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Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 9:25 am |
Joined: Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:38 pm Posts: 1676 Images: 3 Location: Beckley, WV Been Liked: 25 times
Let's get everyone's opinion on this subject.
Some of us have come to the conclusion that it would be far less stressful, in general, if ranks given would be visible to the person being ranked.
Thus avoiding the 'who gave me what rank' and the 'did that person snipe me?' games. Quite a few of us feel that, having our ranks made visible to the person recieving them would in no way cause us to be less honest with our rankings, and would help put the mind of the person actually being ranked 'at ease'.
After all, if Joe Smith comes in and ranks my song a 3 while everyone else gave it better scores, we would then be able to contact Joe Smith and perhaps have him elaborate as to why he ranked the way he did.
Would people still 'fluff'? Yes, of course... but I seriously doubt anyone who currently does NOT 'fluff' would start doing so just because the person could see what rank we are giving them. Most of us who rank 'honestly' (or try to, according to our own opinions of course), are not ashamed of the ranks we give, will readily admit to what we gave if asked and stand by those ranks for the most part.
I do NOT, however, think it's a good idea for 'everyone' to be able to see what each person ranked, since people tend to 'follow the herd' and that would stronly influence ranking.
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Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 10:03 am |
Senior Poster |
Joined: Sat Jan 29, 2005 4:17 pm Posts: 161 Location: UK Been Liked: 0 time
I personally agree and think they SHOULD be visible...
I warn you that it will only mean that people can then see how low people ranked and retalation will increase as a result...
I'd not change how I rank though, and so I agree completely!
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Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 10:18 am |
Joined: Wed Mar 17, 2004 8:16 am Posts: 1234 Location: Alberta Been Liked: 23 times
My opinion?
I have no opinion. I think you all take this WAY too seriously. just SING and SHARE your voices.
Good bye.
(Lol, i ended up having an opinion, didn't I:) Slap me seby.
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 10:25 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
You should've had one more option.
"I think the con's of the current ranking system outweigh the pro's. Therefore the ranking option should be abolished here"
(I vote for this)
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Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 10:49 am |
I have 3 areas to address on this issue. These are opinions and observations only and whether you agree or disagree I really don't care LOL take your meds now and you will be able to get thru the entire post...
First observation:
I would have to worry about the mental and emotional well being of anyone who gets stressed and upset over ranking. Whether you, the subber or general public can see who ranked what, you cannot control or regulate what some ranks a song. It doesn't matter what YOU think your song ranks. It doesn't matter what 100% of the other people who rank your song think it should be. The ability to rank is up to the individual and their personal understanding of what a rank means. This understanding consists of more variables than can be listed because it is based on an individual's life experience. Their concept of "rank" may be influenced by many of the following possibilities:
1) Their personal taste in music
2) Comparing your version to the original artists version
3) Personal memories or feelings that may be envoked when hearing a particular song (takes them back to a good/bad/painful time of their lives i.e. life experience)
4) Age- ahhh wisdom and experience bring alot to the table on this issue.
5) Current popular music trends- the curse of AI.
6) Time of year- many people are affected by season changes, weather changes and which direction the wind blows (made the last one up). There have been medical studies done on the affects these have on people.
7) C.D.S. or better known as Crappy Day Syndrome- They just had a bad day. Period. If they listened to it yesterday or tomorrow then maybe the rank woulda been different but they listened to it today which wasn't a very good day for them personally. Sorry, you get to help take the brunt of their bad day.
8) VH1 Flashback Mental Defect- If it is a person who has TiVo'ed every episode of Bands Reunited, Behind the Music, Top 50-100-200 ANYTHING, Driven, Fabulous Life of, I love the 50-60-70-80-90's and part 2's, Strange love, The Surreal life, Top 20 Video countdown, VH1 All Access, VH1's Big in 04, VH1 goes inside, When-insert artist- ruled the world then you really need to feel sorry for them instead of worrying about their rank. Intervention is suggested.
9) They may not like you. Nuff said.
and finally,
10) Sniper attacks- Get over it- people are going to be people and it only reflects on their character and not your ability. Whether it is hidden, public or private, sniper attacks will still happen. It only has as much power to affect you as you give it. Time to find another hobby, other than the internet, if it effects you this much. Take it with a grain of salt- if you can use their input then great. If you disreguard their input then great.
there are other factors also but those are a few that may affect how someone decides to rank.
Second observation:
If you feel the sniper ranking needs to be addressed in this manner then I submit to you that "fluffing" ranks also needs to be addressed in the same manner. Is it not also wrong for 9's and 10's to be handed out on clearly low quality ability? Sniper attacks can also be defined as going to a friend's sub and intentionally ranking it higher than it truly deserves. The door swings both ways on this issue.
Third and final observation:
So do I have a a solution or just complaints? I am so glad you asked that question because I just happen to have an idea on that too. I believe that only paying members have the ability to rank a sub, correct? if I am not, I am sure many of you will be jumping at the chance to tell me I am incorrect LOL. it really makes no difference on the solution though. Now, since too many people's lives hang on the edge of disaster based on what their ranks are, getting rid of ranking probably won't go away. It is also a hook the site uses to attract new members.
Here is my grand scheme- Anyone who ranks a sub MUST make comments. Both comments and rank given will be PUBLIC to all (except those living in a cave and in denial). This allows judgement to be made on a rank by comparing the comments of a person and what they ranked it. If they gave it a 1 and comment it was the best they ever heard ya might just have to consider the source and disregard that person's opinion from that point on. Hopefully it will bring the content of the comments closer to what the rank should be. Will it eliminate the Sniper attacks or the fluff snipers? nope, can't change a person's character with a policy.
Just think of the new "lists" that people can create to keep track of!!! who listened to who, did they listen to me VS did I listen to them, did they comment on my sub VS did I comment on their sub, did they rank me VS did I rank them, do I like them VS do they like me... check YES or NO and meet me on the grade school playground after school...
crumbling universes one at a time...
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Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 11:00 am |
Joined: Wed Mar 17, 2004 8:16 am Posts: 1234 Location: Alberta Been Liked: 23 times
Quote: check YES or NO and meet me on the grade school playground after school...
Darn it tig, I am taking my ball and going home.
(by the way, that was a LOT of reading, through half swollen shut eyes.. but, i am dedicated)
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 11:22 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
Maybe Phill should just add something to the effect of "administration will not take part in ranking conflicts, Those sensitive to what might not appear as fair rank are encouraged to submit their work in the "just for fun", or "Listen only" category.
Ideally people would think of these aspects prior to submitting in "C", yet apparently they don't.
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Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 11:29 am |
Joined: Wed Mar 17, 2004 8:16 am Posts: 1234 Location: Alberta Been Liked: 23 times
Or, refer to my non opinion, above.
"I think you all take this WAY too seriously. just SING and SHARE your voices."
Because, ya know, i NEVER rank people (wait, I ranked someone for the first time yesterday), and i NEVER notice peoples ranks.... why is everyone ELSE so concerned about them? Yours, and everyone elses?
Ok, Gilly is leaving now, I am making NO sense, like usual.
And tig.. only HALF?!
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Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 11:37 am |
you are making perfect sense gilly... there is also the possibility that the sniper ranking is the correct ranking and the rest are fluff snipers.. I remember being trounced by the majority for even suggesting the existance of fluff, so it couldn't be THAT... it says right on the prescription NOT to mix with alcohol, but do they listen??? apparently not... denial is a wonderful thing...
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Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 11:52 am |
Extreme Poster |
Joined: Mon Sep 27, 2004 8:45 pm Posts: 3103 Location: BC, Canada Been Liked: 2 times
Man, Tig! that was one helluva post!  !! You're killin me here!
I, too am dissapointed that you were only HALF
oh and as for ranking only if you're a paying member:
NOPE! I don't pay, but I can rank and be ranked.
I think the ticket is whether or not you've subbed a song. You can't rank unless you've subbed at least one song before.
as for MY opinion on the whole matter.... I dunno. I do ask to be ranked, but I don't take it seriously... I do it, cuz I find it interesting...
if we make the ranks visible.... we're just gonna go back to the horrible fluff problem we had before all this critiqing thing happened..... wait.... did the fluff problem ever go away yet? don't think so...
MY vote:
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Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 11:56 am |
I could only be HALF because of union rules that say I must give 15 minute bathroom breaks and cigarette breaks... doctors have said for years that stretching is a healthy habit to get into... they never said ya had to strech all the muscles, I only focus on stretching the one... your interpretation, or home video, may vary...
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Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 1:27 pm |
Joined: Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:38 pm Posts: 1676 Images: 3 Location: Beckley, WV Been Liked: 25 times
Steven Kaplan @ Fri Mar 18, 2005 10:25 am wrote: You should've had one more option.
"I think the con's of the current ranking system outweigh the pro's. Therefore the ranking option should be abolished here"
(I vote for this)
If I'da thought of it, I would have put that in too.. too late to change it now. :p
Sorry Steven 
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Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 1:45 pm |
Joined: Fri Aug 20, 2004 5:13 pm Posts: 1151 Been Liked: 0 time
I'm with Gilly... Sub for FUN and you can STILL ask for help with things on your songs if you feel you need them... What's a # going to do for you anyways?
And hey Tig hon... still got room on the playground??? :worship: oh and btw.. I spoke with Crayola and they will be coming out with that new "Foxy Red" any day now 
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Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 1:50 pm |
Joined: Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:38 pm Posts: 1676 Images: 3 Location: Beckley, WV Been Liked: 25 times
Tigrr27 @ Fri Mar 18, 2005 10:49 am wrote: I have 3 areas to address on this issue. These are opinions and observations only and whether you agree or disagree I really don't care  take your meds now and you will be able to get thru the entire post...  :drool: :shock: heheheh Tigrr27 wrote: First observation: I would have to worry about the mental and emotional well being of anyone who gets stressed and upset over ranking. Whether you, the subber or general public can see who ranked what, you cannot control or regulate what some ranks a song. It doesn't matter what YOU think your song ranks. It doesn't matter what 100% of the other people who rank your song think it should be. The ability to rank is up to the individual and their personal understanding of what a rank means. This understanding consists of more variables than can be listed because it is based on an individual's life experience. Their concept of "rank" may be influenced by many of the following possibilities: ultimately, I would like to see the ability to rank in different categories, but for now, I enjoy critiquing people and getting critiqued. As I've said before, I DO feel this site has helped me enormously. Will I ever be another Linda Ronstadt? Heck no... but I can learn to become a decent singer and actually be proud of my work. Lots of other folks here feel the same way. There are times I would submit songs for critique without 'ranking' if it were available... there are also times I would still submit FOR a rank. But, I do think one of the points you make a little further along is one of the reasons I would personally like to see the rankings 'by member' on my subs (and others would as well). That is... you would have the ability to look at WHO gave you a particular ranking and either say to yourself 'well, that's justified' or 'I'll ignore that one'. To me, that doesn't mean it's then ok to go publicly bash people for their rankings either. In fact, I think it should be standard practice to NOT drag people through the mud for their rankings, just because you can see them. It should only be for personal reference. Tigrr27 wrote: Second observation: If you feel the sniper ranking needs to be addressed in this manner then I submit to you that "fluffing" ranks also needs to be addressed in the same manner. Is it not also wrong for 9's and 10's to be handed out on clearly low quality ability? Sniper attacks can also be defined as going to a friend's sub and intentionally ranking it higher than it truly deserves. The door swings both ways on this issue. Yeah.. it's wrong. It's not as MEAN, but it's wrong. People don't generally fluff for 'revenge'.  But, at least if we could SEE our own ranks, we would know whether we got five '8's', a '1', a '7' and two '10's' or whatever. It would take the guesswork out and we would have a better chance of understanding how the majority of folks actually feel about our subs. Tigrr27 wrote: Here is my grand scheme- Anyone who ranks a sub MUST make comments. yeah.. otherwise, not cool... Tigrr27 wrote: Both comments and rank given will be PUBLIC to all (except those living in a cave and in denial). This allows judgement to be made on a rank by comparing the comments of a person and what they ranked it. If they gave it a 1 and comment it was the best they ever heard ya might just have to consider the source and disregard that person's opinion from that point on. Hopefully it will bring the content of the comments closer to what the rank should be. Will it eliminate the Sniper attacks or the fluff snipers? nope, can't change a person's character with a policy. Well, I don't think the ranks should be visible to everyone, but that's just me... I've already explained why, but I wanted to see what other people thought about it. That's why I started a 'poll' instead of just a 'I think we should do THIS' thread.  I totally agree about the ability to see what people rank, taking into account what they are saying in the comments. That's one of MY biggest 'beefs'. Tigrr27 wrote: check YES or NO and meet me on the grade school playground after school...
My mommy told me not to meet naughty men after school...
(and if I had listened to HER.... what a boring life this would have been) heheheheh
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Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 2:16 pm |
I'm not naughty, I'm just drawn that way...
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Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 3:14 pm |
Joined: Wed Jun 02, 2004 12:37 am Posts: 1376 Location: COLORADO Been Liked: 0 time
[b]Well i have to agree with Gilly.
But for those who like to ranked....i would think ONLY that person needs see the number. It makes it more personal and less open to someone hijacking it. That's not cool at all.
Tig.....your drawings don't do U justice big boy....Melly waiting in sandbox![/b]
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Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 4:58 pm |
Joined: Wed Mar 17, 2004 8:16 am Posts: 1234 Location: Alberta Been Liked: 23 times
Tigrr27 @ Fri Mar 18, 2005 5:16 pm wrote: I'm not naughty, I'm just drawn that way...
Drawn, as in.. pencil on paper? Or as in moth to light?
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Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 6:02 pm |
Joined: Thu Nov 07, 2002 2:40 am Posts: 7468 Location: Kansas City, MO Been Liked: 1 time
Tig's a magnet... don't think he could draw (sketch) to save his life!  !
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Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 12:42 pm |
Senior Poster |
Joined: Sat Oct 02, 2004 10:44 am Posts: 136 Location: Morrisville, NC Been Liked: 0 time
My Lords.....My Ladies....
Shut up and sing :hug:
_________________ Simon: Alright, so we're missing the echo! Robert, I can honestly say you're the worst singer I've ever heard in my life!"
Robert: Thank you!
From X Factor.
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Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 2:32 pm |
Joined: Wed Mar 17, 2004 8:16 am Posts: 1234 Location: Alberta Been Liked: 23 times
Oh shoot, I think I just reported you jason, instead of hitting quote. Oh gawd, I am sorry. That's enough of ME bothering to post.
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