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Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 2:11 pm |
Joined: Mon Jan 16, 2006 11:11 am Posts: 2641 Location: Seattle, WA Been Liked: 1 time
Thanks Babs for the heads up on this..I like a good horror movie sometimes
I will not be seeing this one...That's all I have to say about that.
Not all Christians or religious people are Jesus freaks...There are always those that go to the extreme. Just an observation that I have made over the years.
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Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 2:17 pm |
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I have nothing against Christians...I am catholic but the people who show up on campus every once in awhile are too extreme. They stand in the middle of the student union claiming that we all are going to hell unless we conform to their ways of beliefs. This kind of person has no respect for other peoples right to believe what ever they want to. These are also the same people who cried and complained about the south park episode with the bleeding mary statue that was on her period Or the people who tried to ban Kevin Smith's film "Dogma"
I do not try and push my religion onto other peoples beliefs because here in America everyone has the right to believe, watch, listen, do (to an extent) what they want to do.
And Lil Mizz Attitude...I'm guessing you havn't even seen the movie. The rape everyone keeps on about is hardly shown and is soo incredibly subtle that it is one of the least disturbing things about the film. It is barely shown and as stated before...it wasnt a real gun pointing at the baby...the kid was in noo harm what so ever. While watching the film...I squirmed more in my seat when he is locked in a broken freezer with a bunch of dismembered body parts And as I stated before...that is exactly what the horror genre is set to do...make you feel uneasy while watching it...just like going to a haunted house.
I also love how people sit and cry about this one but the original is just as bad! They take the baby and talk about how they are going to eat it...and instead a gun in a babys face...the put the gun in the girls mouth (whose rape scene was more instense than in the remake)and pull the trigger...but lucky for her there were no bullets.
And as far as feeling inadequte about my beliefs and preferences...thats not the case at all. Infact, the same could be said for you..."Raunchy adult humor is one thing, but violent rape & guns to kids' heads.... is sick. But we pretty much live in a sick, twisted society that will dish out $$ to see it...."
This is called a debate...not feeling inadequete...you state a piece then the next person returns with a rebuttle...and I am simply saying that you have no right what so ever to tell other people what is right and not right to watch...because there is no such thing as a right and wrong thing to watch.
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 2:20 pm |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
I've heard many were angered by the Mel Gibson movie as well. All depends. I didn't watch that either. Not bashing anything. What I stated is;
"It is up to US to assume personal responsibility for what we should and shouldn't watch based upon OUR OWN constitution". Movies have ratings, and descriptions for this VERY reason. Horror to one person, strikes a nerve to another who might've lost a loved one to violent crime... One mans "decent" portrayal might be ANOTHER person's blaspheme.
I am stating one mans roller-coaster ride for excitement, is another mans ride to hell.. It's up to the mature adult to determine what's best for them. Everyone has different threshholds of fear, blood and guts, even excitment... and among these individuals, even their own viewing preference changes in accordance to where they are in stages of THEIR particular life... No one has bashed anything. I am basically chastising viewer's that don't look before they leap. Watch a movie they know totes the "edge" at least, and without reading content description, they just put it in the VCR, and complain about THEIR OWN poor choice of entertainment...
People MUST assume responsibility for themselves... Just as I have nothing against the "Wizard of OZ", or "Blair Witch" as a movie... I WOULD have something against a mainstream audience full of fools that believe all that are "Witches" should be executed because both Blair Witch and Wizard of Oz are valid documentation and quite biographically accurate depictions of what a modern day "Witch" or Wiccan actually is...
People don't think, they are quick to blame others, people MUST assume responsibility for their behaviour. This is what I'm maintaining...
What I enjoy watching, likely IS NOT what those saying "other's should be tolerant, it's only Hollywood" would allow their children to watch. We live in an age today, where unfortuneately fantasy, and horrific events do make things abit tougher for the few that are having a tougher time balancing fantasy vs reality.. Unfortuneately ""Beheading" publicity, "Shootings", and "Terrorist" activity, granted few and far between, DO in some cases create a copycat scenerio in the VERY unbalanced individual... Yet should you remove these graphic displays ? I don't know... Should Gun laws be tightened ? This ALL depends on which side of the fence a person views from... and this is what I'm maintaining.. We must at least take care of US.... Not make ourselves sick over content when viewing it in the first place was ENTIRELY avoidable...
_________________ Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".
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Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 2:21 pm |
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And for the record...I never said or even implied that all christians are Jesus Freaks...and infact I thought I made it clear in my post that I was talking about those who came to campus and sat in the middle of a union and put down everyone...they are radically different than a meeting where people are invited to come and participate...they are very uninvited yet still show to babble on and on!
And in response to whoever said horror films are getting out of control or something to that effect...I can understand what you are saying...however...it baffles me that a film like "Psycho" is considered a masterpiece where "Hills Have Eyes" is nothing but trash. They both have murder...but apparently Psycho just has a classier murder :no:
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Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 2:23 pm |
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""It is up to US to assume personal responsibility for what we should and shouldn't watch based upon OUR OWN constitution". Movies have ratings, and descriptions for this VERY reason. Horror to one person, strikes a nerve to another who might've lost a loved one to violent crime... One mans "decent" portrayal might be ANOTHER person's blaspheme. "
That is perfectly said! :hi5:
This whole discussion also reminds me of everyone who fears Harry Potter for its sacreligous themes LOL
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 2:27 pm |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
Also remember, if a person wishes to debate effectively. Picking a group of extremist's, or a militant sect of some group isn't always the best way to accurately convey a point as "devil's advocate'
That Mel GIbson movie WAS quite controversial among groups as well... Cover your bases.... Not all Christians liked it, hated it, even watched it.... As I'm sure you know "Christianity" covers a broad area consisting of many degree's of belief, as well as piousness...
_________________ Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 2:33 pm |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
Psycho was considered a "classic" by SOME... Remember it's a
"Masterpiece of the macabre", and it's not just content that makes a movie a "masterpiece", In this case Hitchcock was a clever "composer" basically. Arrangement, in this case Anthony Perkins, Vera Miles, Balsam, and John Gavin were a clever acting cast for those that LIKE Horror....
It's NOT for many !
I personally thought "Shattered" with Tom Berringer was an excellent suspense thriller with a twist that wasn't quite so gruesome. I also thought "The Vanishing" with Jeff Bridges was Brilliant, both the American and European versions were VERY well acted....It was amazingly suspenseful, HOWEVER, some movies are not hit's solely because of content, it's acting and composition....
In my case, I thought Jeff Bridges played an AMAZING role at a mentally ill serial killer, or the eccentric chemist who's "Skeletons in the closet" might exist, but one would never know.... Yet he carried that role AMAZINGLY IMHO... Something about Jeff Bridges just portrays amazing "unbalanced character"... ..
THe Bridges family of actors is a clever family indeed IMHO...Keifer Sutherland also played a really good Intensely love hurting suffering boyfriend who's curiousity got the best of him... Yet the content was obviously horrible, buried alive isn't the clever theme, it's the composition that makes it "suspense thriller"... All about arrangement, acting, etc...As in poetry, or music... It's not the lyrics, it's how they are arranged
_________________ Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 2:35 pm |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
OK, Me and my sorry debating @$$ are going for a walk, I'm getting too old for this stuff... Getting heartburn...
_________________ Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 2:49 pm |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
Let me give another example of a movie I think was SPECTACULARLY acted. Yet the theme naturally wasn't about mocking obesity, or not getting mom thru the door after she died... The theme of "What's eating Gilbert Grape" was only spectacularly conveyed because Juliette Lewis, DeCaprio (Brilliant performance of a retarded child, every bit as good as Dustin Hoffman IMHO in rainman especially for a kid his age at the time).... Johnny Dep ALL played VERY sensitive characters, the theme was human sensitivity, and emotion, as well as their socioeconomic location, time, etc... a small rural area..... and the lives and how hardships were dealt with among a family that certainly wouldn't compare to the Bush or Kennedy Dynasty....
I thought the acting was intense. Really profound and clever in this movie.. The subject content of course to a few that aren't exactly the most cerebral critters will be the mothers obesity... That was not what made the movie great however.... It's all composition..
_________________ Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 2:52 pm |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
God, Did I bawl like a little girl in "What Dreams may Come", and even "Phenomenon", the endings made those movies of course... and I think women deliberately get guys to watch these movies, because they get some cheap thrill out've seeing our eye's well....
_________________ Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".
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Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:38 pm |
Joined: Sun May 23, 2004 10:32 am Posts: 7385 Images: 8 Location: Out West Been Liked: 47 times
Quote: I have nothing against Christians...I am catholic but the people who show up on campus every once in awhile are too extreme. They stand in the middle of the student union claiming that we all are going to hell unless we conform to their ways of beliefs. This kind of person has no respect for other peoples right to believe what ever they want to. Yes, I have certainly met plenty of those types of people. Had lots & lots of people of a certain "walking up and down the street " form of religion at my door as well, who I never let in because I don't like to hear them twist the bible to their own way of thinking. I could go on & on about Catholic beliefs as well, because I disagree with them..... but I'm not bashing religion here. And I don't believe in cramming ANYthing down someone's throat. No where in my post did I ask you to repent for what you typed OR for watching the movie. My point was....... you used the TERM "jesus freak"....... which is condescending, no matter how you put it into context, it's a tacky phrase. (IMO... which I'm allowed to have) Quote: And Lil Mizz Attitude...I'm guessing you havn't even seen the movie. You'd be guessing correct.... if you read my first post at all, you'd see it spelled out. Quote: The rape everyone keeps on about is hardly shown and is soo incredibly subtle that it is one of the least disturbing things about the film. It is barely shown and as stated before...it wasnt a real gun pointing at the baby...the kid was in noo harm what so ever. Well, I'm not a pansy for crying out loud- I KNOW it's all pretend. I wouldn't watch it and sqirm, or squeal like a girlie, or close my eyes, or cry...... I just wouldn't watch it. What makes me sick.... is that it is put in movies at all. But it's there- because it sells- because so many out there find it....... a "turn on" to watch it. Yes, they do. And if you think movies that contain rape DON'T make crimes happen, think again. To the sickos out there, it just fuels them, makes them want to experience it. (in some cases....AGAIN) Quote: And as far as feeling inadequte about my beliefs and preferences...thats not the case at all. Infact, the same could be said for you..."Raunchy adult humor is one thing, but violent rape & guns to kids' heads.... is sick. But we pretty much live in a sick, twisted society that will dish out $$ to see it...."
Now how is that "the same could be said for me"?? I'm not on here hollering "quit thinking your better than me"..... and "quit bashing my taste in movies". I just stated my opinion on rape films & those who love to watch them- and stated that I have no interest in seeing this movie. I didn't write anything I wouldn't write again.
In my opinion...... it IS wrong to enjoy watching a woman raped on tv... even if it doesn't show lengthy details. Good lord, the screams you hear are usually enough.
In YOUR opinion.... there's not a thing wrong with enjoying watching it. That was my point.... that I think it's sick that people can enjoy seeing something like that- or at the least, not be affected by it. Or rush out to rent the movie BECAUSE of it. (not saying you did..... but some will)
Didn't mean to ruffle your feathers, yank your chain, pi$$ in your wheaties, whatever. But I can state my opinions too.
And I did, so I'm done with the subject. :wave:
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Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:51 pm |
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I think its best that we agree to disagree...as we are both don't wanna budge on our thoughts on the subject...
And lastly...I love the "pi$$ in your wheaties" ...cracked a smile here! LOL
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Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:59 pm |
Joined: Sun May 23, 2004 10:32 am Posts: 7385 Images: 8 Location: Out West Been Liked: 47 times
Preditor74 @ Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:51 pm wrote: I think its best that we agree to disagree...as we are both don't wanna budge on our thoughts on the subject...
And lastly...I love the "pi$$ in your wheaties" ...cracked a smile here! LOL
Agreed. :wave: I'm not exactly in the mood to argue anyhow. (no raised eyebrows out of anyone please, haha)
Atleast ya stand up for your own ideals & don't cow down..... there's something to be said for that. I may not AGREE with them, but still..... One thing I hate worse than all others is a weak character. Anyhow, I'm babbling ONCE again.
It's over folks.... nothing to see here.... you can all go home now
_________________ ♥ Laugh your heart out, dance in the rain. Cherish the memories, ignore the pain. Love and learn, forget and forgive. Because you only have one life to live. ♥
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ok What Now
Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 10:17 pm |
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i loved it, the rape footage was great, the screaming drove me wild....ohhhhh sorry i was talking about mine and Kappys date.... i used a hidden cam.....anyone want to see it just pm Kappy......sorry carry on.....
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Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 10:55 pm |
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hmmmmmmm...gonna pull a charmin here
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:33 pm |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
Quote: i loved it, the rape footage was great, the screaming drove me wild....ohhhhh sorry i was talking about mine and Kappys date.... i used a hidden cam.....anyone want to see it just pm Kappy
You're misrepresenting things. First of all you tricked me, I never thought it was a formal "date". I told you the time you asked me for my phone number in the "Jack & Jill's" steam room that I was ticklish. It's not like you should've been surprised that I was giggling. I didn't start screaming because I liked it either.. I was really tense, and trying not to make a scene. But you couldn't keep your hands to yourself, you had to get all touchy feely, and violate my personal space. The other folks trying to watch Tony Robbin's chalkboard presentation must've been appalled by your behavior. If you act like that in a fully illuminated lecture hall, I can't imagine how you'd have conducted yourself if I fell for that second scheme of yours and went into that dark movie theatre When a person say's no, that means no !
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Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 7:05 am |
Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2005 11:37 am Posts: 7979 Location: Suburbs Been Liked: 0 time
My main point here is I am a horror film enthusiast. The trailers for the
movie made me want to watch it. Many times they over advertise a movie
as being scarier than it is. They compare some ficks to the exorcist saying they are scarier or better and in my opinion are disappointing. You can not always tell what a movie is really goin to be like just by the reviews.
This movie was not scary to me. It was disturbing. I have seen movies with rape seens before. Yes they are disturbing , but they are pertinent to the story line.
I didn't want anyone else making the mistake I did thinking this was a typical horror flick.
I don't think I am imature because I enjoy being entertained by a good scary movie.
It is entertainment - just like I like to watch some animated movies with the kids.
I'm not judging anyone who likes this kind of movie - If it is entertainment to them and they aren't disturbed by it, fine. Some people obviously can detatch themselves
knowing it is just a movie. I'm sure if you had a teenage daughter you would not want her to see it though.
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 10:58 am |
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You need to read reviews Bab's. Especially if it's "horror" you enjoy. Shock factor is what often makes the movie fall into the horror category. Horror doesn't only encompass fear.. It also means "revolting", and alot of that get's integrated into horror. You must know your genre of viewing because today especially your watching an area that's constantly walking the fine line of terrible content.. That's what makes it "horror", it's often WRONG... deviated, twisted, foul, innocent victims abound.........It's NOT meant to be "decent" in it's content...Someone somewhere will be offended. If you like watching this category, you have to make sure that someone won't be you... Naturally a few times it will be.
_________________ Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 4:31 pm |
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I wonder how attitudes regarding the viewing of violent content have changed over the course of the last 20 years. Around 1986 Farah Fawcett was in that movie "Extremities", that I thought was ugly and violent in content.. Even though in the end, she escaped, still.... People watched it... but why ? I dunno..
You know what always surprised me ? The number of women that enjoy watching wrestling.... Is it the physical contact ? It's not the "skill" involved...at least based on a few I spoke with, but I got a feeling I wasn't getting an honest response as to why they liked watching it... Is it some vicarious release of aggression ? Or near nude men touching ? I haven't a clue...
I guess I'm a bit confused Bab's. What I don't understand is that you appear, (at least based upon certain things you've stated in KS) to be somewhat frail in terms of your level of tolerance to certain things. You mentioned at one point that even the sexual innuendo, and comments in these threads, (which is general VERY tame compared to most internet venues, nothing graphic is allowed here for instance) tends to bother you.. I just find it surprising, almost paradoxical I suppose, that you "like the horror category".. It's not a category for the delicate viewer in ANY aspect...
Just my own observation, not judging, I'm just surprised that you can tolerate horror, yet someone like me (who's also pretty frail incidently) can not stomach most of the content in the Horror film sections....Closest I'll allow myself to get to horror is the primetime News on TV .... I won't watch that anymore either..
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Shotgun CC
Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 4:29 am |
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mroctober @ Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:18 am wrote: Just in case you want to rent a good movie My girlfriend and I watched "Meet Joe Black" over the weekend. I havent seen it in years but loved it again. Brad Pit and forgot other dudes name he played in silence of the Lambs. 100% agree with ya, Mr. O. Great Movie!! BTW... the other dude ~~ Anthony Hopkins. Steven Kaplan wrote: God, Did I bawl like a little girl in "What Dreams may Come", and even "Phenomenon", the endings made those movies of course...
Yes, they both made me cry too ... but OMG... especially What Dreams ~~ ... !!
As for RAPE scenes ... They are VERY disturbing to watch ... yet, I've seen a few movies that although graphic, they served a very valuable component to the movie... THE ACCUSED with Jodie Foster ~~ and ROB ROY with Liam Nielson..... etc.
I think there is a definate difference between Suspense and Horror. I can usually manage to make it through a suspense film (Silence of the Lambs) .. but I have yet to watch an entire "horror" film ... i.e, Freddie Kruger, Texas Chain Saw Murders, et.al. .... BIG differences in the types of movies these are ... or have been made to be. I DID watch the original EXOCIST .... which I would classify as SUSPENSE with a horrific premise (possession). And ...... its not the violence that necessarily turns me off with the "horror" genre as much as it is the grusomeness of it. I mean .... if you watched the Lord Of The Rings movies, you saw lots and lots of mutant looking characters hacking the hell out of one another ... but ... they certainly wouldn't be called "horror" movies .. though they are full of horrible looking creatures and violence. I think a HORROR film is made for the sole purpose of scaring us in the most gruesome and graphic way possible. NOT my cup of tea ... But I truly must say .. I totally enjoy a good "suspense" .... even though typically speaking, they contain some rather graphic violent or distrubing scenes.
OKAY.. going back to my corner. Just thought this was a pretty interesting thread!
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