They were on last night... anyone watch?
I thought it was a pretty good show... Gretchen Wilson's performance with Heart was just awesome (in my opinion)
Reba's new song "my sister" was such a great song and she looks freakin amazing! wow!
Derks Bentley's perofrmance left something to be desired... ick! I don't know if I'd even call that singing... he seemed so uncomfortable too...
and WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT THING THAT BIG & RICH DID AT THE END?? OMGAWD!!!!!!!!! that was just HORRRIBLE... I was watchin that like I'd watch fear factor when they eat bull testicles, etc... the oh-my-god-this-is-discusting-but-somehow-i-can't-turn-it-off look.... I had my finger on the remote ready to change the channel, but still somehow thought they were gonna go "JUST KIDDING" at the end of that horrible dance-mixed-puke-inducing version of "Save a Horse, Ride A Cowboy" BLEAH!!!
please... someone's GOTTA agree with me here!

ok.... I'm gettin a little carried away!

The Loretta Lynn tribute that Martina, Gretchen and Reba did made me cry.... of course! Doesn't Martina look so cute with her little preggo belly! hee hee!
ok... I'm a nut... just wonderin if anyone else watched and what they thought!