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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 9:52 am 
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Speakin of singin....  :dancin: Are ya well enough to get going again??? It's been awhile their girl since we heard anything from you and OP! Was wondering if your cold got the better of ya or what!


NEW SMILIES!!!!  :wave:

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 10:42 am 
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Why does it matter is everyone that insecure or competetive.  In this world of ours why make such a big deal if a singer submits the same song or someone wants to do a song that's already been sung at a show.  Folks life is too short and double songs are way too insignificant in this world of ours.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 12:10 pm 
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not everyone feels the same as you... some take this very personally!

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 12:59 pm 
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It wasn't so much the fact i took it personally i just thought it was a little dis respectful, and even more so when the person realised exactly what she had done, she came directly to my sub took a listen said how blown away she was yet the bloody ranking went down by 3 lmaooo

so then i got annoyed and thought what the hell and deleted the song, can't be bothered with the politics of it all :-)

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 5:12 pm 
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There must be at least over 50,000 english songs out there. A subber in SS will probably know between 100 to 1000 songs and be able to sing 100 to 500 songs.

WHY then do we want to sub the same song that appear in the front page? Unless they sub at the SAME time or there are some other reasons that I don't know.

I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 5:33 pm 
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not true. some people don't have access to all the bloody songs available on cdg, let along mp3. they may be limited on what they can do BadS.!

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 5:56 pm 
it is even simpler than that matt... some songs just cross all boundaries and are universally on everyone's list to sing LOL why do they always sing Crazy- patsy cline or reba's fancy when we have 15,000 songs in the show??? because everyone and their dog grew up on those songs... there is always going to be some percentage of overlap even if everyone had acces to the 50,000+ songs Bads refers to... there are probably also alot of members who have never really gone to a karaoke club and learned, what is basic to us, ettiquette on song selections... another point is internet connection and time- some members may not go past the 1st page of subs and may not see the same song on the second page subbed the day before...  what it comes down to is common sense- the majority of us know when someone is submitting a song to play the "I can do it better than you game", simply ignore them and they will eventually go away... hopefully... LOL - tig

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 6:18 pm 
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Matt wrote,

[not true. some people don't have access to all the bloody songs available on cdg, let along mp3. they may be limited on what they can do BadS]

True, and I agree, but can we just wait for a day.
ps: My collection are all VCD.

I think I will from now sub non-english song, that way the chance of this to happen will be far less

I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 7:36 pm 
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:wave:  gday Gen..just a thought on this same subbing....last week I recorded 5 songs....my choice of songs...(I know the choices of cdgs is limited)..and like you know with me I have a large range of songs I like to sing..so anything that takes my fancy on the day...
Well last sunday I went to sub one...well NO can do..would you believe only one of the songs I recorded over the weekend  was NOT on the front page....I just couldnt believe it...how WEIRD is that...so I have been way to busy this week to record anything new..I will wait the week or so before I sub them...out of respect to the others who have subbed the same ones as I did...I went in an listened to the four songs from the others..they were all beaut...so I wasnt going to upset them by putting mine on...they decerved the listen....
Just my thoughts on this topic.....you should check first..and I mean check the whole page to see if the song you are going to sub is on there...then change your choice of song...I feel this is just showing a bit of curtesy and manners.... nothing more...I am sure if you were at a karaoke bar you would not go sing the same song as someone else did..and if you do its like maybe a few hours apart..or wait till that person has gone.....boy I am ramblin on today..lol  LMAO  
Thanks Gen for bringing up this subject ..I think it needed to be looked at... :hi5:  
cheers Melodie  

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 9:30 pm 
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in a brilliant way to prevent people from subbing the same song i do, from here on out i will only be subbing englebert humperdink and air supply songs.....actually i dont know any englebert humperdink songs, i just like the way i get the giggles when i say his name..teehee... LOL

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 10:01 pm 
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When I submit (not much recently, but I'm about to work on that!) I normally record a couple songs.  I then scan the first page or two to see if the song is up and then submit.  There has been one time that someone posted the same song while mine was on the front page and I would have preferred that they waited at least a couple days but I don't know they didn't look while I was uploading and it wasn't listed.

Basically, if it happens once in a while I don't have a problem with it because it's as accident and should be overlooked.  If it's a pattern of behavior then that person should be forced to with this herring cut down a tree and then answer my questions three - or be thrown into the pit of despair! :wink:

For theme weeks I'd think the rules would be relaxed a little - just try not to sub the same song on the same day.  As a general rule, listening to songs and subbing songs is good.  Oneupmanship (or oneupwomanship?) should be avoided if at all possible to maintain the harmony around here (pun intended).

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 10:27 pm 
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oooooooo la la Micky now I just cant wait to hear how you sing dear old  englebert humperdink .... haha hope its the rock on version... PLEASE!!! :hi5:

hey mean pic by the way... :yum:  not that I was lookin of course.. LMAO

cheers Melodie

:yes:   :hi5:   :oh yeah:   :hug:   :dancin:   :whistle:

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 12:50 am 
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DD, I have a good collection of both AirSupply and Englebert Humperdink backing tracks, May want to sub those,........ see.... hell    I cant sing them As is too high and EH is boring.

I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 5:57 am 
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hey mezza ....gave you some karma for the pic comment (im assuming that "mean" is a good thing down under)...and badsinger, if you got EH song tracks, you are definately the "track man" to see when one hits a dead end searching.....

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 6:04 am 
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DD, Anytime, just name the song :hi5:

I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 7:16 am 
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Debauchery @ Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:19 am wrote:
Not that I sub very often, but when I'm even thinking about it, I use that search thing on the showcase first.  I enter the song I'm considering and see how many people have subbed it lately, if any.

I do the same, Deb. Not only to make sure it hasn't been subbed recently, but because I want to see what the other versions sound like. Call me fickle, but if I'm getting ready to submit a song and someone else has a version available that I KNOW would completely blow mine out of the water... I'll probably choose a different song. lol ;) However, once I've determined it's safe to do a song and I go through the grief of recording it, I will not check 'again' to see if someone has uploaded it in the meantime. If they did, too bad. lol (hasn't happened to me yet)

Occasionally, I get 'inspired' to do a certain song after hearing someone else do it on the SS. In that case, I will jot it down in my 'songs I want to do' list and save it for a much later date (usually by the time I decide to do the song, it's no longer on the SS).

Debauchery wrote:
However, the only time I would see it OK to sub the same song on the showcase on the same day would be like FoxeRoxy's situation:  Different genders.  If a man subs a song and then a woman comes along with the same one, it's no big deal because there's really not that "competitive" aspect along with it.  Men and women clearly do not sing the same way, so the styles are going to be completely different.  But when two women, or men for that matter, sub the same one on the same day, I think that's saying, "I think I can do this better, so here's mine."  Kind of tacky, really.

I agree, especially about the gender thing. If you get a guy doing a girl's song (or vice versa), it's going to be a very different sounding song, no matter what. ;)

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 7:34 am 
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Crystal @ Fri Feb 11, 2005 8:53 am wrote:
ya know... now that I think about it..... I guess as long as the person waits untill the FIRST sub is off the front page, I think that's pretty sufficient... anyone else?

Yeah, I agree... although personally I might wait longer than that, but I wouldn't be offended if someone else didn't. ;)

I usually *like* to hear other people's versions of the song, but that's just me. I'm not really 'competitive' except with myself (and a few other other people in my life... not many though).

I also agree that it doesn't really apply on 'theme' submissions. I mean, when you take a broad genre like 'Pop' there are PLENTY of songs to choose from, but when you do something on a much narrower scale (like 'Elvis'), there are going to be repeats. ;)

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:29 am 
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It's especially poor ettiquite to submit your own rendition of a persons original composition. on the same day, and same site you heard it on !  and call it your own LMAO

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 2:42 pm 
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Without reading any other comments, in my opinion, it would normally be a "mistake" if there were two same songs on the first page. And doing it "your way" doesn't necessarily mean it was copied from your performance. It could be just a performance that the person would do by knowing the original version, just like you (and anyone else) most likely would do.

I personally always search the database before subbing anything. If the song exists (however long ago subbed), I believe I would not sub it myself unless it was a request or during a really "difficult" theme week where available and doable songs were not that many.

The most common way though is probably that everyone submits what they like to sing and what they feel like subbing. I would be very surprised to learn that someone deliberately does the same song the same day trying to get points for a better performance than the recent submitter.

I hope I was able to make my point!  :)

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 3:32 pm 
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Steven Kaplan @ Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:29 am wrote:
It's especially poor ettiquite to submit your own rendition of a persons original composition. on the same day, and same site you heard it on !  and call it your own LMAO

ROTFLMAO!!!! Had this happen to you eh, Steven? Or perhaps you're the secret criminal??  :shock: ;)

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