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PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 1:20 pm 
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ok.... yesterday I had like 100-something points.... maybe 200... and today I have a BAJILLION!!!!

someone must've donated them to me, so who the heck was it? and THANKS!!!!

....hmmm..... must've been an anniversary present!  :dancin:


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PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 9:59 am 
Well, it seems to me that either someone is trying to score a lot points with you...or they feel that the points you make in your forum posts are undervalued at just 1 point per post! Or...and this is probably more likely, somebody, maybe the Riddler or the Penguin, robbed the Gotham Point Bank and they're hiding the points in your account until the heat is off!

Quick, Robin, let's race  :dancin:  to the Pointmobile!


PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 10:12 am 
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ROFL!!! well hiding points in MY account is a BAD idea, cuz I'll spend 'em quicker than they can say "POW" "CRASH" "BIFF"

pointsmobile! LOL! I want one!


 Profile Singer's Showcase Profile 
PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 10:36 am 
What are you waitin' for - spend 'em, girl, spend 'em! Head for the Forum Shop...

"Ooooooo, let's seeeeee, I'll take 17 avatars and 15 signature privileges, and 20 glow names and and and....."

Maybe you should put the points in a CD and let them gain interest! Hey, wait,  :whistle:  my initials are CD and ain't I kinda interest-ing? I mean, I sing at the local clubs and women are always writing their names and addresses on their panties and throwing them at me on stage. I thought it was great until I read them more closely:

"Please have these washed and pressed and delivered back to me by Thursday. Don't bring them yourself or I'll call the police!"

Really, Crystal, to this day I still have girls I knew in high school over 30 years ago calling me on the weekends:

"Hi Chris? I just wanted to let you know I still won't go out with you."

Anyway, enjoy the points! Wish I could take credit for donating them to you but if SS ever decides to start charging people to leave this forum, I'd probably have to start sleeping under the Emoticons.  :asleep:


PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 12:05 pm 
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that was me Crystal. I realized I had a bunch and since I don't use them, figured you could have 'em. I emailed ya with the donation... somehow or another, you didn't get the notification on WHY you got them.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 1:03 pm 
Hey, how about that, Crystal! Turns out that point benefactor was really a KNIGHTshow in shining armor!   LOL  What a nice thing for him to do! Spend, girl, spend! If they were Frequent Flier Miles, you'd probably already be on the phone booking a flight to Hawaii or, at least, to KaraokeFest in So. Calif!  LOL


PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 8:27 pm 
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 7:37 am 
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That was the unaltered pic.

This is the one I had on here...

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 3:47 pm 
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LOL.....Nice hat ChrisD.  "Indoor Skydiving".

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 4:07 pm 
Hi Steve! Hey, Indoor Skydiving is great! You float around in a 100 ft. high wind tunnel with the fans in the ceiling cranked up to around 130mph for a minute at a time. Each minute is equal to a 17,000 ft outdoor skydive! It's really fun. I was talking to a fella last night between karaoke sets and he's offered to take me high altitude outdoor skydiving from 14,000 ft which would require an oxygen tank. For me, it would require an oxygen tank for the jump and probably a defibrillator immediately upon landing.  LOL  But I'm still considering it. In the meantime, I'll just continue to do like it says in the old David Bowie "Space Oddity" tune...

"Here am I floating round my tin can..."

Enjoy your weekend!

PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 5:56 pm 
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ive been dying to go indoor skydiving...but i have no clue where theres a location anywhere in florida...and yes im lazy and havent done my research....that wuold be frikking awesome....ive been regular skydiving and its great...next for me its bungee jump...and some crazy white water rafting...but again no crazy rivers in florida...im telling ya its BORING here...just lots of beaches and lots of blondes...but i luvv redheads...and even more with sexy glasses...haha *winks at crystal*...ok im babbling....

the other day i was playing around in the forum...and i had i dont know how many points...got an Add and curiosity attack while reading thru posts....and i saw the word donate...clicked it...and there went all my points...lol...and i dont even know to who they went...thats funny stuff...i dont even know what all these points are for...aghhHhhhHh....

 Profile Singer's Showcase Profile 
PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 11:42 am 
Hi Jose!

Yeah, Indoor Skydiving really rocks! I'm not sure you'll get as big a thrill as you did outdoor skydiving but you'll probably still love it! I check Google for you and found a couple of websites for doing it in Florida:



And this site is supposed to have a list of all Vertical Wind Tunnels around the USA:


If you do it, let me know if you had fun!

Good luck and keep rockin'

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 5:23 pm 
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thanks a lot man....i will definitely check those out...im up for anything that gives an adrenaline rush....

ive been dying to go running with the bulls in spain...that woudl be frikking insane....crystal wanna go?....;)

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 5:31 pm 
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That indoor skydiving sounds cool... I would never do the 'real thing' (being scared of heights & all). Do they only let you fly around for a minute? Or can you go like... 10 minutes?? wheeeeee (flying around I mean) :D

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 9:41 pm 
syberchick70 @ Sun Apr 10, 2005 5:31 pm wrote:
That indoor skydiving sounds cool... I would never do the 'real thing' (being scared of heights & all). Do they only let you fly around for a minute? Or can you go like... 10 minutes?? wheeeeee (flying around I mean) :D

.....stupid ducks......Oh, hi, SC! I was just heading off to bed when I decided to read this last thread! They really suggest doing it for a minute at a time for starters because it's actually pretty strenuous to do at first. You have to arch your body and extend your arms and legs in a certain position in order to create the necessary "lift."  So by the end of a minute, you're ready to take a break and then go back in. Last time I went some new people were trying to do just 2 - 2 minute increments and they were totally wiped out and said they would have enjoyed it better if they had done it in 1 minute increments. But it is really fun! You could check out that website I gave to jose and see if there's a wind tunnel in WV!

Well, definitely heading off to bed now!

(quack, quack, quack-quack. damn ducks.)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 12:27 pm 
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Make certain you have a fairly decent rapport with the person operating the fan system too.  Fan props capable of generating 130 mph wind speeds spinning in the reverse direction can make a mess out've a person  LMAO

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 9:34 am 
xjose9x @ Sun Apr 10, 2005 5:23 pm wrote:
thanks a lot man....i will definitely check those out...im up for anything that gives an adrenaline rush....

ive been dying to go running with the bulls in spain...that woudl be frikking insane....crystal wanna go?....;)

Hey, you're very welcome jose! You want to go running with the bulls?! Okay, but I think I'll start out first with just running  :dancin: with the ants in my front yard so I should be ready to run with the bulls in about, ohhhh, let's see, 1 or 2 hundred years! And you wouldn't want someone with a fragile name like CRYSTAL to go with you - that's like putting a bull - no a hundred bulls - in a china shoppe!

Nope, no running with the bulls for me. If I want that kind of running adrenaline rush, I'll just head into some East L.A. neighborhood wearing the gang colors from the rival gang on the next street! I'll be running and running  :dancin:  for hours!  :O

Keep rockin' my friend!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 4:36 pm 
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What is the wind speed required for an average sized man of let's say 200 lbs to become air-born. Around 120-130 ?  I'd imagine that it would be VERY strenuous to position your body and limbs in such a way as to increase your resistance against a strong enough wind to lift you off've the ground, yet maintain such a position since any variation might send you into a very fast dive (or tumble downwards and at a very fast horizontal speed as well) that would incur injuries comparable to falling out've a vehicle moving at 130 mph.

There must be some sort've harness...I'm going to look up "indoor skydiving" on the net...I can't imagine how a person can safely become airborn in a wind tunnel. I'd think that type of wind would send you flying on a horizontal plane at a rediculously harmful speed before it would enable you to create an airfoil that would lift you. Seems as though it would be potentially deadly to get scraped up at that speed. How could they intricately control the fans ?

OK, time to read up..hehe

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 4:47 pm 
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LOL.... OK, I was thinking in terms of the long literal "wind tunnels" that NASA used to test equipment in high speed conditions.  The old testing wind tunnels.  I see these are just verticle tubes...

(I'd still probably hurt my arm, and dislocate the damn thing; and end up cracking my neck after plowing into the side of the tube)

.....and that would be before they turned on the fans, while lying on the table just trying to get in spread eagle formation in the training room.

They must have loads of disclaimers regarding this activity Chris.  It can be very dangerous for anyone with joint injuries, or osteoarthritis (as in we old farts). People that have back or neck vulnerabilities can easily end up with rebound injuries. This is almost as deadly as a trampoline  LOL

Not to mention what this can do to your hair !     Really mess it up

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:19 pm 
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If anyones interested in seeing what this is, www.tunnelcamp.com has loads of free video downloads that show people doing this, maneuvering their bodies while in the tunnels etc.

This discussion is the first I ever heard of this activity. Never knew there was such an amusement activity as wind tunnels designed particularly for this.

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