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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 1:00 am 
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LMAO @ the possum!! HAHA!! I assure you, it was no possum!! tho that sounds like something I'd do... freak out and panic over something as silly as that! LOL!

I have no idea what it would have done if I didn't wake up.... no there wasn't any food in the tent... there WAS a pot on the fire filled with fish oil tho... we left that out by accident! we know better! Which is obviously what attracted it to the site.... I imagine it probably would have left after it knocked it over and realized it was just oil... but after I woke up... I wasn't about to sit and find out! LOL!

It was only a black bear... it wasn't a grizzly or anything THANK GOD! (THEY'RE in Banff!)

ohhh Quebec City is somewhere I'd LOVE to go now. I've been there when I was little, but I don't remember.... I hear it GORGEOUS there. I've also been to Halifax and PEI many times.... have family in both places.


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 1:11 am 
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We took the ferry to PEI. Stayed at a motel for a week, gorgeous tranquil area. Tiny island, yet really a nice mellow place.

I live in the foot-hills of a small mountain range, and black bear are migrating south into our location. They aren't a larger species of bear, yet still, when they spot one in a suburban area. You can hear the helicopters over-head looking to capture it, and remove it. My fear would be inadvertently walking between a cub, and the mom :(

Anyway, I need to crash, have a great morning. One of these days I'll have to tell the story about the walk I took late at night in back woods, and saw this pretty big thing with Antlers staring at me :shock: Probably just a stag, yet at the time, I thought it was a Moose, and I was about to end up shish-kabob'd

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 1:16 am 
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Oh my gosh.. I'd have to agree with you there... NEVER would I want to come between Mama Bear and Baby Bear! My goodness!!

YES! I'll be waiting for your "moose" story! *giggle*

I'm glad you're turnin' in, cuz I was just going to say the same.
G'night Steven! I'm sure I'll see you around soon!


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 6:54 am 
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Well Crystal, that beats my cougar story. But firsy let me tell you you did the right thing. With bears, stay very still. If you and your husband had gotten up, it could have turned out tragic. A black bear is every bit as dangerous as a grizzly, only smaller. Remember it was a black bear that killed that female Olympic skier in Quebec.

Now for my close encounter with a big cat. It occured in the winter of 1987. I was with 1 Military Police Platoon in Calgary. We were flown by chopper to Kananasis (sp) Country in just in the Rocky Mountains where we had three days to walk out. Ahh camping in the mountains in the winter, sleeping in tents. Anyways on the second morning it was my duty to cook breakfast for the 7 guys in my team. We were following a river out (god I hate beavers and beaver dams lol). Well I flashed up the Coleman stoves and started cooking bacon, eggs etc. I looked across the river, more of a stream than a river and on the other side up on the escarpment (basically a rock wall) about 45 ft above me was a cougar. We just looked at each other and all I was thinking was "I'm not your breafast, I'm not your breakfast". We stared at each other for a few minutes then it took off, heading up. What a beautiful animal but glad it went the other way.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 9:37 am 
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But firsy let me tell you you did the right thing. With bears, stay very still. If you and your husband had gotten up, it could have turned out tragic

It did turn out tragic. They got up and assaulted the bear :lol:

Last edited by Steven Kaplan on Sun Jan 23, 2005 9:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 9:38 am 
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oh my god, Timberlea... My blood would have ran cold if I saw a cougar! I'm sure it was beautiful tho....

back to bears:
I've heard that if a bears stumbles across a humans domain, it will tend to back away, but if we had been gone for a walk or something and THEN it came to our site.... if we had come back TO it, then it would be threatened that we're taking it's "spot" then it would tend to attack....

What do I know?

yeeesh! creeps me out when I think of what COULD have happened. What a way to start a marriage, huh? That's the stuff that's supposed to happen LATER when we need more excitement in our lives! LOL! jk!

*still waiting for Steven's moose story*


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 9:47 am 
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LOL Crystal, I was walking outback here where there are thousands of acres of wooded area, Yet fortuneately I was close to a fenced in area containing tennis courts (I wasn't that far into the woods). I ran to the tennis courts, and climbed the fence as high as I could. Clinging like a coward who thought he was about to die. Turns out there aren't any Moose anyplace near here :oops: It was just a male deer grazing. (If you want to hear about real close encounters with trauma and death, I'll tell you about the snake I saw in that same area. As a result of seeing that rat snake that was perhaps 2 feet long, no more walking out back period!)

Incidently, Beaver are amazing little critters. If you call an animal that get's as large as 45 lbs "little". We have loads of beaver huts in the back. Thanks to them. we don't have to pay a construction company over a 100K to dredge out a shallowing stagnating stream. We owe clean running water to the beavers. I used to go back and videotape them working each day around dusk. They'd swim right up to me and past me. I'd bring apples, and nuts for them. The damn kids of course ruined their trust of people by throwing rocks at them :( Beaver carved out the New Hampshire, and Vermont coastline BTW. Amazing little things. Whereever you find beaver, you have deep, and clean running water. They increase the flow of streams by increasing a body of waters volume.

Last edited by Steven Kaplan on Sun Jan 23, 2005 9:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 9:53 am 
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LMAO@ your "moose" story!! I can just see you clingin' onto the chainlink fense!! ROFL!!

SNAKES?!?!? ohhhhh lord.... *shudder*

they're cool to watch when they're in cage...... but if I ever came across one in the woods..... I'd probably have the same reaction as the bear.
freeze.... break out in a cold sweat..... then pro'lly pass out! LOL!

ohhhh this conversation is gonna give me nightmares!! LOL! LOL!


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 10:12 am 
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I don't understand my fear of snakes Crystal. I've tried to desensitize myself. I've held them. We have many around here, and I don't want to fear them so; yet there's just something about their movement, and having one slither silently away when you least expect it, practically stepped on it. Cougar aka Panther aka Mountain lion (particularly the larger species in the West coast here in the US) are a danger because fools think it's cute the way they stroll into human domain, and they feed them :( What people don't realize, is that there are certain species YOU DO want to have a natural fear of humans. Take that away, and innately we become somewhat vulnerable. The California fires have displaced many mountain lions. By the time they are forced close to human habitat, they are already hungry, disoriented, and generally "bummed out". The recent attacks in California are likely due in part to people thinking they can coexist with those powerful kitties

Why are people surprized when they hear about a person mauled by a bear in Yosemite ? It doesn't take Darwin to state that any species of animal that is dumb enough to give a camera to their mate, to take a snap-shot of them posing with their arm around a bear likely isn't the "fittest". More people really should learn a thing or two about nature, before they "camp", or go into locations that have other species that can endanger their lives.

Last edited by Steven Kaplan on Sun Jan 23, 2005 10:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 10:19 am 
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mmmmmmmmmmm moose burgers, steaks, chops.

BTW Crystal now you have a story to tell the kids and grandkids, provided you don't run into another bear that goes "mmmmmmmmmm humans" lol.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 10:27 am 
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Bear, and Racoon are both in the same classification of animal aren't they ? "Carnivore" ? We have a nasty racoon problem around here. Near epidemic rabies problems. Racoon are an aggressive species to begin with. NASTY animals. I've accidently cornered a few :( Just walking past dumpsters where people throw away food.

BTW, Did any of you read the story not too long ago. Where the kid in Alaska punched the bear ? ROFLAO.

Regarding the territorialism of the bear, I wouldn't think it's likely that bear would ever want to hang out with people. Yet when it comes to hunger, and food sources, ALL species get nasty. Even small dogs. Ever try petting a dog while it's eating ? or taking it's food bowl away while it's eating ? For the most part, they don't particularly enjoy it :wink:

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 11:19 am 
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yes Steven, you make some excellent points about those people who are not quite the "fittest" LMAO! love that description! Well I definately know not to FEED the damn things!! Good grief! Americans really ARE stupid, aren't they?! LMAO!! I'M TOTALLY KIDDING!! (ohhh no... I'm gonna get the beats after school!)

I've never come across a racoon before, but yes I've heard they can be extremely vicious...... aww but they're soooo ceeeute! *best stupid person impression*

No I didn't hear that story about the kid and the bear... Do Tell!!


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 11:21 am 
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Timberlea, you can be SURE this story will be heard by many!! hell... I even share it with strangers at the bus stop! LOL! (ok... I'm not quite THAT bad... but as soon as someone mentions the word "bear"... you'd better be ready for a story! LOL)


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 11:50 am 
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I just read that Johnny Carson died last night :( He was an amazing late night talk show host. Very easy person to watch

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 11:55 am 
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Bears and racoons are omnivores, they'll eat animals, vegetables, fruit, garbage (yep they like Mickey D's too) just like humans.

Crystal, hide behind me, I'll protect you from the bullies.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 12:05 pm 
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Perhaps Timberlea, yet the classification as a species is "Carnivore"

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 2:28 pm 
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You guy's are chattin' up a storm in here! :lol: I don't usually venture in here but I like this cozy room ya got! Can I butt in heheh! I had a similar experience with a bear (also on my honeymoon)... we were REALLY just kids... didn't know what the heck we were doing... we pitched a tent and the zipper on our sleeping bag was stuck... I had a bar of soap in my bag so we used it to try and get the zipper unstuck. Unfortunately... the soap was strawberry scented... :? duh... well... the bear not only woke us up outside our tent... he pulled out a stake and half of the tent fell down around us... we thought we were dead! We were both screaming! We had made friends with the couple in the neighboring site and they ran to our rescue and shoooed the bear off... phew! What a honeymoon night LOL!

Also.. a few years back.. I used to have a little doggy door for our cat's to come in and out as they pleased. One night... I heard crunching cat food... and thought to myself... man... that sounds different than the usual way my cat's eat! I was half asleep on the sofa and it was late... I walked into the kitchen and saw this dark creature... twice the size of my cat's .... it turned around to look at me... it was a raccoon! Scared the c**p outta me! I screamed at it... and it just sat there like... what are YOU gonna do? My two cat's were sitting close by and remarkably calm... like they knew him! Anyway.... I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him... he finally calmly walked out the doggy door.. and I locked it! I always locked it at night after that!!!!

It really is sad that wild animals are having their territory taken away.. little by little... they will soon have no place to live...

Yeah... I heard about Johnny! Sad!!!! :cry:

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 3:17 pm 
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Racoons are brazen little damn things.. LOL. They are mischievous, and seem to lack the brain chemistry that makes other species fearful of certain things. They used to be legal to purchase as pets years ago. Yet inevitably, the owner had to let the grown racoon into the wild. They are a species that can't be domesticated. (It's also questionable of course how any animal once domesticated can survive the wild). As babies, they made adorable pets. Pet Skunks were also big back in the 60's. I had a school bus driver that used to bring his pet skunk along for the ride. (The animals name was "Stinky")

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 6:27 pm 
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I just noticed you haven't subbed any songs. How come?

I'm thinking about submitting a few very tasteful Candlelight Kazoo ballads. Problem is, those of you who've ever tried mic'ing a kazoo can attest to the fact, that when your eyes are watering from the beautiful ballads, you can really get a shock from the wet kazoo touching the microphone. Windscreens ruin the nice timbre.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 7:57 am 
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I'm am Sagittarius Rising with my Sun and Moon in Taurus.

Aries rules the Head
Taurus the Throat - Singing, good dancers too.
Gemini - Lungs
Cancer - Breast
Leo - Heart
Virgo - Liver
Libra -Loins
Scorpio - Genital Organs
Sagittarius - Hips & Thighs
Capricorn - Joints & Knees
Aquarius - Calves & Ankles - Computer Programers -Scientific -Writers
Pisces - Feet

Well there you have it, but this is only the tip of the iceberg !

What is more important is your RISING SIGN or also called ASCENDANT.
That's the SIGN RISING at the place and time you were born !

If you want to learn more about Astro Signs, check out my site at:
www.astro-horoscope-service.uni.cc - its all free, well most of it.

Cheers, Peter


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