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PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 6:37 pm 
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I have that Gemini rising thing going too. I'm supposedly more Gemini than Capricorn. I like to get creative with this astrological stuff. Last time someone asked me what my sign was, I responded:

"I'm a Feces" a land sign :shock:

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 6:46 pm 
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I'm a pisces... full blooded and all. And I fit my sign perfectly too.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 8:22 pm 
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syberchick70 wrote:
DING-DING-DING-DING-DING!!!!! We have a winner folks!!! :D

lol yep, Aries... that's me. When I was growing up, I didn't like being an 'aries', but I realized I really do fit the sign, and I more or less like who I am, so why be ashamed?? lol ;)......Thanks for playing!! You can all pick up your complementary marshmallow fluff at your nearest Syber-mart. :D

I'd rather have a marshmallow pie aka moon pie. You carry those? :wink:

I couldn't be more of a Capricorn if I tried. The perfectionist tendencies, the impatience, the practicality, the climbing slowly but surely towards my goals, like the goat ascending the mountain. It amazed me the first time I read all the characteristics thinking, damn that's me they're talking about!!

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 1:57 pm 
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Steven Kaplan wrote:
I have that Gemini rising thing going too. I'm supposedly more Gemini than Capricorn. I like to get creative with this astrological stuff. Last time someone asked me what my sign was, I responded:

"I'm a Feces" a land sign :shock:

LMAO!!! had to share that one with hubby LOLOL :D

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 2:01 pm 
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Debauchery wrote:
I'm a pisces... full blooded and all. And I fit my sign perfectly too.

'Surprise, surprise, bubble-eyes!' *snortin with laughter*

Sorry, hubby says that a lot and it just cracks me completely up every time. lol (yeah ok, I'm easily amused)

Not really relevant here, but it kinda reminds me of a goldfish when he says it. hehehhe :D

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 2:04 pm 
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Luly wrote:
syberchick70 wrote:
You can all pick up your complementary marshmallow fluff at your nearest Syber-mart. :D

I'd rather have a marshmallow pie aka moon pie. You carry those? :wink:

hmmm *rummage-rummage* I know I've got one around here someplace... (pulls a very crumpled looking moon pie from backpack).

Here ya go!! :D :angel: heheh

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 2:11 pm 
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syberchick70 wrote:
Debauchery wrote:
I'm a pisces... full blooded and all. And I fit my sign perfectly too.

'Surprise, surprise, bubble-eyes!' *snortin with laughter*

:::::Runs to check out eyeballs in the mirror:::::::
Nope, still almond-shaped. Whew!

Don't scare me like that. I used to know a bug/bubble-eyed person and I used to have nightmares about mine doing that. ACK!!

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 2:15 pm 
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syberchick70 wrote:
hmmm *rummage-rummage* I know I've got one around here someplace... (pulls a very crumpled looking moon pie from backpack).

This reminds me of a thread a while back (I think it was Crystal's 'OK, singers try this') where we were competing over a dried-up french fry, potato chip and tic tac from the floorboards of our cars. YUM! :ggof:

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 2:26 pm 
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Debauchery wrote:
syberchick70 wrote:
Debauchery wrote:
I'm a pisces... full blooded and all. And I fit my sign perfectly too.

'Surprise, surprise, bubble-eyes!' *snortin with laughter*

:::::Runs to check out eyeballs in the mirror:::::::
Nope, still almond-shaped. Whew!

Don't scare me like that. I used to know a bug/bubble-eyed person and I used to have nightmares about mine doing that. ACK!!


Sorry!! LOL :swg: It IS kinda funny though.. heheh... :oops: :oops:

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 6:23 pm 
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ANOUNCEMENT: Next years birthday has been postponed indefineately. Those of you who've already bought me presents, I apologize for any inconvenience. I've given this serious thought however, and I've come to the conclusion that I'm just not mature enough to be half a century old.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 9:17 pm 
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syberchick70 wrote:
hmmm *rummage-rummage* I know I've got one around here someplace... (pulls a very crumpled looking moon pie from backpack).

Here ya go!! :D :angel: heheh

Thanks Seby....sounds real...ummm. appetizing!! :puke:

Steven Kaplan wrote:
ANOUNCEMENT: Next years birthday has been postponed indefineately. Those of you who've already bought me presents, I apologize for any inconvenience. I've given this serious thought however, and I've come to the conclusion that I'm just not mature enough to be half a century old.

I've given this serious thought too and decided for next year's brithday I'm taking contributions towards Luly's Face Lift Fund. :roll:

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 9:21 pm 
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Luly wrote:
I've given this serious thought too and decided for next year's brithday I'm taking contributions towards Luly's Face Lift Fund. :roll:

WHA?? Girl, are ya kidding? A) You're not THAT old (are ya?) and B) I can't see ANY reason for you needing that. You have a very youthful face :)

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 9:39 pm 
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Girl, let's just say I'm not too far behind Steve and leave it at that :wink:

I was really kidding about the face lift. I'm too much of a chicken to do that when the time should come. I guess I'm not doing too bad...most people think I'm in my early 30's and have even gotten some comments about thinking I'm in my 20's. Long as my skin can fool people into thinking that, all is well. :wink:

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 9:47 pm 
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Luly wrote:
Girl, let's just say I'm not too far behind Steve and leave it at that :wink:

No way! I would have never guessed that. From your pics (avatars) I assumed you were in your 20's. You must be like my mom. She's never looked her age. She just turned 52 a few days ago and you'd never know it. I've been told by many people I don't look my age either. I would at least like people to guess that I'm in my late 20's rather than 23-25. As long as I take after ol' mom I'll be just fine once I really get up there ;)

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 9:48 pm 
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I've given this serious thought too and decided for next year's brithday I'm taking contributions towards Luly's Face Lift Fund.

LOL, You know what's funny Luly, most of us as we get older and realize that appearance is only a temporary gift (assuming we were blessed with some aspect of it to begin with) get scared, and think about various aspect of "youth restoration". Thing is, people spend LOADS of money for this type thing. (I've thought about hair weaves, since as I'm getting older the thinning is starting). Yet is there anything more hideous than a guy that is obviously OLD facially, trying to look 20 with a full out of fashioned hair-dew trying to mimic the appearance of a younger Elvis ?
A neighbor of mine decided he wanted to improve his appearance by getting braces at 40. Not only did he need to wear those things for 6 years, yet they came off just in time to celebrate his really noticeable bald spot. So he got a hairpiece. I suppose he was able to bask in his youth for a few months before he found out he had cancer.

I don't know much about face-lifts, yet I've watched the stories regarding the procedures that turn out to be nightmares. Even if the procedure works, how long do reconstructive procedures last for ?

A female friend of mine a few years ago and I were chatting about this stuff. I was looking at a photo I have on my wall of my 30th HS reunion. photo. I really expected to see the SAME kids in that photo that I graduated with 30 years ago. I was amazed at the old farts that were sitting in that photo. These guys looked ancient.

What are the odds, that out've a class of over 200, the ONLY person that still looks EXACTLY the same is me ? Well, hair is thinning a little of course.

It's really really difficult for many of us to see ourselves as we really appear. I wonder if the same is true regarding our own singing voice

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 9:59 pm 
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Deb is correct Luly, You look in your early 20's from your photo's in here.
Assuming they are somewhat recent photo's of you, you were lucky to be dealt a great set of genes to allow this. Alot of this is genetics I suppose. Things like staying out've the sun alot, and not smoking or drinking help too of course. Yet most of this is genetics

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 10:00 pm 
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Steven Kaplan wrote:
I don't know much about face-lifts, yet I've watched the stories regarding the procedures that turn out to be nightmares. Even if the procedure works, how long do reconstructive procedures last for ?

Did you ever watch Knott's Landing? If so, do you remember the blonde what's-her-name, dangit, Joan Van Ark? She's now on The Young and the Restless soap opera. First time she showed up, I nearly choked on my soda. She's HIDEOUS! :shock: I almost didn't recognize her. She's had so much surgery that it's quite obvious. In fact, just for kicks, I typed her name into google. First thing that came up was this:


Hilarious!!! :lol:

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 10:03 pm 
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Deb, the pics you see of me were taken in November of 2003. It's been a little while, but not all that long. My hair is darker now and I have seen a few wrinkles making their presence, groan!! But, NO ONE has ever guessed my age, so that's a huge sigh of relief for now, lol! Like your mom, mine also had very good skin. I think it has a lot to do with the genes, but I also drink buckets of water and of course exercising and eating well helps a lot too. The latter two are the hard ones for me. :roll:

Steve, I know about the temporary gift thing. Gravity does take its toll in the unkindest ways!! I have also seen lots of programs on tv, very graphic ones that REALLY get you to see it's no picnic going through the procedure. I think if you really need this to feel better about yourself, that's fine by me. Personally, I can't see me doing this although I joked about it, but who knows what may happen in the future? I'm not opposed to it. I agree though, that the "too tight" look is a risk, and I'd rather have loose skin than too tight anyday. There are a lot of things that can go wrong. And I do hate the shoe polish look on men, too! I see that a lot here, as well as the combover, sheesh!! I just hope I age gracefully along with my hubby...

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 10:04 pm 
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I don't look my age either. I would at least like people to guess that I'm in my late 20's rather than 23-25.

Ironically this is going to reverse when you are in your late 20's :)

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 10:06 pm 
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OMG, Deb!! This is not the same woman I remember!! Wow...see she should be a poster girl for reasons NOT to have plastic surgery!!

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