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PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 5:23 am 
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i heard this could be done with cool edit but i figured id ask here see if someone could help me out , i wanna get the vocals out of an mp3 that i cant find in cdg... add me on msn messenger and im online all day if you can help :) or do it for me :) thanks :handshake:

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PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 5:34 am 
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aww lassie ya can kinda take the vocals out but then you get an effect like someone is singing in the toilet in the background, many times ive tried and it just don't work....even with the vocal removers that cost hundreds to buy after asking around people even those dont remove all the vocals and takes away the quality of the music, you lose bass and all sorts.

what song are you looking for? it might be an idea to post a request someone may just have a backing or would perhaps make you one.

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PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 5:54 am 
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akon's version of mr lonely

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PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 6:36 am 
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well ive looked in my usual haunts where i get backings from and i can only find locked up by akon...cool tune ya wanna do i just love that chipmunk/ tellietubbie/squeeky the birdie whatever it is hehehehe hopefully someone might see this and perhaps be able to help ya...good luck! but seriously that vocal remover on any of the programs cool edit, adobe etc is crap and dont work.

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PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 7:43 am 
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It works to a degree.. but as Missy says, most of the time it makes the backing really mushy. It really depends on how the track was recorded in the first place.

My best advice to you is go ahead and try it (use 'vocal cut'), and then give a try singing over the track. Sometimes you will be lucky and your voice will completely mask the garbly stuff from the backing. Other times, it will sound funky.

For two good examples.. check out my subs.

the song 'A Smaller God' is an example of what a bad vocal removal sounds like and my newest one 'Only Happy When It Rains' is an example of what it sounds like when it works fairly well.

Good luck!

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PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 9:50 am 
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[font=andalus]yes.. I agree with what syber has said.  It sometimes works decently enough for you to get away with it.  It all depends on the song and how it was recorded.  You'll always at least have a bit of a "ghost" vocal which is the remnants of the reverb left in the track.  But as she said, you can pretty much sing over that.  The problem comes in when a vocal track on and original is NOT purely mixed into the middle.  If there are any kind of panning/stereo effects, the vocal reduction will NOT work.

Also you are bound to have quite a bit of loss of quality on the insturmentals.  Many of the insturments like the bass and piano are panned to the center of the track as well, and will be messed up when the vocals are removed.  You just have to try it to see if it's usable or not.  And as Syber said, it's called "vocal reduction"  and you find it under the Effects menu, under Amplify, and select, "Channel Mixer."  You should see the vocal reduction option in there.  

I myself hardly ever use it, but as it turns out, I needed to do a song for a competition this week that required me to use vocal reduction.  I was VERY unhapy with the quality of the instrumentals, but it worked well enough to pass.  I'll be submitting the song today... It's called "Break Myself."    So.. just give it a shot, and see if it works well enough for your song.. that's about all you can do.

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PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 3:55 pm 
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i gotta admit whenever ive tried its really not taken enough of the vocal out for me to cover with my voice...just the luck that i prolly picked songs that were really difficult, shame really there are soooo many songs i would love to do but no backings available...one day someone will come up with a mega vocal remover and then we will all be in heaven hehehe

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PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 4:44 pm 
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I found the karaoke version of Lonely by Akon....if you'd like it, email me at Buttrfligyryl@comcast.net

Thanks ;)



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PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 4:56 pm 
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The kick drum and bass of most songs are pan center, and as Jazzy point out will be remove togeather with the vocal with phase invertion vocal remover. To get those low end back copy the track and pass it thru a low pass feq. filter which will remove all the mid and high in the song; then mix it back after the vox is removed in the other track. That will bring back the bass and the kick.

I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott

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PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 3:10 am 
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ooooo nice tip there bad i am gonna give that a whirl and see what happens hehehee...nice one!!! :yes:

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PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 6:09 am 
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Jian, nice tip!  However, I'm confused... you said to remove the vocals on the track and then "To get those low end back copy the track and pass it thru a low pass feq. filter which will remove all the mid and high in the song; then mix it back after the vox is removed in the other track."  Which track do you make a copy of?  The original without vox reduction or the track that's already been reduced?

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PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 7:34 pm 
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Hi Deb,
Use the original;when filtering thru the low pass filter all the feq from lowmid to high (depending on your seting) will be gone including the vox. What you have will be just bass and kick and some low end of some instrument.
The revb is diff to remove but get songs of the 60s and 50s where there is little use fo those efx. You may get a good backing. Try some of the early Bettles songs. Good luck.

I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott

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PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2005 6:04 am 
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Thanks!  I'll give that a try...

There are a lot of songs that I would like just the backing to...not  neccesarily for karaoke but maybe to try on here that have never been made into CDGs.  Maybe stripping the vocals will work for that.

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PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2005 4:25 am 
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Badsinger @ Fri May 06, 2005 5:56 am wrote:
The kick drum and bass of most songs are pan center, and as Jazzy point out will be remove togeather with the vocal with phase invertion vocal remover. To get those low end back copy the track and pass it thru a low pass feq. filter which will remove all the mid and high in the song; then mix it back after the vox is removed in the other track. That will bring back the bass and the kick.

This is actually quite a trick to know. In very old songs in the 60s especially some Doors tracks I have gotten full removal of voice. I think Seby felt a twinge of guilt on When it Rains when there was an almost non-existent faint remnant of the original voice after I stripped which her voice covered totally upon double tracking her voice.

Seb gets into this guilt thing about "tweaking with her voice" on recording. I have explained to her that many vocalist used overvoicing and so forth, and do so on their current records A LOT. Phil Collins is a good example. I spoke to a top recording engineer who had worked with people who have recorded PC and also Suzi Quatro, and he told me what he said was a million dollar secret of EXPENSIVE studios that do Pros. That was they take the vocal track and split it into three parts, two of the tracks are phase shifted or something like that a hair, and lay so close to the original voice, that all you can hear is a very clear, but fuller sounding voice.

My ear, ever since Lennon refused to double track, can pick out a chorused voice in a heartbeat. And they all do it. When Alanis goes into certain parts, when many bubblegummer singers with little girl voices do movie tracks, and when someone with major pitch control that has this cool tonality but cannot stay on pitch, then they will use this technique.

I don't think I will ever get away from some reverb or echo. For me, it is an honest take because when we play in a hall or auditorium there is echo, so it gives the sound of voice and instruments in a "concert" environment or singing in the shower. Which ever you find most esoterically esthetic.

Eventually I think I will when on the Seby overvoice thing. Although she can straight voice with a little reverb, on certain songs on the mix, if I have her double track, which is much superior to the cheapo way of chorusing, then you can get the Lennon effect, in Strawberry Fields and dozens of other Beatle songs.

Curiously, it was the guy, what was his name, Phil, who kinda made the Beatles continue to be MEGA hits. True, their first stint on Sullivan was like Elvis and they had the hyteria thing going, but on the later albums when they started putting in the orchestra, horns, special effects, and thanks George and Ravi -Sitar - then the sounds started to perk.

When they headed to India and brought back what essentially an entirely new cultural awareness of Eastern thought, as opposed to WESTERN civilization we are all brainwashed in from birth, the Harrison cosmic thing and totally stoned out effect as in "Blue Jay Way" result into a major change in music.

So, as I ramble into rock and roll oblivion, I say if you are desperate on a sub and you can't find it period and you are dying to do it, I guess you go through the moral anguish of Seb and confess that there still is a hint of mint on your sub from the original singer, but do it anyway.

The restoration of the drum kick though my your method is a new one and I will try that.


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PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2005 8:44 am 
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It is a fairly well know trick in vocal removing method. And if you have a third copy of the song on track 3 you can do the following. Remove all the parts of the song where there is the vocal and what you get is the intro, the instumental parts and the ending. Then mix those 3 tracks;adjust for vol on each tracks before mixdown.

And if you have Karaoke Studio you can add lyric and you have your own home made karaoke track. But remember you still have to deel with those haunting effect of what ever efx were used on the vox track.

I have done the above but more for fun cos Istill prefer the real stuff and go to town to buy the cd.

I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott

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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 2:12 am 
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Double tracking vox is common but you may what to check if the tracks does not cancel each other on mono. This is need if you want to sent your song for airplay cos even FM signal if weak is in mono. And for this site some of us mix to mono to sub.

I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott

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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 2:28 pm 
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Hi Folks,

Well I use the Thompson Vocal Eliminator VE+2 which does the best job even with LP's and Tapes as well as CD's. There is a new model out the VE3 but it's not cheap.

You can pick up one of these machines on eBay quite cheap when they are going, If you want to know more about this machine just type in the search engine
"Thompson Vocal Eliminator and you should get more info on it.

Cheers, Peter

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PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2005 4:39 am 
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If all else fails,  and you don't wish to pay for a hardware device that essentially EQ's out part of the vocal frequency range, or pay for software programs that make claims to eliminate vocals.. You might want to try a free program that does about as little as all the others I've tried (WavePad).  If there is software, or even a hardware device that can effectively isolate & eliminate vocals, I'd love to know what it is, and purchase it.  I've yet to see reviews claim any program actually does this.  The vocals are EQ'd partially out.  Sometimes more-so than other times.  Yet seldom enough to warrant the name "Vocal Eliminator".  More appropriately termed these are just EQ devices, sometimes phase inverters. Yet there's usually at least ambience, and some reverberation of the vocals left.

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PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2005 6:02 am 
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I think the Thompson thing works pretty well...years ago they sent me a cassette with samples of songs that had the vocals taken out and it sounded perfect.  It was very expensive, though, so I never bought one.

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PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2005 7:47 am 
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How to remove vocals with Cool Edit (Adobe)

Load the WAV/MP3 file into Cool Edit. Create a new window with no WAV file in it (File->New...). Set the settings at 44.1KHz 16-bit *mono*. Switch back to the original WAV/MP3 file (with the "Window" menu). Select the entire left channel in the original WAV file. If you move the mouse to the top of the WAV display area, the mouse cursor gets a little 'L' next to it. Pick a spot near the middle of the screen, left click, and drag all the way to the left edge. Then move the cursor back to the middle, right click, and drag all the way to the right edge. You should now have the entire left channel selected. Select "copy". Switch to the new WAV file, and select "paste". Switch back to the original. Move the mouse cursor near the bottom of the WAV graphic until the mouse pointer gets an 'R' next to it, and select the entire right channel the way you did the left. Select "copy". Switch to the new WAV file. From the Edit menu, select "Mix paste...". Select "Overlap (Mix)", volume of 100, and check the "Invert" checkbox. Click "OK

I've tried this...sometimes it sounds pretty good...other times...eh! LOL :whistle:


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