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PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 4:27 pm 
Well, it only took me 4 months :banghead: as a member before I discovered the way to use punctuation in the SONG TITLE section when subbing a song. But that seems to be the secret - you can't insert punctuation in the SONG TITLE field when you SUBMIT the song - that's why you see so many song titles with the words "Ive" instead of "I've" or in my case, today I resubbed a song called "Who's Crying Now" as "Whos Crying Now." But I had to edit the text field and just on a whim I decided to try editing the Song Title and fixing the punctuation - and to my amazement it actually worked.  :O

So the "secret revealed" is that if you want your song title to be punctuated correctly, go ahead and submit the song without the punctuation (IE "Whos Crying Now") and then after the song uploads and posts to the Latest Submission page, go to the song's Edit button from your profile page and correct the title's punctuation to read, as I did, to "Who's Crying Now."

I know there's probably a lot of you who already figured this out for yourselves but I figure there's still a lot of others (like :headscratch: myself) who just assumed that if the punctuation wouldn't work in Submit mode then it logically it wouldn't work in edit mode, so why bother trying. :giveup: But now you can do it!  :hi5:

Let's throw a big party! :party: Just make sure you're punctual in getting there! :drinklaugh:

Best to all,

PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 5:23 pm 
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hmm.. I didn't know that.. I type it in Word and then copy/paste on the original submission ;) that is what works for me

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 6:15 pm 
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Puncuation count when you to song search. To those who add other thing to the song tilte other than the title itself please don't: it make life diff for people to do SEARCH for song. Thanks for the tips CD

I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 6:36 pm 
FoxeRoxy @ Sat Jun 18, 2005 5:23 pm wrote:
hmm.. I didn't know that.. I type it in Word and then copy/paste on the original submission ;) that is what works for me

Hi Foxey!

That's interesting that it will accept the punctuation as a paste from Word but not as a typed character from the keyboard in Submit mode. I was pretty sure that I had tried a copy and paste with punctuation and it didn't work for me but I more likely would have been attempting the paste from the Notepad which doesn't use the same character set as Word would so that may be the difference. I usually don't have so much to say in the Submit section that would create it offline and do the copy and paste but it's probably the safest way to go because if your MP3 upload crashes then you have to retype everything from scratch and try resubbing the song. And that reminds me of another "fix" I think I'll post next - why do some songs you attempt to upload refuse to upload even though they are under the required file size! I think I may have found the answer and I'll post it now under a new thread heading!

(May as well post these last few tidbits now and help as many people as I can since I may be canceling my subscription soon.)

Take care, gorgeous!  :D

PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 6:42 pm 
Badsinger @ Sat Jun 18, 2005 6:15 pm wrote:
Puncuation count when you to song search. To those who add other thing to the song tilte other than the title itself please don't: it make life diff for people to do SEARCH for song. Thanks for the tips CD

That's true, Badsinger. I guess it must be a system glitch that doesn't allow punctuation to be typed in the Submit mode but will permit it in the Edit mode. But at least we have this work-around in edit mode. You're welcome for the tip, BS! I like to help other members whenever I can.

Best Regards,

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 5:05 am 
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ChristopherD @ Sat Jun 18, 2005 8:36 pm wrote:
I usually don't have so much to say in the Submit section that would create it offline and do the copy and paste but it's probably the safest way to go because if your MP3 upload crashes then you have to retype everything from scratch and try resubbing the song.

Well.. I know I get long winded in my descriptions ROFL.. but the only time I use the Word copy/paste method is when I want to sub a song with punctuation in the title.. Otherwise I'm just not that organized.. I never type my description in to Word and copy/paste that...

I really hope you don't end up cancelling your membership.. love listening to you.. but I can understand the frustration...

Thanks hon! :)  :hug:

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 6:04 am 
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You can also use the copy and paste method to write a novel in the despcription field:)

Lol, handy for Gilly... i hate watching myself run out of characters.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 6:06 am 
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Coool! You mean I can write even bigger books??? I was wondering how some were able to fit more stuff in !!!

Thanks honey... :)

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 2:37 pm 
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I knew about inserting puncuation when you're EDITING your sub, BUT the field space in EDIT is smaller than in the original field when you sub, so if you have a really long title, and you want to insert puncuation afterwards.... you can't, cuz there's not enough room to enter it!

so yes... the copy and paste method works best!

BTW... for those that don't know.... the reasoning for the no puncuation, is to make it easier for performing a SEARCH... as somtimes people will mis-punctuate things... or ADD puncuation like "....." which would make it difficult to search for :)

at least.... that what I'm told...


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