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PostPosted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:31 pm 
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Here Here!

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 6:06 pm 
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Todate I have submitted most of my songs for critique (yes, I am a brave soul!) and anyone who says, I don't care it's only for fun, is telling fibs. Everyone on this site has an interest in music, singing, playing, writing....etc. I value every comment I get. I am not a professional, nor profess to be. But, I want to be the best I CAN BE and if that means I have to watch my pitch, breathing, delivery on certain songs, then so be it.

Honesty is the best policy. Maybe some people submit songs, thinking that it is flawless and it is going to be a sure *10* and are then disappointed when this doesn't happen.

For me personally, I sing live alot and the ratings and comments are a good indicator of what fly's and what doesn't. Like my rendition of Smooth Operator, that has been my biggest rating 'grabber' and I had a couple of comments about being off in a couple of places, now I am going to practice my (@$%&#!) of to make it right!!!!

Basically, if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Di xxxxx

PS. I am now going over to check to make sure that no tone deaf, doesn't no a good tune when they hear one, has dared to mark me less than a *10* - DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM !!!!LOL

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 6:19 pm 
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Rainbowgnu wrote:
I VOW that if Kappy quits, he's a coward and should be hung, drawn, quartered, burned at the stake and then trampled on by a herd of elephants!


Awwww heheheh

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 6:22 pm 
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Gilly wrote:
Anyways... I was just tryign to say... i am curious what it is all about.

Good night:)

and, i am WAITING, please don't ignore me!

Gilly darlin', ... what I did for you on the Rhiannon song t'other day?? THAT was a 'critique'... lol :)

Just so ya know ;)

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 6:27 pm 
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Gilly wrote:
As one example, not many people (me esp.) are fans of nasal, head voices, that lack.. substance. I hear someone submit that, and I think... work on incorporating MORE... more ANYTHING... instead of that plain, boring, sound. but, that IS their voice. Can a person be critiqued on voice alone? AND is it possible to improve something like that?

Yeah, ya know.. I've talked about that very thing to folks before, cause I have that problem (sort of). My voice is very 'pure' and 'straight' sounding and I need to add more 'body' or 'fullness' to it to make it sound cool. Now sometimes, I can do this (usually when I'm goofing around and not recording), but my point is that although everyone has a certain 'voice' they are born with, each person can also (if they want to) learn to change their voice dramatically using different techniques. (whew... run on sentence much?? lol)

So, I know what you mean about simply not liking a person's 'voice'... I don't like my own. lol ;) And, I'm slowly learning to change it into something I like better (thanks in part to my friends here). :D

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 11:31 am 
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Gilly & Syber (et al)

Is it just my unknowledgeable perspective, or is singing hard work, that requires a person knows how to control their breathing, and perhaps even get dizzy during diaphragmatic singing ? Some of us that are normally tense, and really have no breath control due to asthma, sinus stuff etc, will tend to sound nasally, and "wimpy" sounding. I can't stand the congested sounding head voice either.

Yet for me to learn how to sing, would require me to learn how to regulate/control my breathing. Doesn't seem easy. Gilly you've played a few horns that require decent breath control, and strength (decent embechure).

How much of singing is a good set of lungs ?

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 11:46 am 
gilly has a GREAT pair of lungs...

she sings good too... - tig

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 12:19 pm 
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Lol @ tigrr!!

Steve... babbling below.

Steven... ya know, I have NO idea how much influence my past musical training has had on my current singing. As mainly low brass player, obviously, breath control was incredibly important. As well as other things, such as stance, diaphragm control, etc etc. I can't possibly say that it has had NO impact on my singing, nor can I say how much.... BUT, the best example I can give, is a clip I sent yesterday to Miss milo. (or, jeanne, or milo, whatever she wants to me called;). I was sick. And, i was trying to think of songs to sing, if I dared to go audition. I recorded a clip, and it was a sloooow controlled song (you will be my ain true love-allison krauss) I could BARELY get through one whole sentence wihtout gasping for air. but, normally, I can hold a note for an insane unbelievable amount of time. Actually, one of my talents, back when I played horn. But, sick? Nothing. My voice is the same, but, I have no control over my breathing. And, I AM trained to have SOME. Therefore, I imagine, that people with asthma, and other similar problems would have trouble breathing properly during singing, regardless of training.

I don't know if I could ever answer your question... But, I in no way have a "wimpy" voice. I have no idea what that is, or, if any of it was changed by the fact I played many instruments... but, My friends, did an experiment in honors bio, in school, and measured the strength of breathing in all of the band members. And, also wrote down what instrument they played, and whether or not they smoked. The results were interesting, but, not definitive. However, i DO know, that since I quit smoking, that I have more control over my voice, although, I lost that raspy quality, that I was accustomed to.

And seby. I see nothing wrong with a "pure" voice. I am not quite sure what you mean....

But, I know, I am drawn to voices with an edge, something VERY noticeable, that makes them them... I always have. However, i don't know if THAT made ME develop the same edge, or, if I had it, and now prefer to listen to people with the same voice. Blah, although, many people wouldn't consider me to have an "edge" so, i am babbling.

Ok, i wonder how I sound after downing a bunch of cough syrup? I just recorded a song, and I was so sick, i had to drink two cans of orange pop, to make myself all phlegmy, so it didn't hurt:) Ohhh, didn't you just WANT to know that:) I am going to sleep now.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 12:41 pm 
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ROFLAO, thanks Gilly :headscratch:

No seriously, I understand what you are saying

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 12:43 pm 
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Do you really?

Can you share it with me?

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 12:46 pm 
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I've been told that the opera singer has to be in amazing physical condition. Such a skill requires tremendous stamina, and strength. These people are using their hold head as a resonating chamber...Supposedly they can feel notes ring in over part of their head.
They bellow notes from the bottom of their gut....Posture, breathing, body control..are all critical.

IE..Pavarotti who used to be quite an athlete is going to kill himself if he keeps singing opera, he let himself go. Very stressfull to the body..
JAZZY, you around to comment on this stuff ????

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 12:51 pm 
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I think you've shared it with me Gilly, I've been sick as a dog the past two days....

I won't be thinking during my posts for abit as a result, so you folks can have some fun with me :banghead:

(OK in the 60's outside, I need to get my butt outside)

I changed my mind. I'm in bed

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 6:33 pm 
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To begin with I don't understand all the hype about critique. I would like to see that feature disabled. If we are all honest with ourselves we will have to admit that Karaoke was invented for those who of us who just don't have the right combination of talent, looks and chrisma.
Based entirely on vocal talent there are a few people here at the Singers Showcase that have the talent to make it in the recording industry. I am not one of them. But even with the talent if you don't have the proper look or performance charisma you still won't make it.
Let's face it - anyone in reasonable health can learn to golf. But rarely are you going to find just the right combination to produce a Tiger Woods. The same is true with singing. I understand wanting to improve and become the best you can be.
But is this the place for that? If your dog runs every time you turn on the Karaoke machine - that's honest feedback. The people here are sometimes too nice with their critism.
I think we should all stop taking ourselves too seriously and view the SS as a place of entertainment - much as you would if you went to a Karaoke night event. Suppose the audience there took you aside and told you what they thought of your performance? Well that's what your asking SS members to do when you ask to be critiqued!
Personally I know exactly what I sound like and I have no delusions of granduer. I'm here to have fun and enjoy singing and listening to other sing! That's it! No agenda here. I never critique and always try to find something good to compliment the performer on. That's how you encourage them to continue. I'm not saying you should praise a bad performance but you can always find something positive and constructive to say!

Nuff said

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 7:26 pm 
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If we are all honest with ourselves we will have to admit that Karaoke was invented for those who of us who just don't have the right combination of talent, looks and chrisma.

So training musicians, and professional musicians in a non-professional environment, can't benefit from Karaoke, because Karaoke is the Japanese term meaning  "For wannabe losers only"?

So happens. When I listened to a few showtunes, and classical songs, even instrumental tracks,  I realized this is a great practice and training tool for professional, and aspiring musicians too.  It used to be that an opera, or any classical musician had to have a live pianist, a string player had to have at least a chamber orchestra; With Karaoke,  this is no longer the case. The student vocalist now has backup band, The professional stuck at home, or out've work for awhile, still has a band to sing with.

If anything,   this is all the more reason for "critique".... Problem is, since few even know what that term means, and many who enter in the "C" category just want fluff , I'm inclined to agree with you... drop the negative term few use honestly, and keep "comments".   Critique here often deceives a person, by withholding the honest comments. Back scratching tool, or just a box where people say hello.

If Critiques were accepted when asked for,  and people either cared to give them, or didn't fear being honest... The system would be a very helpfull tool for musicians..  There are MANY talented singers here, that could be professionals. Some just have chosen a more normal life-style... Yet they still want to improve, and if people were honest with the critique system.  They would have the opportunity to do so

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 1:18 am 
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I think its public knowledge that everybody has their own reasons for using this site.

Some are for "professional" or "semi-professional" reasons, or their joureny to reach that status... some are for fun, some are for attention, the list goes on...

I don't think there is anything wrong with tat, BUT the critique category, win its current form should be exactly that.  

I've said it before, and I'll say it again... Nobody can say that it is wrong to give an HONEST critique to somebody submitting in the "C" category... They just can't...!  But the key word is HONESTY... Everybody, or at least the majority of commenters have to agree to be honest about performances in order for the deature to reach its potential...

AND although this is technically a "karaoke" site, I believe it is called Singer's Showcase for a reason, and if thats not to showcase your talent, and is for EVERYONE to JUST have fun instead with no other purpose, then why not change its name...

What I'm trying to say is that everyone has their reasons, and its not critiquing that should be banned, but fluff instead, as THAT is the problem, not honesty.  

I've said it before and I'll say it again, for those of us who are just here for fun, simply don't post in the "C" category, and then you don't have to worry, because you can recieve all of the fluff you want!

Much love to everyone,

Brett x

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 7:40 am 
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OMG!!! NEW EMOTICONS!!!  :dancin:


um ok.. *clearingin throat* back to the serious discussion at hand ;)

Yes, I LIKE the 'critique' option (as has been mentioned before), because it DOES help to differentiate between those who actually want critical feedback and those who don't. It was a HUGE issue before and getting rid of that option, would throw us all back into the 'gosh, do I dare critique? or not??'. It truly allows people to submit songs without the fear of having their songs picked apart. It ALSO allows people (like myself) who often DO want honest, critical feedback on how they might improve. It is a 'near' perfect solution... and that's the best we can expect.

MANY of us on here, are professionals, semi-professionals, or 'aspiring artists' who honestly want (and are greatful for) the opportunity to practice new vocal techniques, try out new song to see whether or not they suit our voices, and generally get feedback from our peer-group. True, MOST of us are never going to be superstars, but there is such a vast field of levels between 'home-town karaoke singer' and '(insert pop-star name of choice here)', should those of us who fall inbetween those lines give up music because we may never be 'at the top'? I think not. ;)

Anyway, the bottom line is (and always has been), if you want to sing 'JFF', you can and should feel free to do so. If you want to take your singing 'seriously' and use this site as a valuable tool.. you have that option. This site is what we make of it. :biggrinthumb:

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:31 am 
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Hi guys,

I'm mostly supporting the agreement, but since I can't 100% promise to give my comments according to that, I can't swear on my part. I might do it later though. BUT at this point I do promise that I will be honest with my ratings and comments at all times and give the best tips that I can in order to help people improve their singing.

See you all around!  :wave:


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 9:35 pm 
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I agree to be honest to myself and to others...I'm no great musician......probably not a good judge of musical talent.....but I know what I think sounds good....and I know the difference between perfect and average....and average and subs that make my ears bleed....as for technical critique  I'm not much good at that either.....so I'm not able to tell you why it sucks...just that in my not so learned oppinion.....it just sounds bad...


[glow=blue]Tequila & A Song

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 10:45 am 
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I PQPRINCE pledge to critique honestly......As I'm not an accomplished musician I can only tell you things that I know.....But I promise not to throw any fluff out there...I promise to give the best advice to the best of my knowledge...

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:57 pm 
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Lady Di @ Mon Feb 14, 2005 6:06 pm wrote:
Basically, if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Di xxxxx

I have to agree with Di, BUT I will add as I have in my subs, if you want to give me a 1, fine I don’t have an issue with that, well actually if anyone really thought I was a 1 I better think twice about singing. But you know what I mean.

If you give me or anyone else below a 9 then you need to say why,  I don’t care if I get an 8 across the board it just makes me want to work that much harder.

What I CAN NOT tolerate is when someone in the comments section gives me a 6 or a 7 and my score drops from a 10 or a 9.8 down to a 8.5 and not one stinking reason why!!!!

God I cannot tell you how much that pisses me off. Give me all 7’s, I can live with that and then I would only be pissed at me for not doing very well.
In fact I just pulled a sub for that very reason, it sucked.

So I agree with debauchery, I will and do give out fair and honest ratings and critiques.

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