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PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 11:18 am 
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mezza @ Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:36 am wrote:
Just my thoughts on this topic.....you should check first..and I mean check the whole page to see if the song you are going to sub is on there...then change your choice of song...I feel this is just showing a bit of curtesy and manners.... nothing more...I am sure if you were at a karaoke bar you would not go sing the same song as someone else did..and if you do its like maybe a few hours apart..or wait till that person has gone.....boy I am ramblin on today..lol  LMAO  
Thanks Gen for bringing up this subject ..I think it needed to be looked at... :hi5:  
cheers Melodie  

Is there a new craze? Resub madness. Like Steve said, I have a margin of safety, because, my stuff is original and I don't sub the album final mix tracks here. Well, things are hopping on Shania Twain and we got boots flying, and the of course complicated. Is Syber a trend setter too?

I honestly think you should give a sub a few days to cool before you rush in and do it. I have winced a couple of times because I have noticed songs I was just about to do, and have held off.

Are we approaching Karaoke Scene Idol yet? Will there be tears, closeups, and "everybody said I was incredible, fantastic. I am going to go on... even if.. even if.. nobody realizes how talented I am."

How about we have a "Night of a Thousand Shanias" and a whooping contest. OH MY GOD dumbdrums.. ok that does it.. going through Shania tracks.. practicing his whoops.. and talking "now you come here boy.. ya know ya done me wrong you two timing son of a salt lick. Whose boots guy.. I want my ring back. And my condo keys and the keys to my Porsche"

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 1:22 pm 
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as for me, and this is just me....i don't mind at all if another guy sings the same song i subbed....i love listening to different versions, plus u get to compare versions, phraseing, different things....so I for one love it....i don't think theres 2 person on here that will sing the same song the same way....so to me its fun to listen...JMO....tyyyyyyyy

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 11:47 am 
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While I think someone singing the same song in live karaoke is a bad idea, here in Singer's Showcase, I don't think it's the same thing.  For one thing, listeners can choose not to listen to a duplicate if they want.  For another thing, we are not all listening at the same time.  And just personally, I don't have time to look through the entire day's subs to see if my song is already there before I post it.  I enjoy hearing different versions of the same songs (otherwise I wouldn't like karaoke!).

Just my two cents...

~Suzanne Lanoue~

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 9:30 pm 
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JV snip ~~~ I honestly think you should give a sub a few days to cool before you rush in and do it. I have winced a couple of times because I have noticed songs I was just about to do, and have held off.

I totally agree ~~ jvj.  Sure ~~ its fine to sub a song another person has subbed ~~ but ... at least have the courtesy of waiting a day or maybe even two.  Manners still count.  

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 7:13 pm 
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Hi there. This is a very interesting topic. I've yet to post a sub but when I was first getting used to the site I noticed that most of the time the same song has been posted a different day. Occasionally I noticed a same day duplication but my guess is that it simply wasn't checked with no ulterior motive. It is funny though that after checking a number of songs I would like to sub that a lot have recently been posted. I don't mind waiting a few days to sub my tunes. They won't go stale.  LOL

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 1:54 pm 
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Well after reading all the input on this subject I have found that many a time I was thinking to sub a certain song and then someone else subs the same song I was thinking of, so then I have to choose another song, no problem.

At the same time I have seen the same songs subbed very near each other, I myself find it interesting to listen to the same song and see how they compare, at one time there were three  i.e. Unchained Melody I even subbed this song myself a month back, and it was interesting to hear all the different versions, but then that's me.  I would say wait until the song has moved on to the 2nd page before subbing it yourself.

I know of other sites where you all have to sub the same song and judges vote which songs were the best with a prizes for 1st 2nd and 3rd. .Maybe we could try it on SS. There's another topic we could get into, Cheers, Peter


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PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 7:06 am 

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I Pattikakkes being of semisound mind and body Plead Guilty!!! Guilty to resubbing!!!!!Guilty of resubbing in the worst degree!!!!!! I will accept my my sentence as seen fit by a jury of my peers  (mic's in hand) In my own defence I have never resung a song at a club, I made a  very bad mistake by ASSuming the song was older and not as popular as some and that it could not possibly be a recently subbed song. I was not in any being an overcompetitive singer. I am so sorry and ashamed that I rushed my submission and now I must pay the price. I have learned from my mistake and I now review the list ever so carefully before submitting a song. I am new at this and apologize for my unintentional lack of manners.
Pattikakkes  LMAO

"Please forgive me I know not what I do"  "Im Sorry So sorry"


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PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 9:46 am 
Hi all,

Personally, I use a couple of criteria before subbing a song that someone else has subbed. First, do I think I can do it in a way which I feel brings something to the song that the other person didn't bring to it for whatever reason. Not necessarily whether I can do it "better" but just maybe in a way that some other listeners might appreciate. So I'll check for a song title first and if I get a match, I'll listen to it.

Now, from the point of conceiving the idea to the do the song or deciding that I want to do it to the point where I've actually produced a finished recording (of course, are they ever really finished  LOL ) usually means at least a couple of days. So by that time, unless the person's song hit the top 100, it's usually way off the first and maybe even the second or third page by then. But if it's in the top 100 then I'll still wait until it drops off of chart at the end of that week.

For example, jee subbed the EJ song "Someone Save My Life Tonight" which I would like to do, particularly because I have the complete version on CD rather then the shorter version that jee apparently had. He did a great job and its on the top 100 but I still think the longer version is better and I think (at least hope) I can bring something to the song. So I'll wait and in the meantime I keep singing it and it gets a little more refined each time because I become more confident with the lyrics. So there's no hurry - the more "aged" the song becomes within me and the more emotional understanding I have with the lyrics, the better the final performance will be. Also, I go out singing at the clubs at least 2 or now 3 times a week so I'm never usually more then a couple of days away from performing it and getting that feedback from the crowd that says whether I'm on the verge of "nailing it" or not.

So, anyway, that's pretty much the way I handle duplicate subbing! If it's in the top 100, wait until it's off the chart. If you don't think you can bring something a little more special to the song, why bother subbing at all? But there's no hurry any way you look at it.  :D

Hugs  :hug:  :hug:  :hug: to all of you,

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 12:02 pm 
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I have to agree that it is tacky to INTENTIONALLY submit the same song as someone else within a short time span, but mistakes can happen and someone may submit the same song as someone else inadvertantly. I like being given an opportunity to hear different people's rendition as long as it doesn't seem like its a competition between singers. And with so many singers, duplication of songs will be inevitable from time-to-time. Now, if someone submits the same song as I do (at least until I can get some new material) I will be completely shocked. Any takers that want to duplicate one of my songs? :banghead:

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 12:13 pm 
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I subbed it once, and then did a search on the song, and found out that DJ Lou had already had it on the site... so I deleted mine. I think it's a responsible action to not sub willingly a song that someone else has done.

Now what follows is MY opinion, and I'm certainly not slamming anybody else who does differently.

It's not a question (to me) of who is the better subber... it's just one of common courtesy.

To me, selfishness is defined that way... you can either be selfish and do whatever you darn well please, be inconsiderate of feelings, etc., or you can be part of the community you're trying to participate in, and shrug your shoulders and move on.

if it's a lack of having songs, many people on here have access to a lot, and will willingly share them!

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 12:49 pm 
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Wellll... I think its a bit too much to ask for someone not to sub a song that someone else has EVER done.  I mean...... many of us LOVE the same artists, music, etc.  I don't think anyone minds if someone subs a song that they've submitted at some point in the past.   :confused:

I usually will check to be sure that the song isn't in the latest 200 songs if I am going to do something that someone has already subbed.  Lately ... it takes at least 5 days or so for a song to move to the 3rd or 4th page, so it really is no problem.  In times when subbing are up (I notice around holidays and in the winter months) .... Its good to wait for about 3 days or so, at the least ... out of courtesy.   :)

Gossssssshhhh ... If I only subbed songs that NO ONE had EVER subbed on here.... I can think of only maybe 2 songs that I would have been able to sub.   :shock:

I admire ya, Matt ~~  for having that big of a repetoire!!   :worship:

Guess maybe its 'cause Im such an "old fart" .... I don't do a lot of the "newer" stuff.  MANY on here sing the 70's and 80's .... like me.  But... I am ALWAYS as careful as I can be not to duplicate anything done .... within a reasonable amount of time.  

 :wave:       :hug:

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 4:13 pm 

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I agree with you Knightshow and it will never happen again I check it carefully
before submitting I have a lot but am somtimes stuck in ???? mode when choosing my songs.
Patti kakkes


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