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Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 4:06 pm |
Joined: Tue May 10, 2005 3:42 pm Posts: 1395 Location: Silicon Valley, CA Been Liked: 0 time
I get along great all my exs. I still get Christmas card from my first ex. My last ex and I are still good friends and hang out once in a while. Matter of fact, she has come to watch me sing a few times and once in a while if she's up to it, she will get to sing. So, I don't have to worry about ex showing and making me nervous or anything like that. :D
_________________ Seize the day and SING!!!
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 5:06 pm |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
I think most of you are correct, the conventional definition of "White Trash" pretty much restrict's the term to a low socio-economic class of person, almost along the line's of poverty class, slovenly crude uneducated, poor hygiene etc, problem is it's just stereotypically "dirt poor", and based on appearance, and it's often assumed the people also have Lousy moral constructs, despite as Charmin mentioned some of these folks are among the few left that value family, God, and live by the Golden rule, and Ten Commandments, to some of us these POOR folk are "the salt of the earth", good genuine people; yet to the condescending pseudo-elitist (middle and upper class trash) these people are what's wrong with the world. They are worthless, or without value, and although there's no justification for such prejudice, they make a great scapegoat for the White Trash Bully. Yet I never considered poor, or welfare, or hick, or even street people "White Trash" personally at all.. People that have had a tough life, and are mentally ill, some street people who don't wish to conform to our culture are nothing I'd ever personally consider "trash"... "Trash" refer's to one thing, little to no morals,despite socioeconomic class of person, the cheap self-righteous character, or totally self-serving, and opportunistic "holier than Thou" type who takes, robs, and cares about one thing only "himself". Slashes others backs to get ahead, takes advantage of others kindness, uses and abuses others, than spits them out, and continues exploiting people that are giving, etc. Scum is a good synonym.
Many are people that are quite wealthy, yet few know, or care about "the meaning of the taxpayers dollar" because everything was handed to them. Inheritance money. Sometimes lawsuit recovery (usually exploitation) Often their parent's were immigrants who worked their A$$es off so the next generations wouldn't have to suffer, and often the next generation became coddled, spoiled, and sheltered. The hard working wealthy folks are not this class of scum at all, often the first generations of immigrants who came to this country during the depression, worked hard and earned what they have are people that know about life, poverty and have a realistic perspective, they've often even come from poverty so they know it's not a state ANYONE wishes to exist in, they don't look down their nose at the less fortuneate, yet those who've been handed everything and don't care about anyone elses feelings except their own, and live in a world of "me me" "I I" devoid of "Principle's" reasonable values and would backstab and sue their own parents and take the shirt off've the backs of those that were good to them are not only spoiled, yet this "trash" is often even very intolerant and hateful of others....I feel when a person has no real value system, hates just "because" it's easy to do, is totally selfish, and cares about noone else, Never think's for themselves, and readily takes part in hate groups such as the KKK, or lives a cruel life in general because THEY are all that matter's, and feelings don't exist outside of their own shell.... To me, this is the epitome of "White Trash"... KKK, Neo-Nazi's, Racists that don't really know why they hate, but they seem to like to hate.. People that abuse others because "they can", Males that are drunken bums, working class, or eve white collar, and beat their wives and kid's... Love to bully and threaten smaller things, and those that love them, THIS is White Trash ! White Trash is shallow, completely self-absorbed, intolerant yet opinionated as all Hell, they lack morals, principles, and would trash their own spouse or parent to get ahead.Yet Ironically think they are "Good Christians" or perhaps rationalize even that they are "Good Jew's" and better than other's, etc.. They will tell you "God told them so". It's in the bible.. etc they "ask God for forgiveness, after blatantly sinning, yet they'll be the first to rationalize their wrong-doing vindicating their evil in some contorted religious manner...
Unfortuneately alot of trash can also be found in some of the most pious (segregating religions) because they go to church on Sunday, and believe in Jesus Christ (who of course to them was white and only the father of white folk), and the only thing that stands in the way of a better country in the eye's of some "White Trash" is the ethnic minorities, jews, poor folks etc in some cases too.. White trash to me is almost always bigoted, racist, and content staying this way. Extremely judgemental, and often add's very little to our culture because they "stay with their own". Disliking, blaming, and fault-finding all else.
I admit that by conventional definition of the term, I am incorrect, yet this is how I understood the term. Cheap Character etc. Trailer Trash to many up around here, was what referred to the cheap, slovenly, crude, and so impoverished the person is practically destitute, yet a woman like this might have children just to get a few more dollar's welfare for HER sick habit's, exploits the system, and is lazy as all hell.... THat is how I understood Trailor Trash.... I never judged a person by their financial status... There are some great valuable and kind people that have very little money and live in trailers.. "Trash" always connotes cheap character... (I thought) yet has nothing to do with money... It's attitude that makes the person trash, it's their behaviour that makes them trash.... They are cheap, miserable people, and often are the wolf wearing the sheep's clothing found in the "White Trash" political arena too... VERY wealthy, and phony !! Unfortuneately there are still MANY racists that are sexist, bigoted, vicious, judgmental, yet have nothing more important in their lives to do than to spread their venom... "White Trash" in the political circle is particularly dangerous because "White Trash" might likely be the next Hitler. Wipe out the lesser imperfect waste would be it's slogan. Only the Rich, strong, and attractive shall survive...
Quote: It's the well-to-do people, who have never known any kind of hardships in life.......who group anyone together who ever wears hand me downs, or whose car spurts a little gray smoke out the tailpipe (or heaven forbid, has a primered spot on it), or whose dad actually "works" for a living with sweat & muscles rather than in some office behind a desk.
Exactly Charmin, This is the problem I have with how the term somehow become intermingled with "hick" or "redneck"... The most judgemental, and trashy people often are the affluent folks that either married into money, and end up denouncing their "roots" when in fact they are the same "bag people" wearing the nice clothing now and have become more judgemental, or bigoted. Or just the wealthy people who've never worked a day in their life, never knew hardship's, and have never had to face reality, yet they condescend on most other's thinking they are better than most...Yet they have little to no social skill, value system, and just about no moral constitution or values of their own, Noone else bleed's except them, they are all about "Them" and anyway the wind blows at any given time...
Yet they insist they are better than most others... quite racist. I suppose pseudo or wannabe "Elitist's" fit's into this class of trash nicely.
_________________ Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".
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Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 7:00 pm |
Joined: Sun Mar 24, 2002 4:12 pm Posts: 7709 Songs: 1 Location: Hollyweird, Ca. Been Liked: 1091 times
Wait a minute..
Am I suposed to remember all those "Ex's?" LMAO LMAO LMAO
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Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 7:35 am |
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Joined: Tue Jul 29, 2003 9:07 pm Posts: 334 Location: Franklin, PA Been Liked: 0 time
[font=Comic Sans MS] Well i just got through reading this thread from the beginning and it's interesting to see how it developed.....I have numerous exs.....some of which I get along with and others who I haven't seen or spoken to in years.....
On Friday nights I sing at the local VFW. It's a respectable place...the kind you can take a wife or girl friend without fear of being hit on by every guy in the place....ah but because your serving alcohol there is always a little of that sort of thing.....the woman I am presently involved with (emotional addicted to and waited for so many years) likes it there....but so does my most recent EX who also sings....this has led to some of the emotional warfare that Steven spoke so eloquently of......we don't speak at all....but messages have been sent in the form of songs.....I'm there with my new squeeze (technically the woman I have loved for years, but who for a variety of reasons was always just out of my reach) as Keith put it and she's there with hers.....it has led to some interesting emotional jousting.....really I have no problem with being in the same place....I'm so happy now and only wish the same for her (except when we're battling in court over the divorce)......we are presently firing shots through our attorneys.....
Flipper, I had a party where there were numerous EXs there last summer (2 ex-wives and sorted ex-lovers) most I can have a friendly relationship with no matter what the location......
as for "White Trash".....growing up I had this description attached to me.....my folks bought a home in a fairly well to do neighborhood and became house poor for many years.....I wore hand me downs, ate meat only on Sundays and then mostly hamburger of some sort.......my dad worked two jobs and was barely home.....and I remember all to well being made fun of by the other better off kids in the neighborhood.......I now live in a very rural part of western PA where redneck is a way of life.....and I got admit it's where I am most comfortable.....there is very little pretense....you are who you are....
Quote: Re: If An Ex Dropped By?....... Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 4:47 pm
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- White Trash:
- Spends $4.00 a day on smokes ($120.00/month), but their kids eat free lunch at school and have hand me down clothes.
- Spends $50 a night in a bar (3 nights a week/$600 a month) while they leave their kids at home with their grandmother...again with old crap clothes...living in a (@$%&#!) hole trailer with their POS boyfriend who sells weed.
- Spends $4.00 a day for dip but can't afford a tooth brush or toothpaste... (hey nice black and rotting out of your mouth teeth there buddy)
Having money does not equate better parenting skills......there are those kids who wear designer clothes and never see their parents, because of their work or social schedule.......as for singing 3 nights a week....I'd sing 7 if I could.....and whats wrong with spending time with Grandma, especially if she looks forward to it.......as for mobile homes.....there are plenty around these parts and they are the only type of home some can afford and then there others who actually like them as apposed to houses......I have lived in both ( hell I even lived in a camper twice, but that's another thread).....as for selling weed or the use of weed......well that too is another thread....all I'll say is I'd rather deal with a person high on weed than a loud drunk any day......cough cough....
lack of teeth well I come from a place that "nice tooth" is a compliment...(but the are some pleasurable advantages to not having teeth)...a little "white trash" humor there...there are a lot of people around here that can't afford dentures....
So Friday I'll go to the bar/club...drink my tequila and beer.....sing songs like "Helping Me Get Over You" and some point in the night buy my EX and her new squeeze a drink.....I'll get belly rubbing on the dance floor.....see lots of women that I had encounters with previously.....show off my beautiful lady....then stop at Sheetz on the way home for "Suicide Dog's" (chili dogs with onions and hot pepper cheese)....and then......ah but that too is another thread...[/font]
[glow=blue] Tequila & A Song KKid[/glow]
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Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 8:08 am |
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Joined: Tue Mar 07, 2006 12:58 pm Posts: 2327 Been Liked: 0 time
Well said.
Funny that we happen to be talking about exes and the last two days two of my exes have been calling me/emailing....both are being all sweet and hinting at getting back together.
That means their life is falling apart and they need to be rescued again......I don't play hero anymore....I just rescue me...You think they would figure that out by now.
Hey, maybe one of these days I'll meet one that don't need rescued and can buy me a Harley and will allow me to flirt and sneak around all I want...Till then, I'm single.
When I do go out now a days, I don't want a date/wife/girlfriend with me....I want to be free to play and flirt and just visit and laff.....I ain't found one yet who will allow that...they get all wadded up and jealous and hiss at any woman I know or try to make me jealous by flirting with men.....I don't do drama or jealousy, and I ain't got no control when someone starts trying to insult me...It's just better for me to go out alone, and same for her.
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Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 8:59 am |
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Joined: Sun Nov 07, 2004 10:38 pm Posts: 176 Location: Yuba City,Ca Been Liked: 0 time
I totally agree, Steve & Charmin. "Trash" when being used to describe someone should imply that their morals and values are corrupt. That they're a bad parent. That they cash their welfare check at the casino and come home empty handed to a crying hungry lot of children. But somehow the meaning's been construed to include people who can't afford designer clothes and who's car breaks down once a month. To the single moms who live in the bad neighborhoods and their kids who are on the free meal program. (Which I was, thank you very much.) And so instead of fighting against the fact that in society's eye I was/am "white trash" I embraced it. I figure I love my family, and if my family is what others consider "white trash" then white trash I'm proud to be.
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Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 9:21 am |
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Joined: Tue Mar 07, 2006 12:58 pm Posts: 2327 Been Liked: 0 time
And don't forget them phony folks who live paycheck to paycheck but try to look rich by buying too big a house and running up their credit cards on fancy clothes and the nail salon and shiny new cars....
Man, I ain't got a big house on the hill, and I drive a used truck, and my horses ain't papered, but I only owe for my house, everything else I got is paid for, and I give lots to charity and friends in need....All my boots need resoled and I ain't bought a new shirt in years....I was raised on beans and cornbread and my dad always worked two jobs where I helped him....I had two jobs before I joined the Navy and also whenever I was ashore for any length of time.
I'm thinking serious right now about selling this house and buying more land for my horses....If I do, I'll put a nice small doublewide trailer house on it and be real proud of it. I might end up trailer trash, but I won't die owing anyone anything, ain't no one gonna say I ever cheated them or put on aires.
You go, GIRL! Be proud of who you are inside.
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Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 9:36 am |
Joined: Sun May 23, 2004 10:32 am Posts: 7385 Images: 8 Location: Out West Been Liked: 47 times
Haha...... Yeah, you go girl.
I think it's awesome that you're proud of who you are. Most people... that the rich would class as (whatever term they choose)..... hillbilly, redneck, white trash...... ARE proud of who they are. Because their true to themselves, and though not extremely wealthy, they have worked hard for what little they have.
And.... if I ever needed a hand, or needed someone to cover my back- and KNOW that they were gonna seriously be there for me.....
I'd choose someone from the redneck/hillbilly walk of life. Those white collar people.... too many of them got where they are by crushing their way to the top with their greed. Not the kind of person I'd want standing behind me in a pinch. (and no...... I'm not talking about in a bar brawl....... though yep, they'd help out there too. ) LOL
_________________ ♥ Laugh your heart out, dance in the rain. Cherish the memories, ignore the pain. Love and learn, forget and forgive. Because you only have one life to live. ♥
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Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 9:53 am |
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Joined: Tue Mar 07, 2006 12:58 pm Posts: 2327 Been Liked: 0 time
If you ain't careful, and if my truck makes it up there, I just might kidnap you.
Now don't go call 911 and tell them I threatened you just yet. I ain't seen you naked yet and I don't know how much stuff you need to move.
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Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 10:05 am |
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Joined: Sat Jul 09, 2005 12:46 pm Posts: 3377 Been Liked: 0 time
White trash to me isn't always related to income, it's more about attitude, morals, what you do with whatever money you have (i.e. buy a carton of ciggys, gamble hang out in bars, but there's not enough money for food on the table for the kids).
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Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 10:19 am |
Joined: Sun May 23, 2004 10:32 am Posts: 7385 Images: 8 Location: Out West Been Liked: 47 times
Keith02 @ Tue Apr 18, 2006 9:53 am wrote: Tude,
If you ain't careful, and if my truck makes it up there, I just might kidnap you. And what do you think Mizz Tude is gonna do? Run n' hide? Hahaha, not quite. I'd be waiting on ya at the front door. (and ..... if you let ME drive..... I just might get in that truck of yours) Quote: I ain't seen you naked yet and I don't know how much stuff you need to move.
You haven't? Oh gosh, I started that picture thing, somebody must have stopped passing it. I thought for sure they would have reached all of you by now. Okay, so next time I'll send them to YOU first. Sorry 'bout that. (oh, and yeah, I DID get to see the ones of YOU) :dancin:
_________________ ♥ Laugh your heart out, dance in the rain. Cherish the memories, ignore the pain. Love and learn, forget and forgive. Because you only have one life to live. ♥
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Singing Squid
Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 10:28 am |
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Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2006 12:46 pm Posts: 1564 Songs: 3 Location: Fort Worth, Texas Been Liked: 0 time
I've actually gone out singing a couple times with my ex...it's something we both enjoy...though there WERE some times I pointedly sang a specific song to her...
As for the "white trash" part of the thread, the trashiest people I've met (regardless of race) are the intolerant and the ignorant/arrogant...i.e, they're ignorant and extremely arrogantly proud of their ignorance...nothing will make them change their mind.
_________________ [glow=white][scroll]Live, laugh, and love today--just in case tomorrow doesn't make it[/scroll][/glow]
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