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Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 5:48 pm |
Joined: Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:38 pm Posts: 1676 Images: 3 Location: Beckley, WV Been Liked: 25 times
I think Tig was laughing at Jee's suggestion of you singing country...
I don't really see country as being 'your thing' either...  but I would guess anything you wanted to sing, you would sing well (still, country?? weird...)
I'm just proud as heck of you for overcoming your fear, getting up there and doing what you set out to do. After all, you didn't really want to end up on TV anyway. From that perspective, your trip was a success. You proved to yourself that you could stand against the overwhelming pressure of such a situation where MANY (as you were telling us) completely freeze up, forget their words, or otherwise 'blow it'.
It honestly STUNS me that you are not what they are looking for. 'Not POP enough??' Heck, what defines 'pop' anyway? How would they know how POPular you would be? If these sites are any indication, you would obviously be extremely popular... you are a favorite of anyone who hears your music.
You even inspired a song
Get some rest girl... I hope you don't hate me for encouraging you in this!
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Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 6:04 pm |
Joined: Wed Mar 17, 2004 8:16 am Posts: 1234 Location: Alberta Been Liked: 23 times
jee- Waste of money, yes. We are very short on cash, as we are smack dab in the middle of a move, and it costs us a fortune to get a room at the hotel for the night etc... and tehn, I wasn't even able to SLEEP in the room. That was what I meant by a waste of money... it really wasn't worth my time, I was hoping it would be a little fun too... but, it was really miserable, probably because I was so short on sleep... as of right now, I have been awake for almost 40 hours straight. I met some... interesting people, etc, but, i can't really say I had fun. I was proud of myself, because, I was able to make myself do something, i could NEVER imagine doing. (not just performing in public, but, in a room, with four other kids, on a mini stage, in front of 2 producers/judges.)... If you knew me very well, you would know that I am a ...fairly reserved person when it comes to things like that.
And, easier ways to perform in public? Lol, actually, I find karaoke a million times more frightening then the thoguht of auditioning.... I am tryign to work myself up to THAT.... might take awhile:) I was not so much disapointed that i didn't MAKE IT through. More like, I was rejected along with some REALLLLLLy BAAAAD people, and THAT was depressing. Most people know I would never have accepted the "gold ticket", and would NEVER have gone on, i had no desire.... it is just sad to HEAR the people I was rejected a long with. Is all. (yes, I am mean:)
I guess, it would have been an extra boost to the experience, if I got to go on... even if i wouln't have.(however, i WAS proud of myself for actually doing it.. withOUT peeing my pants... or shaking to death:) Mind, you, I had already told justin, that if i WAS given a ticket to go on, i was going to simply go home. I was WAY too tired to go on, so, either way, it doesn't much matter.
Ok, i am really babbling. I should def. go to sleep:)
And yes. Me singing country makes ME laugh.... I have tried it twice. A dixie chicks song, and a shania song. Neither went over well... wait.. is allison krauss country? I did that song of hers too..... hmm...
I don' think I have what it takes to sing country.. I hear... FOLK in my voice.. maybe a little... bluegrass, a weird maritime twang? but... full out country? I don't hear it:)
but, for you, I will have to go looking for a song to sing, to show ya:)
Seby, i love ya:)
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Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 6:08 pm |
Seby said "I think Tig was laughing at Jee's suggestion of you singing country..."
nope, I was laughing at him... had nothing to do with whether gilly sings country or not... hope this clears any confusion up...
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 6:23 pm |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
Quote: I got a mini clap fromthe judges/producers..
I'm sure they recognised your talent Gilly. You did something that wasn't easy for you, and you should be proud of yourself for that alone !
It was an "experience", now it's behind you....
It's a freak show.... A retarded kid get's the spotlight for a few hours, yet they pass up people like you, and Jazzy ?
Says alot about the "talent" they are going for.
Congrats on doing something that wasn't easy for you !
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Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 7:09 pm |
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Joined: Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:50 am Posts: 514 Location: Scotland UK Been Liked: 1 time
good god gilly that almost describes cattle to the slaughter...sorry you had such a bad experience, ya know soon enough there will be a program worldwide really exposing these people for exactly what they are, as ive said here in the UK where it was invented it really has died a death and it will elsewhere because people are wising up to it...that is in a way an introduction to show business and just what it can be like i would think the experience of that one audition alone.
keep singing lassie...because there are many who do admire and enjoy your unique vocal qualities
justy give her a big hug and kiss...and you look at what you have achieved gilly...sky living proof  ya might not be a canadian idol...but ya def sky and justy's idol
keep smiling!
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Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:28 am |
Joined: Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:38 pm Posts: 1676 Images: 3 Location: Beckley, WV Been Liked: 25 times
Of course.. the big money is IN the 'freak show' aspect... people love to watch it and be 'entertained', without regard to the real feelings behind the scenes.
My opinion about these shows has been evolving since I first learned about AI last year. The one thing I hold firm about, is that many obviously talented vocalists are being passed up to get the 'freaks' on the camera.
Perhaps someone will come up with a program to honestly showcase TALENT. I can completely understand how Gilly feels about being 'rejected' with a bunch of other folks who weren't nearly as good.
I've seen various shows of support on the internet over the last couple of years, for folks who tried to make it on AI (or whatever), then were rejected for whatever reason. Most of those folks were not nearly as good as Gilly.
Truth is, I fully expected Gilly to get a 'golden ticket' (it would have been hilarious if she HAD gotten one, then turned it down).  If Gilly wanted to be a 'star', she would not need CI to do it. We have a friend here, locally, who helps produce names such as Sheryl Crow (he's working with her, mixing a new album right now). We could get Gilly into the limelight.... we've just never made a big deal of it because I know how she feels about such things.
Oh, and Gils, I'm looking forward to hearing your 'country' song...  I thought it was pretty funn that everyone liked mine. heheheh I am so NOT country (it was more just a challenge to myself).
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Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:46 am |
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Joined: Thu Sep 23, 2004 6:50 am Posts: 514 Location: Scotland UK Been Liked: 1 time
i actually agree with jee and think gilly would make a fantastic job of certain country songs, especially new style country!...so shoot me!!
gilly did you not once sub a country song on DTS quite a while back?
I can't actually see her singing lots of country though if i am honest it just don't fit with her personality  good challenge...jee perhaps ya should challenge her to a specific country song.  :D :drunk: :drool:
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Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 9:56 am |
Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2004 1:09 pm Posts: 182 Location: Spain Been Liked: 0 time
Quote: but, for you, I will have to go looking for a song to sing, to show ya:) Quote: I can't actually see her singing lots of country though if i am honest it just don't fit with her personality good challenge...jee perhaps ya should challenge her to a specific country song.
Ok! If I may request :D I will reveal you all in public (for some of you as not a real surprise) that actually I don't know a lot about country music. Simply because they just don't air it here in Finland as much as I'd like them to. So I'll just trust what I hear. I believe I have heard enough country to have my opinion for you Gilly  The point is, that I can't name you a "real" country song that would fit you best, BUT, I have a couple of songs in mind which I'd love to hear you perform. They're both Shania Twain. So if you Gilly didn't find a good song I hope you could do one of these: I'm Gonna Getcha Good and Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under. If I heard you do either one and they didn't fit your style, yes, I'm ready to admit that I was wrong.
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Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 10:19 am |
Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2004 1:09 pm Posts: 182 Location: Spain Been Liked: 0 time
Hmm... I'm not too familiar with Jewel songs. All I know is Hands and a couple of others, but I don't remember the names of those songs. If I remember well, it's all good music so in general, I wouldn't mind listening to Jewel subs at all
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Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 12:06 pm |
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Joined: Sun May 30, 2004 2:45 pm Posts: 1348 Been Liked: 1 time
 Missy...I say we stick with Jee's suggestions!
Seriously, I really would like to hear Gilly do one of those...I really think she could kick some serious a$$ on it.
I dare ya Gilly................. 
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 2:23 pm |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
Gilly, Do you do any Barry White ? 
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 4:58 pm |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
I have a headache :( <slipping into hospital gown>
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 5:05 pm |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
Gilly is probably talented enough to do MANY differing styles.
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Suzanne Lanoue
Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 8:56 pm |
Joined: Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:56 pm Posts: 926 Songs: 75 Images: 3 Location: Port Washington, NY Been Liked: 63 times
Gilly, I'm so sorry you didn't make it. That is their loss, it sounds like. Personally I hate American Idol and everything it stands for so I have never watched it. I hate how they make fun of karaoke singers and discriminate against people based on age. If I were younger, maybe I would try out, but I don't know. Anyway, you tried and that's what's important, you gave it your best!! If you had never tried, you might have regretted it, so at least you tried. You don't need their validation, anyway.
_________________ ~Suzanne Lanoue~
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Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 12:54 am |
Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2004 1:09 pm Posts: 182 Location: Spain Been Liked: 0 time
I feel the need to gather some hate at the moment. LOL
I can't comment on Canadian idol because I never really saw that (do they sell dvd's?), but at least after seeing World Idol, I was sure Canada could've offered much better.
BUT, back to AI. I think it's just perfect two-way entertainment. In fact I can't think of anything better at the moment. It's entertainment for people that take part and viewers of course which make the production possible. It's a place where people can go measure their talent or for plenty of other reasons. What is to be remembered, TAKING PART TO AN IDOL CONTEST IS VOLUNTARY!! There are a few potential stars (according to judges 197 out of 100,000) and a bunch of others that are personal or not so personal and good or bad in the area of entertainment, whatever they do. Mostly just people that don't stand out in the middle of huge supply of varying talent.
I don't think the competitors see Idol contest as entertainment for them, since it's many times a serious situation where all pressure is set on that one single performance in front of the judges. This can hardly be described as fun nor personal entertainment, although there are those that are in just for fun. The fact that idol contest is overall entertainment, which the contestants might only realize afterwards, makes the format work so amazingly well. What does 40 million votes at first drop out tell us? Well for one, it tells us that Fremantle Media and Simon Fuller will be even richer after this year  But it also tells us that actually people are eager to see honesty that is represented by Simon Cowell, and failure, that is represented by the unfortunate contestants who are voted out. In the end they want to see success, when the Idol is finally crowned. OK OK! Some viewers want to see whether or not Simon and Paula kiss again  I am one of the viewers that want to see all this. I honestly think American Idol (originally Pop Idol which Simon Cowell was co-creating) is a perfect format with each piece of the puzzle in place. If Simon was dismissed from judging or any other major changes were made, I don't think the program would be half of the fun as it is now.
Pure and simple, Americal Idol shows what pop world is all about and what are the sacrifices to be made in order to become a star. I like it that way. I don't really care what happens behind the scenes. If I was younger I would take part just out of curiosity. But I'm also happy as a viewer. I've bought at least five albums of chosen Idols which to me is proof of the usefulness of this competition. I hope they'll go on with it many years to come!
There's only one thing I'm wondering. How can the judges go through 100,000 singers and not become nuts? That must be a tough ride...
In regards to Gilly, back to that subject. I'm happy to learn that she really wasn't going all the way. If she was, the disappointment after dismissal would have been much bigger of course compared to the situation now. Gilly has our approval as a brilliant singer which I hope is enough for her. The judges at Canadian idol were 4 people compared to hundreds in SS. Ok, we are not always 100% honest at SS (I am!!) but we still have the power to say that Gilly is our idol. If that's not enough, then what is! After all it's people who any artist performs to and we are real people behind our nics  Should Gilly have performed a country song she would've made through the qualificationeasily (LOL, just kidding). Anyway, I'll wrap it up before I lose track completely. Looking forward to see another AI episode tonight!!
Lots of love to everyone!
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Suzanne Lanoue
Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 1:47 am |
Joined: Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:56 pm Posts: 926 Songs: 75 Images: 3 Location: Port Washington, NY Been Liked: 63 times
I was just giving my own opinion and I know it is in the minority. I know it is a very popular show and many people love it.
Personally I think some people watch it just because they enjoy making fun of the "bad" singers in the earlier rounds (this is just judging from what I have heard/read people say), like William Hung.
I am not a fan of any non-fiction TV show. I don't enjoy seeing real people on TV, especially on shows where the object is for them to make fools of themselves.
I think it is terrible that they discriminate against people over, what is it, 25? and they used to also discriminate against people over a certain weight. Simon insults people by saying they sound like "karaoke singers" and to me that is an insult to all of us that do karaoke.
So I will never watch it....but then again I also never watch Big Brother, Survivor, the Amazing Race, etc. Just not my thing in general but AI is the last one I would watch, along with Fear Factor (because it's too gross). There are a few that sounded interesting but when I saw a few minutes of them, I got bored. I watch TV for pure escapist entertainment and for good stories, which I don't see happening on non-fiction. I get enough "reality" in real life. And the reality shows are not "real", anyway, most of them are actors. It's just bad ad-libbing, really. It puts real writers and actors out of work. I hope the fad is over soon...
_________________ ~Suzanne Lanoue~
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