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PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 11:20 pm 
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Luly, After moving from PA, to Jersey, and all over the place many times in the early early years, we settled in Westport

Crystal, pretty photo's. When I was posting my own photo's in the gallery, I went to view others. I noticed on a few of the top water photo's of a sandbar and tides, you have 11:20 PM posted in the time of photo. It's DAYLIGHT however. Did you mean PM or AM ? are you that far north, that it's daylight at 11 PM ? That ten minute sequence states PM on the top row.

Last edited by Steven Kaplan on Sun Jan 23, 2005 9:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 11:24 pm 
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Ah, I've never been there. Paul was born in PA I grew up in New Haven and West Haven. I miss the seasons.

So, did you guys get hit with the blizzard? Hope not.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 11:25 pm 
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I've been to Miami florida quite a few times. First time stayed at the Beau Rivage, than the Monte Carlo, than grandparents bought a place in a condo complex called Point East.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 11:32 pm 
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Well they are calling it blizzard, technically not sure that's what it is. We have heavy snow, and when all is finished somewhere between 1-2 feet of snow, wind gusts up to 60 MPH, so I have the candles ready. We always seem to lose power. The kids are out doing the usually snowblower routine. Facing the snowblowers outlet the wrong way, sandblasting the windows with a snow and sand gravel mix. Plows are dropping the blades and beeping loudly as they back up........ WHY did I decide to live in a condominium. WHY WHY WHY, with the musical toys too :cry:

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 11:43 pm 
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I remember being snowed in for a whole week when we lived in CT. I thought it was the coolest thing, since I was about 10 at the time and was able to miss school for a legit reason!!

Your kids are having way too much fun with that snowblower, lol! I kinda wish we did live in a condo sometimes. Less property to have to keep tidy!

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 11:56 pm 
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Well, not my kids Luly. This is a grounds maint. crew subcontracted to do plowing (of curbs, car tire valves, etc) Hopefully they will be able to differentiate (after this heavy snowfall) between my car, and a 5 foot snow drift. I wouldn't put anything past these fools

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 12:05 am 
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well Steven in regards to the times above my pics... I'm not sure what you're talking about. The only times I can see are the times that the pic was POSTED.... which was 11:something PM.... is that what you mean?

and yes, Luly. Those Pics are of Slave Lake. Here in Alberta, Canada. It's about 3 hours north of Edmonton.


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 12:06 am 
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Oh, ok! Good luck on that, Steve!

I just noticed you haven't subbed any songs. How come?

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 12:07 am 
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Yes Crystal. It was after 11 PM, and light outside ? Incidently, IMHO Banff is my idea of about the prettiest it gets. I have to get there one of these days. That type of daylight, at that time of night doesn't exist here in the states

LOL. oops, I just reread that, times photo's were posted...LMAO, (I think I'm having a blonde moment too)

Last edited by Steven Kaplan on Sun Jan 23, 2005 12:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 12:11 am 
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I'm still confused, Steven.
The time above the photos is the time that I POSTED the photo... on this site. not the time the photo was TAKEN... I was up at 11 pm putting pics in the gallery....

as for what time of the day they were actually taken.... I have no idea. I didn't shoot them. My father in-law did..... but I can assure you, it wasn't that light out at 11 pm..... in the summer it gets dark at about 10.... which probably about the time that the sunset pic was taken.


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 12:12 am 
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and yes Banff is absolutely gorgeous... I've camped there too! It's a little scary camping there, though!! Lots of bears! eek!


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 12:14 am 
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I reread what you stated Crystal, just as you were telling me for the second time that it was posting time.

Steven Kaplan <------Blonde bimbo

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 12:18 am 
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LMAO @ "blonde bimbo"

that's alright, Steven I thought there was something that I wasn't seeing!

ya don't look very blonde to me! Stupid, maybe..... but blonde? no

ROFL!! KIDDING!!! :rotflmao:


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 12:20 am 
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Crystal, Yes, People can be quite stupid when it comes to not realizing that they aren't quite the strongest species of animal in the world. If the campers at Banff, can possibly act as stupid as some of the campers in our own national parks, they will end up a chew toy for a considerably stronger furry critter.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 12:22 am 
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ya don't look very blonde to me! Stupid, maybe..... but blonde? no


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 12:28 am 
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The only reason I was curious about the light conditions late at night, is that I know when you get towards the arctic region, there are 6 months of relatively light conditions, and 6 months of dark. Never having been that far north, I was wondering if it actually remained THAT light, at that time of night :) When we flew to europe, it was always light looking out've the left side of the jet, yet dark on the right side (Flying over iceland)

Yet perhaps in the NW Territories, but not Alberta

I just noticed you haven't subbed any songs. How come?

I can't sing. (styles reccognized as music on this planet that is) :(

Last edited by Steven Kaplan on Sun Jan 23, 2005 12:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 12:33 am 
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wanna hear my bear story?? well... too bad if ya don't cuz here goes:

I was camping at Slave Lake as usual, where bears are VERY seldom seen. When they have been spotted, they're picked up and taken further away.

So My hubby and I are asleep in our tent.... His parents in their trailer. I kept hearing this snorting sound that was REALLY close... I thought it was my husband snoring, so in a groggy-half-asleep state I looked at him, and nope- it wasn't him. So, naturally I thought it must have been his Dad in the trailer.... must be HIM snoring....

Then the snorting got REALLY loud... like RIGHT beside my ear.... and I felt something bumping my head from outside the tent... then I realized it was some kind of animal outside... I didn't have my glasses, but I could make out some kind of shadow.. A BEAR!! I didn't know what to do.... I didn't know if I should move quickly to scare it... or move slowly. I whispered to my husband while in tears cuz I was so terrified...

He didn't beleive me... and wasn't really awake... untill HE heard the snorting... we were both sitting in the tent, frozen... staring at eachother... nothing to defend ourselves with. We had one of those little zipper windows in our tent and we could SEE it... lookin straight at us. I honestly thought I was going to be dinner that night.

Tyson took the flashlight we had (one of those heavy ones that cops use) and whacked it on the nose through the tent and called out his dad's name SO incredibly loud! (I've never heard him yell that loud in my life) The whack on the nose stunned the bear, and his yell scared it... he ran off into the woods...

I baaawled like a baby that night!! Couldn't sleep for days. Needless to say we slept in the trailer with his parents for the rest of the weekend. I was so embarassed. Tyson and I had just gotten married, and this was our first night spent with his parents... I felt like the biggest baby!!

ahh memories....


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 12:39 am 
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Steven Kaplan wrote:
The only reason I was curious about the light conditions late at night, is that I know when you get towards the arctic region, there are 6 months of relatively light conditions, and 6 months of dark. Never having been that far north, I was wondering if it actually remained THAT light, at that time of night :) When we flew to europe, it was always light looking out've the left side of the jet, yet dark on the right side (Flying over iceland)

Yet perhaps in the NW Territories, but not Alberta

yes... you're correct. I have an uncle living in the NWT right now. At this time of year they have only ONE HOUR OF DAYLIGHT... I'd go nuts! That would be SO strange
but here in Edmonton... it's pretty normal... in winter it gets dark at about supper time.... about 5pm


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 12:47 am 
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I was so embarassed. Tyson and I had just gotten married, and this was our first night spent with his parents... I felt like the biggest baby!!

Well, I'd say unless you saw a possum wobbling around the next morning with a band-aid over it's bloodied nose, from some bully that whacked it with a flashlight. Your fear was certainly a founded fear.

I wonder what (if anything) would've happened had you not woken up ? Did you have food in the tent ? Do you think the bear would've just left you alone ?

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 12:52 am 
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I've been to Halifax, and PEI, been to Quebec City, yet never very far north. The red soil, and pink sand in Prince Edward Island was quite interesting.

Well, I think there is a much higher incidence of depression among many that live in such latitudes. People don't do well without a certain amount of daylight. (so I've been told)

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