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 Post subject: Signage
PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 5:02 am 
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I was just reading the Knightshow article in KS magazine, and one of the things Matt mentions is how bar owners refuse to make the investment in signage to promote the shows at their venue.  I suppose one way around that is to go out and buy your own signs that you can hang outside to advertise when you are going to be there.

I've got a banner for every day of the week that says "Big Mike Karaoke here (insert day of the week)"  I can hang those banners on the venue a full week ahead of the show so that everyone driving by can see it.

Sure it's a bit of an investment (but what isn't in this business?) but it may make the difference between keeping a gig because it is doing well or losing one because it has shrivelled up on the vine.  This is especially true of weeknight shows, which are tough to get and even tougher to keep!

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 Post subject: Re: Signage
PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 6:00 am 
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At one place the KJ always has a gimmick to go along with the Karaoke.  Cornhole, carnival game, mardi gras night, etc.  At first I thought it was stupid though I got used to it and I enjoy finding out what she comes up with next.

I suppose there would be a lot of benefit in advertising the gimmick with the Karaoke.

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 Post subject: Re: Signage
PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 7:51 am 
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Big Mike @ Tue Jul 12, 2005 5:02 am wrote:
I suppose one way around that is to go out and buy your own signs that you can hang outside to advertise when you are going to be there.!

Well that would only work IF the club in question allows outside signs.  I had 2 clubs a couple years back.  1 of them was in a strip mall type building and was prohibited by their lease to have any kind of outside signs.  We did hang 1 sign up & their landlord had them immediately remove it.
The other club I had allowed ME to purchase the sign & change the letteres on the reader board (Mexican restaurant), until someone supposedly from ASCAP came in & tried to make them pay.  At that point he had me remove all signs & outside reference to karaoke.  Both clubs allowed INSIDE advertising, but that was about it.  I am no longer at either place.

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 Post subject: Re: Signage
PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 8:32 am 
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We don't have that problem, we're on all signs 24/7 for the most part except one venue and as in Lonnie's case, it's not allowed.

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 Post subject: Re: Signage
PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 9:13 am 
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You probably don't have to spend any money on signs.  I don't know about other states, but here in Maryland if you go to any of the major beer distributors (Bud, Miller, or Coors)they will make you a banner sign.  Now I'm not talking about the store where you buy beer or the dealer depending on your state, I'm talking about the major distributor where the stores get their beer from. They all have nifty neat vinyl printers and blank beer banners and can print just about anything you need if it will fit.  Now that I think of it I guess I could use a Karaoke sign.  The ones we use outside the bar advertise Happy Hour from both Bud and Miller.  Best of all they're FREE

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 Post subject: Re: Signage
PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 9:18 am 
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Here in NJ it is the same, the local beer distributor supplies all kinds of FREE signs to the Bar /Restaurant etc.  - It's also not a bad idea to have your own  NON Alcohol sponsered sign for various venues...

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 Post subject: Re: Signage
PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 9:18 am 
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Here in NJ it is the same, the local beer distributor supplies all kinds of FREE signs to the Bar /Restaurant etc.  - It's also not a bad idea to have your own  NON Alcohol sponsered sign for various venues...

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 Post subject: Re: Signage
PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 9:55 am 
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the beer distributers will do that ONLY if it's in their best interests... if it's a tiny bar that barely does a business... you're hosed! heheheh

What's funny is the venue I work at HAS a outside marquee and STILL refuses to put up the lettering... and then he comes to me and complains about a slow night! SHEESH!

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 Post subject: Re: Signage
PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 12:38 pm 
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I have gotten many free signs from Bud and Coors.  Most places put me out on the marquee every week unless someone forgets to change it. Or someone gets drunk and tips it over. This only happened once and we had the guy arrested as we found out he stole money off the bar all night.

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 Post subject: Re: Signage
PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:14 am 
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Matt, any bar that is a customer of a given distributor shouldn't have a problem getting the signs made.  Budweiser loves to get their name out on signs all over, same with Coors and Miller.  We've got a Bud sign on 1 side of the building and a Miller sign on another advertising Happy Hour. The only things that are hard to get are neon signs or pool table lights cause of the expense

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 Post subject: Re: Signage
PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:57 am 
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It all has to do with volume and what you're selling.  Personally, I'd recommend that you:

1. Approach a distributor that carries the beer they have on tap.

2. Contact the SALESPERSON for the bar and not the distributor directly.  The sales people are more likely to be on your side for getting the signs made since it's advertising a product they provide and it's their customer.

3. Know exactly what you want on the sign when you talk with the distributor.

4. Talk with the venue about getting the sign since they're more likely to actually pull off getting the sign than you - a 'nobody' as far as the distributor is concerned.

5. Become friends with the local salespeople for the distributors.  They will know what venues are doing business and which aren't.  They can tell you who is bringing in the customers and who's just marketing a lot because they don't have a crowd.

6. Talk with the distributor about some give away items like hats, stickers, t-shirts, etc.  Many can give you a couple a week if the volume of business supports it.  I went to one venue that would give away the stuff fairly regularly on karaoke nights to get new people to sing and as 'prizes' for kamikaze (just doing it) or for other 'non-contest' reasons.

BTW, the local distributors here in Alaska give away motorcycles, snowboards, bikes, and plenty of other stuff.  Getting a couple signs made up is nothing compared to what else they give away.

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 Post subject: Re: Signage
PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 12:09 pm 
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WE also put our own up. But our bar puts us in the paper...on the local service channel, at the tourist booth..and the True Value puts on their marqee. All in all...for a very small town...they market us pretty good.


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 Post subject: Re: Signage
PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 2:27 pm 
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The Beer Distributors here will make any sign you want for free.  They will even do your menus....No Charge!


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 Post subject: Re: Signage
PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 2:54 pm 
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a10cgirl @ Thu Jul 14, 2005 6:27 am wrote:
The Beer Distributors here will make any sign you want for free.  They will even do your menus....No Charge!

And over here even your song request slips. Wandering why nobody ask them to print the song book with their advert in it .

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 Post subject: Re: Signage
PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 11:00 pm 
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If you're REALLY desparate or POOR---just make the signs yourself! Plywood SANDWICH signs streetside(if its allowed). If you're at all even partly handy with a power saw and hammer---just build a decent sized sandwich sign, paint it black or yellow and STENCIL IT with something simple like: KARAOKE FRIDAY, SATURDAY. Simple, pretty easy, visible and very cheap(maybe 30$ and an afternoon's work, wood, paint, a couple of hinges and a small bit of chain, stencils letters and a couple cans of spray paint)--dont cost the bar anything and solves the problem of NO SIGNAGE. But check first to see if its allowed to be out there. Thats what I did and it worked pretty good. I got tired of asking the bar to get one made by the beer distrib and simply made them myself! ADAPT, IMPROVISE and OVERCOME MARINE!!!

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 Post subject: Re: Signage
PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 1:20 pm 
If you're REALLY desparate or POOR---just make the signs yourself! Plywood SANDWICH signs streetside

And a Hot Chick in a bikini holding it up outside would prolly help.

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