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 Post subject: Ever meet the artist?
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 5:38 pm 
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Have you ever had the opportunity to actually meet and speak to the actual recording artist who originally composed, created, recorded and performed a song that YOU now sing Karaoke??? And if so who was it?
I was fortunate last July 4th, 2004 to meet and talk to Stanley Berens, original founding member, flute and sax player for Canned Heat who played the famous flute solo on GOIN UP THE COUNTRY when they OPENED at Woodstock in 1969. I sing that one occaisionally Karaoke.

"You know that I sing the Blues and I do not suffer fools. When I'm on that silver mic, it's gonna cut ya, just like a knife"-The SWINGCAT

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 1:28 am 
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Yes........I've had the pleasure of meeting and talking to several of the original artists of some of the oldies that I do, such as Billy Joe Royal, Gene Hughes of The Casinos, Johnny Preston...to name a few.  There is an oldies radio station in Jackson, TN (Kool 103) that puts on a "Caravan of Stars" twice a year.  They usually have around 10 or so oldie stars in each line up.  They have a "meet and greet" dinner the night before the actual show.  When they first started this you actually got to have dinner with the stars.  AT my first one I sat at the table with Dickey Lee and his wife.   The crowds have gotten bigger now and now you have dinner and then go into another room to meet and talk to the stars.  It is really neat.  You can check it out at:


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 4:34 pm 
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My husband and his brother met Shania Twain before we ever started doing karaoke.  They were at a concert, had front-row seats, and my husband yelled out to her between songs and SHE HEARD HIM, and started talking to them, saying, "Hey, you're cute...What's your names??"  Then she held out her hand and grabbed my husband's hand, wanting him to come up on stage with her...He froze, then pushed his brother up there instead...His brother gave her his sun glasses and they had a polaroid picture taken together...

Where was I that night?  At a pee-wee baseball game.  I'm SURE none of that would have happened if I would have gone instead...oh yeah.  

It's been three years now, and it's still the topic of conversation whenever one of her songs comes on, or her name is brought up.

I however, got to meet the bass player of the Buckinghams.  Isn't that nice?

"Life is the song, Love is the music"

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 8:08 pm 
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I had The Tokens stop in at one of mys hows when they were in town for a benefit concert.

Jay Leslie came up to me and asked me if I had "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" by The Tokens.  I said that I did and he introduced himself.  Then he asked me to sing it for him.

I did, and they got the crowd going during the chorus--it was great.

Spreading the karaoke gospel

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 3:29 am 
Met Harry Chapin once... ( I didnt Know It at the time) he came into a gas station I worked at when I was young. it was raining hard in Frisco....wait it was on Long Island in New York Twas 2am he saw my giutar and asked me if I liked Harry Chapin I told him I liked his lyric's but his music didnt do much for me. he kinda gave me a wierd smile laid some money down and left. went to the record store the next day and sure enough it was him on the album cover... thought to my self whoops......a year later he was decapitated on that same Highway the Famous L.I.Expressway.   I sing Taxi sometimes if its a slow night

Met Ian Anderson Of Jethro Tull  in 1997 my Favorite Band named My kid Ian after him 25 years ago. Ive seen them perform countless times.
I do a Whole Jethro Tull Set In my Character Show (click on Album).

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 5:14 am 
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way back in the early seventies i used to d.j. at one of the biggest clubs in manchester,england.and had the pleasure of working with lots of big stars.one night i was working with one of my soul idols,the late great jackie wilson.jackie did his show and brought the house down,and i had the last half hour to spin the discs.when it came to the last song it was always the same song"goodnight my love"by jesse bevlin,and as the intro played jackie came back onstage to tell me it was his favourite song.i mentioned it was mine too,and then he started to sing the song so i joined in and started to harmonize.then out of the corner of my eye i noticed that the crowd were standing there openmouthed.it will never get better than that,will it ?

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 7:19 am 
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Mr. October....My husband met Harry Chapin too!  He shook his hand.  Hubby LOVES Harry Chapin!

"Life is the song, Love is the music"

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 7:37 am 
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Jimmy Boumont (The Skyliners) Sang Since I don't have you, Is a regular at my Friday night Karaoke. He usually sings Beatles

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 2:04 pm 
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 Met Harry Chapin once... ( I didnt Know It at the time),  he came into a gas station I worked at when I was young. Twas 2am he saw my giutar. He kinda gave me a wierd smile laid some money down

.....something about him was familiar
you could swear you'd seen his face before.
but you thought You must be mistaking
and you didn't think anything more.

It took awhile but as he looked at the gas pump
while you glanced at his license for his name.
A smile just came to you slowly
nice lyrics, yet his music is lame

and you said "How are you Harry.
and he said, do I know you ?
through the too many miles
and too little smiles
I can sign your guitar, too

and he walked away in silence
It's strange how you never know
yet you'd both gotten what you asked for
his gas, and he payed you the dough

There's not much more for me to type about
to drag this out more would be strange.
Did he give you twenty dollars for a 12.50 fill
and say "Michael keep the change" ?

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 3:51 pm 
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WOW!   :worship:  Now that took some thought!  LOL

"Life is the song, Love is the music"

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 1:59 am 
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well done steven,big it up for mister kaplan  :hi5:

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 10:01 am 
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LOL, Actually that didn't take thought.  I'm a HUGE Chapin fan.  Had he meandered into a place I worked at, I'd have followed him out, and it'd be another "what about bob" situation.  Thing is,  if I did that of course, I too would be dead  :(

Chapin told amazing stories, stories that touched peoples hearts. Made them reflect.  He really told of the "common" person with dreams.  What baby boomer father isn't touched by "Cat's in the Cradle" ?  Or what person isn't touched by Taxi, and WOLD.   Well, it's 30 years later,  yet in the 70's these were profound ballads.

James Taylor is another favorite of mine.  Yet NO writer ever touched me as profoundly as Harry Chapin.   Honey, by Bobby Goldsboro comes close, yet that song is just one thing,  A tear jerker.

Taxi, and the Sequel are very well composed.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 3:08 pm 
Steve ...That was great  Thanks...J.T Is also a favorite of mine...
Really enjoyed the post steve.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 4:15 am 
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Back In The late 80's I was a sound Engineer For A Radio Station In NY. so i got to meet and hang out with some very different artist....
Village people, Hung out with them at a diner for breakfast after a gig......
New Kids on the block, Stuck up rich kids......
Debbie Gibson, Mom ran the whole show all she did was sing.....
Lisa Lisa &the Cult Jam, Band Is better live than on any recording and lisa is like 4 feet tall with out her shoes lol.......
OTis Day and The nights, just walked through the gigs In A Fog very Spaced out...... Four Tops, Drifters, One of the most down to earth bunch of guys you'll ever meet with story's that never end Cool Guys!
And A few Others But these stick out in my mind.

"There is a Law of the Universe:   CHEAP...   FAST...   GOOD...   pick any two."

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PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2005 12:52 am 
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A couple of us here posting are about the same age (give or take 3 years),  grew up in the  NY area.  Listened to the same air-play, and reminisce to JT, Chapin, Buffet, Neil Young and numerous other ballad musicians big in the 60's and 70's...These artists composed songs that when we hear them,  might be the closest thing to traveling back in time..

Some of Gordon Lightfoots stuff for instance,  seems to bring me right back to the thoughts, and emotions I experienced during my mid-teen years... It's amazing how profoundly music affects me. I become the kid again.  Taxi was one of those songs, and ALOT of JT's stuff does the same thing..  Moody Blues as well.   Whenever I hear something from their "trippy" album "Search for the lost chord",  It's like an acid flashback...LOL. I'm back in 1972 again.

Didn't mean to Hijack your thread Michael. Yet some of the artists in our day, seemed to be about the last of a dying breed. In those days there were amazing vocal groups.  Stylistics, Blood Sweat & Tears,  Chicago, etc.  Days of the horn bands too of course.

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PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2005 5:39 am 
I agree steve
I was born and Raised On Long Island From 1958 to 1979. the n off to arizona for 23 years now in sunny Florida. I think (as prolly anyone dose nomatter when you grew up) That music peaked during my teenage years, I didnt get the same feelings about music during the 80's. and I also feel that The Black groups had it going on during the 70's and lost it to to the (C) Rap Crowd, songs like "Have you seen her",
My Girl, and who can forget one of my Favorite MoTown songs "Who's That Lady" the lead in that song is remakable (not sure if it's a synth or guitar but that song kicks (@$%&#!), Back in the 70's Elton John Sang his best music from he and Bernie's heart, not to just get in the charts like he turned out to do in the late 70's, That also goes for Billy Joel (I was born in same hospital as him) Billys first albums were also good writing and vocals then he started putting out Just for Money Hits.

what ever happened to Ol Gordon Lightfoot anyway?
dont Know where Im going with this just Flappin at the lips
waiting For Bobbi to get out of the shower ..(bikini shot in album). :O ..lol we are going on a cruise to the Bahamas today.
anyway catch you guy's sometime next week.
See Ya

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 4:29 am 
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Met David Allen Coe briefly after he played at one of our local bars a few years ago.  Also met Dave Mason after a concert(love that 12 string).  Going to see Gordon Lightfoot this summer.  The ski resort where we have a condo has outdoor concerts throughout the summer and he's playing one of the nights, also this summer BB King, CCR, Wallflowers and some others.The fall concert is Poco, Pure Prairie League and Firefall.  Talk about going back to the 70's

"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing about."
Benjamin Franklin

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PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 4:30 am 
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Met David Allen Coe briefly after he played at one of our local bars a few years ago.  Also met Dave Mason after a concert(love that 12 string).  Going to see Gordon Lightfoot this summer.  The ski resort where we have a condo has outdoor concerts throughout the summer and he's playing one of the nights, also this summer BB King, CCR, Wallflowers and some others.The fall concert is Poco, Pure Prairie League and Firefall.  Talk about going back to the 70's

"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing about."
Benjamin Franklin

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PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 4:55 am 
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In September 2002 Gordon Lightfoot suffered stomach pains which turned out to be a hemorrage while on a cross canada tour and almost died.  He underwent surgery and while recovering he worked on his CD "Harmony & Inspiration" from his bed.  He is presently on tour in Canada and the U.S.

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PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 11:34 am 
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Met Huey Lewis back in 1985 on the Sports Tour.

He's a GREAT guy -- very down to earth, I was very impressed.

Despite the internet rumor, Karaoke is not Japanese for "drunk buffoon with microphone."  However, "rotation," is Japanese for wait your damn turn!

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