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PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 11:01 pm 
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ohh Rits.... I'm afraid you're still not understanding my point

I'm still reading Matt's reply I don't see how it was rude at all....

you seem to be comin' down on Matt for the way he CAME ACROSS when maybe it's you that's taking it the wrong way.... I'm really not trying to come against you, Rits.. I'm just trying to look in from the outside here....Just trying to get y'all to see both sides is all.

ritisroo wrote:
Also, just because it is someones opinion does not mean it is a bad idea.

nobody said that the idea was a BAD one... yes it would be nice to have what Roxy is saying.... I'm sure everyone would agree... IF it were easier to do and didn't require hiring someone... other than that, we can all see that Roxy is only trying to better the site by offering suggestions.

as for people's professions... I don't see how that matters, so I won't say anything about that...

Ritisroo wrote:
All I am saying is that you were so quick to shoot down her idea.....and not even in a nice way....

again... I don't think he MEANT to shoot her idea down... I really do think he was just tellin' Phill "Hey man... it's still cool if ya can't.... I'm supportin' ya" kinda thing ya know... incase Phill is feeling a bit overloaded.

Ritisroo wrote:
Oh, and if you don't want to be labeled a "trouble maker" then sometimes it would be best to keep your comments to yourself. Most of the time...you do this to yourself...and then get upset when someone says you are "snitty". As far as I am concerned, it was a very rude remark....and there was no need for it at all. "If you have nothing nice to say...don't say it at all"....

Everyone is allowed to voice their opinions, Rits... that exact statement wasn't a very nice one, yet you got to say it. Why should Matt "not say anything at all"

as for this comment from matt:
Knightshow wrote:
snittiness... nice.

All I did was put my two cents in and again, I'm the smeggin' troublemaker.

Whatever. have a nice day.

I think he's just expressing his frusteration over the fact that he was, once again misunderstood. No it wasn't said in a very nice way, granted. But can't you tell by this remark that you guys were taking it the wrong way? He didn't mean to be "snitty" this phrase says that.


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 11:05 pm 
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I just want to re-iterate that I'm not saying all this just to defend my friend, Matt.
I'm a friend of Roxy's too...

I really am trying to see it from an external standpoint... I really see no need for anyone to be upset here.


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 6:42 am 
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Rits, I do appreciate your coming to my defense - and I am glad to see that others understand where I was coming from in my suggestion and that others see value in it.

Crystal - yes we are friends & I don't like to see arguing any more than you do. When I read the words that Matt typed it did translate to me "only one person has asked for it so it's a dumb idea and not worth money". It translated that way because of the words used to convey his thoughts -- doesn't mean that is what he intended, but it is how it came across and apparently I wasn't the only one to 'translate' it that way.

Matt - I have enjoyed our joking around together in the past but lately I do not see that side of you, most of your comments lately have been coming across like some of us have no clue and are dumb for thinking of things. I would never want to "slam" someone's thoughts or opinions and I'm glad that if you don't agree that you speak up, I just think maybe there were nicer ways to say it. I know that you are going through a rough time in life and I guess I chalk up 'how' you said what you said to life events.

In the words of Shania, "whatever" - I'm sorry now that I even made the suggestion because I do not like to be the cause of arguing and basically my suggestion is what "caused" this spat. Doesn't mean I don't think it'd be useful here - I think it would - but if it works out great, if not then fine.

I fully appreciate PHiLL's response that he'd at least look into it. Thank you for that.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 7:03 am 
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FoxeRoxy wrote:
When I read the words that Matt typed it did translate to me "only one person has asked for it so it's a dumb idea and not worth money". It translated that way because of the words used to convey his thoughts -- doesn't mean that is what he intended, but it is how it came across and apparently I wasn't the only one to 'translate' it that way.

Sorry, Roxy, for getting involved :( It just seems everyone here is out to get everyone....sorry hon :(

I just don't see any point in why he had to be so mean....and that is where you are missing my point....Crystal. There was a more tactful way he could have said what he said....and if you cant understand that...well, I am not going to lose any sleep over it.

This will be the last you will hear from me....as it doesn't seem I am even liked here, and all this place is causing is stress...so what is the point. Chow all! Enjoyed it while it lasted :)

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 7:12 am 
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ritisroo wrote:
Sorry, Roxy, for getting involved :( It just seems everyone here is out to get everyone....sorry hon :(

This will be the last you will hear from me....as it doesn't seem I am even liked here, and all this place is causing is stress...so what is the point. Chow all! Enjoyed it while it lasted :)

Rits --- I so appreciate your coming to my defense - please do not be sorry that you got involved because it meant the world to me. Really. I hate feeling alone in stuff like this - not a good feeling.

I will be sad and blame myself if you leave on account of this. I know there are lot of things adding up to this but please do not let this be the straw breaking the camel's back... You are liked - I like you very much & enjoy talkin with you when we get the chance to banter.

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 Post subject: OH MY!
PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 7:28 am 
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What happened?

Everybody is all upset. Why? R-E-L-A-X! ;)

First, I need to explain a few things that are apparently a bit confused.

1) I am a sub-contractor to Karaoke Scene. I am not a paid staff member.

2) I moderate these forums, answer your web site questions, make adjustments to your accounts, submissions etc. for FREE!

3) Any modifications to change the fuction of the site that I would require payment for must be approved by the owners prior to them occurring. Many of the changes I have done because I want you to enjoy the site and have done them again for FREE!

4) I always welcome anyone & everyone's suggestions. Not all will be implemented, however I still like to hear them and make notes as to what you would like to see.

5) I work on several different web site projects and unfortunately cannot devote my entire time to just this site. Further, web design and hosting is just one of my careers. I am also a full-time real estate agent, as well as, a part-time fugitive recovery agent (Bounty Hunter)

I understand the reasoning with regards to something improving the site and I know that some other sites may have features that we do not.

However there are two major determing factors.
#1 - of course is funding! There is quite a bit of expense that is involved in programming. A lot of the features require hours of testing and verify that the code scripts function. The 'fees' paid by members basically covers the cost of the server and bandwidth used each and every month.

#2 - the time required to develop and the usefulness of the function. Will it be something that all members will benefit from.

I hope that sheds some light on this. I am looking into the suggestions and if I can attempt to implement them. If they require me to hire an outside source to develop this is an expense that must first be approved by management.


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 7:29 am 
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Aw sweetie!

It is so not you! Don't worry hon! There are plenty of places for us to talk and chat ;)

I have really left a long time ago. I don't even know why I keep on poking my head back here. I guess it is just that I miss people like you, and Gilly....and this seems to be the only place where you all come to chat LOL!

There just seems to be such bad feelings amongst everyone here.....and I don't have a clue why it has happened! I mean....it seems everytime I come here....I am sticking my foot in my mouth...or arguing.....and I really hate to see my friends hurt....and that is just me.....

I have always come to the defence of my friends.....I remember even getting kicked out of class in jr. high for defending the people that are close to me LOL! I am so outspoken when I get mad.....and that is not a good thing.

I hope that everything goes back to normal....but...there are so many familliar faces that are not here no more.....like Emma....Barbeque (the girl who always wrote the parodies).....and so many new faces on the front page....but all the old faces that used to come here....well...they have disappeard :(

And, it is so hard to remember...this is the internet....but for me...and so many others...it is not. I went to bed so upset last night...LOL! I don't know why....it is so hard not to become attached to everyone :)

God...don't think it is you....it is a whole swack of things....and as much as I love getting riled up and debating...everything here is not a debate anymore...it is an argue-fest with hurt feelings and all....and every time I come around....it just seems to get worse LOL!

Anywho....I will still be around to banter.....and don't blame yourself....it is for MY own good LOL! BIG BIG BIG HUGS :) :) :)

And PHIL....you are doing a great job to try to keep everyone happy :) I know programming is hard and expensive....but you are doing a bang up job! All the best to you! I know this place will just keep getting better and better :)

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 9:33 am 
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Okay... I'm going to address what people have said about me, and then I'm going to take a break from the scene. I've got a lot of peresonal issues I'm still trying to work out, and the snittiness in me wants to start hurling rocks at the rocks that have been hurled at me. But I won't do that.

And since there is evidently a difference in ASKING and a SUGGESTION, I'll try to understand the two... I have read the dictionary definitions as I was told to do, and I STILL don't see the difference IN THIS CONTEXT.

Yes, I was too blunt when I said "I would say DON'T hire the expert... this is merely an option someone's asking for. I can take "sorry, but the expense won't justify this action"..."

All I was trying to convey is that for the suggestion, and the fact that Phill couldn't do it himself and an extra expense would have to be incurred, that the SUGGESTION of the ADDITIONAL option wasn't that important IF it meant that kind of work. I never said it wasn't important to Roxey, or JoseX or FinnPeter or Steve Kaplan. ALL I was doing was commenting on the expense bit of it.

Next: When I mentioned MY JOB as a customer Service person, all I was doing was responding to Roxey's point for point comments when she initially brought up HER job. I too wear a hat of many colors on the job. I too work with Network Administration, Website Development, Internet and INTRAnet developement. When a customer calls, I have to be a jack of all trades, and master of none... I'm a level ONE support analysist, and if I don't know the answers, then I have to track down the experts. Believe me, I was speaking from my own experience AS Roxey was speaking from hers.

And yet I'm slammed for bringing it up.

I won't argue with Rits about being rude, because I can look back and See it LOOKED Like I was being so. BUT I have a serious problem being lumped in with this situation, and her total disatisfaction with the site from her membership angle. And again, I find I'm being lumped in with MissyGG's comments. Strange that she doensn't say much, but to chime in on when other people are upset at me... hmmmmmm.

And going down further:
ritisroo wrote:

"My job is customer service, and we have to work within our means to keep the customer's happy. "

Well by saying this, you are just contradicting your own statement. Phil has to do things too to keep customers happy....and if it is at an added expense, so be it...

You totally ignored the "WITHIN OUR MEANS" bit of what I said. What I asked for, as well as others, was workable by Phill. He flat out stated he was going to have to outsource it. That's an EXPENSE. Hence my comment saying that it would be best not to do it.

Oh and one more thing Rits... You said that snitty was not the right thing to say, and then later in your post you did it again and again. So WHO is the troublemaker here? It's all good and fine when YOU do it, but if I do it, I'm labeled. Congratulations... SO ARE YOU!

You're attacking ME because of your own inability to enjoy the site. WHY?Because I'm opinionated? You say that if I don't want to be labeled that I should keep my mouth shut???

Doctor, heal thyself.

Crystal, I appreciate you coming to my defense, but I'm a big boy and can MORE than take care of myself. I can enter into any debate, point for point, and make myself understood. I know when to concede a loss, and appreciate a victory. Thanks for your efforts, but it looks like it's the "gang up on knightshow" scene all over again. Well, with my attitude of lately, no longer will they find an EASY prey.

Roxey, you may have a point in that my life's trial right now may have affected what I said. I didn't have a lot of time to talk, so I said what I had to say, quickly. YES, I could have worded it differently. AND I later apologized, but nobody seemed to have noticed that. You did, and then later you continue with the gang up scene that the other members were enjoying.

Rits says I was MEAN in my comment. Rather than ASSUMING I as being mean, why didn't someone at least point a quesiton going "man, that sure seemed mean"... you guys want me to be all talkity-talkity to avoid a possible communications problem, yet you don't go thru the same steps to see if maybe I WAS misunderstood.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 9:59 am 
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knightshow wrote:
Roxey, you may have a point in that my life's trial right now may have affected what I said. I didn't have a lot of time to talk, so I said what I had to say, quickly. YES, I could have worded it differently. AND I later apologized, but nobody seemed to have noticed that. You did, and then later you continue with the gang up scene that the other members were enjoying.

I'm sorry Knightshow.. I had no idea that is how it seemed.. I didn't mean for it to look like I was continuing to gang up on you. Please accept my apology as well. (sincerely). I wish you well.. I truly do.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 10:00 am 
oh great matt... now you are being whiney and snitty... you need to brush up on your "fluffese"... I think a new policy for the forums should be:
"If you do not agree 100% with the thoughts, feelings and mental well being of the posters, then do not, I repeat, do NOT open your mouth. Differing thoughts, opinions and experience will NOT be tolerated."

and more importantly I think phill should create a "Comment State of Mind" scale.

01- Very bad day. The voices won't shut up. Don't drink the kool-aid.
02- Bad Day and yes that dress makes you look fat.
03- Grumpy day, midol not working and all out of donuts.
04- Confused and lost- might be a good day, might not, judges are still out
05- No meds, no caffiene, still in bed... gonna be a good day.
06- Found stash of chocolate leftover from halloween- very good day.
07- good day- all alone with gallon of ice cream. chemical balance is good.
08- No Meds. NyQuil and Starbucks euphoria taking hold. Doctor won't return phone calls. can't feel my toes.
09- Meds have not taken full effect but loopiness starting to kick in
10- Meds are working like a charm. Everything is right with the world.

now if we apply this scale then we will know exactly the state of mind a person is in when they post so no misunderstandings occur. Feel free to adjust the scale to your own needs and situation and always read the directions on the medication before you mix them with alcohol. Never rub another man's rhubarb... - tig

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 10:03 am 
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Tigrr27 wrote:
and more importantly I think phill should create a "Comment State of Mind" scale.

Yipee! More changes, I'm sure Phill will be thrilled :wink:

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 10:04 am 
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knightshow wrote:
Okay... I'm going to address what people have said about me, and then I'm going to take a break from the scene. I've got a lot of peresonal issues I'm still trying to work out, and the snittiness in me wants to start hurling rocks at the rocks that have been hurled at me. But I won't do that..

Yes. I am sorry too.

Hope your personal life gets better....becase I have seen you from when I first came to the site...and I do know that this is not the real you and that you are not like this...and will try to remember that when I do see you post.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 10:10 am 
maybe it is the real matt... he completed the "12 Step Fluff Program" and is now back in reality. Admitting you have a fluff problem is the first step. All you can do is take it one comment at a time. Please contact your FAT representative (Fluffy Anonymous Teacher) for more information. A comment is a terrible thing to waste...- tig

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 11:29 am 
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matt it's clear to everyone you have issues going on at home etc and hopefully they will sort themselves out shortly and things will improve for you :-) i do wish you every good wish and i am sincere in that

i do want to point out what i put i was not by any means having a dig at you ...i pointed out that others had also liked the idea and you had not mentioned those just gone straight at foxy ...when her idea was as valid as any others that people have put forward.

i clearly pointed out that i believed memberships helped cover costs of the site and also then went on to mention about phil and that he does try to accommodate everyone, i put aside my own personal views of the site and my upsets.

so just to clarify i was not having a dig at you, i was simply in my own way saying well why should cost become an issue when they recieve subscriptions, which was then later broken down with explanations from phil about the site which i for 1 was not aware of when i commented initially.

when i have a dig at you matt i do tell ya how pee'd off i am with you..anyways thats about it. hope things sort themselves for you matt..and if you so desire ya can throw rocks at me i don't mind ive got a thick skin now :-)

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 2:10 pm 
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Tigrr27 wrote:
oh great matt... now you are being whiney and snitty... you need to brush up on your "fluffese"... I think a new policy for the forums should be:
"If you do not agree 100% with the thoughts, feelings and mental well being of the posters, then do not, I repeat, do NOT open your mouth. Differing thoughts, opinions and experience will NOT be tolerated."

and more importantly I think phill should create a "Comment State of Mind" scale.

01- Very bad day. The voices won't shut up. Don't drink the kool-aid.
02- Bad Day and yes that dress makes you look fat.
03- Grumpy day, midol not working and all out of donuts.
04- Confused and lost- might be a good day, might not, judges are still out
05- No meds, no caffiene, still in bed... gonna be a good day.
06- Found stash of chocolate leftover from halloween- very good day.
07- good day- all alone with gallon of ice cream. chemical balance is good.
08- No Meds. NyQuil and Starbucks euphoria taking hold. Doctor won't return phone calls. can't feel my toes.
09- Meds have not taken full effect but loopiness starting to kick in
10- Meds are working like a charm. Everything is right with the world.


Syberchick - at about a level '4'. LOL!!

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 2:20 pm 
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ritisroo wrote:
....becase I have seen you from when I first came to the site...and I do know that this is not the real you and that you are not like this...and will try to remember that when I do see you post.
Yeah, before I could swallow stuff like this, and come back with a smirk.

Nowadays... there's very little joy in my life, so when I DO retaliate tit for tat, it's amazing how many people see I have "issues" to work out, but won't own up to their own contributions in this whole thing.

yeah, I'll be away for a while... as long as dumb stuff like this keeps irkin' me off.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 5:02 pm 
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1. If Matt leaves I will be one highly tinkled off mama.

2. Ironically, I love how the site is now and think it is great.

3. I've never felt more like subbing now, and will sub more soon as I get a new computer (curse my old piece of crap).

4. Yay! More room at SS if people are leaving like flies!!! Front page won't turnover so dern quick.

5. Wasn't it only a couple months ago that some were saying left and right how the only problems at the site were the people that frequently called for improvement - that in reality there were NO probs here, that the only probs were the fact that the "negative people" were complainin'? Hmmm....shoe's on the other foot, how ironical.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 6:14 pm 
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Hey Matt!

This is for you!

Ha Ha

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 7:59 pm 
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If something is an added expense, or just not practicle it's not worth it to me. I think the sites great as it is. Not being a tech, or web-site knowledgeable person, The opinions of you more knowledgeable folks is important. What some of us might think is a simple tweaking of a current program, might be a huge undertaking, or revamping. If I think something is a "great Idea", I can totally respect why it actually might not be a practicle idea. I guess I'm confused as to how, and why this escalated into anything beyond an exchanging of idea's, with the final word being the word of the mods. <scratching head>

Oh, and about the chill pill... Is there anything stronger than 250,000 MG ?

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 4:57 pm 
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Steven - You may want to take three I took two earler and they seemed to work...

As far as simple things, I try to implement them right away. Other things I have to think about & that hurtz!

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