Wolly Bully by Sam the Sham & The Pharaohs [sic?]
Secret Agent Man - Johnny Rivers
For more modern music anything from Shaggy (Reggae)
Snow - Informer
Inner Circle - Bad Boys
I'm To Sexy - Right Said Fred (hey it works on a beach)
Soak Up The Sun - Cheryl Crow
Don't Steal My Sunshine - Len
Walking On Sunshine - Katrina & The Waves
Wipe Out - Surfaris (oh wait, there aren't any lyrics -

Anything by Don Ho
Rock Lobster - B-52's (can't NOT have rock lobster - baking potatoes, baking in the sun - dancing round the fire having fun - put on the noseguard - put on the lifeguard - pass the tanning butter)
Blue Hawaii - Elvis Presley
Check out this website --
For transitional music/video you may want to secure a CD of One Crazy Summer - or any of the old 50's 60's "beach movies" with Annette or Elvis.