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PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 7:12 pm 
Once upon a time, in a far away land way over the rainbow and beyond the Emerald City, in a place called Singer's Showcase, where all sorts of strange things can happen close to midnight, I was trying to sub a song that was hovering just shy of the 5 Meg upload limit I had on my paid subscription at the time. The sub crashed. And I looked like this; :headscratch: But I figured the song was just too close to the 5M limit and decided to compress the file a little more and try resubbing it. It crashed again and I began grumbling to myself :grumble: because it was getting late and I was getting tired. But I decided to give it one more try after compressing the file a lot more just to see if I could get it to load at all and not really caring whether a single friggin' compressed lyric was going to be intelligible to me or any of my other fellow munchkins in showcase land - but after the 3rd try I ended up: :angry: :banghead:  :giveup: but then my Fairy Song Mother must have bonked me on the head with her Magic Baton (tm pat. pending) because I suddenly looked like this :ideagrin:

Rather then shortening the length of the file, I took a look at the FILE NAME and noticed that it was unusually long because the song title was long. The File Name was maybe 12 or more characters so I decided to go back to my original almost 5MEG MP3 file and RENAME it to something that was only 6 or 8 characters long. In other words, if the song file name was "whoscryingnowvbr128.mp3" I renamed it "whoscryn.mp3" and guess what - the file uploaded perfectly on the fourth try! And I looked like this: :ggof:

A couple of songs and days later, I encountered the same problem when I had failed to note the length of the filename but, of course, instead of going through all the faces my Fairy Song Mother showed up holding this sign :withstupid: and I just shortened the filename. Presto, the file uploaded perfectly on the second try and because I hadn't done it right the first time, I felt like :oops: but eventually got over it and got happy  :D

So if you've had similar upload problems in the past, it may be worth giving this shorter filename thing a try. Maybe it was just coincidence for those two songs - or maybe it was a the Wizard of Song playing a trick on me - but it's certainly worth trying so you can skip...

:headscratch: :grumble: :angry: :banghead: :giveup: :ideagrin: :ggof: :withstupid:  :oops:

and go straight to  :D !

And I guess that's everything so let's have a big :grouphug: now and live happily ever after.   :hug:

The End  :wave:

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 5:07 am 
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What??? no prince?? no sleeping beauty???

What kind of story is that anyways??? ROFL


thanks for the tip!! I didn't know that either  :worship:

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 2:53 pm 
Most of the princes turned out to be frogs and croaked. A kingdom tabloid ran a two page expose' revealing that Sleeping Beauty wasn't really sleeping when they kissed her and she had actually been "faking it" with them all those years. The remaining princes decided to come out from behind the big curtain with the Wizard and started the Over the Rainbow Coalition. Carrying a large picture of Judy Garland, they paraded down the Yellow Brick Rd. demanding equal rights for princes to wear tights beyond Emerald City limits...but I'm afraid that's a whole other Fairy Tale we'll have to save for another day. :wink:

Best wishes, Roxy, and you're welcome for the tip.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 3:00 pm 
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another tip:

one upon a time I tried uploading that song "When God-Fearin Women Get the Blues" the actual filename was WhenGod-FearinWomenGetTheBlues.mp3 (which... btw... is an extremely long name) well... it crashed 90 bajillion times and I couldn't figure it out! It was the right size and everything... FINALLY a fairy princess named Debauchery floated into my msn messenger box and informed me that, files with a hyphen in them won't upload properly, so I took out the hyphen and PRESTO! uploaded without a hitch!

....still had a really long filename though.... so i dunno.... (new filename: WhenGodFearinWomenGetTheBlues.mp3)


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 4:51 pm 
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They musta fixed that because all of my songs have hyphens in the file names...

~Suzanne Lanoue~

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 6:13 pm 
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I use under_scores

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