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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 7:04 am 
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ritisroo wrote:
For me, it is more of a personal thing. I need to be good for myself. I can't stand not being able to do something. I will try and try till I can do it.

That's me... totally... I just have to be *good* at whatever I'm doing (and if it's something I care about, I'll keep at it until I'm satisfied). I'm sort of a 'perfectionist', but like ritis, I really only compete with myself. ;)

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 Post subject: Re: My wife's opinions
PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 7:13 am 
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Tom Eaton wrote:
But the more this happened, I eventually noticed that she only seemed to do that on gender-benders. So now I'm wondering if I just sound really dumb singing songs originally sung by women, or if it's some pet peeve of hers, like she doesn't want her husband singing as if he's a woman? I'd really like to know, because I like singing quite a few gender-bender songs. Maybe eventually I'll have to post a few with the comment, "Does this sound bad, or weird, or does my wife just have issues?"

It's a good point Tom, because sometimes when I hear my hubby sing a 'gender-bender', it sounds really weird to me at first.... (he actually subbed 'Everybody's Fool' by Evanesence - now THAT's a gender-bender) but after I get over the initial weirdness, I realize he's actually done a very good job with it. I think it's harder for a guy to sound good on a gal song than the other way 'round too.

Post something when you're ready and let us know...

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 7:14 am 
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If there's a natural phenomenon for people to listen to their own voice, and think, "damn, I really have no future as a singer, in fact I really stink", than perhaps those that think they sing well are abnormal.

If this is the case, there's likely no way a person who is taught to overcome this initial shyness can know if they stink, or have an amazing voice. People aren't likely going to tell you to your face that you sound like a cat who's tail just got slammed in the door. I just happen to be gifted enough to know that I do genuinely stink :wink:

This is the first time I've seen this thread, and this happens to bring up a question that I have, which is whether or not the perception that your own voice is lousy, or weird sounding is a very common one.

The bigger question I have however, is why would a person that genuine feels their voice is lousy sounding submit songs to be heard by anyone that wishes to listen ? I'll be the first to splatter boards with my opinions (that I don't feel overly humiliated having others read), yet something such as an arrogant display of a cruddy sounding singing voice is just way too embarrasing a thing to knowingly put myself thru :oops: This extreme is something I'll never understand. Ever see the histrionic performer who thinks they are so incredibly talented, yet in reality they are totally bombing ? What horrible fools they make of themselves.

I don't know much about singing, yet to me, the result of the sounds coming out've a persons mouth should resemble some type of aesthetically pleasing art form, and not a wild animal that stepped into a hornets nest.

Sure, some things are for fun. In that sense it's fine not to be "good". If a person knows they aren't good, yet still wants to share with friends, that makes sense too of course. Yet I'll never understand those with a totally inflated self image of a skill they don't have. To me, this is one definition of stupidity.

It's important to have some concept of how others perceive you in this world. Certain things are just repugnant. Most 90 year old females fortuneately know better than to wear a scanty G-string on the beach. Most obese people know enough not to wear spandex.Similarly, Some of us know that our voices aren't the most attractive parts of us, and we choose not to subject others to a display of this.

Just my two cents on this issue.

(Yes, I know that KJ's would do poorly if more felt as I did)

Last edited by Steven Kaplan on Sun Feb 06, 2005 7:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 7:21 am 
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steven wrote
I don't know much about singing, yet to me, the result of the sounds coming out've a persons mouth should resemble some type of aesthetically pleasing art form, and not a wild animal that stepped into a hornets nest.

ive made a living sounding like that......Viva la AXL !!!!!!

Gladly helping Kappy to become cyber immortal !!

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 7:23 am 
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LOL, Actually that brings up a pretty good point regarding the "good singer" being little more sometimes than a voice quality we have grown accustomed to. Petty tries to emulate the Dylan quality, Rod Stewart, and Joe Cocker, even Mick Jagger to some are "Good singers".

The strangest signiture style can in time become tomorrows Burton Cummings in the rock venue.

Last edited by Steven Kaplan on Sun Feb 06, 2005 7:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 7:26 am 
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you are without a doubt
The Fastest Post In The West !!!!

Gladly helping Kappy to become cyber immortal !!

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 7:28 am 
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Which isn't a bad accomplishment for an old Connecticut yankee :wink:
(yet I added more to that post of course)

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 7:41 am 
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dude i just checked out the pics of your guitar arsonal...VERY impressive...i really want to get a LP Custom bad..i broke my shoulder in a car accident years ago and i am a little leary about the weight of that guitar...but when i play those things i am like a much better lead player....the action on LPs are just amazing...one thing i dont like is my hands are so big that as i get up past the 14th fret i have troubles squuezin my hands into those tiny frets...i would love to play your gibson semi....believe it or not i have never played one of those but i love the stuff nugent did with them back in the 70s....i have played SGs and in contrast to the LES PAULs, they are soooooo light...i love sustaining the note and just "feeling" it through the body...it looks to me like you got all the essentials....i wasted a lot of time in the 80s chasing the "flavor of the day" guitars....i wished id have been collecting ones like you have all along...i think im gonna get a tele pretty soon cause i love the clean rythms of them....maybe you should just give me your address and tell me when you are gonna be out so i can come and rip them off hehehe...well anyways you have a fantastic collection bro !

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 8:03 am 
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WOW, This is interesting, I have very small hands for a man actually (No girls there is no correlation).

You must really dislike the narrow radius of many of the Fender necks if you have large hands. The SG is a nice guitar. The traditional LP's are VERY heavy guitars. They just aren't comfortable IMHO. Some of the studio models, and firebrand models that came out later on (with chromyte in chambers to lighten the guitar) sound pretty decent, yet I suppose technically without that LP "mass" they aren't really going to offer the same tonality, and sustain quality (Yet I'm not sure). The 335's are still heavy guitars, yet balanced in such a way to make them MUCH more comfortable. The ES-335 is VERY close to the LP. You might ponder such a guitar for balance, weight, and the musically diverse styles you enjoy.

Being more of a traditional type guitar person who drooled over standard models in the 60's, I was already quite set in my heirarchy of importance by time Charvel/Jackson came along. Even though I'd love a Charvel San Dimas (I think that's the guitar) now adays; I wasn't into the "shred" type guitars of the 80's much, Never tried BC Rich, or even Hamers, yet the Amercian Hamers, and PRS guitars are next on the list, as is the Parker Fly.

So many guitars I'd love to own, Yet realistically, I'd rather a few guitars today with electronics that can :do: those other models. It's getting to be time to sell some of that collection. Maintain a few. If I want to get top dollar for some of those, it will take time selling. I can't see myself at 70 owning 70 guitars.

i think im gonna get a tele pretty soon cause i love the clean rythms of them

I agree, yet with huge hands ?

maybe you should just give me your address and tell me when you are gonna be out so i can come and rip them off

That sounds fair, let me mail you a schedule :lol:

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 8:14 am 
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Steven Kaplan wrote:
WOW, This is interesting, I have very small hands for a man actually (No girls there is no correlation).

I have noticably huge hands for a girl... WAY larger than my husbands. Well, not really my HAND- Mainly the fingers. Enough that the last part of my finger can bend over my husbands, when he lays his hand against mine.

Always found that an advantage when playing so many instruments, etc, esp, piano and guitar, when most chicks lack strength and reach at first, to reach the chords, or the keys.

Babbling, back to topic, sorry:)

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 8:18 am 
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Gilly, I agree. I wish my fingers were longer. It does come in handy (no pun intended) :roll:

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 8:29 am 
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wow i never knew that teles have small frets...given a larger fretboard i am very skilled at lead playing..this probably goes back to my love for classical and playing a lot of nylon string guitars...my takamene has huge frets and i can almost blow faster on it than any of my electrics...my advice to guitar players is master the acoustics first because gains and overdrives these days can be a crutch...im sure i dont have to tell you that steve cause jazz players relay on very little effects and distortion...i came into some money when i was 28 years old and i ran out and bought a les paul custon 63 reissue limited...it set me back about 5 grand but it was the most beautiful guitar i ever played (beside the weight)...but if there is one "just say no" lesson i can teach anybody, i traded that guitar for about 800 dollars of cocaine one night when i was bingin and to this day that was the most shameful thing i ever did....i cried when i sobered up and realized what i had done...i would give anything to get that one back...it was purple (very rare) with a tiger finish like santanas ibanezs have.....i have owned well over $75,000 worth of music equipment in my career and sadly about a third of it went up my nose....gilly makes a good point that big hands do give you an advantage if you have roomy frets...i have about a seven fret reach starting at the 9th fret (on my acoustic that is) that comes in really handy when playing some tapping stuff.....but yeah steve...dont sell your "kids"...raise them and nurture them and let them age with grace and beauty and when you are old all the money in the world wont take them away from you !!!

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 8:44 am 
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My thoughts are (and of course you can find this out for yourself at any local music store) that if you have "huge" hands, the narrow neck radius of the Fenders can be tough, especially if your fingers aren't slender. Fenders aren't wide necks. They aren't as easy a guitar to play as many of the other makes. Strats on very loud volume, sure.. Yet Tele's as you know are VERY clean guitars. Many use the analogy of the guitarist having to "fight" the Fender neck to get a good sound,a style of playing unlike that which a Gibson with it's wider radius neck, and Humbucking PU's will otherwise forgive. A Fender on a lower volume isn't the most forgiving guitar in the world. Not unlike your "classical" analogy. Going from a "shred" type electric, to a telecaster can be quite a suprise.

I liked the Tele for funk, and chicken pickin', Pinched harmonics are great :) and there is nothing like the middle toggle setting of a tele for a nice Rhythm sound.

A little bit of trivia, at higher volumes the tone nob of a tele tweaked a certain way thru a Marshall JCM type stack can duplicate a Les Paul quality. The secret to playing a tele is knowing how to tweak the thing, The tone nob offers quite a sonic range at higher volumes thru a good tube amp. The Telecaster is a more versatile guitar than many think

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 11:05 am 
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Gilly wrote:
AND, i just realized that the title I made for this thread, might scare people away...

lol, anyone that comes in here, and posts, are bad singers?

SHow of hands?:)

ooo-ooo-ME! *madly waving hand in air*

I wasn't on much in December so missed this thread.

I do not like to hear my own voice. My talking and singing voice sound the same and I don't like to hear either one.
When OP is mixing my song and I have to hear it over and over, I usually end up telling him that I don't want to sub (he usually talks me into it anyway). But I always hear things that I didn't hear while singing. My voice in my head (..or is that voicES?) always sound so much better.

Old Paint tells me that the first thing he fell in love with, when we first met, was my voice (we talked on the phone for hours!)...but,now that I am his nagging wife...I am sure that has changed! LOL

In any case, I just saw the title 'Bad Singers' and thought ..'Hey, that's me!'

So, Here I am!


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 3:25 pm 
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Lol @ neverheardofher;)

What is funny, is that Justy, when we first started dating, was the one who encouraged me to sing. he was the first person i ever sang TO, (or, in front of, while blushing madly:), and, he used to beg for me to sing to him, all of the time, constantly.

lol, now that we have been living together for SO loooong, he doesn't ask much anymore... must be because.. 1), i NEVER shut up, he hears me talking ALLLLL DARN DAY 2) I sing whenever I am NOT talking.... so, non stop noise outta this chick.

However, he still likes to burn cds of me, and keep them in his car:) Sweet, but, sick.

AND, i like my talking voice, well, WHEN i am talking, but, not recorded. yuck, it is dreadful, but, i like it AS it comes outta me, otherwise, I wouldn't TALK so darn much:) And, i think my singing voice is identical. I like it as it comes outta me... but, I don't like to listen to it recorded.

Lol @ voices in your head:)

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 12:06 am 
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I'm surprised that we can use the term bad singers anywhere around here...lol

we never hear ourselves the same way others do...infact we don't even see our selves as others do....the person we see in the mirror ages much slower that what others see....

as for the question can they hear themselves as bad....go to a local karaoke contest and find out...lol...there are always those who can't carry a tune, but believe they can win....

hey maybe i'm that guy.......that's scarry....


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PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 6:44 am 
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'hey maybe i'm that guy.......that's scarry.... '

hey its .... me.......see my name

I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 8:40 am 
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I think there are more ouf us than we realize.....


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PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 12:08 pm 
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I just saw this post, and thought it would be great to put my $.02 worth. Anyway, no one could be worse than me (all you have to do is listen to any of the subs from me). I just try to challenge myself too much with songs that I should never attempt. I pretty much do it just for fun, anyway.

By the way, in case you're wondering, I am the artist formerly known as DyingMoose. However, the Moose has officially died (both figuratively and about a month-an-a-half ago almost lliterally). But I'll be back with a vengeance.

Thanks for letting me vent.

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