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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 11:31 am 
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Gilly wrote:
Well, I am fat, and audition time is coming up, and I am sitting here eating pie. NO starving myself, on MY behalf:)




Gilly, you could not possibly be significantly overweight for it to hold you back in an audition. You lost weight already!! I bet you have a NICE body. Here, let me see... gimme that towel... :twisted: :twisted: heheh :D

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 11:39 am 
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Lol, you got me all curious, and I had to go check MY bmi... 23.2. But, I am pretty "built".

Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9

BUT, justy shows up as 24.1... umm... justy is TINY... i mean, itty bitty, tiny little guy, not a bit of fat on the boy... So, i don't know if I am following this whole system... where is my SISTER (she is a nutrionist)

oh, yeah, idol. back to topic

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 11:48 am 
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Gilly wrote:
Lol, you got me all curious, and I had to go check MY bmi... 23.2. But, I am pretty "built".

Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9

BUT, justy shows up as 24.1... umm... justy is TINY... i mean, itty bitty, tiny little guy, not a bit of fat on the boy... So, i don't know if I am following this whole system... where is my SISTER (she is a nutrionist)

oh, yeah, idol. back to topic

I know there are different #'s for guys... don't know how to calculate it though. *shrugs*

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 11:51 am 
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It wouldn't be fair for me to view this from a perspective of a 49 year old adult that has been in the industry. We are talking about youngsters here. Kids with dreams. Of course not all are secure, and stable. That's a given. I'm sure we both know of cases of teens that have done crazy things, with much less apparent reason. If I were 17, and this happened to me, I'd be shattered ! Granted such an extreme reaction is unlikely, Yet you can be sure they aren't going to be anxious to get on stage again anytime soon.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:09 pm 
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Steven, I totally agree with you. The sad reality is that these kids (I'm also on the other side of 40) are being lied to, too often. By parents, friends etc. Those are the people to blame for shattered dreams! Look at what Heather wrote, and I totally agree

HeatherDavis wrote:
I think whats crueler than Simons comments, is the fact that these horrendous singers have families and friends that are LYING TO THEM. Of all people that need to be honest, its them. Simon is doing what any agent or exec in showbusiness does- brutal horrid honesty. i have been to a couple auditions, and they say worse to you, and just because it isnt on national TV doesnt make it any easier to hear.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:21 pm 
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Allstar, I'm not so sure that they are being lied to. I wonder if the more likely scenerio is they are being encouraged by naive friends and loved ones. People that are telling them basically, "follow your dreams, and shoot for the stars". Naturally if the parents or friends have ANY musical talent, and know the industry, and are familiar with AI, true.

Things might've changed over the years of course, yet I recall in the 70's talent scouts like "Catch a Rising Star" had a wish NEVER to discourage anyone from the art form they were representing. Noone really lost, work and try again. Granted that's not how it is in the industry, yet still what's scarier is Simon has a fan club :( Just what we performers need.

Last edited by Steven Kaplan on Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:26 pm 
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ok...as i was saying earlier....big girls have done well in idol competitions...this is the lassie i was telling you about earlier.


simon cowell whilst he gave her many insults about her dress sense he knew from the minute she got through she was going to win and shined.

please remember people what you see on TV is not perhaps as it appears, these shows are edited to get peoples backs up it makes great tv.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:29 pm 
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They should have group counselling sessions for all the folks who don't make it through (if they want it, of course).

In the session, the folks should have the opportunity to watch a video of their unsuccessful audition and talk about their feelings, etc. I think that would make a difference, but it's unlikely to happen.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:40 pm 
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Syber, you are a very funny person! :newlol: and I love your sense of humour.
syberchick70 wrote:
They should have group counselling sessions for all the folks who don't make it through (if they want it, of course).

In the session, the folks should have the opportunity to watch a video of their unsuccessful audition and talk about their feelings, etc. I think that would make a difference, but it's unlikely to happen.

OMG!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I should have though about that! group counselling sessions You know what else, some kind of a pill! Ha, bet you never thought about that! You know what worked in my days, a bloody good spanking! Has never done any harm (except my bumm) :wink: Syber, phulease.............group counselling :rotflmao:

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:46 pm 
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How many of you guys have sat through 4 or 5 hours of a singing contest and the 'chubbier' person has by far had the best vocals, stage presence, song choice etc............ but did not place because someone with their 'boobs' hanging out, short skirt, average vocals, awful song choice, forget their words kind of person gets placed, while said 'chubby' person doesn't get a look in ?

I have seen it time and again. However, that said Ruben seems to be doing OK out of it, people still love him despite of his appearance because he has a great voice.

It would be great if for preliminary rounds of contests, if entrants submitted a recording and were judged on that. Only at semi-finals is the face and body revealed to all, what do you think ?

Lady Di :lol:

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:54 pm 
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Lady Di wrote:
did not place because someone with their 'boobs' hanging out, short skirt, average vocals, awful song choice, forget their words kind of person gets placed, while said 'chubby' person doesn't get a look in ?

I have seen it time and again.

:shock: Time and time again.................... you've seen 'boobs' hanging out and short skirts. What were you saying about average vocals, awful song choice and forgetting their words..................

Why does this only happen to other people :roll:

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:56 pm 
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Syber you're idea is a nice one, but I agree not going to happen.

SO how about - not creating the need for councilling....

Don't put these bad singers on tv and don't push them through the 2nd round judges just so that Paula, Randy, & Simon (& whomever the 'guest' judge may be) can ridicule them even more. And definitely don't put them on TV - what's the purpose of doing that other than to make a buck.

Only put the good people through to the 2nd round which would open up a whole lot more slots for actual good people to be considered.

It's not just the family,friends, etc. that are adding to their beliefs that they are good singers. When they see they've "made it to the 3rd round" with some good talent then what else should they think? They think they are talented too.

SOOoo... I guess you could say that the 2nd round judge is "fluffing" those people too along with all of us family/friends/SingersShowcase, etc.(HATE that word "fluffing"- sorry for using it).

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 1:10 pm 
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Lady Di wrote:
It would be great if for preliminary rounds of contests, if entrants submitted a recording and were judged on that. Only at semi-finals is the face and body revealed to all, what do you think ?

Lady Di :lol:

Oh, I completely agree.. that's why I enjoy a lot of the online singing competitions. Sometimes, you have no idea what the person looks like when you're hearing their voice (at first).

And Allstar... yeah I know, it's kind of goofy and would never happen in 'real showbiz' (where you just have to take your lumps and move on), but AI has developed into something a bit different. I mean come on... all the folks who auditioned for this season had a 1 in 100k chance of becoming the next 'American Idol' (considerably better than that if they could actually sing). That's better odds than winning the lottery! lol ;)

I think it's true that a lot of folks who normally wouldn't subject themselves to this kind of humiliation, are willing to give it a try... only to get smacked in the face with a big ugly reality stick (and lots of folks watching while they're at it). I can sing better than the 'humor' contenders that are put through the second round, but no way in HADES would I subject myself to that kind of public embarrassment... because I know my limitations. I think lots of folks go into it not realizing how hard they are gonna fall. *shrugs*

That being said... along with lots of other folks, I 'enjoy' watching the auditions. I don't generally LAUGH at the really bad singers, but I do on occassion. Mostly I just watch them like :shock: in disbelief. I also watch (when I get the chance) to learn from their mistakes.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 1:28 pm 
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As for the men, it's unfortunate but true that women are more discriminated against for being overweight than men are

You'd be amazed Syber. I have a weight, and sex descrimination suit in the make because of an event that transpired during an audition with this group of artists :( Guys are affected by physical limitation as well :(


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PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 1:37 pm 
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FoxeRoxy wrote:
Syber you're idea is a nice one, but I agree not going to happen.

SO how about - not creating the need for councilling....

Don't put these bad singers on tv and don't push them through the 2nd round judges just so that Paula, Randy, & Simon (& whomever the 'guest' judge may be) can ridicule them even more. And definitely don't put them on TV - what's the purpose of doing that other than to make a buck.

Well, you're right Cindy... but it DOES make money, so I don't see any slowing down. I guess they had the biggest turn-out YET for the AI auditions. I especially don't like the fact that more 'good' singers could get through to have a chance, were it not for the 'bad' singers put through just to be funny. The sad fact is though, as long as the rating are high and people keep watching, they will keep doing it. As I said before, I enjoy watching it as well (even though I haven't been able to yet).

FoxeyRoxy wrote:
SOOoo... I guess you could say that the 2nd round judge is "fluffing"

Yes, they are... absolutely. Or, perhaps they just put them through without saying much of anything and let the individual decide for themselves if they are being put through because they are really good, or because they are really bad. I still have a very hard time believing these folks are THAT bad, and NO ONE has ever told them!! (or I guess they didn't believe it). Freaky...

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 12:06 am 
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Dagnabbit I cant figure out this quote thingy- so try to follow LMAO ;)

[/quoteThat being said... along with lots of other folks, I 'enjoy' watching the auditions. I don't generally LAUGH at the really bad singers, but I do on occassion. Mostly I just watch them like in disbelief. I also watch (when I get the chance) to learn from their mistakes.

I make that same face through pretty much all of the auditions LOL! Mary Roach...... Damn the dillusional and their fans. I think her fans are all stuffed and in her basement. For me its kinda like rubbernacking at a car wreck, bodies strewn about. You dont REALLY want to look, you HAVE to.

[/quote] I still have a very hard time believing these folks are THAT bad, and NO ONE has ever told them!! (or I guess they didn't believe it). Freaky...[/quote]
I have to say, I see MANY SS'rs that are guilty of this infraction babe- which is the main reason I believe that a number of us subbing have opted to not be critiqued anymore, and sub just for fun, since the fluff we recieve and see others recieve is SUBSTANTIAL. (not trying to start a BIG OL CRAZY THREAD OVER THIS, JMHO) I have seen in person those horrid singers be pumped up by their friends in a ridiculous manner, to where and when someone finally says, "um, sorry that was kinda bad," the singer swears up and down that people are jealous of their god given gifts and should feel blessed that us mere mortals were in there divine presence. I am only blessed when I get out of earshot eeeeeek.

I think we are at a point here where we all may need to agree to disagree ;) We obviously have strong opinions on the subject, but we are allowed to have them in differing variations eh? My personal opinion is that anyone in this business needs a darn tootin thick skin to survive, and experiences like this will either do that for you or make you realize you haven't the stomach for the rejection, and need to go to beauty school with our friend Mary :) I am a FULL BODIED white girl lol, and know that my size hinders my abilities to achieve certain goals in THE BIZ, but sheesh, I feel pretty darn comfy in my skin for now!

As much as it sucks, and as ridiculous as we know it is ourselves, when we watch TV and movies, not one of us wants to look at something or someone we think is unattractive. If this were not the case, Movie Stars and Video Stars might not be, as we might not pay to see them.

We dont watch a Boobie Spears video thinking, "god if only she were fat and broke out I would like her so much better!" Just the same as I wouldnt be staring quite so hard at Lennie Kravitz's bum in that one video if he had a tire around his middle. Yummy (Oh did I type that out loud?)

Peace all. I'm glad we are conversating so nicely.

Oh and Syber, there is TONS of fluffing the bad singers at AI cattle calls- the producers tell them they are amazing up til they get to the fab 3- and motioning to all of us behind them to whoop it up and back them excitedly- I was mortified when that happened to a kid a few groups ahead of me- EEK EEK EEK. The kid did a back flip and ran to a camera waving his "golden ticket." Yah thats pretty screwed up. But thats the program we sign up for, and quite happy are we to sign our lives away in this manner when it comes down to it.


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 6:35 pm 
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my brain hurts............i think im gonna start watchin cartoons again.......

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 9:03 pm 
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My personal opinion is that anyone in this business needs a darn tootin thick skin to survive

Music is a fabulous hobby. Like most hobbies, it's best left just that. The inside aspects of this cut-throat rollercoaster ride of a business like you say are very tough. When it becomes an obsession to make it big, and make money, it becomes the start of a downward spiral for most. The star today, is often tomorrows bitter recluse that noone remembers. It would be interesting to have an idea of just how happy many of these "stars" really are. To know if given all the stressing factors of the business, they ever really have a chance to sit back, and say to themselves, "I am one of the best in the world", and bask in knowing this.
Some don't survive the inside, many become drug addicted, and severely depressed. It's interesting how we hear about the winners of the lottery too. Think they've got it made, yet people seldom think about the roughly 50% that find their lives even more complicated after winning.

Something I'm thinking about as the result of this thread, just reinforces what we hear regarding external events never being able to fill that internal craving. I suppose if we don't have the discipline to find happiness when our lives are going somewhat smoothly. All the audiences, spotlights, and what was once a novelty of becoming something, means nothing. It takes alot of strength and composure to survive in an environment that doesn't care about us as people. The performing arts industry couldn't care less about the person beneath the act.

It was always a dream of mine to be able to sing like a couple of the rock Icons. I'm not a bad guitar, or keyboard player yet that doesn't mean as much to me for some reason as having the ability to be a strong rock vocalist. After reading this thread, and remembering how the competitive aspects of this business work, I think I can finally say to myself, "so what if I'm not". the novelty of winning, or being good, is pretty short-lived

OK, enough of my yacking :roll:

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 11:35 am 
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I tried like crazy to see you on AI's San Francisco jaunt last night, Heather, but didn't. That cow lady was so rude....what an idiot. And I was thinking Heather is such an incredible singer, but look at these people they're putting thru?!!!!!!!!!!! Like that girl in the stupid netting outfit....arghhh. But I guess they're doing it for entertainment value so people'll watch the bad ones get kicked off, I dunno.

I'm now calling AI the Insane Show cuz the people that think they're good singers seem truly insane to me.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 11:55 am 
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HeatherDavis wrote:
Oh and Syber, there is TONS of fluffing the bad singers at AI cattle calls- the producers tell them they are amazing up til they get to the fab 3- and motioning to all of us behind them to whoop it up and back them excitedly- I was mortified when that happened to a kid a few groups ahead of me- EEK EEK EEK. The kid did a back flip and ran to a camera waving his "golden ticket." Yah thats pretty screwed up. But thats the program we sign up for, and quite happy are we to sign our lives away in this manner when it comes down to it.

Now, THAT'S the kind of thing that really pushes my buttons... I mean it's bad enough for someone's 'friends 'n' family' to tell them how great they are, we've all seen that happen, but for the producers to do it just for entertainment pursposes & then let the person fall flat on their face (in front of millions of viewers), yeah.. that does suck. Shame on 'em for that. It would be one thing to just let the person through, but to actually make them think they're wonderful... not cool, ya know?

Ah well... as well all know, the 'real talent' doesn't get through the doors anyway. :(

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