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 Post subject: What Disc did you use?
PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 8:33 pm 
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I just had a thought and wondered if anyone had an opinion on it (dumb question! ;) )

So, here it is....I have heard songs sang on SS that have a really good back track. Better than the one that I have....so, it would be kinda nice when you sub your song to have a spot to write the Disc name and Number that was used. The same as you do for the song name, artist name, Description ect..

What do ya think?


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 9:34 pm 
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I'm going to speculate that not all the backing tracks used are from a 'standard' disk. :wink: I know that a lot of people purchase custom discs which wouldn't have any information that would be pertinent other than the manufacturer.

Nearly all the tracks have the manufacturer at the beginning (except for K-Tel, and perhaps a few others) which could be listed. Even if you're bootlegging tracks off a P2P network you would likely know who made the track since there is usually a splash screen at the beginning of the song. I haven't seen too many tracks that have been redone by a company so most would remain the same from that manufacturer.

IOW, I'm recommending a box just for the manufacturer in the sub...

Thoughts, Phil?

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 5:42 am 
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In my opinion that is not a feature that will be used as often, neither will everyone add the information. Why not just PM a person if you like their version of a song instead of working Phill into the ground?

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 Post subject: What?
PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 6:00 am 
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Allstar! :shock:

Working Phill into the ground, was not my intent.

I just simply had a thought and shared it.

I wondered what others thought.....you thought I was asking too much.....thanks for sharing your opinion. But I will state again.....

Working Phill to the ground was NOT my intent...But I have a feeling you already knew that.


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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 6:54 am 
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i use p2p to get my backings and in all honesty neverheard i wouldnt have a clue what companies they came from...i know the tracks sc and then followed by numbers are sound choice...well at least i think they are...i am not a kj or anything so it boggles me a bit...i just search the song i want and get the various backings and see which one i feel is closest to the original song hehehe.

actually be nice if someone posted the different companies and what their songs begin with, and maybe some of the kj's would put their input into what they think are the better backings.

myself it's not often that ive chosen a sc track and its been dire other than perhaps some of their disco/dance tracks.

anyways i am sure i have now gone right off the subject in hand neverheard sorry lol but i have noticed that if i listen to my own recordings on here to check they have gone through ok on the media player the number comes up of the track...but ive never taken much notice if that does it for everyones.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 8:23 am 
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I can not believe that I'll do this to myself again but here goes...

NHOH - I agree it would be great to get that info on some of the subs in the description - there are some backings out there that are really good and it would be nice to know.

AllStar - it would be nice to be able to pm some people and ask for that info but some people never check their pm's and don't use that feature.

SO.... here's another suggestion.

Since we have a bajillion characters now in the comment box, I thought if I come across one I like I'll just ask it in there and hope that person will contact me either in the reply or whatever other methods they use to give me that info.

I also agree with Missy that I'm not sure on the numbering scheme other than SC for sound choice. Where on the disk does it have that info? (having a brain vacation moment and maybe askin what some consider to be a dumb question)

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 8:33 am 
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<<Climbing out of hole in the ground, looking around like a ground hog >>

What someone say something?

AllStar, thanks for thinking of me. :oops: Actually, that is probably an easy thing to implement.

If there are only a few manufacturers (I am uncertain of the quantity) I could list them in a drop-down selection box then they could choose. If there are more than ten or so then I could just insert a text box where you could type it in.

Whew, give me easy ones like that. Some suggestions are real intense! I have to actually think - Gawd forbid!

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 8:54 am 
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neverheard of her said:
I just had a thought and wondered if anyone had an opinion on it (dumb question!)

there are no dumb questions neverheardofher......only...........wait for it....



god i love the shameless plug !!!!! :twisted:

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 8:59 am 
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LOL Dumbdrums!!

Too funny! :rotflmao:


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 Post subject: Re: What?
PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:09 am 
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NeverHeardOfHer wrote:
Allstar! :shock:
Working Phill into the ground, was not my intent.
I just simply had a thought and shared it.
I wondered what others thought.....you thought I was asking too much.....thanks for sharing your opinion. But I will state again.....
Working Phill to the ground was NOT my intent...But I have a feeling you already knew that.

And I love you too! :D Of course it was not your intent and ............. :oops: come here, let's just hug!!!!!!!

MissyGG wrote:
and maybe some of the kj's would put their input into what they think are the better backings.

Missy, this has been discussed over and over in the Discussion Forum. Pretty much everyone who starts with a karaoke system ask this question (with VERY good reason) because nobody wants to spend money on crappy disks.

FoxeRoxy wrote:
I can not believe that I'll do this to myself again but here goes...


FoxeRoxy wrote:
AllStar - it would be nice to be able to pm some people and ask for that info but some people never check their pm's and don't use that feature.

That is a pretty sad reality :cry: (ps. I got yours :D )

FoxeRoxy wrote:
SO.... here's another suggestion.
Since we have a bajillion characters now in the comment box

Exactly how many characters????? :wink:

webguru wrote:
AllStar, thanks for thinking of me. :oops:

Phill, don't get all girlie on me now please :shock: I was just trying to be nice, but obviously that turned you into a big softy :wink:

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:16 am 
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S O F T Y !!! - Why I oughta...


AllStar, in a good mood today?! ;) What was that mood rating system that Tig came up with?

I just received a list of manufacturers from a person that I guessed wished to remain anonymous ;) :D

As I told them "HOLY CRAP!"

AH All Hits
AMS AmeriSing
BS Backstage
CB Chartbuster
CBD Chartbuster Demo
CHM Country Hits Monthly
CHMP Chart Hits Monthly- Pop
CHT Country Hits Today
CSZ Country Starz
DA Dangerous CDG
DK DK Karaoke
DM Doctor Music
HV Helluvadisc
KB Karaoke Bay
KC Karaoke Classics
LC Priddis Lost Classics
LEG Legends
MM Music Maestro
MMG Music Maestro Gold
NS Nashville Sound
NT NU-Tech
PC Pioneer Classics
PH Pro Hits
PHM Pop Hits Monthly
PHT Pop Hits Today
PL Top Hits Monthly Platinum
PP NU-Tech Party Pak
PR Priddis
PRD Priddis Demo
PS Pocket Songs
PSM Pop Singles Monthly
PT Perfomance Trax
RS Rising Star
RSZ Radio Starz
SAVA Nikkodo SAV - Country Series
SAVP Nikkodo SAV - Pop Series
SC Sound Choice
SCD Sound Choice Demo
SD Star Disc
SF Sunfly
SGB Sweet Georgia Brown
SI Sound Images
SO Standing Ovation
SY Sybersound Party-Tyme
THELVIS Top Hits Monthly Collector's Elvis Edition
THM Top Hits Monthly Platinum
THMC Top Hits Monthly-Country
THMF Flashback Karaoke Series
THMP Top Hits Monthly-Pop
TU Top Tunes
TT Tip Top
UK United Karaoke
US Ultra Sonic
ZM Zoom Karaoke

I think, I'll just create a text box for people input Manufacturer name & Track # if they know it.


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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:19 am 
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you could have a drop down box, or simply a small box, ten or twenty characters max, that you could put "Pop Hits Monthly" "Sound Choice", etc.

the drop down box would work, but then what do you do with "odd' Tracks, such as "Sing To The World", "Easy Karaoke", or homemade.

OR, even, God Forbid, ask in the comment section and the singer can tell you which one! LOL!

((EDIT)), see, as I was writing this up, Phill already figured out what he was going to do! LOL!((end EDIT))

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:23 am 
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webguru wrote:
AllStar, in a good mood today?! ;)
Sorry, I saw a little puppy and that made me just weak for a moment :twisted: . I'm back to normal now. 8)

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:47 am 
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knightshow wrote:
OR, even, God Forbid, ask in the comment section and the singer can tell you which one! LOL!

Hey Matt... copy cat (read a few posts up above)--- SMILE --- sometimes we do think the same - LOL :wink:

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:48 am 
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Great Idea... glad to hear its not too hard to roll out (least ways, not for Guru). I've heard backings I love... and others that, well, I wouldn't bother with.

Some people will use it (me me!!), others won't, just like a lot of the great features on this site.

Speaking of PMs... When you're in the showcase, is there an easy way to pop off a pm to someone? I've been wondering over hear (forums), surfing around until I find the person I want (hoping they post now and then), and sending PMs that way... kind of a pain.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:53 am 
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Yeah, that's another feature I've been wanting to add. The PM in SS.

I will probably do it so it is a pop-up window or open new page though so you won't have to completely leave SS and go to the forums to send a PM.

Put that on my list...

Currently, you can send them an email... this goes through the system. Has anyone been using that?

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 10:41 am 
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Old Paint wrote:
Speaking of PMs...

OP? Why in the world would you wanna talk about PMS?

Old Paint wrote:
kind of a pain.

Yes it is kind of a pain if you really need to know..

:lol: :lol:

I had to.. My mind went there & my fingers had to follow it... :roll: :twisted:

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 11:01 am 
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chk, chk...... Foxy :o

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 11:32 am 
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i just rolled laughing reading this, cause after my comment neverheard sent me the abbreviations list and my eyes nearly popped out my head when i saw how many there was....so when phil said he wanted a list i knew what was coming lmaooooooooooooooooooo...tooooo funny hehehehe.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 11:32 am 
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Last edited by timberlea on Thu Jan 27, 2005 2:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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