zero here for three days now.. and wind chills are insane... like 25-35 below. I can't imagine what it must be like for you. Brrrrrrrrr

Stay warm,

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 4:20 pm 
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Shotgun CC wrote:
Tell me (everyone) ... do you folks find that people coming to your show prefer pop/rock or country ... or do you find it balanced? We had a few years where it was 75% country.....25% everything else.... but now.. that has completely turned around. While we still get many who love to sing the country songs... more and more of our "new crowd" is college age... and singing more pop/rock. Its been a real challenge to keep up with the thrust in that direction music wise... but we are keeping our heads above water.

We get a pretty mixed genre group. Also depends on the night as well. I've had nights with NOTHING but slow songs, then other nights 90% rock, then another 90% country. Never know whats going to be in store when I get there. As far as new crowds go, well kids are turning 21 every day & with the large surge of home systems out there & readily available, these kids are going to be looking for places to sing. When we all started singing (my first karaoke experience was in 1989), there wasn't a whole lot of music out. The choices were pretty much Pioneer laser discs & DK cdg's & tapes. The music pretty much spanned from the 50's to the mid 80's (have to give DK credit though, their music was a little more current at the time). But even at that time, there was no real NEW music. It wasn't until the mid 90's that NEW (current trends) music started becoming more requested. Music Maestro & Sound Choice was one of the first to answer the call - then cdg's exploded - literally with so many companies popping out todays music, it only goes to show that younger crowds are going to want todays music. although they still do their share of the "classics" as well. It's just hard to think of 80's music as "classic" rock - it was just yesterday wasn't it?

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 3:00 am 
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Lonman wrote:
We get a pretty mixed genre group. Also depends on the night as well. I've had nights with NOTHING but slow songs, then other nights 90% rock, then another 90% country. Never know whats going to be in store when I get there. As far as new crowds go, well kids are turning 21 every day & with the large surge of home systems out there & readily available, these kids are going to be looking for places to sing. When we all started singing (my first karaoke experience was in 1989), there wasn't a whole lot of music out. The choices were pretty much Pioneer laser discs & DK cdg's & tapes. The music pretty much spanned from the 50's to the mid 80's (have to give DK credit though, their music was a little more current at the time). But even at that time, there was no real NEW music. It wasn't until the mid 90's that NEW (current trends) music started becoming more requested. Music Maestro & Sound Choice was one of the first to answer the call - then cdg's exploded - literally with so many companies popping out todays music, it only goes to show that younger crowds are going to want todays music. although they still do their share of the "classics" as well. It's just hard to think of 80's music as "classic" rock - it was just yesterday wasn't it?

WHAT ... are you trying to say that those 80's songs are OLD???? LOL ... Perish The Thought.

Yes, I agree with ya Lonman... thank goodness for the SC Power Picks & Spotlight series. At least we've been able to keep "somewhat" current with the explosion of college students LOVING to Karaoke. Many of 'em also bring their own discs...(Obviously they have Home Karaoke Systems.. in addition to their home stereo systems). Also been getting some TT (not my favorite, but $ wise.. keep ya in the mix with some of the newer releases) and MM. That age group is about 70% of the singers in our show.... with the rest being area regulars from the work forces or retired folks. And.... I also agree .... the younger crowd loves to sing the "older/classic" stuff.

Biggest issue I have .... as the person in charge of "keepin' current" .. is keeping the singers happy ( ranking the request slips... not an easy task) ... while not buying a ton of "trendy" stuff that pretty soon will be dust gatherers and simply weigh alot to carry around (still converting to PCKJ... 'till then... we lug the CDG's!! :? ).

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:37 am 
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Shotgun CC wrote:
Biggest issue I have .... as the person in charge of "keepin' current" .. is keeping the singers happy ( ranking the request slips... not an easy task) ... while not buying a ton of "trendy" stuff that pretty soon will be dust gatherers and simply weigh alot to carry around (still converting to PCKJ... 'till then... we lug the CDG's!! :? ).

That's when you stick out a request sheet for "songs you'd like to sing". Then start buying those songs after you get a request or 2 for the same songs (or if it's something outrageously popular).
Dust gatherers are a hazard in this business - it's going to happen no matter WHAT you buy. You are never going to know what is going to have the staying power. Especially in the newer stuff. I used to buy everything the second it came out only to have most of it sang for about a month or 2 (at the most) then never touched again. Spice Girls come to mind :roll:

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 1:28 pm 
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song requests would be where you'd get either custom discs, or a series of the others..., such as power picks, star series, etc.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 1:51 pm 
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Last night I saw a book with 5 versions of the macarenna in it. :puke:

I tend to buy classics which stay around or sets which drive down the cost per song.

I find that the pop and urban charts are a more often a flash in the pan, but the monthly country releases stick around for much longer.

I'm considering a subscription to PHM or THM but don't know if I want to go for just country, or a few more (VERY mixed audience). Do you find the 'delayed' monthly releases (like Sound Choice) have more staying power? or are they just late to market?

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:58 pm 
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karaokemeister wrote:
Last night I saw a book with 5 versions of the macarenna in it. :puke:

Do you find the 'delayed' monthly releases (like Sound Choice) have more staying power? or are they just late to market?

Yeah & it was probably counted 5 times as a single song as well. 15K songs :roll:

I no longer buy as they come out, if i'm not the first with a song anymore, so be it! If I get enough requests, i'll get it. The ones that I carefully select seem to outlast the ones that "just came out".

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 9:38 pm 
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I think this is a case of jinxing...  We had not been having a problem with duets/group songs and rotation until recently.  Just last Saturday we had two SEPARATE tables with 4 and 3 "duet" or group songs.  We have had suggestions brought up to us within the last three months due to a group of regulars that has the same person sing with at least two + people at the table during their turn.  We thought since this group are friendly that mentioning it in passing would have some affect... It did, for about two weeks (sigh).

Anyway, we've been trying to come up with a notice for our singers that this is changing and originally thought to put duets and group songs in the same category (all singers will count that song as their turn in the rotation).  I'd like to be able to exclude legitimate duets, where two or more people are lead during a portion of the song, but can't figure out how to accomplish this in a way that shows that we just want to increase the fun for all the karoake patrons.

Geez, I'm not sure anyone can following my ramblings but if you can I'd be eternally gratefull if you could help us solve this dilema.

Susie[schild=15 fontcolor=FF0000 shadowcolor=FFFF00 shieldshadow=1]Help![/schild]

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 2:30 am 
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Full House Entertainment @ Fri Mar 18, 2005 9:38 pm wrote:
Anyway, we've been trying to come up with a notice for our singers that this is changing and originally thought to put duets and group songs in the same category (all singers will count that song as their turn in the rotation).  I'd like to be able to exclude legitimate duets, where two or more people are lead during a portion of the song, but can't figure out how to accomplish this in a way that shows that we just want to increase the fun for all the karoake patrons.Susie[schild=15 fontcolor=FF0000 shadowcolor=FFFF00 shieldshadow=1]Help![/schild]

You make a rule & make it stick!  End of story.  If you let a couple of "legitimate duets" go but these others want their "legitimate duet" (even though they try to bend it) then you may as well let them all go as they feel.  I don't care how one treats a duet as they are all getting their turn, eventually it will get abused then it's up to the KJ to make it right for all.  
I personally will walk out & take my group & money elsewhere if I see 1 person get up more than 1 time before anyone else.  I also let the management know why a potential $100-$200 tab is walking out the door.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 6:12 am 
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Thanks for your quick and honest response!


You do it in the shower,
you do it in the car,
Ccome do it with us,
and be a star!!!!

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 6:15 am 

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One of the karaoke bars I've begun to frequent does have the singers do two, three, and sometimes four song in a row.  He gets away with it because he typically doesn't have a LOT of singers there so even if everyone sings two or three songs you won't be waiting for more than 45 minutes before you sing again.  Speaking from the singer's point of view, any wait longer than an hour and you've lost me.

The plus side to this is the performance can come off much more polished than if there's a single song rotation.  If you've seen how most professional bands do things you'll notice they kick into their next song BEFORE the applause dies out.  Since I bring my own karaoke disks that I've customized the content on (all licensed), I can tell the KJ which songs I'm doing off of the single disk and can get the same one-song-into-the-next effect as you would in a live band.

Bottom line, as this KJ told me, he bases how many multiple songs he'll be doing on the number of singers he has and tries to keep his rotation around 45 minutes.


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 10:33 am 
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We put duets slips seperatley., After EACH rotation....we call a duet up.
It's in the books and works greats. We've never had any complaints.


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