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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 2:39 pm 
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Been using my JVC 303 for 5 yrs at least 3 nights a wk, 4 hr shows. This week after working fine the night b4, it refused to play clean graphics. They were all garbled to the point you couldn't read the monitor. Before the night was over the audio also began to distort. Is my machine history?

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 3:09 pm 
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Sounds like it needs a cleaning.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 3:24 pm 
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Ya know about two months ago I had this machine serviced for a different problem and as a standard proceedure it was cleaned also. Prior to that it had never been cleaned. Thanks for the input I'll have it cleaned and see what gives. The cd lens cleaners I have don't seem to work on this machine.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 7:14 pm 
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I would send it in and see what they say. If it's not fixable, buy a new one. If it lasted 5 years like than you have gotten your money out of it. Love my tripple tray and plan on buying atleast 3 more tripple trays or single trays. One more for current system and two for a second system I am building to be mobile.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 10:22 pm 
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It's possible that the Laser Lens is shot. That can be replaced (probably cost ya about 1 bill with parts and labor).

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 5:30 am 
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just with the changing of technology, I'd replace my player every four years or so! ESPECIALLY if it gets heavy usage.

Think about how many nightly shows you do a week, muliply that by 50 times... I had a single try burn out in six months, but when I did the math, I realized I MORE than got my $200 out of it!

Most people don't realize the wear and tear these things take, ESPECIALLY if they're mobiles!! if you get more than a couple years out of it, like greg stated, you more than earned your money!

Same thing with microphones, speakers, amps, etc. Yes you can prolong the life of them with routine cleaning and maintenance, but be prepared for yearly maint. costs!!

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 7:50 am 
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FYI - depending on how you amortize your equipment costs it's not worth anything.  Most amortization happens on a 5 year cycle so it's time for an upgrade.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, it's the amount of the cost of the equipment apply against your income on an annual basis.  Most equipment is applied over a 5 year period or 20% a year.  The application of this cost is applied for both tax and insurance purposes most of the time (a $500 player that dies in the 4th year is only worth $100 and that's what the insurance will pay - there are exceptions, but I hope you get the idea).  There are other ways to handle the equipment costs annually on your taxes, and if you want more information I recommend a tax professional.

But I agree, it's 5 years old, and a thorough cleaning might bring it back to life but new JVC/RSQ 333 players are under $300.  I'm sure it's more than paid for itself in the 5 years you've had it.  I'd probably get the existing player cleaned and either use it until it dies or use it as a backup. I'd probably get a new player nonetheless since you know that one is on it's way out.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 8:16 am 
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The optics in a JVC are more rugged than most snd take one hell of a beating. After a long peroid it takes a special cleaning to get the nicotine off the eye. The mechanical alignment could be off but also in the JVC thats not probable.  Both usually occur over a long period and the symptons are gradual.  Im sitting here looking the assembly out of a single tray and noticed something I didnt before. Coming directly off the drive motor is a rubber drive belt like the 40 dozen Ive replaced in vcrs. They dry out get hard and slip...And  cost about a buck.  Maybee......

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