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Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:27 am |
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Joined: Sat Jan 29, 2005 4:17 pm Posts: 161 Location: UK Been Liked: 0 time
Hi Gracie...
Quote: I celebrate indivduality, different styles and all genre's. I applaud that - I do it myself... I personally strive to improve in ALL genres, and I'm always willing to give things a try... I think thats a great thing, so thats cool and I'm glad you said that...  Quote: I stay at this site because it's usually so warm and inviting to what's unique about us all and how can you critique that? I don't think you CAN critique a person's individuality, but everybody and their songs can be critiqued, and if an individual doesn't want that, then there is no need to submit their songs in the "Critique" category, so I kinda agree with you AND disagree with you about that part... Quote: I don't sub songs here because I feel that it's going to further my career I do it soley to share I am with you on that one - I don't have a career in music, and I don't think I could either... I'm not that good - But that won't stop me from subbing my songs to this site, and trying to make myself the best I can possibly be, and that means taking peoples comments and using them to improve the song and make it the best I can be. As you said...... Quote: I agree with Sheree that if you feel like you're in a competition why would'nt you want to be #1
And so from that comment, wouldn't you want your songs to be the best that they can be? Yeah its a dent to the ego when you get a negative comment, but you have to take that and turn it around, knowing that if you listen again and can pick it out and agree, then your song will be that much better, and your ego can remain intact for the song being better than it was, and being the best that it can...
Don't know if you agree or not, but thats cool...
I try to be warm and inviting, and its very nice to meet you Gracie... From just that one post I can get a feeling that after a day we'd be good friends... funny how that works sometimes...
Hope you don't take my disagreements personally or offensively as thats not how they are meant...
Much love to you, and everyone else reading this,
Brett x
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Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:12 am |
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Joined: Wed Apr 21, 2004 8:32 am Posts: 61 Location: Michigan Been Liked: 0 time
You know there's something else I just thought about, it seems that some people only visit when they are able to critique can you explain that? Is it that they don't want to have fun with ya??
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Tony Tiber
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:15 am |
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Joined: Sun Feb 22, 2004 5:55 pm Posts: 27 Been Liked: 0 time
This topic as " the chicken or the egg " will go on and on and on. The simplicity of it is you want to be rated fine and if not fine. I don't believe in numbers or in rating or even in critiquing... You have to realy have a high opion of yourself and your skills to critique someone. A critique here is simply one persons " oponion " so why not call it an oponion....and we all know the old saying about oponions..... I am from the old school of, "if I want your oponion I'll ask for it" that's why I post in the JFF catagory. When I do ask, you can bet I respect that persons oponion, but I was the one asking.... There are those who's oponions I do not value or respect so therefore I prefer not to hear or in this case read them... That also is a personal decision to which I am intitled... As for building a career on here, don't count on it.. If you want a career in music get out in the real world and do all the things required to be successful.. Seek out the teachers and the professionals that can help you... Work in as many venues as you can even if it is a small party or gathering.... I wish I could have been on Broadway or done motion pictures or won a Grammy and so many great things that the business holds, but I didn't.... I am not complaining... I have had a very good career and I continue to work at something I love, " Entertaining" By my own admission my singing is flawed, I have no classical or professional training, and boy you know I'm a New Yorker, but people pay to come see me perform and that tells you something.... I am also one of those people who love singing and performing so much I'd do it for free and that's what brings me here to sing.... I am a singing junkie.... I also come here to listen to people express themselves in song which is the biggest measure of feelings and love... There are some extremely talented people on here who I believe could and should have a shot at the big time, but let me tell you, you have to go out and grab success as it will not just come to you..... I also enjoy very much the middle of the road people who come here to sing and I still marvel at the spirit of thses people who are willing to share their inner most feelings through their songs... To this I give my highest regards and respect.....
_________________ " My gift is my song and this ones for you "
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Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:04 am |
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Joined: Sat Jan 29, 2005 4:17 pm Posts: 161 Location: UK Been Liked: 0 time
I'm in complete agreement...
This isn't the place to "build" a career... That would take hard work and determination out in the real world...
And you stated a great point Tony... If you want people's opinions/critiques - you'll ask for them... And that is what people do when they sub in the "C" category... If they don't want them - it should be in JFF, and thats my only controversial point... Oh AND that IF you do give a comment to someone in the critique category, it should be honest... Don't tell them they are good and you enjoyed it if they were flat all the way through and you switched it off half way through... Thats just wrong IMHO. They are my only two grievances... And yes it hurts their feelings to hear that when the comments are made, and YES it will come as a shock at first because things around here haven't been like that before... but putting it in the C category, to me, defines the fact that they want honesty, so give it to them... Thats all I'm trying to say...
Last thing... To Ronda...
Quote: You know there's something else I just thought about, it seems that some people only visit when they are able to critique can you explain that? Is it that they don't want to have fun with ya??
I just wondered what you mean, cos I didn't really understand... :S
I do critique people, but I often also say that I can't, but I enjoyed their song, and I do listen to JFF subs too... Is that what you mean? Its all about the fun for me, but I just prefer to give honesty to those who place a sub for critique... thats all
Don't know if that answers your question or not?
Much love,
Brett x
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Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:44 am |
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Joined: Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:50 am Posts: 514 Location: Scotland UK Been Liked: 1 time
a career ...hmm  i ain't sure if that is what i am aiming for nooo it's not, i am here simply to return to a place i once belonged and sheesh ive sang with bands in some grotty holes to an audience of 10  but ive also sang in some of the bigger clubs with audiences of a few hundred and it didn't matter to me the amount of people it was the kick, thrill and desire to stand and sing my heart out with a live band, and that's all ive ever wanted to do...and i want to get back there...so perhaps this appears like i am using the showcase as a way to build my career,but no singing will never be my career my career is being a mommy and i am very happy with my job
I have fun here and god the pressure i felt as ive subbed 3 songs for critique and the pressure ive put myself under recording them and to get them sounding the best i can just blew my mind  but it was worth it to know in my heart of hearts whether i could use those songs for audition...but i still love my just for fun...i relax as i sing those because it doesn't matter if i don't get something right i can simply re do as and when and i can then sit chill out and enjoy reading the lovely comments and its those very people who over time have helped boost the confidence i so lacked by appreciating these subs
In my little mind i have tried as much to seperate the 2 now i see my C subs as my journey, and my JFF as my playtime
so as gracie just wants to be the best gracie she can be, i just wanna be the best missy i can be  will the C cat really help me improve? vocally my voice aint gonna change  there are so many other voices i would love to choose from but i am stuck with what i have  nah that won't but it may let people give me pointers on mixing, emotion, pitch, presence and suitability of that song to my vocals  so with the C comes the dreaded ratings...so be it..i demanded honesty so i must offer the same back  the critique and giving ideas on improvement if you are able to is the easy part and there is no reason none whatsoever this should be done in a nasty negative manner...the hard time is pressing that button and ranking the person, and yes it makes me shake at the thought and not all C subs will i be able to rank nor critique, cause i honestly don't believe i am knowledgeable enough to do that. So i will then just as ive always done on both C and Jff tell the person what i liked about their performance.
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Tony Tiber
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:53 am |
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Joined: Sun Feb 22, 2004 5:55 pm Posts: 27 Been Liked: 0 time
I agree that if you check the box for rating and critique then you are going to get peoples oponions, good or bad. You have to, " take the bitter with the sweet".
Just remember another old saying, " Be careful what you ask for, You just might get it"
_________________ " My gift is my song and this ones for you "
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Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 10:20 am |
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Joined: Tue Jul 29, 2003 9:07 pm Posts: 334 Location: Franklin, PA Been Liked: 0 time
I like the idea of changing it to oppinion fron critique.....cause I know that I am not an enlightened music critic.....I just know what sounds good to me....and that is subjective, no doubt....but isn't how the national rankings go....by popular oppinion....record sales....air play.....just thousands of people listening to what they consider to be good music.....
when I ask to be ranked...it's for your oppinion....did ya like it or not....did ya think it was perfect or did it make your ears bleed.....or was it just average...somewhere in between.....
as for competeion or fun....to some of us competition is fun....
building a career...unbelievable....really does anyone believe that this is a way to advance your musical career....
If you don't want to hear your sub was less than average....don't ask...why would ya ask?..... 
[glow=blue] Tequila & A Song KKid[/glow]
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Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 10:27 am |
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Joined: Fri Mar 14, 2003 11:48 am Posts: 1596 Been Liked: 0 time
Rainbowgnu @ Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:25 am wrote: [align=center]GROUP HUG![/align]Quote: Unless someone makes up a panel of unbiased people who only rate songs... and they ALL rate EVERY song... it will not be fair. If someone like Brett or Seby only listened to 3 or 4 songs a day.... those people who they visit will have a lower rating then the rest... and those few people will be upset! <clipped>I know that this wasn't a comment actually aimed AT me or anything but I thought it was important to mention that I DO listen to ALL "C" cat songs... I MAKE time to do
I guess I was being general to the situation Brett... but I had no idea you listened to all of them. I am not in the Showcase much lately... I think so many here feel like it's hard to comment at all anymore. If you don't comment, you won't GET comments... so it's an endless merry-go-round. I used to look forward to listening and enjoying the sub's and leaving a comment and now it's become such a stigma to do so! I think for me it's always been more of a "get to know people" kind of thing. I've met some interesting people and it used to be a fun thing to hop to each sub and listen to what they presented and just sort of get a feeling for that person and what makes them tick. It's never really been about being the best (to me). So now I guess I could just listen to the JFF subs and go my merry way. But it seems like that is making me feel like a door to door salesman... ding dong... come listen to my song. If I listen to a (c) sub... and feel the song lacks emotion yada yada.... I have to sit for a while and wonder.... how will this person take that? Is this gonna start a war? Is it worth it? When I could just say nice work? Nice to me is not great or outstanding... when I say that I mean it! Perhaps like Jac pointed out... some feel Seby can not only handle that kind of critique, she WANTS it! So people are more likely to give it. Others not.... that is why I don't rate! It's not fair! As far as receiving ratings.... I think they can just be confusing and inaccurate. I have a select few I have critique me and that is good for me.... besides that.... I am my toughest critic and I know where my weaknesses are. If I have them pointed out every time I submitted a song that would get tiring.
I totally understand the need for honesty and don't disagree with it! But I think the fact that there is a "highest ranked user" list.... and everybody wants to be on it... some people will knock off the high ranked members just to eliminate the competition. It's been that way since day one. People want to collect those 10's! What's REALLY not fair is the fact they can delete their lower rated songs and climb up the list.... how is that fair? Yet.... some here like the competitive edge.... OK fine..... just don't ever get the illusion it is fair! As long as anyone can rank.... nobody can control how they do it. Also... you can't tell me that members who are not well liked are gonna get a fair shake! The other side of that coin is ... members who ARE well liked will probably receive better scores. Our ears can be biased. We can all get this ironed out and sign an agreement.... that is fine... but some people will not read it or adhere to it and that will throw it all out of wack again!
Sorry for the long ramble this morning... :drunk:
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Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 10:44 am |
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Joined: Wed Jun 30, 2004 11:53 am Posts: 294 Location: UK Been Liked: 0 time
Does the ranking get deleted then if you delete the song?
This is one instance where I kind of prefer the system we had on the "other place" - ie, even if you delete the song, the overall member rank stays the same.
At least then you have nothing (or little) to gain by downranking people...
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Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 10:55 am |
Super Plus Poster |
Joined: Fri Mar 14, 2003 11:48 am Posts: 1596 Been Liked: 0 time
Unless things have recently changed... when you delete the song... you delete the rating with it!
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Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 11:38 am |
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Joined: Sat Oct 02, 2004 10:44 am Posts: 136 Location: Morrisville, NC Been Liked: 0 time
I'm just gonna quote John Cleese and then run away:
"Quiet you freaky darlings....it's all just a bit of fun...."
(The preceeding sentence is to be read with tongue firmly planted in cheek)
Har Har..
Peace out guys!
_________________ Simon: Alright, so we're missing the echo! Robert, I can honestly say you're the worst singer I've ever heard in my life!"
Robert: Thank you!
From X Factor.
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Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 12:28 pm |
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Joined: Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:55 pm Posts: 184 Location: West Virginia Been Liked: 0 time
Rainbowgnu @ Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:04 pm wrote: I'm in complete agreement...  This isn't the place to "build" a career... That would take hard work and determination out in the real world... Brett x
Some people have already built careers in the music industry that are here. And also, some people are currently working in the music industry and making money out of it. Fortunately, Karaoke, does not, like some areas exclude people, even if they have a hit single out from coming in and putting up a sub or keep them from crtiquing artists who put their tracks up to be commented on.
Having been on the net, since there was a net, I have one surprise for you. This is a part of the real world. The idea that cyberspace is some type of ethereal neverland which doesn't count, and people who spend hours a day here, don't have lives, is not true.
We have businesses, some have high paying jobs, are executives, own multi-million dollar companies. Stephen King goes over and jams and sings, Clinton whips out his sax (among other things) and for all you know either of them them could be "scaryman" or "dollface" - whatever.
No, Karaoke Scene is reality. I met and fell in love with Syber on the network. And thousands meet their prospective mates and lovers here, which quickly escalates to real life phone calls, dates, and sex.
Is anyone planning to make a career on KS? Well, there is no doubt you could spend most of your life here listening and commenting. We have members here who have thousands of posts. That takes a few minutes. Sometimes people submit a track a day or every couple of days.
No, we have real life friends here we have never met , but probably will, and already relationships spill into chat and phone calls.
We pays our nickel, or whatever, can submit more songs, bigger songs, and get perks for being paying members. And of course, aside from the interest of having a lot of people who visit, and even register, we support the owners of the board, because without money, this place ceases to exist on the internet.
I wouldn't underestimate this place as a career starter. We came here looking for a singer or singers to work with us and I am sure talent scouts, record label people, and a lot pros drift through here, sometimes flip up a track, as we did Gilly, Crystal, or Deb, and think mmm I wonder what she would sound like on a new album.
A lot of KDJs here. They get paid. They are professionals. And on mixing, there is a whole techie section.
So, when I look at my wife and also singer in the band who I met on the net which has changed my whole life and world - well the first time you snuggle up with someone you meet here or elsewhere on the net and the sparks begin to fly. You wil definitely think its real.
_________________ There are no accidents in a perfect world - Blondie
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Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 12:44 pm |
Joined: Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:38 pm Posts: 1676 Images: 3 Location: Beckley, WV Been Liked: 25 times
Gracie71 @ Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:12 am wrote: You know there's something else I just thought about, it seems that some people only visit when they are able to critique can you explain that? Is it that they don't want to have fun with ya??
Well, I think I can answer that one in part... since I do it alot.
I, for one (and many others on here), just don't have as much time to listen to subs as we wish we did. Therefore, those of us who actually TRY to critique honestly and give suggestions and feedback to the vocalists, will as our first priority visit the subs who actually WANT our feedback (the 'c' subs). If I have extra time, I will visit and listen to JFF subs, especially songs I already like a lot and are familiar to me, or perhaps people I know very well.
That is actually one of the reason's I'm hoping for a 'favorite singers' list in the SS, so I can quickly look at my personal list to make sure I'm not missing submissions by my personal favorite vocalists here. I have caught myself missing quite a few submissions by folks I would really like to hear, simply because I didn't notice them on the list. 
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Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:02 pm |
Joined: Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:38 pm Posts: 1676 Images: 3 Location: Beckley, WV Been Liked: 25 times
Atomic @ Mon Feb 21, 2005 10:44 am wrote: Does the ranking get deleted then if you delete the song?
This is one instance where I kind of prefer the system we had on the "other place" - ie, even if you delete the song, the overall member rank stays the same.
At least then you have nothing (or little) to gain by downranking people...
Yeah, I agree Jac! I was just thinking this before I saw your post. Especially considering that often, we HAVE to delete songs in order to upload others... (well, I have plenty of room right now, but lots of others don't). Perhaps that should be yet ANOTHER request for our overworked Phill? I think it's a good idea.
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Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:03 pm |
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Joined: Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:55 pm Posts: 184 Location: West Virginia Been Liked: 0 time
JKolman1179 @ Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:38 am wrote: I'm just gonna quote John Cleese and then run away:
"Quiet you freaky darlings....it's all just a bit of fun...."
(The preceeding sentence is to be read with tongue firmly planted in cheek)
Har Har..
Peace out guys!
For sure. Something like the Monty Python skit where he walks in the first words out of the guys are mouth are "It is not." then "No it isn't" and then something like "shut your bleeding hole."
Guy looks on the door and say, oh my mistake, this isn't pleasant conversation, this is "Abuse" - sorry wrong room.
Always liked that skit. And now for something completely different.

_________________ There are no accidents in a perfect world - Blondie
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Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:05 pm |
Joined: Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:38 pm Posts: 1676 Images: 3 Location: Beckley, WV Been Liked: 25 times
JKolman1179 @ Mon Feb 21, 2005 11:38 am wrote: I'm just gonna quote John Cleese and then run away:
"Quiet you freaky darlings....it's all just a bit of fun...."
(The preceeding sentence is to be read with tongue firmly planted in cheek)
Har Har..
Peace out guys!
 Jason  Ya Monty-Python-Watching-Lumberjack-Singing dude you... heheheh
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