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 Post subject: Book Disscussion
PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 10:15 pm 
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Ok, I'm sick of karaoke books. I had new ones printed $500+ after plastic new binders and copies.

Is there a better way? I'm looking into the cheap notebooks for customers to use but that is costly and many people are computer illiterate.

Anyone use unprotected bound paper?
1 KJ here does. Though 1 spilled beer kills $35 worth of copies

Any onther option beside 3 ring binders?

Anything better than plastic?

My book has 600 pages looking for better suggestions.

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 Post subject: Re: Book Disscussion
PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 2:21 am 
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weed out duplicates, lower the font size to about 10 pt, go 2 columns

With notebooks computers you will need to have them plugged in, then you will find yourself answering questions about how to use them, or mis-use them (hey can i get on the net)

Books are a necessary evil of the biz.

I used to weed out the duplicates and then have a book for me that had all the database in it so i could find alternate versions

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 Post subject: Re: Book Disscussion
PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 2:49 am 
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Last year I took my big plastic 3 ring binder with plastic protective sleeves and threw them out !  I now have a binded book each page is printed on both sides  
it has plastic front and back covers.   Surprisingly they are holding up extremely well.  My old binders use to be 250 single pages plus plastic sleeves making them heavy and bulky and expensive.  Now they are slim and light, half the paper and  costs 1/3 the price .  I suggest you try to have one of your books printed this way and see how you like it.   ( Staples or any office supply store can do it for you)

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 Post subject: Re: Book Disscussion
PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 3:36 am 
I think KnightShow has his song list and request slips posted on his web site.

a Good Idea for all the regulars to check it out and head out their door with slips in hand before going out for the night.
although this wont Eliminate having books, it may cut down on the amount of books you need.

Just a thought
(plus I needed to post something)

 Post subject: Re: Book Disscussion
PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 5:49 am 
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I also hold onto the slips from my regulars and file them in a 3x5 card file then hand them backl their old slips when they show up at the bar.  This has cut down on 1/2 my paper, though I have found that my regulars are not the ones demolishing my books!!!

C Mc

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 Post subject: Re: Book Disscussion
PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 7:02 am 
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Just a thought...copy what works:  the newer jukeboxes connected to a database.  Not every bar would spring for it.  Unless...there is a charge to access the database.  Which people seem okay with when it comes to the jukebox.  I suppose there would be a transition period--gradually move to paperless---just like any business.


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 Post subject: Re: Book Disscussion
PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 7:20 am 
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I have deleted all the duplicates, my font size is 9 or 10 and 2 columns. Still sick of the cost to print I went from 1100 to six by going to 2 columns. 5 inch binders are expensive like $17. I elimited my need for a master book by putting KJ pro on my notebooks that I KJ from.

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 Post subject: Re: Book Disscussion
PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 10:46 am 
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Divide your books into title & artists.  Half the binder size & you don't have to print as many.  If you normally printed......say 15 full books, you can now print 10 full books, split them into each section - now you have 20 books.  Should fit into a 2 1/2" binder if you are filling out a 5" now.

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 Post subject: Re: Book Disscussion
PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 7:11 pm 
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I was at a office products/services convention recently and got a sample of 3M's "Print to Last" paper - kind of a laminated-type finish, weather resistant.  It's a little pricey, but no protector sheets would be required.  I haven't checked out what alcohol does to it yet though...

Sounds Great! Entertainment
Bartlett, Illinois

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 Post subject: Re: Book Disscussion
PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 2:50 pm 
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           I'll bet his books are separated into title and artist. I have around 27,000 single titles in my books and each one is massive ( title and artist double collums and 8pt size) Would hate to remove any title just to make the book smaller.... thats part of what singers like about our shows. was thinking of splitting the books to A-M and N-Z just to make them fit all the music.... but what a mess to add updates in any kinda order with out reprinting the books once a month.  It ain't easy being Us!

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 Post subject: Re: Book Disscussion
PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 3:11 pm 
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We divide Artists and Titles and once again A-L and L-Z with new additions, in plastic duotangs with no sleeves.  Here is a pic.

http://www.karaoke-forum.com/album_show ... ic_id=1315

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 Post subject: Re: Book Disscussion
PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 1:21 pm 
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Well this is what I did - it was full of controvery when I did it but six months later, knock on wood my books are still intact.

I did away with the plastic sheet protectors.   :O  :O  :O  :O  :O

I went with a 10 point font, I printed landscaped instead of portrait (long width of the page) in two columns and I printed double sided (front and back).

I know, I know, I know.  But I did.

It cut my book size down by about 3/4 for starters.
It cut my printing costs down about 2/3 (largely due to no plastic sheets.
It cut my time down from stuffing the books down to an order I can't even calculate.
My books, discs, and spare cables now all fit in a single plastic tote that I can carry all by myself - that includes an even dozen of books.


I did that back in December of 2004.

I've had a couple of books doused real good with booze - but they have survived and still usable - printed out on laser not on ink jet I think helps.  All 12 books are servicable still.

I also installed a blank page in the front and the back, for tugging, rubbing on the rings.  What I've noticed is that having the books printed landscape seems to keep the pages from getting torn out from rough handling.  Users hold the back cover up on an angle - probably because the book extends inward on the table - because of this the pages get turned about 75% on the ring, not 100% across.  I also picked ringed binders that are larger than the print pages.

My library is 4000 songs, each book has by artist and by title -- I think there is roughly 150 pages in each book.

That's what I did - and I'll admit I'm surprised they have held up - but they have held up.  My stuff gets fri/sat usage -- so if you're running five or six nights a week hardcore - well this may not work for you.  I will keep printing them this way.

Of course now that I wrote this I'll have two books destoryed on Friday by having a pitcher of beer splill on them, one set on fire with a cigarette, and two ring binders break!   LOL  LOL

Despite the internet rumor, Karaoke is not Japanese for "drunk buffoon with microphone."  However, "rotation," is Japanese for wait your damn turn!

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 Post subject: Re: Book Disscussion
PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 1:26 pm 
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outdoorplaces @ Thu Jun 30, 2005 1:21 pm wrote:
I went with a 10 point font, I printed landscaped instead of portrait (long width of the page) in two columns and I printed double sided (front and back).

I know, I know, I know.  But I did.

Is double sided printing something others don't do?  I've always had my books printed double sided.

Thought about doing the landscape printing before, may have to see if it would make any difference in mine.

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 Post subject: Re: Book Disscussion
PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 2:43 pm 
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Double sided absolutely!

And yes, my songbook like Lonman's is online at our respective websites.

For purposes of the ENTIRE 27,000 song selection, have ONE master listing done, but the singer's book I'd weed out the dupes the way I've done... with dual columns like http://www.knightshow.com/singerARTISTS.pdf
... and only list the good one or two... as with all things, it will be an evolution in progress as you determine which version you truly like best! But don't be afraid to list it the way you call it!


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