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 Post subject: just saw new orleans AI
PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 6:13 pm 
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just finished watching new orleans AI and im sorry to say i didnt see Jazzy...could just be me but they really didnt show a lot of crowd...after seeing the talent that got through i am even more sad for our jazz....i have heard her sing many times here and i would put her talent way above a lot of the finalists...there were 2 guys that got in on the "twin" ticket....and there was a minister that has no business in pop music...hey jazzy did you get to sing in front of gene simmons (the guest judge)...if you did how did he like you...he seemed VERY critical on "pop image", he said no to a lot of the other 3 saying yes...good thing i didnt sing in front of him, i would have wet myself being the huge kiss fan that i am...well it was still an entertaining show with a few kooks that make it worth watching, but as far as jazz, i didnt see her...maybe i just missed her....but i do think she has more talent than a lot i saw and im not just saying that cause shes here......well, on to pippi in St Louis

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 6:24 pm 
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I agree. Jazzy has one of the most spectacular voices (her range is off the chart) I've ever heard. I've had the priveledge of singing along side her and it was such a wonderful time! For her not to be selected is a travesty!

No matter tho, like I said before, the cream always rises! One way or another she'll be just fine!

Simon: Alright, so we're missing the echo! Robert, I can honestly say you're the worst singer I've ever heard in my life!"

Robert: Thank you!

From X Factor.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 6:25 pm 
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amen jkolman.....amen !

Gladly helping Kappy to become cyber immortal !!

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:44 pm 
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How can I label you as BUD when you can't keep my locations straight *rolls eyes*

WHat the hell am I paying you for anyway??!?!?!


I didnt see Elisha either- I was watching like a hawk too- AND taped it lol.

I think they didnt show here because it would have caused a public outcry for her to get on the show, and AI didnt want to have to deal with it ;)



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PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 11:18 pm 
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ya know... that's EXACTLY what I was thinkin'

If the public saw Jazzy sing.... and they didn't like her...
Everyone would have been like "WTF? Why the hell didn't SHE make it? She was DAMN GOOD! This show is RIGGED"

and then that would be BAD publicity that they would have to contend with. We's got it all figgered out, you n me.....


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 5:33 am 
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thats what i said pippi....St Louis, Sanfrancisco...are you making fun of me :shock: sheesh, i cant wait till you have that baby so you mello out...hehehehe

Gladly helping Kappy to become cyber immortal !!

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 9:15 am 
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Crystal wrote:
If the public saw Jazzy sing.... and they didn't like her...
Everyone would have been like "WTF? Why the hell didn't SHE make it? She was DAMN GOOD! This show is RIGGED"

Yep, and it just makes me wonder how many more there are out in the world like that.

I mean, how many of the 'good' singers do they show who aren't picked? They make it look like all the 'good' singers (or at least pretty good) get through to 'Hollyweird' when in fact, LOTS of them don't get past 'Nigel'!!


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:25 pm 
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Man, I couldn't agree more! I taped it last night and watched it this morning... and it seems like so many of the one's that are "goin' to Hollywood" were just so so. I bet there were a LOT that didn't make it through that could have gone all the way! And to think they didn't get the chance.. just so they could make room for the comic relief! That stuff gets old reeeeally fast! Like the guy who ya couldn't understand a word he was sayin'. Was that all that funny? They drug that out waaaay too long! And shooooot .... those twins they turned down.... I thought they sounded pretty darn good! At least as good as some of the others.

Jazzy and Heather got ripped off!!!

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