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PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 9:07 am 
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KuntryGurl @ Sat Mar 19, 2005 10:15 am wrote:
Hey Foxeroxy,,,now me and you sound alike....I tell my husband that he just doesn't know how to have fun....if I do get to go to karaoke,,,I always go with other women, he never goes. doesn't like me going either,,,but so what?? lol

My friends are supportive....hmmm strange that friends care more than a husband does huh?

Hey can I share your friends? LOL.. Mine are NOT supportive... they always say they will come and back out at the last minute.. SERIOUSLY... that's what they do LOL.  

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 9:04 pm 
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Hey Cindy,,,

I have an idea,,,we should all get together...we'll let our husbands stay home and bore each other and we'll go out and paint the town :)

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 12:43 am 
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That sounds lovely Linda... something which I could definitely use right now

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 1:36 am 
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I think you all should come here ... this summer ... for a big SS gathering.  

We just cleared it with the club we do our show at.  We can do shows on Thursday & Friday night and all day Saturday ... and even an early thing on Sunday's if enough people are still around & interested.  I am gonna start a thread to see if there is enough interest.  

The area (upstate NY) is great during the summer for reasonably priced family vacation weekends... Lots of camp grounds, hotel/motels/b&b's .... etc.  Gorgeous area at that time of year too ... with Lake Champlain.  If enough folks are interested ...I am willing to coordinate it all with the camp grounds and/or lodging sites (Im sure if enough book in advance, I get them to give blocks of rooms at a discount rate).  We'll provide the KJ show ... and I'm sure there are enough KJ's that might attend.. that we could get some help in that department, as well. Folks can also bring their own CDG discs, too... in case we don't have songs that they like to sing.  I'll post a listing (link) to our catalog... and folks can decided from that if we have what they like).  I'll post possible weeks ... {late July or the first two weeks of Aug} .... as options ... and see which, if any, would be the most popular.

We'd also be able to provide videos of the various shows..... or VCD's... whichever folks would want to purchase.  I think it would be alot of fun.  

Whatcha think?

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 8:45 am 
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I think it would be a BLAST! :)

We're not the 'travelin' type of folks, so probably wouldn't be able to get there, but one never knows!! :D It would certainly be worth trying to do. I'm sure lots of folks WOULD show up.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 10:22 am 
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My husband seems to like my singing, but he hates karaoke and is very picky about the songs...he doesn't like most of the songs I pick.  He has no taste, what can I say!  He is not unsupportive but he's not very supportive, but he does go with me to karaoke, at least...I just wish it were more often.  Sometimes he will even sing himself (but it's rare).  He has a good voice but is completely uninterested in working on songs or his singing.  He likes to sing with me just for fun, like along with the radio or MP3's, more than karaoke.  Especially old 70's songs.  When we got our new car (the old one only had a tape player), I made a dozen CD's of his favorite songs for him to play when he drives, since he is the one who does most of the driving.

We have been married 23 years in July, so I'm used to his not being into music...and I guess he's used to me loving it so much and singing all the time.  There wasn't really anyone before him because we dated in high school. I only had a couple of short-term boyfriends before that.

~Suzanne Lanoue~

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 2:34 pm 
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I am sure you all knew that I wouldn't be able to stay away from this topic ;)

When I met Old Paint, he was Soo very shy!  He played harmonica and sang beautifully but NEVER in front of anyone!  
Well, I grew up with a family whos pasttime was to sit around strummin and singing any chance we got.  My Gpa was a great musical influence in my life and it wasn't long before he was influencing OP to strum and sing as well.  
After my Gpa passed, Old Paint and I got  married, had kids (thankfully in that order  LOL ) and entered the busy life of parenthood and got away from the music (except the kids piano and dance lessons)
.....Until we discovered Karaoke!!  Now it is a huge part of our life....that we share with both of our families(as most of you know)!  
OP taught me to record myself so I could do it while the kids were in school.  But I haven't even tried mixing so he is kind enough to do that for me!  
Karaoke has really brought our family closer together...I know it sounds crazy, but it's true.  We sing at home with the kids, we sing and converse on SS with OP's siblings that are scattered across the U.S and we sing with both sides of the family whenever we are together!  It is awesome to have something we all love and have SOOO much fun!!  We are VERY lucky!!

Sorry, I got off track a little  :oops:
Old Paint once told me that the first thing he fell in love with was my voice (speaking, that is)...he has given me some great advice on my singing (as well as some that went in one ear and out the other LMAO )....seriously, his advice means alot to me!  After all, in all the world, he is the one I want to impress!  I know he is honest with me, he chooses his words carefully, as he knows I am overly sensitive  :oops: (I can't believe I just admitted that!) but he is honest just the same. I mean, come on, wherever we sing, everyone knows he is my husband, he doesn't want me to make a fool of myself!! LOL  
Don't get me wrong, it isn't always 'wine and roses'...I Have 'quit singing' a few different times in our lives due to a disagreement..but we have grown and learned and the truth is ....we love to sing TOGETHER!  It is no fun if we aren't doing it together....I can't think of a better thing to share than our love of music!  

Ok...I've bored you long enough! Aren't you sorry you asked!! LOL


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PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 5:02 pm 
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Yep NHOH,,,,that's why I told Patty I wanted adopted into yalls family or I wanted to adopt yalls family :)  Because of all that you just wrote....I do think a family loving and sharing something like music brings them closer.......Sounds like yall are really close,,,,,I think that's wonderful :)


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PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 7:00 pm 
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Alright.. be honest NHOH... I can be an overly critical jerk...  :O   :talk:

Seriously though.. I do love to hear my sig' other/wife/best bud singin' her heart out.  Even if she cracks on a critical note (no, not you honey), I think it sounds great!!!  And I am sooo happy to be there sharin' those great moments.  

Same goes for my other close friends and family, but it's more special with the one I love the most.

As for NHOH, well... I still wouldn't have discovered the joy of singing without her.  Forever in your debt hon!!!

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:06 am 
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Well I am sorry to say my wife hates me singing (she can't sing) and so does my two kids. Well the kids only like Heavy Metal so I can understand that. Even my Mother hated me singing. I even have to go to Karaoke nights on my own.

Its funny how your own parents never can believe in you. I am a Painter and Art Teacher and when I had an Art Show my Mother said to me, "Did you really paint all these pictures, are you sure you didn't get someone else to paint them for you"

It's a wonder I ever Sang and painted, I am an Actor as well. So you see even with all the negative response around you, one can still rise above it and do what you have to do.

By the way I have just put some of my paintings in my Album if you care to view them.

Cheers, Peter


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PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 6:21 am 
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WOW Peter!!!

I admire that you persevere!! WTG!!!  :hug:

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 7:35 am 
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FinnPeter @ Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:06 am wrote:
By the way I have just put some of my paintings in my Album if you care to view them.

Cheers, Peter[/b]

:shock:  :shock:

Holy Smokes, Peter!!!

Your landscapes in particular are very reminiscent of Van Gogh!! I mean, not the 'thick oils', but in your use of color and style. Very impressive.

I'm a huge Van Gogh fan, so I like them very much! :)

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 7:43 am 
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FinnPeter @ Tue Mar 22, 2005 2:06 am wrote:
Well I am sorry to say my wife hates me singing (she can't sing) and so does my two kids.
Cheers, Peter

This seems to be the majority here.....

Deb, I am glad you started this thread...I had no idea just HOW lucky
I am!!  I am very thankful....
But please know, we have met some great people here on SS and we are here to listen and be supportive, always!!!  Most of the people here are like a big family (disagreements and all ;) )

So, no one should feel that they are singing alone...WE are listening!!!  :hug:


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 11:17 pm 
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Hi Syberchick,

Thanks for viewing my paintings. Yes some people have said I have a sort of same feeling in my paintings as Van Gogh, well that can't be bad. If you want to see more here is my Art site address: (www.nic.fi/~artsongs/art.htm) Hugs, Peter


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 11:29 pm 
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[font=georgia]I'm very lucky to have a husband who is EXTREMELY supportive of my musical efforts... I'm ALWAYS singing lol.. Can't go on a  car trip without me belting it out along with the radio, but he's always receptive to it, and even asks me to sing for him a lot.  I love him so much... he's such a sweetheart, and he makes me feel special :)

and Peter.. I also checked out your artwork the other day, and I just wanted to add that  I think they are absolutely beautiful.. I love the way you use color.. My favorite is "The Mill Pond" .. I just want to build a little log cabin there and live.. I'd love to see you paint an autumn landscape.. Like the Northeast in full autumn glory...

[font=monotype corsiva]Elisha[/font]


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PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 12:44 am 
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Well I am sorry to say my wife hates me singing (she can't sing) and so does my two kids. Well the kids only like Heavy Metal so I can understand that. Even my Mother hated me singing. I even have to go to Karaoke nights on my own.

Its funny how your own parents never can believe in you. I am a Painter and Art Teacher and when I had an Art Show my Mother said to me, "Did you really paint all these pictures, are you sure you didn't get someone else to paint them for you"

It's a wonder I ever Sang and painted, I am an Actor as well. So you see even with all the negative response around you, one can still rise above it and do what you have to do.

Peter, I assume that your wife is the other artist in your gallery ?  

It's not that "parents CAN'T believe in their children", It's that it's very sad when it's those closest to us (our family, and especially parents), or those we could really benefit from nurturing and cultivating an area we show some interest and promise in, crush us instead.

This happened to me as well.  I come from a long line of performing artists.  (No, this doesn't mean my relatives were strippers, and pole dancers).  Yet the Bolshoi ballet, acting, music, etc.  Problem is when an artist marries a person that has a strong dislike for males in art, a person that dislikes artists in general.  (as in the case of my father). In his mind, "Real men aren't artists".  He's one of these :math and science: types who's done quite well in these areas.  Also very athletic when younger.

What happened to you, happened to me. (I think at 80 the guy is starting to mellow abit  :/.    Yet he still won't pass up an oppurtunity to kick the $*^# out've his son assuming it presents itself :)  )

Some of us do try to go out've our way to do things we feel are acceptable to those that (should be) closest to us.  I boxed in the 70's. Even ended up in medical school.

Yet that was for him...  I didn't like any of it.

I might've gotten further in the arts had I had more support.  I did OK, yet it's tough when an area you seem to be born with a greater propensity to excel in, is something that is condemned by your father (especially as a male).  Funny thing is his mother, and relatives were musicians (yet total nuts).  I inherited both traits[/quote]

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 4:31 am 
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Hi Jazzy, Nice of you to checkout my paintings, I have some Fall pic's there too in nice yellows and browns. Hugs, Peter

Hi Steven, Yes you are correct that is my wife in the other pic. She is a good artist as you can see by her paintings, I only wish she could sing as well. Well you can't have your cake and eat it as well LOL.

I find if you have one talent like painting, other talents follow through like singing, acting, writing and dance. Oh I forgot to mention I am also a dancer (Ballroom Dancing) The only area I never got into was writing. I play the guitar and sing, no finger picking just struming. Cheers, Peter


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 11:19 am 
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Well,my ex-hubby was the oh so proud one and would take me karaoke when visiting the in-laws so they could hear me.BUT those were the newly wed years. Than we got a computer, I got on the internet and used to sing all the time on a program called Mplayer and then on paltalk. The bedroom door started getting shut and when we went karaoke with friends, he didn't listen,applaude or say "hey nice job am proud of ya" Divorced da sucker LOL . I live with my bf and I met him on paltalk. We've been together 3 yrs and he loves to listen to me sing.He hates to even sing after me, he rather sing before me so that he doesn't sound so bad he says LOL He supports me and is proud of my accomplisments,singing wise.He takes me karaoke even if he doesn't sing,but we sing together at times but he says he just rather listen to me. :D

~Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent. - Victor Hugo

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 11:42 pm 
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when i'm recording and my wife can only hear me singing and no music, she will walk by and say, my god that sucks...lollll....that pretty much says it all....altho when its finished she almost always likes it....other then conway which she can't stand...calm down linda...lol...she may come around one day....but i'm not betting on it....how i could have married someone who doesn't like conway i will never know....huggggs lady's

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 10:01 pm 
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Hi there!....I've been gone for a while....but when I read this thread I had to post....

I met my wife at a karaoke bar....we both sing, she sings better.....we go out to sing about once a week....she sings for fun and I sing for the rush....oh and we sing together....we enter a lot of contest....she wins more than me with the judges and I draw a bigger response from the audience....we practice together....we support each other.... :hug:

anyway I'm glad we found each other.....our homepage talks more about these things.....the link is in my profile....

File comment: taken at our annual picnic....
also mentioned in our homepage...

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