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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2005 10:41 am 
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Some people play a lot of computer games, or watch sports, or whatever is fun for them. Despite the fact I have a full time consuming "profession" and several other time consuming hobbies, I still have a bit of an addiciton to SS.

I have seen posters who have literally thousands of posts and as I posted elsewhere, yesterday I "tried" to comment on everyone's sub for just that day. And in the morning I just kinda have to check out a few subs of my favorite people to start my day, and before heading off to watch movies and bed, I will listen to a few more.

Besides that is part of submitting songs. It is a bit just to use a backtrack predone and get the voice right, but it takes a lot more to make your own track, and I can find myself three hours later, finally getting the last track done and mixed and think. Wow, that was work.

This is all to say, I love music, I love writing music, I love listening to music. And I wish I could everyday listen to and comment on most of the subs. So, if you put up a sub, and for hours it sits there lonely with no comments, I think many people kinda have their "favorite" people they always listen to and then will check out newbies and others when they can.

It is cool to be able to hear so many different people from all over the world and be heard as well.  Wow, sounds like an ad for SS.


There are no accidents in a perfect world   - Blondie

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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2005 11:41 am 
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I know where you're comming from. I barely have an hour at night to record a song and post it. That is on the days Im not busy. 5:30am -3:45 is worktime, then everyone needs favors, and computers tweeked, Bed at 10:00 pm. Not a lot of time for anything here.

I used to host Karaoke shows, But for the most part now when the weekend gets here after House & lawn Maintenence, I just want to sit back. I try to listen, and comment as much as I can, But there is really just so much time left.

Take care

I'm Not Dead yet...... But every day Im getting Closer !

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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2005 12:37 pm 
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It's quite a full time job to keep up with all the sub's... I just try to pop in and listen when I can. I do have some favorites and friends that I try to check on and I do try to check out new people as well. But it's just impossible to keep it up every day. And if ya try to do that you will eventually get burned out and at that point it's just not enjoyable anymore. I still enjoy my listening and try to keep my time limited so I don't get that burn out. It's also a little disheartening when you get excited about a new person only to find they are just playing games ... I have no clue why some people submit songs that aren't theirs... and claim them as their own material. Kinda ruins it for other talented newcomers... making us all a little leery of them. It has been happening since day one... and will continue to I guess... it's really a waste of people's time and it takes time and attention away from the people who do work hard at each submission!  :madgo:

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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2005 1:38 pm 
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Sheree @ Thu May 26, 2005 1:37 am wrote:
so I don't get that burn out. It's also a little disheartening when you get excited about a new person only to find they are just playing games ... I have no clue why some people submit songs that aren't theirs... and claim them as their own material. Kinda ruins it for other talented newcomers... making us all a little leery of them. It has been happening since day one... and will continue to I guess... it's really a waste of people's time and it takes time and attention away from the people who do work hard at each submission!  :madgo:

Now that is strange. I guess you couldn't really tell me who some of those people were without it being uncool, but you could PM me. I have listened to a lot of subs and it makes me wonder if I have ever listened to any that weren't sung by the person. I guess it would either be the pro recording of someone or else just something done by someone else?

That is strange. Will have to ask Syber if she knows any users who did that.
Well, my stuff is too wierd to be anyone but me. jvj

There are no accidents in a perfect world   - Blondie

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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2005 8:39 pm 
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hey Loofa!
For the most part.... the ones that we KNOW of doing that are no longer members here.. I can't even remember any of their names now to be honest....

there ARE ppl though with more than one account.... one I know of FOR SURE has THREE!! Two are MALE accounts and one is female.... YES there is a MALE who sings as a WOMAN.... AND their PIC is the MAN dressed as a woman!!!

.....so are the days of our lives.....


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PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2005 9:53 pm 
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Now that is strange. I guess you couldn't really tell me who some of those people were without it being uncool, but you could PM me. I have listened to a lot of subs and it makes me wonder if I have ever listened to any that weren't sung by the person. I guess it would either be the pro recording of someone or else just something done by someone else?

Yes, you are correct... it was a pro recording of someone else. Actually this person has now (supposedly) left as of yesterday... but the thing is..  it's a bit irritating when people here actually take the time to listen and get excited about someone only to find out it's been a hoax. And who is to say that this person won't return under another name... doesn't matter really. It does make ya wonder.. why?

Oh well... I guess dat's life!  :yes:

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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 4:03 am 
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Crystal @ Thu May 26, 2005 9:39 am wrote:
hey Loofa!
For the most part.... the ones that we KNOW of doing that are no longer members here.. I can't even remember any of their names now to be honest....

there ARE ppl though with more than one account.... one I know of FOR SURE has THREE!! Two are MALE accounts and one is female.... YES there is a MALE who sings as a WOMAN.... AND their PIC is the MAN dressed as a woman!!!

.....so are the days of our lives.....

Hey there Crystal. Miss talking to you. Yes, I guess the phony ones are history. As for the mix and match - we live in a diverse world. We, of course, can only afford one account as paying members. I prefer to have my one account and take the kisses with the hisses on my ratings and comments. Also as is the theme of this thread, one account is really all I have time for, barely.

Yep, it can be a soap opera. And some of that can be entertaining. I personally listen to Bethel's subs which I find interesting and funny sometimes. And sometimes, despite the unusual vocal, they are pretty good. Of course, I like "Kids in the Hall" and was a Monty Python fan, and enjoy the English thing of sometimes males playing female characters although I am to well, damn straight and have a pretty healthy shot of raw testosterone to get too into the Lumberjack Song.

Jumping a little off topic here (don't I always) but as far as well those of multiple persuasion I have known them throughout my sojourn as a touring rock person and was watching the John Lennon movie only to find their manager was very um alternate in some ways and John even had a notorious trip to Spain with the same. Lennon, especially as he entered his Yoko Ono phase, although a legend, was also a do it in the road person.

Yet, what is cool is that there the unifying thing here. I think? We all love music and most of us love to sing and record. That is a pretty bonding thing for a group.

shake head which got stuck in ramble mode.

see ya later


There are no accidents in a perfect world   - Blondie

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PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2005 4:56 am 
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Crystal @ Wed May 25, 2005 8:39 pm wrote:
hey Loofa!
For the most part.... the ones that we KNOW of doing that are no longer members here.. I can't even remember any of their names now to be honest....

there ARE ppl though with more than one account.... one I know of FOR SURE has THREE!! Two are MALE accounts and one is female.... YES there is a MALE who sings as a WOMAN.... AND their PIC is the MAN dressed as a woman!!!

.....so are the days of our lives.....

LOLOL Crystal!!! Hey girl ;)

Yeah, I know about that person, but that is one exception I don't mind too much (as far as having more than one account). Three is excessive, but in that case, when a guy has a whole other 'persona' so to speak, i guess it's not such a big deal to have an extra account for the other 'person'.

Hey, if you have split personalities, do you get a 'free' account for each one??? ;) heheheheh

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PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2005 7:20 pm 
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lol How about the ones who seem to not have a personality at all! Are they not allowed an account? lol  I think I am a real people person! I love to be around people as often as I can. The bigger the crowd, the better I like it, but I have met some people who have the personalities of a slab of concrete! lol

I have found that I can get on SS usually after 10 most nights except weekends! That is when I am usually off somewhere with my guitar and a great bunch of guys making some country music for wonderful people!  At times, it is very hard to keep up with all of the subs I want to hear and comment on! lol Crystal knows that it  takes my computer forever to load a song to listen to because I am using dial up.  I need to go DSL but it is real hard to let go of the money they want to put my computer on that way!  I just prod along, slowly, listening to as many as I can. lol I guess that is good though, you know Texans talk slow anyway! lol  

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PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2005 12:46 pm 
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I know I spend way too much time on here!  I guess I really need to get a life.  LOL
I work a 9 hour day job and when I get home this is my way to relax.  I'm single so I don't have any responsibilities toward anyone but myself.  Of course with summer here I'm sure my time will be cut somewhat. The yardwork has to be done and I'm the only one to do it.  But I do enjoy listening to everyone.  I wish it was where you could click on several and they would play one after the other.  That way I could listen while I did other things.  But.....ya can't have it all.


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PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2005 11:30 am 
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I spend way too much time on here too, but I'm taking advantage of my free time where I can, since I won't have as much after I go back to grad school in August.

There are some nights when I can hang out with headphones and comment on just about everything from that day, but most of the time I don't get that much of a chance to listen. Most of the time what happens is I'll see a name of someone I want to hear near the top of the latest subs page, then spend 15 mins to an hour catching up on all their songs (depending on how many songs they submit!). Eventually I make my way through most of the people I want to hear, although I'm ALWAYS finding new people that I've missed, so my list of must-listens grows almost every day. :)

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 7:08 pm 
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I live in the blue tent six threads down.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 8:47 pm 
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I know whatcha mean, it is so time-consuming and addictive! I don't even have a full-time job and I wish I had more time...too many hobbies :) plus we travel a lot. I have a hard time finding time to record. Actually, to be honest I love to SING but recording is something else :) I feel like my voice has to be "just so", warmed up, lots of energy etc. and I'm not always in the mood for it. But lately I have been running out of songs so I have been forcing myself to record more.  I wish I could come on here every day but it just doesn't always work out.

~Suzanne Lanoue~

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 10:59 pm 
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My job (driving a product demonstration trailer throughout the US and Canada) affords me a lot of listening time.  However, some hotels are still on dialup (usually very slow dialup) or the wireless keeps dropping me.  But, when I can, I listen!  And I listen a lot!!  I start at the top and work my way as far down as I can.  Sometimes, like Elderberries, I will catch up with a favorite artist, but usually I start at the top and go until either I fall asleep at the computer (hehehe...Melly is familiar with this) or it's time for my day to begin.  Only then will I shut down my computer.  I have heard many wonderful singers on here and learn many great tunes...from all genres!  So....thanks, guys, for being my enabler and feeding my tune addiction!!  You guys ROCK! (And TWANG, and CROON, and SWING...hehehe)   :oh yeah:  :handshake:  :oh yeah:

If you can't have fun...why bother?

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 12:44 am 
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Hi Folks,

Do I have time !!  Well if you have a job and belong to SS and KSK and DTS and sing on Paltalk most nights I can tell you its takes a lot of your time. In fact my wife is going to divorce me soon who can't sing and hates me singing ! Well I suppose that's  my Karma, maybe I bood a singer in my past life LOL

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:10 pm 
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LOL! Peter!!
I used to sometimes go on Paltalk but I knew if i kept on there, I would get NOTHING else done.  It is SO addictive.  I don't go on all the places you mentioned, just SS. But I also go on two other karoake lists/forums, as well as all the other non-karaoke stuff :)

I was at a diabetes seminar today and they were talking about exercise, they said, "put in less screen time" (meaing the pc and TV)....I'm like, No, never!! LOL!!

I want a bicycle- or treadmill-power TV or computer, then I can do both   :dancin:

~Suzanne Lanoue~

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 2:04 am 
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I haven't had any time this week to listen to SS or record new songs...please forgive me! I hope to be back this next week, hopefully more caught up...

Sucks when you don't have time for the things you really enjoy, doesn't it?

~Suzanne Lanoue~

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